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30th April 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,

Asthma Emergency Salbutamol Inhaler

It is noted in our medical file that your son/ward suffers from Asthma.
Our current procedure to support your child in school is for him to possess an inhaler at all times within
school. To support this, we would also expect you as parents/carers to provide a spare inhaler. This spare
inhaler will be kept in the medical room.
Be aware that:
a recent Asthma UK survey found that 86% of children with asthma have at some time been without
an inhaler at school having forgotten, lost or broken the device; in some cases the inhaler had run
out; and
in the past, schools have been prevented by law to store emergency salbutamol inhalers for the
use of pupils whose own inhaler has not been available.
Thankfully, this law has now changed. As of 1st October 2014, the Human Medicines (amendment) (No. 2)
Regulations 2014 allows schools to keep a salbutamol inhaler. This spare inhaler is only to be used for
emergencies with an asthmatic pupil who has already been prescribed an inhaler.
The spare inhaler can only be used if the pupils prescribed inhaler is not available (for example, because
it is broken, or empty) and, crucially, if we have parental/carer consent.
The school is currently in the process of purchasing a couple of emergency inhalers; our Medical Policy
will reflect this change of policy. These emergency inhalers will only be used if we have received consent
from yourself. Parents/carers will always be notified if an emergency inhaler is used.
To help the school fully support your son/ward, we would appreciate if you could complete the attached
consent form and return to school as soon as possible.
If you have any questions with regard to this matter, please contact our Welfare Assistant, Mrs Jennings.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,

Mrs P Peacock
Head of Learning Support (SENDCo)


Child showing symptoms of asthma / having an asthma attack
1. I can confirm that my child has been (please circle):
Diagnosed with asthma

Prescribed an inhaler

2. My child has a working, in-date inhaler, clearly labelled with their name, which they will bring with
them to school every day.
3. In the event of my child displaying symptoms of asthma, and if their inhaler is not available or is
unusable, I provide consent for my child to receive salbutamol from an emergency inhaler held by
the school for such emergencies.

Student Details
Students Name:


Form: _____________

Parent/Carers Name:


Parent/Carer Address: ________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number:


Email Address:




Date: _____________

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