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University of Regina

PHIL 216 - Existential Philosophy

A discussion of the writings of representative existentialist thinkers,
including Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Jaspers, Heidegger, Marcel, Sartre,
and Camus. *** Prerequisite: PHIL 100 or completion of 15 credit hours
Fenomenologa y Existencialismo
PHIL 243 - Philosophy of Human Nature
A study of classical and contemporary views on human nature. These
views will be drawn from a variety of philosophical traditions such as the
classical and medieval tradition, the Cartesian view, and the dialectical
tradition, as well as recent views to be found in the writings of
naturalistic, analytic, phenomenological, and existential philosophers.
*** Prerequisite: PHIL 100 or completion of 15 credit hours ***
Fenomenologa y Existencialismo
PHIL 246 - Animal Minds and Human Morals
Topics: Do Animals have minds, desires, beliefs and feelings? Are
animals capable of language, self-awareness and autonomy? Do animals
have moral standing and rights? Is it moral to confine animals in zoos,
use them for entertainment in rodeos, trap them, eat them, and do
medical experiments on them? *** Prerequisite: PHIL 100 or completion
of 15 credit hours***
Filosofa, Biologa y Problemas de Biotica
PHIL 335AS - Animal Minds and Human Morals
Do animals have minds, desires, beliefs and feelings? Are animals
capable of language, self-awareness and autonomy? Do animals have
moral standing and rights? Is it moral to confine animals in zoos, use
them for entertainment in rodeos, trap them, eat them, and do medical
experiments on them? ***Prerequisite: One 200-level PHIL course or
permission of Department Head***
Filosofa, Biologa y Problemas de Biotica
PHIL 880BC - Evolution, Biological Intentional Agency and the
Grounds of Ethical Judgements
The course will cover aspects of evolutionary biology, a study of Searle's
work on intentional biological agency, and topics in contemporary
cognitive ethology (animal cognition).
Filosofa, Biologa y Problemas de Biotica

PHIL 310AC - Hegel

A study of the works of Georg Hegel. *** Prerequisite: One 200-level
PHIL course or permission of department head. ***
El idealismo absoluto y el sistema total: Hegel
PHIL 313 - Continental Philosophy
A critical examination of developments in French and German philosophy
from the early twentieth century to the present. Figures to be studied
may include Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer, Derrida, Levinas, Irigaray,
and Ricoeur. *** Prerequisite: One 200-level philosophy course or
permission of department head. ***
Historia de la Filosofa Contempornea I
PHIL 332 - Philosophy of History
A study of philosophical problems concerning the nature of historical
explanation and knowledge, causality in history, historical necessity,
meaning, purpose, and truth. The approaches of authors such as Hegel,
Nietzsche, Collingwood, and others will be considered. *** Prerequisite:
One 200-level PHIL course or permission of Department Head ***
Filosofa de la Historia
PHIL 890AS - Philosophy of History
A study of philosophical problems concerning the nature of historical
knowledge. Figures to be studied may include Hegel, Nietzsche,
Collingwood, Hempel, and Danto.
Filosofa de la Historia
PHIL 335BA - Philosophy of Action
This course examines the main competing theories of human action and
agency. It will consider such issues as: the nature of action, mistake,
accident, inadvertence, etc.; the nature of the relevant mental
antecedents of action; the relations which hold between behaviour and
its mental antecedents; intentionality and unintentionality; practical
reasoning and planning; autonomy and heteronomy the extent of
intention and responsibility. *** Prerequisite: One 200-level PHIL course
or permission of department head. ***
El problema de la intencionalidad y el inconsciente: Bretano y Freud

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