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21 Nakano, Otani, Noichi-cfw^ Kami-gun, Kochi-Ken. Shikoku, JAPAK



Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Burney

Forwarding Agent:

Box 224

Mr. John Rowe

R. R. 2 Box 53

Lincoln, Illinois 62656

Phone 732-4865 area code 217




LaFountaine. Indiana 46940




We arrived back in the U.S. on our second furlough June 18, 1968, and
have lived in Lincoln, Illinois since the school year started. All six of us are
in school! Don enrolled for several courses in Lincoln Christian Seminary,
Norma submitted her thesis title and enrolled for two courses. Paul (14)
enrolled in 8th grade, Sarah (12) In 7th, Joe (10) in 5th, and Tom (8) in 2nd.
This makes for a busy household, as might be suspected.
During our first furlough, Paul was in the 3rd grade, Sarah in kindergarten,
and Joe and Tom were still babies.

We lived then in Peru, Indiana, close to

several of our supporting congregations and to Norma's parents. It was the

best place to have been for our family at that time, especially since Don trav
eled throughout the States speaking on evangelism in Japan and the family
was alone most of the time.

This furlough, with an older family, parents who were not getting any
younger (parents who go to Japan in 1955 at age 27, become 40 after 13 years),
and a need for a little bit of rest, we decided to settle in Lincoln and "go
back to school." We joke now and say that it was either "the best idea we
have ever had" or "the worst mistake we ever made"there are elements of

both. The children like their school and have adjusted well. While noticing
that the 13 years have dragged down their powers of concentration quite a bit
Don and Norma have enjoyed classes at Lincoln Christian Seminary, and count
this time spent as very valuable to their future work in Japan.

During the first semester, Don accepted speaking dates within driving
distance of Lincoln for the week-ends, and usually the whole family went

RA_ Tanoue
left) andj ..
Mrs. -rTanoue (upper

lead the
the Gomen
Gomen church.
church" Taken
Taken after
after Bible
Bible School.

up Monday morning and off to school'



^ j +u

own bed, then got

This is not as bad as it sounds. They

are all good travelers, and they enjoy the hospitality of the churches we visit

Teachers in
15 VBS
Lincoln, m^rtTe^coml ducted
in Maenohama
Maenohama VBS-one
VBS-one ofof 15
VBS conby our brethren in the summer of 1968.

to speak with you-to

^"cted by our brethren in the summer of 1968.

interest you in evangelism in Japan?

We have not spoken much in this letter about the faithful Christians whom

we left behind In Japan to carry on the evangelization of Shikoku. They are

working hardMr. and Mrs. Tanoue in the Gomen church, Mr. Inada and Mr.

Afterclas ata ffurlogh^Pray

tor them,

for there


still several months left before we can get back.

We have two major needs right now. One is for $4,000 to begin building

' our'depart date'

has been set at August

Miss Fukoe and a Vacation Bible School Class.

27, 1969 from San Francisco.

^ Vacation Bible School Class.

We will be in Lincoln until school closes in

June. We will be in the states of Oregon and Washington during July and
early August, and in California from the middle of August.
Write to us at Box 224, Lincoln, Illinois 62656, or phone us Area code


(Our forwarding secretary, John Rowe receives our regular

contributions at R. R, 2, La Fountaine, Indiana 45992.

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"TtfUB out from"VBS teaching to help cut rice.


Church of Christ at Treaty

R. R. #5

Wabash, Indiana 46992



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