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Name the 2 structural divisions of the Nervous System.

Name the 2 functional divisions of the Nervous System. And are they
voluntary or involuntary?

What is an Effector?

What are the 2 sections of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)?

What are the components of a Neuron (3)?

What is a Myelin Sheath?

What is Neurilemma, and where is it found?

Define white matter and gray matter.

Name three types of Neurons and what impules they control.

What system do interneurons function in?

What are tracts, nerves and Mixed nerves?

What is neuroglia?

What is a synapse?
What are neurotransmitters and what system to they belong to?

What are the basic functions of the spinal cord? What is it protected by?

What is a reflex arc? Do the impulses go to the brain?

What is a stretch reflex?

What is a ganglion, and what system does it function in?

What is a dermatome?

Autonomic Nervous System

What are the neurotransmitters for the Sympathetic Nervous System?

What are the neurotransmitters for the Parasympathertic Nervous System?

The Brain & Cranial Nerves

What are the three meninges (protective structures) of the Brain, and what
layer are they (inner, outer, or middle)?

Where is Cerebro Spinal Fluid made? What is its function?

What are the 4 major areas of the brain?

Tell me about the Cerebrum.

What is the Corpus Callosum?

What is the Cerebral Cortex, and what are the functions?

What are the lobes of the Cerebral Cortex?

What does the Frontal Lobe control?

What impluses does the Parietal lobe recieve, and what does it estimate?

What impulses does the Temporal lobe recieve?

What impulses does the Occipital lobe recieve?

What does contralateral mean?

What are the 2 divisions of the Diencephalon?

What do the Thalamus and the Hypothalamus control?

What does the Diencephalon: Limbic System do?

What are the 3 areas of the Brain Stem?

What does the Medulla Oblongata control (3)?

What does the Cerebellum maintain (2) and what muscles does it co-

Name the 12 Cranial Nerves and their functions. Also tell me if they are
Motor, Sensory or Both.

The Sensory System

What system does the sensory system function in? And what type of neurons
are involved?

Name 4 sensory receptors, and what they respond to.

Name the 5 specials senses and the 5 general senses.

What is the antibacterial enzyme secreted in the eye, and what glad does it
come from?

What are the 4 protective structures of the eye.


What are the tunics of the eye?

What is refraction?

What are the 2 components of the Retina, and where are the impulses sent?

What area of the eye are we talking about when we say Blind Spot?

What are the 2 types of muscles in the eye? And what parts of the eye do
they control, and are they voluntary of involuntary.

What is accomodation? What muscle is involved?

What are the Afferent (sensory) nerves of the eye(2)?

What are the Efferent (motor) nerves of the eye (3)? Do they carry impules
to or from the eye muscles?
State the steps in vision.

How long does dark adaptation take?

The Ear

What are the three main areas of the ear?

What is the visible part of the ear called?

What are the three Ossicles of the middle ear?

What are the main structures of the inner ear?

What fluid does the membranous labyrinth of the Inner Ear contain?

Tell me about the Organ of Corti.

Tell me about the Nerves of the ear (hint, there are 2 but they join to form

What is static and dynamic equilibrium?

Tell me the Pathway of sound.


Gustation (taste)

What are the 4 basic tastes and where are they located on the tongue?

Olfaction (smell)

What is olfaction?

General Senses

Can pressure be sensed if the skin is anesthitized?

What sense do tactile corpuscles belong to?

What are proprioceptors?

What is sensory adaptation? What sense is not adaptable?

What is presbyopia?

What is myopia and hyperopia?

The Endocrine System

Define Endocrine and Exocrine.

What horomones?

What are the 2 classifications of Horomones?

What is the common control mechanism for horomone regulation?


Where do the following horomones come from, what is the function, and
where is the gland located in the body.

Growth Horomone

Thryoid Stimulating Horomone

Adrenocorticotropic Horomone

Follicle Stimulating Horomone

Antirdiuretic Horomone




Parathyroid Horomone










What is hypothyroidism? Name a disease.

What is hyperthyroidism? Name a disease.

What is hyperparathyroidism, and hypothyroidism?

What are the 2 parts of the Adrenal Gland? And what does each part secrete?

Name 2 disorders of the Adrenal Cortex, and the symptoms.

Is the pancreas Endocrine or Exocrine? What do they secrete?

What do the Islets of Langerhan secrete? And where is it found?

What glang is afftected with Diabetes?

What is the function of the Thymus Gland?

What is the function of the Pituitary Gland? and what controls it?

What is the function of the Pineal gland?

What does erythropoietin stimulate?

What medical treatments would the following glands be used for?

Growth Horomone







Urinary System

What are the 4 main parts of the Urinary System?

Where are the kidneys located? And what are they protected by (hint - type
of tissue)?

How is blood brought to the Kidney?

What are the 4 main structural parts of the kidney? Desbribe each.

What does the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus regulate? How?

Define reabsorption and secretion.

Urine Formation

What are the 4 stages of urine formation?

Are the walls of the glomerular capillaries semi-permeable?

How much higher is the BP in the glomerulus?

What 3 things occur during tubular reabsorption?

What occurs in the loop of Henle?

If ADH is released into the Kidney. Does it make the walls of the DCT and
collecting duct permeable?

What happens if there is a lack of ADH?

What is it regulated by?

What parts do the Ureters connect?

How does urine move?

What is rugae?

What is a trigone?

How is the urethra in males? females?

In urination (micturtion), there are internal and external muscles. Which one
is involuntary, and which is voluntary?

What is the percentage of water in the urine? What is the pH range?

What are the normal products that make up urine?

What is the function of water in the body?

How much of the bodys fluids are Intercellular Fluid?

What is the daily recommended intake of water? And how much do we expell
a day?

What are the 4 ways water is expelled from the body?

What do electrolytes do?

What are the positive ions (cations)? (3)

What are the negative ions (anions)? (2)

What maintains electrolyte balance?

What are the horomones that aid in electrolyte balance?

What is the alkaline level of the body fluids (the range)? Is a minor shift fatal?

What systems maintain acid-base balance? (3)


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