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Georgia Papiemidoglou

May 15, 2015

Antys Adventure
It was a day like any other. The sun lit up the sky and dried the small
drops that still flowed sleepily on the flower leaves.
Anty woke up early to go to work. The anthill had a lot of work today and
Anty was thinking of how to manage to stack so much food in the stores!
All this work is laid on my shoulders! Run Anty, carry Anty, stack Anty
and so on "What a life for an ant !!
Anty, the little ant, was thinking all that while he was leaving his small
house, off to his way to work by the same path he followed every day.
The road may have small holes and all kinds of dirt but it was his daily
route, no one was able to change his path!
Suddenly there, as he walked unconcerned he found himself in front of a
big car! What a careless little ant he was ,walking along the wide city
- "Hey, you down there little guy! "One ant stuck in the windshield of the
car called Anty.
- "Hey buddy, cant you see me?
- "What do you want? Anti said "Yes, I can see you what do you want
from me, I dont have much time, the Great Nest is waiting!"
- "One minute buddy, my name is Tim,whats yours?
- Im Anty please get off my path, the Great Nest can not work without
me! I need to go! "



- Well, i guess you speak to your self right now! what is the big nest,
what are you telling me about? "
- "I mean the anthill where I work, is nearby you know, a little further
down there... but i have to hurry!" Anti said.
- "Anty, wait! You mean Brooks anthill ?
- "Yes it," Anty replied.
- "Well, thats not a big nest, its like all the others. I'm working in Teds
nest " Tim said.
- "For me buddy , Anty said, is the greatest nest, perhaps because I see
it from below, have I told you that I work in the big warehouse?
"Oh Anty, the large warehouse, the large nest, stop it already! Well, I
have an idea, come and get on the car with me maybe it will take us
quicker to our destination. What do you say ? Tim asked.
"Yes, lets go!" ... So maybe Ill get in the anthill in 3-4 minutes earlier
Anty thought .
A hop on and there he is beside Tim on the windscreen!
- "Can I ask you something Tim?
- "Yeah buddy anything!"
- Is this the way you go to work everyday? How do you know that the
driver will follow your path?
- Well Anty, actually

in the

beginning I did not know until I found

someone to follow my path," Tim replied.

Suddenly and while the two little ants were sunbathing on the
windscreen waiting to reach their destination, the car accelerated and
now with difficulty they could held by the wipers.
- "Aaaaantyyy!!"
- "Tiiim what is happening ???"



- I dooooont know, probably the driver changed his destination !!!"

- "WHAT DID YOU SAY? what am i going to do now? where are we
going? Brooks Great Nest, look at it ,we are so far from it!Anti said
with fear in his eyes.
- - Anty relax pleeeas. ... ..
- "Do not tell me to calm down !!! cant you see, we got lost, we are in the
middle of nowhere, my job, my home .... "
Anty spoke to himself the whole time, while the trees stood more and
more dense and the breeze got more cooler on their young faces.
- "Anty, I think we are in the countryside, look at all these trees! Tim
exclaimed look at the beauty around us,the scent of the flowers in the
country! The Spring lives here pal, here in this place, look at the colors,
I've never seen so many! "
- "Yes ,you are right" Anti replied and for a moment he forgot the Big
Nest and the warehouse ...
The car engine faded and now they could only hear the sounds of nature
. A small creek next to them had some tree leaves traveling on the
water , birds were singing in a glade of the forest and the wind gently
caressing the foliage that whispering.
- "Where are we ? Anty wondered.
- "Probably in a forest!" Tim said.
- ".. And now what are we going to do; theres something we must do !!
"Anty said, obviously nervous.
Tim reassured him with a nod,then he helped him to get off the car and
for some time they were wandering the woods. The soil was warm and
fluffy with a little lawn now and then. Anty played for a while with the
lawn and then he drank water from the small brook.



- "Tim do you have any idea where to find food and shelter for the
night;? Anti said in a serious face.
Don't worry buddy , the nature will give us that we need, we will make it,
youll see!" Tim replied.
"Ah, i really admire your optimism Tim !! Anty said.
Shortly, theyve found a small anthill made of soft and fragrant soil
surrounded by small leaves who are ready to start their journey, dancing
in the wind.
- "Hello friends !! Are you from this place? " a little ant asked.
- "No,buddy, we're from the big city and we got lost! I think that we wont
make it if we keep wandering like this until the nightfall ! Anty replied
- "My name is Samy, nice to meet you! You can stay at my house for the
night if you want, it is right here near the anthill!"
- Thank you friend !!" Anty and Tim said in one voice.
The three ants were walking together tickling the soft soil that scented
magically as the night has fallen.
Samys house was a small nest, beautiful and warm with a warehouse
where he gathered all kinds of goods for the winter: nuts,bread crumbs,
small leaves and watermelon seeds so big that one wonders how he
could carried them on his back!
- "Samy, how did you fail to carry the whole watermelon on your
shoulders? Anty said with a burst of laughter.
- My friend, what makes you think that i did not try. I put my full power,
the will and all the courage i had left after a hard days work! Because
above all what is worth is the effort, the effort will lead us to new magical
places! "



So, Anty, the little ant, pondered the words of his new friend and then
tried some spring seeds for dinner .That night slept lighter than ever.
A colorful,shiny dawn arose! The flowers slowly begin to awaken and
turning their petals to say Good morning to the sun.
In the small Samys nest all were up, well prepared and full of
enthusiasm and energy for the new day.
- "Samy I want to ask you something .." Andy said , while Tim was still
yawning behind him. "How is that you are you so happy and cheerful
every morning while youve been working so hard?
- Anty my dear friend Samy said "What is important is to live every
moment of the day with gratitude, to stop for a few minutes and look at
the light of day, the nature,the flowers, to see thy yourself not simply as
a small and insignificant little ant but as a part of the image that without
you there wouldnt be. "
Anty smiled and stretched out his eyes for a while towards the spring
- "Come on now, let the morning chat and lets figure out together a way
to go back to the big city, to our house," Tim said decisively.
- "Well, thats simple," Samy said, "Look, down there you see this small
truck dont you? Every day the driver goes to the big city and brings back
material to built a house for humans. Well, you'll climb up the truck and
before you know it you will be already at your destination. "
- "Thank you so much my friend" Anty and Tim said in one voice.
- Samy you are my best friend!"Tim said while Andy gave him a big hug
full of gratitude.
Thus both ants started for the small truck. How did they make it and
climb up so quickly? They should definitely be super-ants !!



Vrouuuum and truck engine started! A small white smoke clouded the
horizon for a while and immediately after became colorful again from the
palette of spring.
- LETS GOOO!!" Tim shouted.
- We are leaving ..."Anti said skeptical.
Throughout the trip Anty was thinking what his new friend Samy had
said,'We must keep trying,our effort is the journey to new magical
places! We must have gratitude to the world around us, without us this
picture will no longer existed!
As buildings stood and the great city arose Anty pondered these are not
all so frightening and slowly the idea of his work in the anthill doesnt
seemed that bad.
In a cross of the street the two friends said goodbye with a wish that the
road will bring them back together!
- Goodbye my friend, it was really nice to meet you," Tim said with
- "Goodbye Anty, thank you for the beautiful adventure !!" he said happily
as Andy took the road towards his job.
Walking down the road he suddenly saw everything around him more
beautiful, more vivid! He noticed the trees, the sky, the people, the big
houses ....
Wooow, so many colors, what a beautiful day it is!" Mused and into so
much joy he saw people as if they were shining from happiness, as if the
cars were ready to fly to a distant sky cloud.
And within this whole picture he saw himself, an integral part of it, and
he smiled widely!!



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