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mbimbi joseph

topical discussions

How to Discover the first Signs of Herpes.

Herpes is normally easy to observe in the infected person. It present
differently depending on which kind of virus has infected the person. All
people of all ages can be infected by this virus and the bad news is that no
reliable cure have been invented so far. Herpes has two forms of infection,
one being the primary infection which normally occur after first exposure to
the virus. The seconadry infection occurs after the person heals from the first
infection. It is normally triggered by the malfuction of the body's immune
system. First signs of herpes are many but before you diagnose yourself to
have herpes, first laboratory clarification is paramount.
Signs of infection by HSV 1.
HSV 1 normally infects parts above the abdomen. This is transmisable
through oral sex or kissing. Upon entry, the virus starts replicating at the site
of entry. It will then spread to the nearby nerve sensory ganglion. On reaching
there, it will then enter into latency where there will be no replication. The
signs of disease will dissapear due to reduction in the viral load precipitated
by the virus not multiplying. HSV 2 happens to follow the same proccess of
causing disease but it normally infects parts below the waist. They all have
different clinical presentations.
HSV 1 may cause Herpes labialis. This is a very painful blister that appears on
the patient's lips. It normally full of fluid that contains the virus. On kissing or
coming into contact with the fluid by whichever means, the virus can easily
be transmitted. Herpes labialis is a clear indication that the virus is
replicating and quick intervention is needed.
Eye Herpes is another form of clinical presentaion. This is when the virus has
spread to the nerve controling the eye activities. There is uasually an
irritating feeling as if particles of sand have entered the eye. This is usually
HSV 1 infections that make you feel this way.
Fever, sore throat and a general feeling of illness are among the early
presentations that one may experience when infected by this virus. Even
drinking water may be irritating at this juncture and appetite happens to
diminish making you not to feel hungry yet you have not eaten anything.
Once you see all these, make sure you seek medical investigation and quick
treatment to avoid the condition going into the worst status. HSV 1 left
untreated can make you get viral meningitis which is normally difficulty to
cure using the normal drugs. HSV 1 can also cause ear problems if it infects
the nerve that controls the ear activities. This is dangerous because it can

lead to hearing problems.

Signs of HSV 2.
HSV 2 on the other infects parts below the waist and the newborns during
delivery. This is normally transimitted through unprotected sexual intercorse
or the sharing of underwears. HSV 2 infects all ages especially the sexual
active ones. In females, it presents with papules and nodules around the
vagina. This is normally painful and unpleasant making even the desire of sex
to diminish. HSV 2 has the potentially to cause inflamation of the oviduct and
impaire the occurence of fertalization. In men HSV 2 presents with clear
ulcerations of the penis that are very painful. Sometimes wearing a trouser
may be difficult.
Pregnant mother that are infected and not treated before delivery normally
pass the disease to the newborn. This is seen when the baby is not able to be
active and cries all the time. It is called neanatal herpes and it needs to be
addressed as an mergency and quick intervention to be made. Neonatal
herpes can kill the baby if the virus goes to the brain to cause meningitis of
the newborn. To avoid this, pregnant mothers should be full treated before
the delivery date to reduce viral shading for safe delivery to occur.
Vaginal warts is also associated with Herpes infections. This is a complication
of the infection only if left untreated leading to re-infection of the vagina by
human papilloma virus. Through quick treatment other organisms will not
have the advantege to invade. HSV 2 is associated with causing skin
ulcerations or boils to a dermatome of the affected nerve. Ensure that you be
quick in discovering if you have the infection to avoid such complications.In
conclusion, treatment is based on severity of the disease but you can take
ant-virals like acyclovir to stop the replication of the virus.
Signs of Herpes normally occur when there is alteretions in the body immune
system. You will therefore have to check the level of your immunity because
even when you take ant-virals and your immunity is low, the disease is still
going to follow you. Boost your immunity if it is low and then take medication
to cure your Herpes.

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