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Saxophone Triennio 1 2 3

Triennio 1
Scale maggiori, minore armoniche e minore melodiche su tutta
l'estenzione del strumento.
Scale maggiori, minore armoniche e minore melodiche a 3rds
Modi scala maggiore. Modi scala minore armonica. Modi scala
minore melodica.
Triadi aumentata e diminuita.
Triadi diatoniche scala maggiore, minore armonica e minore
melodica, in tutte le inversioni.
Jerry Bergonzi Vol. 3 - The Jazz Line
Jerry Bergonzi Vol. 1 - Melodic Structures

Triennio 2
Scale maggiori, minore armonico e minore melodico a 4ths
Accordi di 7th diatoniche scala maggiore, minore armonica e
minore melodica.
Arpeggi; settima maggiore, settima di dominante, minore
settima, settima minore (b5), settima diminuita, settima
aumentata, maggiore sesta, minore sesta in tutte le inversioni e
in tutti i diversi cicli.
Jerry Bergonzi Vol. 2 - Pentatonics
Walt Weiskopf - Around The Horn
Davd Baker - Cycles

Triennio 3
Scale maggior, minore armonico e minore melodico a 5ths
Arpeggi: maggiore nona, nona di dominante, minore nona,
minore nona (b5), nona bemolle (b9), nona aumentata (# 9) al
inversioni in tutte le inversioni e diversi cicli.
Accordi di 9th diatoniche scala maggiore, minore armonica e
minore melodica.
Scale di diminuita, io tagliente, affilato II e di entrambe le forme
Scale di tono intero.
Jerry Bergonzi Vol 4 - Melodic Rhythms
Jerry Bergonzi Vol. 5 - Thesaurus of Melodic Intervals
Hal Crook How to Improvise
Walt Weiskopf - Beyond The Horn


Levels 1 and 2:
Ferling-48 Etudes
Klose-25 Daily Exercises for Saxophone
Klose-15 Etudes
Lacour-50 Etudes Faciles (Book I)
Mule-24 Easy Etudes from Samie
Small-27 Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises
Voxman-Selected Studies
Niehaus-Intermediate Jazz Conception for Saxophone

Lipsius-Reading Key Jazz Rhythms

Snidero-Jazz Conception for Saxophone

Levels 3 and 4:
Ferling-48 Etudes
Gabucci (Allard)-60 Varied Etudes
Labanchi-33 Concert Etudes
Lacour-50 Etudes Faciles (Book II)
Mule-18 Etudes by Berbiguier
Terschak (Mule)-Daily Exercises (Books I and II)
Niehaus-Advanced Jazz Conception for Saxophone
Baker, D.-Bebop Jazz Solos
Baker, D.-Jazz Solos
Levels 5 and 6:
Bozza-12 Etudes Caprices
Cavallini/Iassilli-30 Caprces
Gates-Odd Meter Etudes
Karg-Elert-25 Caprices, Op.153
Koechlin-15 Concert Etudes
Lacour-28 Etudes on the Modes of Messian
Loyon-32 Etudes
Massis-6 Etudes Caprices
Mule-53 Etudes after Boehm
Schmidt-10 Contemporary Etudes
Soussman (Mule)-30 Grand Exercises after Soussman
Viola-Creative Reading Studies
Marvuglio-Modal Etudes

Level 7:

Bozza-12 Etudes Caprices

Lacour-8 Etudes Brilliantes
Lacour-28 Etudes on the Modes of Messian
Mule-53 Etudes after Boehm
Soussman (Mule)-30 Grand Exercises after Soussman
Loyon-32 Etudes
Viola-Creative Reading Studies
Marvuglio-Modal Etudes
Recommended Materials - Level 8 Saxophone:
Altissimo, Multiphonics
Rascher, Sigurd Top Tones for the Saxophone
Publisher: Carl Fischer
Caravan, Ronald Preliminary Exercises and Etudes In
Contemporary Techniques for Saxophone Publisher:
Nash, Ted Studies in High Harmonics Publisher:
MCA Music
Dorn, Ken Multiphonics Publisher: Dorn
Rousseau, Eugene Saxophone High Tones
Diehl, Ron Alternate Fingerings
J.M. Londeix Altissimo Fingerings
Gross, John Multiphonics for the Saxophone
Publisher: Advance Music

Lang Studies in the Altissimo Register Publisher:

Luckey Robert Saxophone Altissimo

MA I : all major, harmonic minor and real melodic minor scales in

diatonic 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, and 6ths. - diatonic eleventh chords in all
major, harmonic minor and real minor keys. 4 note quartal chords in all
scale types. - arpeggios ; major 9th(#11), dominant 9th(11), dominant
9th(#11), dominant 9th(#5, #11), minor 9th(11), minor 9th(b5, 11) in
different cycles. - Sight transposition from concert. - pentatonics,
altered pentatonics, augmented scales, triadic improvisation, odd meter
improvisation and odd grouping improvisation
MA II : all major, harmonic and real melodic minor scales in
diatonic 7ths, octaves, and 9ths. - diatonic 13th chords in all major,
harmonic minor and real melodic minor keys.
arpeggios ; 1 3 5 7 9 #11 13 / 1 -3 5 7 9 11 13 / 1 -3 5 -7 9 11 13 / 1 3 5
-7 9 3 #11 13 / 1 3 5 -7 -9 #11 13 / 1 -3 -5 -7 9 11 -13 / 1 -3 -5 -7 -9 11 13 / 1 -3 5 -7 -9 11 -13 / and many more.
The student should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the following
techniques through selected repertoire and/or improvisation
mutiphonics ; altissimo register playing ; harmonics and special effects,
trills and tremolos etc

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