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The Great Soviet Deception, Part II

Mesmerized By The Bear:

America and the West are being massively deceived in the current
atmosphere of peace, disarmament and partnership between East and
West. We face incredible danger over the next few years if current
trends are not reversed. Readers of this report are strongly encouraged
to distribute it as widely as possible especially to government,
military, and media leaders in America, the NATO countries, South
Africa etc.
Due to lack of space we are unable to reprint the full report but please
write The Fatima Crusader if you wish a copy of the complete report.
by Don McAlvany, Editor of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor.
Originally published in the MIA, May, 1990
"The Soviet goal remains world domination." General Bernard W.
Rogers NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe. 1979-87.
"To defeat an enemy you must first demoralize them and destroy their will to
resist. The most consummate art is to subdue your enemies without having to
fight them on the field ... Destroy by all means the weapons supplies of your
opponents." Sun Tsu "The Art of War" 500 B.C.
War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. But
today we are too weak to strike. Our day will come in 30 - 40 years. But
first we must lull the capitalist nations to sleep with the greatest
overtures of peace and disarmament known throughout history. And
then, when their guard is dropped, we will smash them with our
clenched fist." Dimitri Manuilski In a speech to the Lenin School for Political
Warfare in Moscow in the 1930s.

From his many public statements, we know Gorby is working for the
total enslavement of the whole world to Communist Russia. He is using
the U.S.A. to pay the billions of dollars it costs to bring this about.

Is communism really dead? Is the cold war really at an end? Is Gorbachev really
a great man of peace? Is the Soviet empire really in its terminal crisis? Why
have American leaders for over 50 years consistently helped the Soviet empire
grow and expand even as its leaders have promised to bury us? The answers to
these questions could determine the future of mankind for generations, if not
for centuries.
What is really happening in the Soviet empire? It is not disintegrating as the
Western press keeps repeating. It is restructuring, rearranging, reorganizing,
and rearming preparatory to its final thrust for world domination in the next five
to ten years. Communism is not dead, as long as the Marxist-Leninist religion
and dream of world conquest lives on in the minds of its leaders in the Kremlin.
Gorbachev is not a great man of peace nor is the cold war over as long as his
military machine continues to grow to the most formidable size in world history
and he continues to ship $15-$20 billion in Soviet arms a year to Angola,
Mozambique, Libya, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Central America, and the Philippines
while fanning a dozen wars of national liberation.
Mikhail Gorbachev is not a reformer, nor a closet liberal, nor a Christian, as the
Western media tells us. He is the hardest core Marxist-Leninist since Lenin
himself the man former Soviet President Andre Gromyko described as:
"Behind the smile are teeth of iron." In a speech to a large group of Russian
students [11-15-89] Gorbachev said: "We are for a Lenin who is alive ... In

building our future we are basing ourselves upon the gigantic intellectual and
moral potential of the socialist idea linked with the theory of MarxismLeninism ... We see no rational grounds to give up the spiritual richness
contained in Marxism ... "Through restructuring [perestroika] we want to give
Socialism a second wind and unveil in all its plenitude the vast humanist
potential of the socialist system. To achieve this, the Communist Party of the
Soviet Union returns to the origins and principles of the [Bolshevik] revolution,
to the Leninist ideas about the construction of a new society ... Our Party was
and remains the Party of Lenin ... In short, we are for a Lenin who is alive ... We
must seek the answers guided by the spirit of Leninism, the style of Lenin's
thinking, and the method of dialectical cognition."
Does this sound like a man who is presiding over the death of communism? The
Lenin whom Gorbachev worships said: "We advance through retreat"; "When we
are weak, boast of strength"; and "When we are strong, feign weakness." The
old dialectical Leninist doctrine of taking two steps forward, and then one back,
to confuse your enemies, is certainly being applied by his disciple, Gorbachev,
today. It is called "scientific socialism" by the faithful, and of course Gorbachev
has said that he does not want to discard socialism but to renew, restructure
and strengthen it.
At first glance, it seems as if the communist bloc is unraveling. But in reality,
the Soviet Union is in complete control of the liberalization process and is simply
meticulously following the KGB script laid out by Yuri Andropov and the KGB
almost ten years ago. But there is a second script, a script being pushed by
Western socialist leaders from Washington to Bonn to Brussels, and that script
calls for a world, socialist government (the New World Order) by the end of this
decade, which will merge the economic and political interests of America,
Western and Eastern Europe, the Soviet bloc and the Orient into one giant world
socialist government (or dictatorship).
There is also a third script, one which is harder to define or quantify, but which
is nevertheless coming to the forefront and that is the script of the New Age
Movement an occultic, quasi-supernatural script which calls for a global
government by the year 2000. All three of these scripts (conspiracies, if you
will) have a target date of around the year 2000 for their respective forms of
world government; all three parallel, overlap, co-operate and mutually advance
each other; all three (in the view of this writer) are distinctly different; and all
three (in the view of this writer) have an evil, supernatural, satanic dynamic
pushing them along. As things now stand, it would seem that some combination
of these three scripts (or conspiracies) could succeed in establishing a global
government before this decade is over.
This issue of MIA will analyze these three scripts; it will analyze the Soviet's
great strategy of deception in Europe; it will examine current developments in

Nicaragua; look at the massive Soviet arms buildup and explore a strategy of
survival for America.
I. A Tale Of Three Scripts
A. The Soviet Strategy In Europe
What is happening in Europe today is an elaborate Soviet script (written almost
a decade ago) to rearrange the European chess board in such a way as to shift
the balance of world power, or correlation of forces in favor of the Soviet Union
by the end of this decade. Some of the key elements in this script are:
1) Russia would feign economic collapse - She is actually far stronger than
the West is now being misled to believe as any close analysis of her military
strength and production, her space program, her oil, minerals, and industrial
production would indicate. Soviet leaders have simply chosen to direct most of
their economic energy into military expansion instead of normal economic
endeavors. The Soviet and Western press complain about a shortage of soap
and toilet paper, while the Kremlin builds a multibillion dollar nuclear submarine
every 37 days out of titanium which the Pentagon cannot afford.
2) Russia would declare communism dead, the cold war over and a new
wave of democracy emerging in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc.
Communist Parties throughout the bloc would be innocuously renamed [i.e.,
Social Democrats etc.], reorganized, restaffed with lesser known communists at
the top, and secret police organizations "publicly" disbanded, but "privately"
renamed, reorganized, and perpetuated. Opposition political groups would be
allowed to flourish, but would be infiltrated by the communists and the secret
police. Rigged elections would be held with much media fanfare. It should be
remembered that the communists like to produce their own
competition a fake competition which they control [i.e., Solidarity in Poland].
[Ed. Note: The name communism will fade from the scene and some name
similar to Democratic Socialism will be adopted. All communists will call
themselves "socialists" almost from this time forward.]
3) The Iron Curtain would be opened and the Berlin Wall
dismantled - The psychological impact of these moves on the West and the
"illusion" of the collapse of communism was calculated by Andropov and Co. to
almost totally eradicate the "threat perception" from the Soviets in the West.
4) The Soviets would launch the most spectacular disarmament
campaign in history - "publicly" making great concessions, signing the INF
Treaty and the START Treaty, and then massively cheating on these and all
previous treaties, while professing to be abiding by same. Only gullible Western
belief in elements 1-3 above would entice the West into massive disarmament

while the Soviets continue the most massive but clandestine arms buildup in
history. [See Section IV below]
5) The Soviets would allow East and West Germany to reunite - but only
if a united Germany becomes neutral, pulls out of NATO, and allows Soviet
troops to remain stationed on its soil. Since Germany is the key country in
NATO, her withdrawal would cause the collapse of NATO and all of Europe will
become neutral and Finlandized.
[Ed. Note: Finland was a country which Stalin permitted in 1949 to do
everything it wanted, while remaining as much at Stalin's mercy (via vast
military intimidation) as any part of Soviet territory was. To be at a dictator's
mercy cannot be called freedom in the Western political sense. Finland was
given its special status because of Stalin's permission and the military Sword of
Damocles the Soviets had over its head. Finland almost always votes with the
Soviets in the UN. A neutralized, disarmed, post-NATO Western Europe will be
similarly Finlandized.]
Once German reunification has occurred, Russia will make a major effort to
separate Germany from the rest of its Western neighbors politically, militarily,
and psychologically.
6) America would be pressured to pull all of its troops and armament
out of Western Europe - in the new post-cold war, post-communism era of
European neutrality. Pacifist European governments and populations would
demand such a pull-out and leftists/communists pressure in the European and
US media, and Congress, would make such a US pull-out a fait accompli. Indeed
such pressure in Europe and America has already begun.
7) America and the West would come in and financially bail out the
"newly democratized" Eastern European states and the Soviet Union
itself -America and Western Europe will pick up the $40 - $50 billion a year tab
for financing Eastern Europe formerly paid by Russia. Direct US financial aid to
Russia has already been proposed in the US Congress and by certain
Establishment types. US bank, IMF, and World Bank credits to Russia are
beginning to flow, and over the next five years over $100 billion in credits and
business projects in Russia will be injected by the West.
8) High technology transfers from America and the West would
accelerate- in the light of elements 1-5 above.
Much of Russia's high technology has come from the West (bought, borrowed,
given, stolen, etc.). America built the highly acclaimed Kama River truck factory
for Russia in 1972 and Bush is busy modernizing it for Gorbachev today. It
produces 300,000 military vehicles per year. Nixon and Kissinger pushed
through the sale of America's ball bearing technology in the early '70s which
allowed the Soviets to produce MIRVed (multiple warhead) missiles. Soviet

espionage stole the US secret to the atom bomb detonator and the US
technology on our nuclear submarines running silently. Now new Russian subs
run silently and are therefore difficult or impossible to detect.
The Soviets did not just fall off the turnip truck technologically. (Never
underestimate your enemy!) They lead America in space and many areas of
weapons technology, and graduate ten times more scientists and engineers than
America does each year. But they hope to make some quantum weapons
breakthroughs in the 1990s in post-nuclear weaponry which are currently
developing with new high technology from Japan, Europe, and
America breakthroughs which could seal America's fate once and for all. The
Soviet hierarchy believes that the key to world domination is unlimited
access to Western science and technology.
9) NATO and the Warsaw Pact would be dissolved and an all European
security force combining the armies of Eastern and Western Europe would be
formed. Of course, Russia would be the dominant military factor in a
demilitarized Europe, and would then Finlandize the balance of Europe. Western
Europe would have to be completely denuclearized in this scenario (and is
moving rapidly in that direction at this writing).
10) Eastern and Western Europe would be merged into one common
European home This merger would first be economic, and then political. A
united Europe would be neutral, socialist, Finlandized, and would exclude the US
economically and militarily. Soviet policy has never wavered from driving the US
(their ultimate enemy) out of Europe and isolating America. Gorbachev and "the
script" visualize one socialist union from the Vladivostok to the
Atlantic dominated by Russia of course.
11) The Chinese threat to Russia's southeast would be neutralized by
the signing of a Sino/Soviet non-aggression pact. Such a treaty is being
presently negotiated and some partial agreements have already been signed.
12) With Russia's Western and Eastern flanks neutralized, America
excluded from Europe, disarmed and demoralized, Russia would be free
to move militarily into the Persian Gulf to dominate the Persian Gulf oil
fields. That is part of the Brezhnev Doctrine (1973) to grab the two treasure
chests upon which the West depends: The Persian Gulf oil fields and the
strategic minerals of Southern and South Africa. The latter could be a fait
accompli within 2-4 years and the former by the latter part of the 1990s. When
that happens, the West will have been checkmated and the de facto surrender
(it would innocuously be called "accommodation") of the US and the West would
in all likelihood follow.
[Ed. Note: Some students of the BIBLE call that the Armageddon Scenario.]

The above twelve-part scenario is the KGB script for Soviet world domination by
the end of the 1990s. It was first written about by two former KGB officials:
Anatoliy Golitsyn, about a decade ago, and published in his book, NEW LIES
FOR OLD (now out of print) in 1984; and Ion Pacepa in his book, RED
HORIZONS. These former KGB operatives believe that "the script" is intended to
rescue and expand Eastern Europe and Russia's tyranny, convert it into a Eurosocialist communist tyranny; and then into a universal socialist tyranny via: 1) a
unified Europe; 2) an all European common market; and 3) finally a New World
The report by D. McAlvany has 2 more sections here namely:
B. The Push For A New World Order
C. The New Age World Government
But the text of the 2 sections is omitted here due to lack of space. To obtain a
copy of the complete report write The Fatima Crusader or call 1-800-263-8160.
II. Theaters Of Deception
"All warfare is based on deception" Sun Tsu, 500 B.C.
"In consequence, the communist strategists are now poised to enter into the
final, offensive phase of the long range policy ... to engage in maneuvers and
stratagems beyond the imagination of Marx or the practical reach of Lenin and
unthinkable to Stalin. Among such previously unthinkable stratagems are the
introduction of false liberalization in Eastern Europe, and probably, in the
Soviet Union and the exhibition of spurious independence on the part of the
regimes in Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland." Anatoliy Golitsyn from his
book NEW LIES FOR OLD written in 1984, pg. 327 & 328.

The present Soviet leadership has developed history's most comprehensive and
Machiavellian plan to destabilize the West and ultimately defeat it through
systemic deception. The Soviets have learned that the American people have a
very short attention span, are easily seduced by media-generated illusions, and
find it difficult to detect camouflage and deception. They are presently
creating the illusion of peace, the death of communism, the demilitarization of
the Soviet bloc, and friendship while planning and perpetrating exactly the
As Gary Moes wrote recently in the CHALCEDON REPORT (P.O. Box 158,
Vallecito, CA 95251): "About 30 years ago, a congress of all world communist
parties agreed to resurrect a strategy which Lenin implemented with astonishing
success in morally and physically disarming the internal and external opponents

of his program. The strategy, conceived by his secret police, was

disinformation the deliberately false portrayal of the true conditions and
practices of the communist world in order to elicit desired reactions from the
non-communist world. In periods of true weakness and crises within the
communist world, the carefully crafted image was one of aggressive strength
and expansion, and all communist practice was geared to create that image. In
periods of actual strength and solidarity within the communist leadership, the
system was portrayed as weak, struggling, transitional and (because of humbly
admitted needs) open to co-operation with the Western family of nations.
"To dissipate the barriers posed by the military/industrial colossus in the West,
the Soviet bloc had to be portrayed as peace-loving and on a road toward
convergence with the West ideologically in short, no longer a threat. Thus the
massive and disarmament drives of recent years. To disarm the democracies,
there had to be convincing proof that the democratic road was being taken. And
to convince the world that the forces for democracy were real, there would have
to be, for a time, resistance from on high, even feigned capitulation.
"This strategy has been detailed and comprehensive, almost beyond
imagination, and the current swift events in the Eastern Bloc are the
culmination of long years of careful planning and skillful manipulation. The
extent of the deception and its detailed objectives have been known (though
largely disregarded) for several years, thanks to revelations by a handful of key,
knowledgeable insiders who have defected to the West, notably the former KGB
officer Anatoliy Golitsyn and the former chief of the Romanian secret service Ion
Pacepa. Both have written alarming exposes of the disinformation program;
Golitsyn's NEW LIES FOR OLD (Dodd, Mead & Co., 1984) and Pacepa's RED
HORIZONS (Regnery Gateway, 1988). A new book by Edward Jay Epstein,
DECEPTION (Simon and Schuster, 1989), pulls together the revelations of these
two experts and further analyzes the implications for the West of the communist
disinformation strategy."
"Golitsyn, writing the bulk of his work prior to Brezhnev's death, predicted in
minute detail the current events, which he portrayed as the culmination of a
long time of massive deceptions.
"In his 1984 book he wrote: 'Certainly, the next five years will be a period of
intense struggle. It will be marked by a major coordinated offensive intended to
exploit the success of the strategic disinformation program over the past 20
years and to take advantage of the crisis and mistakes it has engendered in
Western policies toward the communist bloc. The overall aim will be to bring
about a major and irreversible shift in the balance of world power in favor of the
Soviet bloc as a preliminary to the final ideological objective of establishing a
worldwide federation of communist states ... Western acceptance of the new
'liberalization' as genuine would create favorable conditions for the fulfillment of

communist strategy for the United States, Western Europe, and even, perhaps,
The report by D. McAlvany has 7 more extremely important sections here
A. Deception in Poland
B. Deception in Romania
C. Deception in East Germany
D. Deception in Czechoslovakia
E. Deception in Afghanistan and Angola
A. Who is Violeta Chamorro and Can She Turn Nicaragua Around?
B. Will the Sandinistas Really Yield Power?
But the text of those 7 sections is omitted here due to lack of space. To obtain a
complete report write The Fatima Crusader or call us at 1-800-263-8160.
III. Is Communism Really At An End In Nicaragua?
C. Conclusion
In addition to the army, the Sandinistas may also continue to control the
Interior Ministry which is in charge of the communist secret police (i.e., the
Sandinista State Security Command). The Sandinistas will have 40% of the
Parliament, and can thereby block any constitutional changes. They have
already voted themselves total amnesty for their theft, murders, and other
atrocities and legalized the confiscation of over 10,000 homes during the '80's
by thousands of Sandinista party officials. They will control the military, have at
least partial control of the Secret Police, and will, therefore, still exert major
control over the country.
The Sandinistas control the following institutions in Nicaragua: 1) The Army; 2)
The militia; 3) The Police both Secret and overt; 4) The committees for
Defense of the Revolution which for a decade have spied on the populace and
distributed food ration cards; 5) The Intelligence Agencies; 6) The trade union;
7) The street mobs; 8) The television stations; 9) The schools and educational
system; and 10) All government departments trade, justice, education, etc.
The communists will not quickly, if ever, relinquish control of these groups. They
will through their traditional tactics of agitation, subversion, and manipulation
remain a powerful fifth column within Nicaragua until they can push their
revolution back into total power but only after massive U.S. economic aid
has come in a la Eastern Europe.

IV. The Soviet Military Buildup vs. Western Disarmament

"Proposals for nuclear and conventional force reductions are flowing freely from
Soviet officials. Hopefully they will eventually lead to something good. On the
other hand, real-world trends in Soviet strategic nuclear weapons
deployment the kind that directly threaten the United States have little or
no resemblance to Mikhail Gorbachev's soothing words." Major General Henry
Mohr (U.S. Army Ret). March 3, '89.
"Since Gorbachev took office, the Soviets have fielded more tanks and artillery
pieces than currently exist in the combined armies of Britain, France, and West
Germany." General James Galvin, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe.
"The Soviets hope their reductions will diminish the West's perception of a
Soviet threat while enhancing the reality of that threat. This is consistent with
Gorbachev's claims that the goal of Gorbachev's glasnost policy is to 'eliminate
the enemy of the USSR'." Eugene Rostow, Chairman, Committee on the Present
Danger, September 5, '89.
Soviet military power and superiority over the US, NATO, and the West
combined is formidable and growing, in spite of the perception of peace,
disarmament, the death of communism, end of the cold war, and breakup of the
Soviet empire. Today, the Soviet Red Army is the worlds strongest and best
equipped with modern weapons, a fact which any top military or intelligence
official in the world (if he can speak freely) will acknowledge. While America
invests 6% of GNP annually on defense, and our allies roughly half of that, the
Soviets spend a staggering 18%.

Soviet Military Supremacy

- 1990 UPDATE
1. ICBM launchers
Heavy ICBM launchers
2. ICBM launchers reload/refires
3. ICBM warheads
4. ICBM warheads reload/refires

1,448 (plus 200 covert SS-16s)
820 plus
1,448 (plus 200 covert SS-16s)
7,000 to 8,200

5. Counterforce ICBM warhead

6. Counterforce ICBM reload/refire
7. Ballistic Missile Submarines
8. Intercontinental-range SLBMs
9. Intercontinental-range SLBM
10. Total SLBMs (Sea-Launch Ballistic


6,140 to 7,372

6,140 to 7,372






7,000 to 8,200

11. Total SLBM warheads
12. Cruise Missile Submarines
13. Estimated SLCMs (Sea-Launch
Cruise Missiles)
14. Intercontinental Bombers
15. Bomber weapons
16. Total Intercontinental Delivery
Total Intercontinental Warheads




3,000 to 6,000





estimated 4.4
17. Online Ballistic Missile Throw-weight
million lbs
18. Predominant Age of Strategic
average 20
19. Estimated Strategic SAMs

15,188 to 16,420
estimated 12.4+million lbs
average of 4 or fewer years

20. ABMs (Anti-Ballistic Missiles)*

21. Estimated ABM-capable SAMs

22. Interceptor Aircraft
23. Air-defense Radars
24. operational ASAT Systems
25. Satellites for Detecting Submerged
26. Percentage of ICBMs defended by
27. Modern Chemical Weapons
Production Facilities
28. Modem Chemical Weapons
29. Biological Weapons
30. Combat Divisions
31. Navy Battle Force Ships
32. Attack Aircraft
33. Tanks
34. Armored Personnel Carriers
35. Artillery Tubes
36. Military Space Mission Launch Sites
37. Space Launches per Year
38. Ratio of Soviet Payload Weight to
US Payload Weight in Orbit per Year
39. Soviets Ratio of Reconnaissance
Satellite Launches per Year
40. ICBM tests per Year
41. Short-Range Tactical Ballistic


100 (plus about 8,000 estimated
strategic ABMs with covert
7,000 plus
6 system types

estimated 2 system types

estimated 60% to 80%


about 10
about 10

claimed 50,000 agent tons

tonnage uncertain
more than 150
about 100





fewer than 10 estimated 150



42. Tactical Nuclear Delivery Aircraft

* The 1990 Joint Chiefs of Staff Military Net Assessment predicts that in 1993
the USSR will have 500 dedicated ABM launchers as compared to 100 allowed
under the Nixon-Brezhnev ABM treaty. Current Soviet mass production of
additional ABM launchers for nationwide deployment (far more than required for
upgrade of the Moscow ABM system) is indicated by the JCS analysis.
Sources: Soviet Military Power, 1989; Annual Report to President and
Congress, 1990; President's Reports to Congress on Soviet Arms
Control Non-Compliance; Soviet Military Capabilities, 1986; DOD and
ACDA documents, 1984; and various press.
A recent Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report indicates that the Soviets
have more than 5.5 million people under arms (including 530,000 internal
security troops) compared to 2.1 million Americans under arms. Several
hundred thousand Soviet military personnel are also based in Cuba, Libya,
Vietnam, Angola, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Peru, Laos, Cambodia, India,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, and at least 14 locations in Africa according to the
report. The report also indicates the Soviets possess 620 nuclear armed
bombers versus 244 for the US (many of which are 30 years old, nearly
obsolete B-52 bombers). The Soviets are currently producing 45 new
bombers and 700 new fighter planes a year.
The Soviets are continuing their rapid deployment (by the hundreds) of the SS24 rail mobile missile and the SS-25 road mobile missile. On 3/29/90, Senators
Malcolm Wallop, Jesse Helms, and Steve Symms wrote to President Bush
challenging him on four major Soviet INF Treaty violations. One of these
includes the secret delivery of 120 Soviet SS-23 missiles covertly deployed with
the East German, the Czechoslovakian, and the Bulgarian armies. Moreover,
recently the Soviets for a period of three weeks denied the US its INF Treaty
monitoring rights on three Soviet missile railcars at the Soviet Votkinsk missile
factory, and refused to allow operation of our Cargo scan x-ray system. The
Bush Administration has reluctantly admitted under questioning that there have
been 300 technical and other violations of the INF Treaty by the Soviets
since 1988.
Moscow's naval buildup continues to accelerate, with four large, modern, new
aircraft carriers; 7,000 merchant marine ships (virtually all of them outfitted for
electronic spying and other military uses); a fleet of 450 submarines now being
upgraded with large numbers of advanced Typhoon and Delta IV submarines,
and new Akula Sierra nuclear-powered attack submarines armed with SSN-21
Samson nuclear tipped cruise missiles. The Soviet Navy is currently developing
and will deploy in the 1990s subs capable of diving over one mile deep with
speeds of 50-100 knots; highly accurate torpedoes which travel at speeds of
200-300 knots; sea-launched cruise missiles with a range of over 1,600 nautical

miles; air defense missiles on subs; and vertical short take-off and landing
aircraft on submarines.
[Ed. Note: Over the next 10-20 years, submarine warfare will be the most
effective and dangerous forms of warfare (because subs are so difficult to detect
and defend against). At this writing, the Soviet Union has over two dozen
nuclear submarines deployed off the US East and West coast and in the Gulf of
Mexico with nuclear missiles targeted on major American cities and military
Any Soviet naval disarmament which is taking place involves only old and
obsolete warships, of no real military value such as the Sverdlov class cruisers,
Kotlen and Kanen type missile-carrying escort vehicles, Riga-class frigates, and
November, Hotel and Whiskey class submarines.
MIA readers who would like to gain some perspective on today's high tech
submarine warfare are encouraged to see the excellent new film: THE HUNT
While during the Reagan Administration, America produced only 50 new ICBM's,
the Soviets produced three new classes of missiles: 100 SS-24's with 10
warheads each; 130 SS-25's; and a large number of illegal SS-26's. The
Russians are well ahead of us in outer space with two space stations, while we
are years away from our first. US defense spending has shrunk 16% since
1985, and during the same period Soviet military expenditures have increased
by 25%, with great emphasis on procurement of new weapons. Soviet
production of advanced, state of the art T-80 main battle tanks, with shell
resistant reactive armor, is now at a rate of 3,500 per year adding to an
almost 50,000 tank advantage which the Soviets presently enjoy over the US.
As General Sir Walter Walker (former NATO Commander-Northern Europe)
recently said, "The Soviet Union's most modern tanks are now on the ground
and are so well armored that they are virtually indestructible. NATO's tanks lack
the fire-power to penetrate them. Clearly Gorbachev can afford to make
massive cuts in the number of obsolete Warsaw-Pact tanks and still be left with
a modern tank force that is far superior to NATO's."
[Ed. Note: The Soviets believe in quality, high tech military equipment, and
produce it. But they also believe in quantity and the military doctrine of
"preponderance," which means to overwhelm your enemy with vastly superior
numbers of weapons or men. Most chess champions use the concept of
"preponderance" to overwhelm their opponents.]
B. Some Strange And Ominous Soviet Military Deployments
For a peace loving superpower (in the "post-cold war era") the Soviets are
accelerating some very strange and ominous military deployments. On the Kola

Peninsula (in Northern Europe, near Scandinavia) the Soviets have deployed
446 naval aircraft; 212 surface warships; 142 submarines; one naval Spetsnaz
brigade; a naval infantry brigade; 2 motorized rifle divisions; 22 air bases; 2
strategic nuclear bomber bases; 18 secondary airfields; 9 army bases; 9
submarine bases; and one theater nuclear missile launch complex. Opposing
this Soviet military might are 500 Norwegian border guards. (Norway refuses to
allow NATO troops to be stationed on its soil). In time of war, the Soviets could
sweep down the Scandinavian Peninsula in about 48 hours, completely
outflanking Western Europe.
Soviet military activities in and around Alaska have also increased dramatically
over the past two years, with abundant evidence of numerous Spetsnaz
incursions into our northernmost state. General Thomas McInerney, Commander
of Alaskan Air Command, was quoted in AIR FORCE MAGAZINE (Feb. '89) as
saying that during 1987, 56 Soviet aircraft were intercepted in Alaskan airspace
with the number greatly increased in 1988 and '89. Lt. General Jimmie V.
Adams, Vice Commander of the US Tactical Air Command has said, "We expect
to see the cruise missile threat (near Alaska) grow to 1,000 missiles and 150
bombers by 1995."
[Ed. Note: The Soviets are presently showing great interest in Alaska. This
sparsely populated state (with a population under 400,000) is strategically
located only a few miles from Siberia and the Soviet mainland. Dozens of
business, educational, cultural, and political delegations from Russia have been
visiting Alaska over the past three years, and the Soviet espionage in Alaska
has increased dramatically. Aeroflot planes are seen periodically landing at the
Anchorage Airport. If the Soviets were to ever attack America, they would first
move to occupy Alaska. A small handful of Spetsnaz teams could do so with
Almost two years ago, Soviet Marshall Sergei Akhramreyev projected a
simulated missile strike on Pearl Harbor and Hickam Field in Hawaii, by firing a
SS-26 missile capable of carrying 20 warheads, 220 miles north of the Western
Hawaiian Islands. US Naval officials understood that the Russians were serving
notice that at any time they could destroy our bases in the Pacific. Elsewhere in
the Western Pacific, the Soviets are replacing their older TU16 bombers and
MIG-23 fighters at Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam with newer, high performance
Backfire and Bear F Mod III bombers, and SU-27 Flanker and MIG-29 Fulcrum
[Ed. Note: Meanwhile, as the Soviets increase their military deployments in
Southeast and Northeast Asia, America is moving toward closing its strategic
Philippine bases, Clark Field and Suvic Bay, and pulling its troops out of South
C. Soviet Arms Shipments To Their Communist Allies

It is very strange that at a time when Communism is "allegedly" dead, the cold
war is "allegedly" over, and Russia is "allegedly" bankrupt, that the Soviets are
shipping annual military aid (totaling over $15.5 billion) of $4 billion to
Afghanistan, $2.5 billion to Vietnam, $6 billion to Cuba, $ 1.5 billion to Angola,
and $1 billion to Nicaragua (this according to Senator Orrin Hatch [R-UT]).
Hatch, (a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee) recently pointed out
that additional billions in Soviet arms, including sophisticated MIG 29's, Hind
24 helicopter gunships, Mi-17 troop transport helicopters, a myriad of SAM
missiles, SCUD missiles, tanks, armored vehicles, small arms, etc. are being
shipped annually to the Soviet's allies in Cambodia, Mozambique, El Salvador,
Ethiopia, Syria, Libya, North Korea, and to a host of communist liberation
groups (i.e., ANC, PLO, IRA, New People's Army in the Philippines etc.) around
the world.
D. Where Does All The Soviet Steel Go?
In 1959, then Senator John F. Kennedy was struck by a discrepancy between
the Soviet output of steel (i.e., 54.9 million metric tons) and the small amount
of that steel used for cars and other consumer goods. Kennedy concluded that
the vast lion's share of that steel (i.e., probably over 90%) was going into
military production, and that was at a time when less than 1% of US steel
production was going into military weapons production.
In 1989, the Soviets produced 160 million metric tons of steel (more than three
times the level of steel production in the late 1950s) but they only produced
1,217,000 cars, using less than 5% of total Soviet steel output. Other consumer
products and new construction are only estimated to use another 5% or so of
the Soviet steel production. QUESTION: Where is the rest of the Soviet steel
production (i.e., about 144 million metric tons per year) going? ANSWER: Into
the building of the biggest military machine in history.
[Ed. Note: Study the Soviet Military Supremacy 1990 updated chart on page
28 and you will know where the Soviet steel is going it is going into the
Soviet's clandestine military buildup.]
E. The Western Stampede To Disarm
"In military affairs, perestroika and modernization of Soviet technology under
the new economic thinking and more open East/West trade, will help
increase the military might of our country ... and Soviet disarmament
proposals act as solvents to disarm the military industrial complex of
NATO." General Vladimir Kryuchkov Chief of the KGB November 1989.

As MIA has written many times, the chief objective of the current
glasnost/perestroika disinformation campaign emanating from
Gorbachev and the Kremlin leaders is to neutralize NATO, see the US
troops and weapons pulled out of Europe, see Western Europe collapse
into neutrality and see America and the West disarm. The Soviets have
proposed to pull all but 195,000 troops out of Europe, but even if they should
pull them all out, they are only 375 miles away and could be back in a matter of
48 hours. Meanwhile, the withdrawn US forces will be 3,750 miles away, across
the Atlantic, with a large portion of the 450 Soviet submarines and the powerful
Northern Fleet around the Kola Peninsula poised to intercept them.
In mid-March, NATO commanders for Central Europe citing the changes in
Eastern Europe, cancelled war games that were scheduled to take place in the
latter half of March. In March, Iceland, one of NATO's key maritime members,
began urging naval disarmament, with the Prime Minister stating that other
NATO members are also beginning to favor naval disarmament.
In February, President Bush proposed the withdrawal of 105,000 US troops from
Europe, and in March, the new Czech President, Vaclav Havel, proposed
that NATO and the Warsaw Pact be superseded by a new system of
mutual, common, or collective security merging the members of the
NATO and Warsaw Pact military forces into one great all-European
military/police force. (This proposal is as absurd as merging the Nazi/Axis
powers during WWII with the Allies.)
[Ed. Note: "Merger" is to be the name of the game politically, economically, and
militarily in Europe over the next five years, and in America as well.]
Meanwhile, in America, the US Communist Party, and its dozens of related front
organizations, is cranking up an intense propaganda campaign for America to

drastically reduce our military forces and arsenal in the light of the "death of
communism," "end of the cold war," and "democracy in Eastern Europe." The
campaign is catching on in the leftist US media and among Congressional
Liberals and is likely to gain terrific momentum in the months to come.
Gus Hall, the Secretary General of the CPUSA has boasted that the Party
is more influential today than at any time in its history, because it is
convincing the American people that the Soviet Union is no longer a
threat. In its official publication, it calls itself the "internal force" and the
"internal sector" of the world revolution. Its propaganda is replete with calls for
"economic conversion" its words for the "peace dividend" which is gaining
strength in the national consensus.
McAlvany Report Conclusion
The Bible warns in Jeremiah to "beware when men cry peace, peace, and there
is no peace" and in1 Thes. 5:3, "While people are saying peace and safety,
destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman,
and they shall not escape."
America and the West are being seduced today by one of the most cleverly
deceptive strategies, or scripts, in history. The Soviet Union is arming more
rapidly today than any country in history while claiming to be disarming. As
Stalin once said: "Words have no relation to actions, otherwise, what kind of
diplomacy is it? Words are one thing, actions another. Good words are a
concealment for bad deeds. Sincere diplomacy is no more possible than dry
water or wooden iron."
And LENIN ONCE SAID: "In war, never tie your hands with considerations of
formality. It is ridiculous not to know that a treaty is a means of gaining
strength ... Treaties are like pie crust made to be broken." And Lenin added:
"They disarm, we build." While America and Western Europe, relying on Soviet
"promises" of good intentions, are massively disarming, the Soviets (who
possess the largest and most formidable war machine in history) continue to
As we plunge toward a new world order, whether installed or implemented by
America's and Europe's liberal, socialist establishment, or by the New Age
movement, or as this writer believes more rightly, by the incredible military
supremacy of the Soviet Bear, the world is moving over the next couple of years
toward its most dangerous juncture since 1938 when we found ourselves in
the countdown to World War II.

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