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ENT 2014 sem Questions...

Kaafi questions SANA ALVI ny bhi post kiye hn pehly... wo bhi read karna and ye bhi..
Bechet wala is punched out
Ideal frequency
High treacheostomy 2 ques
Otosclerosis 5 que
Mucocele 5 ques
Tracheostomy 5 ques
Lryngeal carcinoma 5 ques
Minieres disease 1 ques
Menires affect which frequencies at frst
Arch 1 nd 2 ke fusion wala
Periformis most common cncr
Salivry glnd enlarged with pain on eating
Amoxilin plus clavunate in children fr acute otities
Clarithromycin in beta lactamse allergy
Feruncles case 5 numbs
Cholestetom associayed with csom
Csom case 5 ques
Young may eutachian tube size ?
Smr may incision on which point
T3N0M0 ke treatment ?
Atrophic rhinitis may crusting
Malignant otitis externa ka organism ?
Regardng perichondritis aik ques tha
In old sensryneural deafness cause ?
Aik mucocele ka alag ques tha
Aik ques tha ligate knce artery krenge in intractable epistaxis
Aik may tha profuse bleeding hai aftr rta pinching of nose se bleedng stop nh hoe next step kya hoga
Aik regardng mucoepidermoid tha jsme epithelial content jtna zada hoga utna malignant hoge ans tha
Aik kilians space ka tha
Aik throid ke inves wala tha
Periauricular sinus ke treatment kya hoge
Foriengn body bachay wala ka liay kya krna.
Atrophic rhinitis may operation knsa hoga
Aik body temp wala tha ya room temp wala ?

Sana Alvi:
1. What is the most common csom in eldery? (Ototoxicity, cerepontine hemorrhage, ceberel trauma)
2. What is retropharyngeal abscess mostly associated with?
3. Causative organism in peritonsillar abscess? (Strep pyogenes, staph aureus, h.influ)
4. what's the best priority given to csom? Restoring hearin, maintain dry ear, restore hearin and vestibular functin
5. Multiple ipsilateral node involvement no more than 6 mm is N2b
6. 5 yr old presents with foreign body how would u extract it? (Ring probe/tilley forceps, canula, crocidile forceps)
7. 20 yr old man presented in ER with conts bleedin despite him pinching his nose it wouldn't stop whats the next
option? (Apply cold ice, posterior,anterior nasal packing, cauterize)
8. For cauterization of posterior bleeding which artery would u do? (Maxillary, faical, sphenopalatine, external

9. A patient comes with a history of redness and swelling for 2 days and on anterior rhinoscopy it was painful and
a mass was present on the nasal vestibule
--->what is it? septal hematoma, abscess, bone fracture
---> causative organism?
---> if left untouched what would happen? I wrote saddle nose
---> investigation? I wrote xray lateral view
10. Oscee audiometry of otoscleorsis
11. Oscee of tracheostomy
12. Oscee of laryngeal carcinoma (glottis region)
13. A woman presents with foul smelling discharge and facial paralysis ( atico antral csom)
14. Complication of atico antral? (Cholesteatoma)
15. Characteristics discharge of a.a csom (scant foul smelling)
16. A person with atrophic rhinitis presents with? (Nasal obstruction)
17. Killian D defective part of pharynx is present at what region?
18. A child swallowed a 2 rs coin and his father comes in er and is yelling at u but the child looks calm n
composed? What's ur next approach? (I wrote xray a/p n lateral view to see the obstruction..options were
immediate admission, operative, systemic antibiotics, counsel the father)
19. A man comes to u with fluctuating hearing loss and aural fullness what is the most likely diagnosis...
20. Which frequency of tuning fork is best used? (225, 515, 1024...)
21. Drug used in anti histiminics?
22. Boy has asom what drug to give (I wrote amoxicillin n caluvnic acid)
23. A boy presents with acute epiglottitis in ER whats ur next step (counsel mother. Leave the mother away from
Child, immediate tracheostomy)
24. A 50 yr old man presents with larynx ca...where would u put the tracheostomy tube? (High level)
25. Intermediate complications of tracheostomy? (I wrote displacement of tube)
26. Late? ( I wrote stenosis )
27. Most Common complication of tracheostomy ( hemorrhage )
28. What investigation would u choose for lumin esophagus disease? ( barrium swallow )
29. Common cause of perforation of esophagus (oesophagitis, flexible, rigid endoscope)
30. What is the most common tumor of salivary (pleomorphic, mucoidepid)
Idk if my answers are right or not so yall can discuss the answers

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