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El pensamiento matemtico de la Antigedad a nuestros das, I



Armitage, Angus: Copernicus, W. W. Norton, 1938.

:]ohn Kepler, Faber and Faber, 1966.
- : Sun, Stand Then Still, Henry Schumann, 1937; en rustica como The
World of Copernicus, New American Library, 1951.
Ball, W. W. Rouse: A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, Dover
(reimpresin), 1960, cap. 12.
Baumgardt, Carola: ]ohannes Kepler, Life and Letters, Vctor Gollancz,
Berry, Arthur: A Short History of Astronomy, Dover (reimpresin), 1961,
pp. 86-197.
Braunmhl, A. von: Vorlesungen ber die Geschichte der Trigonometrie,
2 vols., B. G. Teubner, 1900 y 1903, reimpreso por M. Sandig, 1970.
Burtt, E. A.: Los fundamentos metafsicos de la Ciencia M oderna, Buenos
Aires, Suramericana, 1945.
Butterfield, Herbert: Los Orgenes de la Ciencia M oderna, Madrid, Taurus,
Cantor, Moritz: Vorlesungen ber Geschichte der Mathematik, 2. ed., B. G.
Teubner, 1900, vol. 2, pp. 1-344.
Caspar, Max: johannes Kepler, trad. Doris Hellman, Abelard-Schumann,
Cohen, l. Bernard: El nacimiento de una nueva fsica, Madrid, Alianza, 1989.
Coolidge, Julian L.: The M athematics of Great Amateurs, Dover (reimpre
sin), 1963, caps. 3-5.

Morris Kline

Copernicus, Nicolaus: Sobre las revoluciones de los orbes celestes, Madrid,

Tecnos, 1987.
Crombie, A. C.: Historia de la ciencia de Agustn a Galileo, Madrid,
Alianza, 1979.
Da Vinci, Leonardo: Philosophical Diary, Philosophical Library, 1959.
-: Tratado de la pintura, Madrid, Akal, 1986.
Dampier-Whetham, W. C. D.: Historia de la Ciencia, Madrid, Tecnos, 1986.
Dijksterhuis, E. J.: The Mechanization of the World Picture, Oxford University Press, 1961, partes 3 y 4.
Drake, Stillman y l. E. Drabkin: Mechanics in Sixteen-Century ltaly, Univer
sity of Wisconsin Press, 1969.
Dreyer, J. L. E.: A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler, Dover
(reimpresin), 1953, caps. 12-16.
-:Tycho Brahe, A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in the Sixteen Century,

Dover (reimpresin), 1963.

Gade, John A.: The Life and Times of Tycho Brahe, Princeton University
Press, 1947.
Galilei, Galileo: Dilogo sobre los mximos sistemas, Madrid, Alianza (en
Hall, A. R.: La Revolucin cientfica, Barcelona, Crtica, 1985.
Hallerberg, Arthur E.: George Mohr and Euclidis Curios, The Mathema
tics Teacher, 53, 1960, 127-132.
-: The Geometry of the Fixed Compass, The Mathematics Teacher,
1959, 230-244.
Hart, Ivor B.: The World of Leonardo da Vinci, Viking Press, 1962.
Hofmann, Joseph E.: The History of M athematics, Philosophical Library,
Hughes, Barnabas: Regiomontanus on Triangles, University of Wisconsin
Press, 1967. Es una traduccin del De Triangulis.
Ivins, W. M., Jr.: Art and Geometry (1946). Dover (reimpresin), 1965.
Kepler, Johannes: Gesammelte Werke, C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhand
lung, 1938-59.
- : Concerning the More Certain Foundations of Astrology, Caney Publica
tions, 1942. Muchos de los libros de Kepler han sido reimpresos y slo
pocos traducidos.
Koyr, Alexandre: Del mundo cerrado al universo infinito, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1984.
- : La Rvolution astronomique, Hermann, 1961.
Kuhn, Thomas S.: La revolucin copernicana, Arel, 1985.
MacCurdy, Edward: The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, George Braziller
(reimpresin), 1954.
Pannekoek, A.: A History of Astronomy, John Wiley and Sons, 1961,
caps. 16-25.

Panofsky, Erwin: Drer as a Mathematician, en James R. Newman, The

World of Mathematics, Simon and Schuster, 1956, pp. 603-621.
Santillana, G. de: The Crime of Galileo, University of Chicago Press, 1955.
Sarton, George: The Appreciation of Ancient and Medieval Science During
the Renaissance, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1957.
-:Six Wings: Men of Science in the Renaissance, Indiana University
Press, 1957.
Smith, David Eugene: History of Mathematics, Dover (reimpresin), 1958,
vol. 1, cap. 8, y vol. 2, cap. 8.
Smith, Preserved: A History of Modern Culture, Holt, Rinehart and Wins
ton, 1940, vol. I, caps. 2-3.
Taylor, Henry Osbom: Thought and Expression in the Sixteenth Century,
Crowell-Collier (reimpresin), 1962, parte V.
Tropfke, Johannes: Geschichte der Elementarmathematik, 7 vols., 2. ed.,
W. de Gruyter, 1921-24.
Vasari, Giorgio: Vidas de artistas ilustres, Madrid, Iberia, 1957.
Wolf, Abraham: A History of Science, Technology and Philosophy in the
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, George Allen and Unwin, 1950,
caps. 1-6.
Zeller, Sister Mary Claudia: The Development of Trigonometry from
Regiomontanus to Pitiscus, Ph. D. Dissertation (Tesis Doctoral), Uni
versity of Michigan, 1944; Edwards Brothers, 1946.

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