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iF op. esr cove 01207020 | FORM TP 2015002 JANUARY 2015 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY #DUCATION CERTIFICATE" EXAMINATION Biol oy a ayer 02 Geeeral Proficiency a a i“ on Tepe 2 hour $0 mio ES READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. |. This paper consis of SIX question in vo sections. Answer ALL questions 2 Wee your answer inthe spaces proriedin this bok, 3. De NOT writen the margins 4. Wher eprops, answers should te illursated by diagrams. 5. you ned to semrite any answer a theres not soough space todo 0 onthe «niga pegs, you must use the ex Hed page(e) provided a the buck of his booklet. Remember to draw line through your origina answer. 6 Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUST welte the question namber clearly in ‘hi box provided at the top of the vxtra page(s) and, where relevant, include ‘he question part beside the answo DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TODO 50. ‘Copyght © 2013 Cub can Exanintios Come Alleghsrseed aE Seq Be Code | D120 7020/3ANUARYIF 2015 @ of 7 SECTIONA Answer ALL questions. {Write your answers in the sj aces provided in this booklet, Figure } shows two plant organs. v Anther ods ‘Figure 1. Plant organs Canty te ye of pods cae out by EACH oft ple! rm shown in Figure 1. A B: Gi) Outline the sequence of events that would take place from pollination te the formation of the seed/fruit fron the organ shown in Figure IB. Gmarks) (b) Mitosis and meiosis occur at different points in the life cycle of a typicai flowering plant. Describe TWO differences between the outcomes of cell division by mitosis and cell ivision by meiosis. © 4 “The plaat fiom which the flower shawn in Figure 18 comes, exists in two varieties: one prodtiees blue lowers while the oth « prosiuces White flowers. & cross between two bluc- owrered plans produces 100 seeds Soventy-four ofthe plants that develop frown these 110 seeds have bine flowers while £6 have white lowers. Declace the genotypes of the parent slants, Explain your answer with the aid of = genetic disgram. (GB marks) (@) Figure shows the growth of a seedling over eight days Primary leaves eee Days Figure 2. Diagram showing grow th of a seedling over eight days @) "Measure the length ofthe racicle ofthe seedling on EACH dey and record y ‘measurements in Table 1. ‘TABLE 1: LENGTH OF RADICLE AFTER GERMINATION Days After | Length of Radicle Germination (em 2 um rl Gv) Desecibe an investigation totes tbe hypothesis, ‘Waser is needed forthe germin.tion of seeds" (amare) (© ‘Suggest why the cotyledons (eed lens) become smsler ashe primary leaves increase in size. Gmaris) “Total 25 marks Figure o @ iy 8 diagram of the buman sliment uy canal. Figure 3. Diagram of ¢he human allmentary canal ‘Idemify the structures Isbell I, 1, If, TV and V in Figure 3. i I: a ™ v: 3 (marks) ‘sing the symbol, X, indice son Figure 3, TWO places where protein digestion takes pce. (@ marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/3ANARY/F 2015 [3B rebde Aree Sequc ati Bar Code = Ir as al ii) Suggest TWO reasons why th: locations indicated in (a) (i) are suituble for pe tein digestion to take place. (@merks) | nin ain BPE TN THTE ARRA (iv) Give TWO reasons why livin s orgenisms need protein. “@ marks) x (©) Nitrogen is needed for the synthesis cf proteins. {]) theives, excess protein is epnverted to urea which is excreted by some annals. Briefly describe ONE route by which the nitrogen excreted from animals (ia the form of urea) is made available to plants “Q marks) Gi) Suggest TWO signs of nitog=n deficiency in plants, marks) ‘Toral 15 marks (00 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070207ANUARY/F 2015 [ie (ha Seque'ttial Bar Code al Do NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA ‘DONOT WRITE IN THIS ARBA ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA r 5 3. (@) Figure tis ccmcept map on dises es. Choose the correct term from the following list ‘and complete the concept map in F-gure 4 Active, Artif |, Hereditary, Damaged organs, ‘Natural, Microorganisms, Pathogenic Diseases [can be categorized as : a = f § [ Lack af essential ‘Malfunctioning ae = - E ome i : = Vacsines (0120 70207ANUARY/F 2015 LL Figure 4. Concept map on diseases Physiological caused (S marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Bavade Area”? ‘Sequratial Bar Code Al o G marks) (©) For which category of seas would gene therapy be appropiate? mark) (il) Suggest TWO ways, otber thax gene therapy, in which geneticiengineering is used ‘for the prevention and treatment of diseases. © @ Suggest TWO measures that: ould be used to contol the populotion ofthe insect ‘vector naraed in (4) (i) eG amar) “Total 1S marks GO ONTO THENEXT PAGE hn NA WRT TAT FHS ABEL iB : al SEC IONE Answer ALL questions. ‘Write your answers in dhe aces provided in this boodet. ‘4.1 Figure shows the intemal stractares oftwo leaves from plants growing in different environmental 34 candions ‘cyte Upper erm igure 5. Internal structures of leaves from two plants (©) Tdeotty the structures labelled P, (1 and R in Figure $ and state the role of EACH in photosyarhesis Ib) Describe ONE difference inthe cutie. ¢ and ONE difference inthe lower epidermis of th: ‘wo plants, A and B, and explain the significance of these differences, “G@marks (© Suggest the type of environment in which each plant, Plant A and Plant B would be found growing, and THREE adeptaticns expected in Plant B, other than those show in Figure 5 Environment for Plant A Envizonment for Plant B ‘Adaprions marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TOTH3 NEXT PASE (01207020/1ANUARY F 2015 [7B code mee] ks Seq Bar Cate | =188 4 (2) Drow cleaity belted diagram to show the inert etuotse of human skin Spice for diagram for (a) mari) tee 7] (th) Abbiologit vets tothe Subsea dese # to emy ite orpanisms. Dayne temperatura fe desert are very high and nighietim temperatures are very krw (HBxplain howthe biologiats gk w allowed bim to maintain relatively ponnal ody temporsaure daring bis first ds y and night in the desert. In your answer, sat: the termn used to deseribe the mai asaaee of constant body temperature. Tah NAVE WTR TN THIS ARPA ‘C marks) (Gi) Swagest TWO ways the Biologist could modify bis Bebavior during the dy. nd ‘ONE way during the night, o help regulate his body temperate in the desert. GB marks) Tota 1S marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2O7ODOANUARYIF 2015 = Sequeitial Ber Code = Do Nor werre In THs digi DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA . @ o 012070207 ANUARYIF 2015 L- eng ral “able is a incomplete table sbov ing organisms and their uataral habitat. (Complete Teble 2 to match SACH organism wih its natural habitat. oleate ee Sse $ ae] aes So = “ee = = = (4 marks) 'ii)Desetibe briely atechaigu’ for sampling ocganisas ia the pond @ marks) ‘Harry plants tomato seedlings 10 crt apart and Karen plants the same variety 30 em apart. ‘The plots of land are identical in 2e and ae located next to each other. The pleats in both plots receive the same amount of water and fertilizer. At harvest, Karen reaps many ‘more tomatoes, which are larger an healthier than Harry's tomatoes, Explain THRE factors that may we caused 2 lower yield of tomatoes in Hany’s plot. ~(@maris) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE sr aac | i eh (©) Suggest THREE ways by which hums )aetivty could adversely affect an aster popal tion living ina mangrove swamp, marks) ‘Total 15 marke END OF TEST

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