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RUSH Create Sessions


2014-2015 Rush Creative Brainstorm

Opening Devotion
Revelation 2
Dictates seven letters to seven churches. These churches are
picture of different types of Christians that will live until Jesus
comes back.
Lampstands = salvation
These people have persevered and endured
Verse 4 Jesus held things against them: They have forsaken their
first love!!
Are we guilty of loosing our first love? Have we forgotten why we
do this?
Our GOAL is to become a strong and healthy team that God is able
to use together as a team to accomplish things for the kingdom of
Our Goal is to constantly ask God to create things in us more than
we are asking him to create things for RUSH.
God is calling us to overcome and return back to our first love.
MAIN GOAL FOR 2015: If we dont do anything else in 2015, God
wants us to establish a vertical focus and a holy approach.

1. First Priorities: The Grid For Everything

Primary focus is to exalt and glorify God, not just reaching people.
o Doing this will actually help us with what we are actually
striving to reach.
o The more we exalt and lift him up and exalt him, the more
people are able to bring in. The more we lift Him up, the
more people that will draw in
o Allow him to handle getting the people in. It is not on us, its
on Him. Let him do it.
o At the end of each RUSH Service, Summa Campetc, the
question that needs to be asked is how much weve LIFTED
him up.
o As leaders, God wants us to get back to His concept of
First Creative Concept
Possibly create a symbol that demonstrates The Great
Commandment. (Heart, Mind, Soul & Strength)something to
o 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 (Primary basis)
2. Excellence/The Watermark


Holliness/The Standard
Discipleship/The Mandate
Evangelism/The Heartbeat
Maturity/Access to Inheritance
Campus Presence/Battle Plan
Culture/The Reflection
Men of God/The Missing Link
Heart, Mind, Soul, Strength.Everyone has one of these as a natural
expression to show Jesus and therefore are able to express them in many
different ways. Instead of focusing on just one of them, lets focus on the
other three as well. We must to think about what we are doing so that we
arent just valuing type one person.what is a way that we can value
other people according to their strength
Primary word and basis for RUSH, from here on is excellence = The
We must do things with a spirit of excellence, refer to the whole book of
Daniel to model the type of excellence that we believe that God wants us
to have at RUSH. Every department in RUSH must obtain and maintain
this level of excellence.
Creative Session #2
Morning Devotion
Philippians 2:5
People are going to model what we do based off what you give them
permission to do.
We must be above the SAFE ZONE. This goes back to being set apart/holy
(talked about last session, refer to previous section)
Jesus wants us to spend time dissecting the way that we speak to people
because that is what represents us.
When there is insecurity we start to add things to the way to talk and how
we do things as a way of building ourselves up.
We all must represent Christ in the same way! We must all live by the
same standard.
Come up to Gods level. He has equipped us and given us the power!
We often sometimes tend to say the right things, but can still
have the wrong intentions in our hearts.
We must become Gods agents to intentionally incorporate them into our
lives outside of RUSH so that we can create a relationship to share The
Gospel with them.
We must not only take what we have received, but passion what we
have received. #TheGospel
1. RUSH Branding
2. Graphics
3. Videos


Social Media
Memorable Hooks
Groups Activities/Special Nights (One Nights?)
Use of worship, arts, poetry, dance, drama

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