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Ingls Instrumental.

Facilitador: Prof. Esther Rosas.
15 de mayo de 2015
Maestra en Recursos Humanos

What Are Perks?

By Susan M. Heathfield
Human Resources Expert

Perks are employee benefits, usually in addition to salary and standard employee benefits. The
word, perk or perks, is a short form of the word perquisite which means incentives, bonuses, extras,
or sweeteners. In use in business, the term perks has come to mean benefits or extras above and
beyond the normal comprehensive benefits package.
Perks also refers to nonstandard benefits that are unusual or for which only a limited number of
employees are eligible.
You will hear employees in the business world use the word perks in reference to any nonstandard
benefit, though this is not the usual reference.
In organizations, perks are often viewed as an incentive or a form of gratitude that is offered to
executive level employees or employees with seniority or longevity something that sets the
employee aside from the average employee.
Perks also refer to employee benefits that are discretionary and optional on the part of an employer.
Perks do not necessarily involve a monetary cost to the employer. Perks may consist of privileges,
rewards, or options.

Examples of Perks
The following are examples of perks of both the monetary type and perks that are available as a

Company supplied cars

Free lunches or beverages

Company logoed shirts, hats, and other merchandise supplied at low cost or no-cost

First choice of vacation schedule

First chance to work overtime

Professional association membership

Conference attendance

First chance for lateral moves or promotions

Job openings posted and filled internally before externally

Flexible schedules
Telecommuting opportunities
Office, larger office with window

Tuition reimbursement
Cafeteria benefits plan

What's In a Comprehensive Employee Benefits Package?

Smaller employers tend to offer fewer components in the employee benefits package and
sometimes, no benefits at all. But, the majority of large companies and virtually all public sector
government employers provide an extensive employee benefits package.
Small businesses that are growing and expanding need to plan a careful phase-in of employee
benefits so that as you grow, you continue to attract and retain the talent you need for further
growth and expansion. Employers can expand this employee benefits package, as resources allow.
With an almost endless variety of potential employee benefits that are listed in Are You Getting the
Best Benefits From Your Benefits? And wished for in What Employee Benefits Would You Love to
Have or Offer?, an employer can customize an employee benefits package to the needs and
desires of its employees.
These are the components of an attractive employee benefits package. No laws require an
employer to offer these voluntary employee benefits.
An employee benefits package includes:

Paid Holidays

Paid Vacation Days

Paid Sick Days

Paid Personal Days

Bereavement or Funeral Leave

1. Underline the cognates that you find in the text.

Answer the following questions in Spanish and according to the reading:

a. Which are the companies that offer major benefits to the employees?

Las del Gobierno del sector pblico.

b. What happens when the small businesses are growing?

Atraen y retienen talento que necesita para un mayor crecimiento.

c. What does an employee benefits package include?

Vacaciones pagadas.

Das de vacaciones pagadas.

Duelo o funeral licencia.
Das personales pagadas.
3. Make a brief summery about the reading, make it in Spanish.
Los empleados ms pequeos tienden a ofrecer menos beneficios a los
empleados, pero a medida que van creciendo atraen y retienen talento,
para su crecimiento en cambio las grandes empresas ofrecen mayores
beneficios a sus empleados, donde los empleadores amplia los beneficios
de acuerdo a sus recursos.

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