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I have included various rates based on the exclusion of varying weights in sample, starting at sample points that

would weight stronger relative to other sample points, for instance, on a loss per day, a statistic assigned at n/m
for a given point where n represented the number of loss of a given sample and m represented the number of
days elapsed from the time such sample x{n} were incurred. Having computed the mean rate of loss per unit,
what further might be extrapolated from this statistic? We could determine from the per day assigned probability
a probability relating time wise over the course of days, weeks, or months, to determine what statistical rate of
ship loss might occur. Where one hundred percent statistic or at least certain statistical of loss were assigned for
such time frame, that is near or at one hundred percent, we could compare the rate of income to the rate of loss
at this given time frame. More specifically we solve for such calculated statistical rate of loss, q, for instance, by
q * d = 1 such that d = 1 / q represents the days elapsed for the loss of one unit. Thus as in the given example
where the statistical rate of loss per day, were at .0485778111 per day means that in approx 20 days I would I
might be expected to have statistically lost 1 particular unit of such item. If it were an expensive item such as a
fancy ship costing 500 million isk not including the cost of fits and/or insurance coverage, and my rate of income
were 500 million isk per month, for instance, then chances are I could not afford flying the ship at the statistical
rate of loss. Thus even when considering the safety amongst other things of high security, human error still
factors as risk. If I knew likewise, the average rate of missions accomplished per day I could scale my use of
equipment according to such rate of loss to ensure that I might be more likely to be profitable with such
equipment. Thus if having flown on average 2 missions per day, for instance, I could determine equivalently that
60 missions per month roughly approximate to 500 million isk per month, or each mission would translate into an
approximate income of 8.33 million isk.
x{n} in units lost days elapsed Units lost
1 5 0.2 Excluding S{1}
2 22 0.0909090909 0.0909090909 1 week 0.3400446775 0
1 33 0.0303030303 0.0303030303 0.0303030303 1month 1.4573343323 0.9573343323
1 40 0.025 0.025 0.025 2months 2.9146686647 1.9146686647
3 45 0.0666666667 0.0666666667 0.0666666667 3months 4.372002997 2.872002997
1 50 0.02 0.02 0.02 4months 5.8293373293 3.8293373293
1 60 0.0166666667 0.0166666667 0.0166666667 5months 7.2866716617 4.7866716617
2 65 0.0307692308 0.0307692308 0.0307692308 6months 8.744005994 5.744005994
1 70 0.0142857143 0.0142857143 0.0142857143 7months 10.2013403263 6.7013403263
4 75 0.0533333333 0.0533333333 0.0533333333 8months 11.6586746587 7.6586746587
2 80 0.025 0.025 0.025 9months 13.116008991 8.616008991
1 100 0.01 0.01 0.01 10months 14.5733433233 9.5733433233

Sum of samples 0.5829337329 0.3829337329 0.292024642 11months 16.0306776557 10.5306776557

Mean rate of
loss 0.0485778111 0.0319111444 0.0243353868 12months 17.488011988 11.488011988

Let's translate the unit rate of loss per day to unit rate of loss per mission. This is simply given by .048577811
units/ day * ( 1 day / 2 missions ), and we can likewise translate the unit loss per mission to cost per mission
where 500 ( cost per unit) * (.048577811 / 2 ) (unit/mission) is our given cost per mission. Let's assume the
statistical rate of unit loss per day were the same, for the sake of proceeding based upon the limited information
available, to another item of lesser value, that is having the same rate of loss, although if having the sample
data, one could compute the corresponding unit rate of loss per day for such item likewise. Let's say the cost
per unit is 40 as oppossed to 500, then our cost per mission would be 40 ( cost per unit) * (.048577811 / 2 ) (unit/
mission). Let's say we want to determine the break even point where we have neither lost anything based upon
the statistical rate of loss of using either item in a given months time. The formula for this would be
I r −c a∗x a −c b∗y b=0 1
where I r representsthe income per month , c a represents the unit cost per mission of unit a ,
c y representsthe unit cost per mission of unit b , x a representsthe number of missions in a month for unit a
and y b representsthe missions in a month for unit b.

In this case we know that y_b = (60 – x_a) since we would accomplish a total of 60 missions with either unit a or
unit b where x_a + y_b = 60. Thus we should have the following formula
500−500 .048577811/2 x a −40 .048577811/260 – x a =0
solving for x a gives
x a ≃33.676 missions

or in other words we could fly this number of missions with unit a and 60 – 33.676 missions with unit b and
perhaps have better statistical advantage of breaking even in terms of profit assuming reliability in the statistical
unit rate of loss that we have computed. We could modify our equation above likewise in the case of targeted
profits to the right hand side of equation (1) we would place our target profit where our modified formula
I r −c a∗x a−cb∗y b=P  2
where I r representsthe income per month , c a represents the unit cost per mission of unit a ,
c y representsthe unit cost per mission of unit b , x a representsthe number of missions in a month for unit a
, yb represents the missions in a month for unit b , and P is thetarget profit .

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