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[b][color=darkblue]I say that it is false. And I can swear it by all the Saints
with my hand put on Book of the Virtues. [/color] [/b] - [i] sentenced the
bishop [/i]- [b][color=darkblue]I know from where it has obtained His
Eminence those tests against me. It is known by all the content of the
letter that recently sent Nicols Borgia to the Curia, with the only intention
to reduce my authority in Asamblea Hispanic Episcopal (AEH). Nicols Borgia
is a wolf disguised of lamb, that he tries to influence and to divide to the
AEH, so that only wishes that our primatials statutes are modified so that he
can be chosen like Archbishop of Valencia. I cannot fold before the blackmail
of Nicols Borgia, priest who in numerous times are broken the sacerdotal
votes, as the obedience and abstention vote. Now it tries to take advantage
the Church to increase his civil power. And by all this, Nicols it hates to me,
to oppose me to his perverse plans.[/color][/b]- [i]the Castilian prelate went
the hand through the face. Very he was tired of which Nicholas made waste
his time to him and the own members of the Inquisition[/i].

[b][color=darkblue]It's my to have, like priest of the Roman Church, to warn

His Eminence about Nicols makes fun of you. That letter of accusation
against my person, this flood of falsified tests, incomplete and manipulated
tests. The letter the signature a group of people, and no of them belongs
neither diocese nor to the Kingdom of Castile. How it is possible that so
many people who live to hundreds on miles of distance so are interested in
denouncing to me? Him warning, eminence, who more than one of the
companies is false. Nicholas did not have permission of those people to
write his signature in the letter It is a ridicule to Rome! [/color] [/b]

[b]-[color=darkblue]About to my innocence, I can as much secure the

testimony of all the Castilian faithfuls who Her Eminence wants, of the
Diocese of Osma, like of the Diocese of Segovia, except some person before
whom I did not kneel down. All are going to confirm just like I am telling to
false accusations and manipulation him of tests to secure my destitution, so
that I only defend the integrity of the AEH of the external pressures and the
perverse minds, like the one of Nicols Borgia and its followers.[/color][/b]

HRP: I prefer to enclose the text in Castilian, since it is easy that I mistake in
English and want that everything is clearly


- [b][color=darkblue]Digo que es falso. Y puedo jurarlo por todos los Santos

con mi mano puesta sobre el Libro de las Virtudes.[/color][/b]-[i] sentenci el
obispo [/i]- [b][color=darkblue]S de donde ha obtenido Su Eminencia
esas... "pruebas" contra m. Es conocido por todos el contenido de la carta
que envi Nicols Borgia a la Curia hace poco tiempo, con el nico propsito
de menoscabar mi autoridad en la Asamblea Episcopal Hispnica (AEH).
Nicols Borgia es un lobo disfrazado de cordero, que pretende influenciar y
dividir a la AEH, slo por que desea que nuestros estatutos primaciales sean
modificados para que l pueda ser elegido como Arzobispo de Valencia. No
puedo doblegarme ante el chantaje de Nicols Borgia, sacerdote que en
numerosas veces ha roto los votos sacerdotales, como el voto de castidad y
de obediencia. Ahora pretende aprovecharse de la Iglesia para aumentar su
poder civil. Y por todo ello, Nicols me odia, por oponerme a sus planes
perversos[/color][/b]- [i]el prelado castellano se pas la mano por la cara.
Estaba muy cansado de que Nicols hiciera perder su tiempo a l y los
propios miembros de la Inquisicin[/i].

- [b][color=darkblue]Es mi deber, como sacerdote de la Iglesia Romana,

advertir a Su Eminencia que Nicols se burla de usted. Esa carta de
acusacin contra mi persona, esta llena de pruebas falseadas, de pruebas
incompletas y manipuladas. La carta la firma un grupo de personas, y
ninguna de ellas pertenece ni a mi dicesis ni al Reino de Castilla. Cmo es
posible que tantas personas que viven a cientos de leguas de distancia
estn tan interesadas en denunciarme? Le aviso, eminencia, que ms de
una de las firmas son falsas. Nicols no tena permiso de esas personas para
escribir su firma en la carta... Es una burla a Roma![/color][/b]

[b]-[color=darkblue]Respecto a mi inocencia, puedo conseguir el testimonio

de todos los fieles castellanos que Su Eminencia quiera, tanto de la Dicesis
de Osma, como de la Dicesis de Segovia, excepto alguna persona ante
quin no me arrodill. Todos van a confirmar lo mismo que le estoy
contando... falsas acusaciones y manipulacin de pruebas para conseguir mi
destitucin, slo por que defiendo la integridad de la AEH de las presiones
externas y de las mentes perversas, como la de Nicols Borgia y sus

HRP: Prefiero adjuntar el texto en castellano, puesto que es fcil que yo

equivoque en ingls y quiero que todo sea claro

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