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I recently came across an article by Margaret Mead, a social anthropologist, whose studies showed that
familial, cultural and spiritual influences were responsible for the unpredictable changes of mood in
teenage years. Is your teenager challenging your patience by tracking down a temperamental roller
coaster of anger, sadness, happiness, or outpacing their self control without realizing why? Temper
tantrums that follow these emotions is usually an attempt to regain control and restore self respect. We as
parents dont recognize that our new generation today is in a grapple with their own identity and self
image. Coping with parent expectations, constant change and pressure in their outside world, getting
good grades, being swamped with multiple activities, being accepted by friends, maintaining a status
within their peer group, and above all, dealing with biological puberty changes in their body is
overwhelming. The time between childhood and adulthood go hand in hand with fascination, thrill,
uncertainity and hostility. It is an overwhelming phase in life, when the teen wants to be independent,
decisive, at times getting unconnected from parents and family. This is the age when peer pressure has
the most influence.
When puberty begins, the body starts producing sex hormones like Estrogen, Progesterone in girls and
Testosterone in boys. High estrogen and low progesterone levels can cause anxiety and paranoia. High
progesterone can cause bouts of crying and depression. High testerone levels can make a person
aggressive. These hormones along with causing physical changes in the body, also cause an emotional
turbulence provoking a perplexed and insecure feeling in these young adults. With puberty changes,
teens begin to develop the potential to think hypothetical and rational. They formulate their own ideas and
develop a different outlook towards the world, which can be a healthy sign of growth if moulded rightly.
Instead of getting into dispute wars with your teen, shape your reasoning more tactfully and escort them
through this phase of development.
In addition to, hormonal changes, an adolescents brain revises during this juvenile period. The outer grey
matter of the brain thickens over time between the ages of 11 to 12. Once the growth activity is over, the
brain scales down the excess unused grey matter, leaving only the information that the brain requires.
The prefrontal cortex, the area where the brain executes power of reasoning, self control and strategy is
one of the last areas to go through this scaling activity. This explains the rationale, that while, teenagers
have very strong emotions, they dont have the implementation to overpower these emotions, which is
why they experience abrupt and unaccountable mood changes.
Parents who are mystified by their teens behavior and attitude, this paragraph might unwind your anxiety.
When your teenager is struggling between childhood and adulthood, they experience multiple emotions
as a result they seclude within themselves and may behave disconnected with their family. At some point
the emotions have to explode and parents often become the recipient of these tantrums because your
child knows that even though you may not approve of their behavior, you still love them and you wont
give them a cold shoulder. Even though your teenager may seem or act disengaged with their family,
internally they still crave your attention. Nevertheless, keep a check on their mood swing pattern.

Normally your childs moody blues should be transitory. Reassure them with your mature and
approachable support and do not forget that years ago, you evolved through the same phase of life.
However, if the mood swings are uncontrollable lasts for weeks, then be attentive about their lonely times,
secretive behaviors, watch for their sleeping, eating patterns, school attendance, school grades and
friends they hang out with. These could be warning signs of depression, undesirable habits materializing,
bullying at school, etc.
Symptoms of Moody Blues in your teenager:

Preoccupied with their own emotions and interests.

Loss of interest in things once enjoyed.

Indifferent towards family members.

Irresponsible, stubborn, aggressive and demoralized behaviors.

Short tempered.

Super sensitive, weeping and sad.

Difficulty sleeping or sleeping excessively.

Changes in appetite.


Frequent headaches.

Homeopathic approach to controlling mood swings during puberty:

Homeopathy is a natural and effective route to finding relief with your teenagers moody blues.
Constitutional Homeopathic treatment provides customized health for all which goes a long way in
maintaining the physical and mental wellbeing during puberty. Homeopathic remedies can equipoise
hormonal imbalance, calm emotional flare ups, control mood swings, eliminate uncharacteristic temper
displays, reduce impulsivity, encourage positive mood, recoil depression and anxiety. Homeopathy will
help soothe the mind, promote balanced moods, emotions, prevent relapses as well as help build self
esteem and confidence. The constitutional approach will treat all your childs emotional and physical
problems and will allow them to be themselves again.
Homeopathic remedies are safe, natural, non - addictive, FDA regulated and have proven to safely
reduce emotional highs & lows. Homeopathic remedies help the body and mind to transition back into
equilibrium naturally. Below, I have noted some important Homeopathic remedies which can be
used during Puberty under the supervision of an experienced Homeopath. These remedies
are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned only to
create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines during Puberty. It is not
advisable to resort to self medication for any disease.

Homeopathic remedies to control mood swings in your teenager:

Cyclamen: This is an eminent remedy for young adults who panic about their sense of right and wrong,
cry with fear of being abandoned, desire to be alone. They desire lemonade and have a disgust for meat.
Girls complain of acne and menstrual irregularities. Their mood swings are worse during evenings.
Kali Phosphate: This remedy is specially recommended for young adults to calm their jittery nerves.
These teenagers are mentally and physically depressed, feel weak and tired, are very emotional about
the changes that they are going through. They dislike meeting people, are disinclined to any conversation,
develop an irrational fear to crowded or enclosed public places, are easily irritable, anxious, hysterical,
indifferent to family members, have night terrors and walk in their sleep. With puberty changes, these
boys experience nocturnal emissions.
Natrum Muriaticum: This remedy is suggested for sensitive, unduly emotional individuals. These young
adults become emotionally vulnerable and introvert. Any form of grief, rejection, humiliation is intolerant to
them. To maintain control over their situations, they try not to show emotions. They have fixed ideas and
become hysterical when emotions are uncontrollable. Their moods are changeable. They fall in love with
unattainable persons and fantasize about relationships. They are sensitive to music, bite fingernails. Their
depression can lead to suicidal tendencies. They mature beyond their years and throw tantrums when
Pulsatilla: This remedy is suited to mild, gentle and yielding temperaments. These patients are
oversensitive, highly emotional, easily discouraged, always in a dilemma, sad, cry easily even when
talking. They are very fussy, like to be caressed. Their moods and behaviors are extremely changeable
and contradictory. They seek open air even if they are chilly. They fear to be alone in the evening, in dark,
of ghost and have an atypical fear of the opposite sex. They are thirstless, frequently lick their dry lips and
develop much acne during puberty.
Senecio aureus: This is an outstanding remedy for teens who get miserable staying away from home.
They are homesick with nervousness and irritability. They are confused and unable to fix their mind on
any one subject. They are sometimes very sad and sometimes highly elated. Young boys get sexual
dreams with involuntary emission. Girls get premature and too profuse menses.
Self care measures to help your child overcome mood changes during teen years:

Remember that this is your opportunity to be the perfect role model to your teenager.

Be understanding of the emotional and physical growth change that your child is experiencing.

Give more time and attention. Be emotionally connected, at the same time giving your teenager
enough space allowing them to grow and bloom as an individual.

Be a good listener instead of giving advise all the time.

Make dinner times a family affair, and plan pasttime activities together as family. it helps
strengthen family bonding.
Reassurance and acceptance from parents plays a vital role in developing the confidence a child

needs to make healthy choices.

Dont try to be their friend, they prefer friends of their own age. Be a friendly parent and dont try

to like or do the same things that your child likes or does. Give your teenager space to be different and
separate from you.
Help your teenager recognize that even though they have grown mentally and physically, they still

dont have the experience needed to act like adults.

Acknowledge your childs bad behavior and encourage them to communicate with you.

Very prudently communicate your expectations about their behavior, their basic values and family

Dont be hurt when your child acts disconnected with you, at their age friends are more desirable
than Mom or Dad.

Both parents should be in harmony regarding the family rules. It is difficult for a teenager to
respect parents who are always undermining each other.

Make sure your teenager is getting enough sleep.

Get them to exercise or get indulged in a sport. Regular exercise produces a hormone, betaendorphin which controls stress and improves mood.

Avoid criticism, instead constantly praise your teens good behaviors and good decisions.

Hence, promote hormonal balance, healthy brain chemistry, support physical and emotional stability with
Homeopathy. Regain your childs naturally stable moods allowing them to enjoy a healthy social life.
Homeopathy can help you build the bridge and stay connected with your changing child.
About the author:
Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered
with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic
certification. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on
the Board of International Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. She also coaches
students with clinical cases at the Teleosis School of Homeopathy in North America. Neepa is also
serving as a specialist at ACA (Autism Community of Africa, an organization that is helping heal Autistic
children in Africa, with the help of Homeopathic remedies). Her mission is to Promote Health through
Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach.
Phone: (480) 363 0758


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