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a newly recruited infantary man caries fully laden root marche,in this man wh
ich type o fracture occur=stress fractures
2-.a pt.injures from fall on outstretched hand in colle's fracture,which type of
deformity occur= dinner deformity tenderness at anatomical snufbox,which type of injury result from fall

on out stretch hand=fracture of scaphoid extracapsular neck femur fracture has two part intertrochanteric fracture,w
hat is the treatment of choice=internal fixation n dynamic hip screw has sunray appearance on radiograph, it is the diagnostic sign of=osteosar
coma present with discharging sinus along with sequestrum after rx of quack,it i
s the diagnostic sign of=ch.osteomlitis shoulder dislocation which is most common dislocation=ant.dislocation
8.a fracture in which one side is broken other is bent ,it is called=gren stick
fracture with l4,5 disc prolapse rx is =microdisectoy with unconsciouness n comes in emergency n gets consciouness this is diagn
ostic sign of=extradural hematoma 70yr old with bph most common location of bph is =central or transitional
zone 70 yr with hard irregular n heterogenous mass on pr of pt,it is diagnosis
of=prostatic carcinoma
13.diagnostic test for prostatic carcinoma is=transrectal ultrasound n biopsy age for the cleft lip of pt is=3 month or 3-6 month
15.most common malignant tumor of parotid is =mucoepidermoid
16.most common benign tumor of parotid is =pleomorphic adenoma
17.most common lung carcinoma is=adeno carcinoma
18.most common worldwide carcinoma of esophagus is=squamous cell carcinoma
19.rx of choice of peptic ulcer is =ppi
20.diagnostic investigation for peptic ulcer is=endoscopy taking asprin for long time for osteoarthritis ,which type of ulcer is mos
t common ih htis variety=gastric ulcer
22.most common peptic ulcer perforation is =duodenal ulcer antibiotic for h.pylori in peptic ulcer is =clarithromycin 70 yr mass in liver,lft raised alphe feto protein also raised ,which type
of tumor =hcc
25.absolute indication for spleenectomy is =trauma spleenectomy pt may benefit in =itp
27,pt ct scan showing flooting membrane is daignostic for =hydatid liver disease spleenectomy which of organ is most imp to preserve=tail of pancreas post operative spleenectomy which is most common compication=dm
30.most common cause of acute pancreatitis=gall stones
31.indication for surgery in acute pancreatitis is=infected necrosis hurshsprung disease ,which is true=absence of myenteric plexes in distal h
ind gut
33.which is true for carcinoid tumor=apudoma
34,if carcinoid tumor size is less than 2 cm rx of choice is=appendisectomy
35.if tumor size is more tahn 2cm, then option is =right hemicolectomy
36.a pt with carcinoid tumor having size than 2cm,undergo appendisectomy which i
s true=nothig done
37.most common cause of intestinal obstruction is=tb then adhesion n bands 2nd degree hamorrhoids rx of choice is band ligation
39.medical rx of choice in variceal hemorrhage is =octreotide
40.most common abcess is=pelvic abcess with pelvic fracture most common urethral injury is =membranous urethera
42.most common indication for circumcision is=religious has scrotal swelling with bag of worm is=varicocele with base of skull fracture that separates from the facial skeleton is=leo

fort3 with base of skull fracture that separates palate from alveolus is=leofort
46.internal mammary artery is used for long term survival in cabg
47.rx of choice in noninvasive blader carcinoma is =intravasical chemotherapy
48.rx of choice in invasive blader carcinoma is =radial cystectomy management for the resistant empyema of thorax is=decortication
50.most common complication of gallstone is =carcinoma.
51.which electrolyte is used as cardioplegic agent in cabg is=k
52.a bodybuilder used steroid ,most common cause of gynacomastia is hormonal which technique we cant inter pleural space for esophageal carcinoma rx=tr
54.x.ray abdomen shows gallblader stone only 10%
55.rx of choice for cholangitis is drainage
56.most common position of appendix is =retrocecal=70%
57.most common electrolyte deficient cause of paralytic ileus is =hypokalemia
58.swelling at umbilicus wit serous diacharge is raspberry like=umbilical adenom
59.most common neoplasm of testis is seminima
60.during hysterectomy injury occur to urinary bladder case of rebledding of varices rx of chooice is=sclerotherapy
62.rx of choice in carcinoma of prostate is =radical prostectomy case of hernia pt have a bph ,rx of choice is =surgery for bph
64.a new born child swlling at umbilicus increase in size with crying n skin cov
ered it is =umblical hernia
65,pt with breast carcinoma have afracture of bone ,which type of fracture is=pa
thological fracture
66.mcq given from case of
67.adeno carcinoma of anus ,rx of choice is =excision
68.distended gallblader,prostate hard tender pt with fever ,diagnosis is =acute
69.shifting tenderness is diagnostic sign of=non specific mesenteric adenitis
70.mass in right iliac fossa ,pt complain of weakness n vague abdominal pain ,hb
is 5gm/dl,diagnosis is carcinoma of cecum
71,most common bony cyst at angle of mandible is=dentigerious cyst having goitre with sign of toxicity ,diagnostic test is =radioisotope scan bright glistining cherry like tumor at rectal area =guvenile polyp
74.a boot shaped heart is daignostic for =fallot's tetrology
75.initial drainege in hemothorax is=more than 1000ml
76.rx of choice for sq.cell carcinoma of anus is =chemoradiotherapy chronic retention of urine blood urea is 12mg%,rx of choice is=folleys +wa
78.drug that used to reduce the size of bph is 5-alpha reductase inhibitor
79.most aggressive breast cancer is =inflamatory cancer
80.a symptom producing renal stones with projection r oxalates stones
81.a symptomatic stones r phosphate stones management of empyema thorax that is resistent to antibiotics is decorti
cation diagnostic test for dvt is duplex scan
84.treatment joice in dvt is low dose haparin penis is not present in jews and muslims
86.radiation in ca tongue is brachytherapy
87.doxirubicin with side effects of cardiomyopathy
88.most common of gallstone is carcinoma
89.treatment of choice for lipoma is excision
90.motorcyclist with r.t.a has multipal injuries on which part of the body is ma
ximum thorax congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis metabolic alkalosis occurs
92.o ve is universal donor]
93.mesh hernioplasty comes under the category of clean operati0on most commonly spraed with hollo needle

95.swelling that is straberry like and sign of comprebelity is +ve treatment of
choice is spontaneous regresison
96.squamous cell carcinoma that develop from burn is margulin ulcer monitoring in burrn patient is urine out put paraplegic patient bed sore develop at sacrum
99.according to wallace rule of nine body suface area of prenium is 1 percent
100.treatment for lymphangitis patient is penicillin
101,most common cause lymphedema is filiriasis
102.most common cause of submandibular obstrution is stone
103.most common cause of gynaecomasia is idiopathic of epigastric hernia is given
105. case of burst abdomen is given
106. case af para umblical hernia is given of appendicular mass is given of random graft is given
109.appendicular artery is the branch of illeocollic
110.cystic artery is included in callots triangle
111.which is radiation dependent technique c.t scan
112.investigation of choice renal tauma is i.v.p bantiseptic solution is pyodine
114.most common i.v induction agent is propofol
115.most common inhalational agent is sevoflorein
116.most common non depolarizin agent with long duration is atracurium
117.highest point in step ladder pattern of analgesia is regoinal block
118.fluid of choice for resuscitation in burn parient is ringarlactate
119.entral feeding is contra indicated in sever pancreatitis
120most ommon fetal comlication of central venous cathetr is infection
121.most common fetal complication of peripheral line is thrombophlebitis
122.talor has implatation type of dermoid cyst case of cabg scar not regress in out side the margin is keloid
126.hypertesive patien patient ry gressy touch with wrinkled skin is dry gangren
127.cyst with puntum treatment is incision and avulsion with mng radio isotope technique advised, commonly used isotope is tech-9
9 diagnosed on basis of clinical feature of primary hyperparathyroidism diagnose on clinical feaure of pheocromocytoma
131.lymphatic drainage of breat is mostly axillary
132.anterior wall mi most commonly left anterior descending artery
133.inferior wall mi most common rt coronary artery
134.primary lymphedema onset less than 2 yr is congenital
135. primary lymphedema onset 2 yr is praecox
136.squamous cell ca in burn patients is marjolin ulcer

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