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2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 Why the Lost Remain Lost Dennis Mock

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The uniform witness of scripture is that form birth we are sinful by nature. We are dead
in trespasses and sin. There is none righteous not even one. All have sinned and fallen
short of the glory of God. As Paul opens his letter in 2 Thess. it is crucial to realize we are
all in the same boat. We are in Adam, sinful and separated form God.

Picture in your mind an huge conveyor belt. Every single person ever born starts on the
conveyor belt under the wrath of God headed for an eternal lake of fire. The question is
why do some remain on the conveyor belt and some are taken off of it by God. It is this
concept of “lostness” which permeates the NT. In Romans Paul takes the first 3 chapters
to demonstrate man’s lostness.

The question we want to address this morning is why the lost remain lost, if they do?

Paul is dealing with some issues still unsettled in the mind of the Thessalonians that
were not addressed in 1 Thessalonians. WE have already seen him dwell with the rapture

Read 1 Thessalonians 1:1-12

– Parallel Passage Revelation 19
– This is the clearest passage in the entire NT concerning why the lost remain lost.
– Two significant truths:
○ God is just.
 This means God holds everyone accountable to the same standard of
righteousness, which is Himself.
 There is no comparative or relative righteousness.
○ The choice that we make in this life to believe the Gospel or not believe the
Gospel will determine our eternal destiny.
 Until we come to an awareness of our need for a savior we will not
accept the Gospel.
 Before Christ came it was a response by faith to the revelation God had
given. Abraham’s righteousness was credited to him because of his
– Why are the “lost” lost? (v. 8)
○ Those who do not know God.
 John 17:3 – Eternal life is to know the eternal God and Jesus Christ
who He sent.
 John 3:16 – Those who perish are those who do not know God.
 We will talk later about how people get off the “conveyor belt”.
○ Those who do not obey the Gospel
 If we look at the Gospel presented by Jesus in Mark: “Repent and
believe that the Kingdom of God is at hand.” This is it in its simplest
• Repent – turn from sin towards God exercising faith.
• Believe – exercising faith in God’s provision in Christ.
 These are those having heard the truth who reject it refusing to
 Turn to the 2nd chapter of Thessalonians.
• 2 Thess. 2:9-10 – They refuse to love the truth and so be saved.
• Romans 1 – They suppress the truth.
• They delight in wickedness.
• Is this really fair? No but this is about impartiality and justice not
• Read Ephesians 2 again. We are not saved by works but by faith.
 Rev. 20:12 – Every unbeliever of all time will be judged based on a
book that shows what their actual deeds were. That and the fact that
their name is not in the book of life.
○ What about those who have never heard the Gospel?
 Romans 1 – They are without excuse because God has made His
divine qualities known in creation. If they had responded to that light
God would have given them more.
 1 Chron. 28:9 – If you seek him with all your heart He will let you find
– What is the destiny of the “lost” (v. 8-9)
○ They will be punished with everlasting destruction (ruin) shut out from the
presence of the Lord.
○ Death biblically is never annihilation it is separation; spirit from the body,
sinners from the presence of God.
○ Ruin is described most accurately as something that has collapsed or is in a
sate of disrepair. Something reduced to state of uselessness.
 We talk of someone’s life being “in ruins”.
 We look at archeological ruins.
 This is a ruin of a person, which will never be remedied.
○ This is the “second death”, which is to be separated eternally from the
power, provision and presence of God.
○ This everlasting ruin is pictured as the Lake of Fire:
 Matt. 25:41 – Created for Satan and his demons. Antichrist, the False
Prophet, death, the grave and all unbelievers will join them there
 They will all exist eternally in an everlasting state of ruin.
 Luke 16:23-28; Revelation 20:15? – a place of conscious torment.
○ You might say that is too harsh a punishment. Perhaps. But look at what
happens when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ! That is why the Gospel is
such good news.
○ If you are uncomfortable with this your problem is with God and His Word.
○ Consider what Christ had to endure to make this not the final destiny for all
of us.
○ The worst aspect will be the realization that they are shut out forever from
the presence of God.
– The Good News for the saved!
○ They are saved because they have believed and obeyed the Gospel.
○ There is also a confirmation for those who are in the process of being saved
(v. 5). We are in process until we receive our glorified resurrection body:
 (v. 3)”Your faith is growing more and more”
 And the love you have for each other is increasing.
 (v. 4) Your perseverance and faith in persecution and trial.
○ You will know them by their fruit.
– What about the reward for those who have believed the Truth?
○ We are counted worthy because Christ finished work is credited to us.
○ Relief – Liberty and freedom, rest from work.
○ Awareness and Assurance of God’s faithful justice and coming judgment.
 Every wrong will be righted and every injustice punished.
○ (v. 12) WE will be glorified in Him when He comes in His glory.
○ We will not ever be shut out from the presence of the Lord! Read Rev. 21
○ John 14? – Jesus said He would come back to take us to be with Him forever!

What an incredible thought. The lost are lost because they refuse to believe. The saved
are saved because they repent and believe and accept the free gift of salvation in Christ

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