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Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245

Electrical braking of large wind turbines

K. Rajambala, B. Umamaheswaria, C. Chellamuthub

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anna University, Chennai 600 116, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jerusalem College of Engineering,
Chennai 600 312, India

Received 1 March 2004; accepted 3 November 2004

Available online 13 June 2005

This paper analyses the electrodynamic braking (EDB) performance of a grid connected wind
energy conversion system, during a grid loss. A dual pole induction generator driven by a fixed speed
wind turbine is considered for the present study. The modeling of the wind turbine-induction
generator unit, with the excitation capacitor C and braking resistor R, at the generator terminals is
presented. Through simulation, the steady state as well as the dynamic performance of the system is
studied for different RC combinations. The experimental results on a 1.5 kW induction machine
confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of the EDB.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Electrodynamic brake; Induction generator; Wind turbine

1. Introduction
In a grid connected wind energy conversion system, during a grid outage, the rotor
tends to accelerate rapidly until the braking systems are brought into action. The
international standards and certification rules require, two independent braking systems
for the wind turbines, at least one of which must be on the low-speed shaft. It is the normal
practice to provide aerodynamic brake on the low-speed shaft and mechanical brake on the
high-speed shaft [1]. Both the braking systems must be able to prevent over speed, and
achieve standby mode when operating independently. In the wind energy conversion
systems in Muppandal and Kayathar areas of Tamilnadu, India, the mechanical brake used
has the drawback of an inherent operating delay of about 10 s. This delay causes the rising
of the rotor speed, resulting in vibration in the wind turbine structure, and requires frequent
replacement of the brake pads and bearings.
0960-1481/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245

To overcome the above said problems to a certain extent, a fast method of electrical
braking can be applied, by operating the induction generator in self-excited mode. When a
suitable value of capacitor is connected across the stator terminals of an induction
generator, a self-excited voltage builds up, which induces large currents in the stator and
rotor. As a result, an electromagnetic braking torque is developed and the electrical power
thus generated is then dissipated in the external circuit resistors. This type of braking does
not require any external power supply, and is highly suitable for wind turbines.
The steady state models for the self-excited induction generator is well established and
their steady state performances are discussed [25]. The dynamic performance of an
isolated self-excited induction generator with resistive load is presented using the dq axis
modeling of the induction generator [6,7].
The aim of this paper is to analyze the electrodynamic braking performance of grid
connected wind energy conversion system, after a grid loss. It has been reported that, in
Tamilnadu area, most of the wind energy conversion systems use dual-pole induction
generators, driven by horizontal axis, fixed speed wind turbines. Therefore, a 250 kW,
three-bladed, horizontal-axis, fixed speed wind turbine coupled with a 210/60 kW dualpole induction generator, has been selected for the present study. An integrated model of
the wind turbine and induction generator with the RC circuit at the generator terminals
has been considered to study the steady state as well as the dynamic performance of the
system for different RC combinations, and the results are presented. The simulation
results are presented and compared with the corresponding experimental results obtained
on a 1.5 kW induction machine.

2. Description of the model

The system under study is shown in Fig. 1. The parameters of the system components
are given in the Appendix. The RC circuit used for electrodynamic braking is connected
at the generator terminals. During the normal operation of the system, the induction
generator is connected to the grid through a circuit breaker. In the event of a grid loss, the
circuit breaker is opened and the RC circuit is connected to the generator terminals.
Thyristor switched capacitors (TSC) and chopper-controlled resistors can be used for the
dynamic variation of the C and R, respectively. The equivalent per phase resistance at

Fig. 1. Grid connected wind energy conversion system with the electrodynamic brake circuit.

K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245


the stator terminals is

R Z 0:51 K a Rb


where a is the duty ratio of the chopper.

The mathematical representations of the various system elements are presented below.
2.1. Wind turbine model
The output mechanical torque Tt of the wind turbine is calculated from the following
equation [8]:
Tt Z rARCp Vw2 =l


where r, air density (kg/m3); A, area swept out by the turbine blades (m2); R, radius of the
wind turbine rotor (m); and Vw, wind velocity (m/s); Cp, a dimensionless power
coefficient, depends on the wind velocity, turbine angular velocity and constructional
characteristics of the turbine. For the wind turbine used in this study, Cp is expressed as a
function of l [9].
l Z Rut =Vw

Cp Z 0:5


K 0:4b K 5 e l1


l1 Z


l C 0:089 b3 C 1

where l, tip speed ratio; ut, angular speed of the turbine rotor (rad/s); b, the blade pitch
angle (deg).
2.2. Induction generator model
Fig. 2 shows the dq equivalent circuit model for a three-phase symmetrical induction
generator with the EDB circuit. The leakage inductances of the stator and rotor are
assumed constant whereas the magnetizing inductances are considered as a function of the
airgap flux.
The per-unit stator and rotor voltage equations using Krause transformation [10] based
on stationary reference frame fixed to the stator are given as follows.
Vqs Z KRs iqs C ueds C peqs ;

Vds Z KRs ids K ueqs C peds ;

C u K ur edr
C peqr
Vqr0 Z Rr0 iqr

Vdr0 Z Rr0 idr
C u K ur eqr
C pedr



K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245

Fig. 2. dq axis equivalent circuit of a 3-phase induction generator with the brake circuit parameters R and C at the
stator terminals.

eqs Z K
Lls iqs C Miqr
K iqs eds Z K
Lls ids C Midr
K ids ;
Llr0 iqr
C Miqr
K iqs ;

Llr0 idr
C Midr
K ids


The superscript 0 in the above equations denotes the transformed rotor quantities referred
to the stator.
The value of the magnetizing inductance M, depends on the degree of magnetic
saturation, and it is a non-linear function of the magnetizing current im, and is expressed by
the following equation
im Z iqr
K iqs 2 C idr
K ids 2 1=2


The relationship between M and im can be obtained by using synchronous speed test, and it
is described by the following set of equations [7].
M Z 1:41566=im C 0:1317 0:3578! im
1:59267=im C 0:1929

0:3075! im % 0:3578

1:79031=im C 0:255

0:2188! im % 0:3075

2:67838=im C 0:49

0:1081! im % 0:2188


im % 0:1081


K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245


The electromagnetic braking torque Tg developed by the induction generator is

expressed as
Tg Z K1:5Poles=2Miqs idr
K ids iqr


The voltagecurrent equations of the RC circuit are given as

iRqs Z Vqs =R;

iRds Z Vds =R;

icqs Z iqs K iRqs ;

pVqs Z 1=Cicqsp; Vds Z 1=Cicds

icds Z ids K iRds ;


2.3. Modeling the machine motion

The wind turbine and induction generator rotors are represented as a lumped mass. So
the dynamic equation of motion is written as:
pur Z Tt =Gr K Tg =Jg


where Gr, gear ratio; Jg, equivalent inertia of the wind turbine and induction generator
rotor referred to the generator shaft.

3. Evaluation of the system performance

Using the Matlab/Simulink model developed, the steady state and dynamic behaviour
of the system is studied, and the results are presented below
3.1. Steady state response
(1) Torquespeed characteristics of the wind turbine for different wind velocities. The
turbine Eqs. (2)(5) are simulated to study the steady state torquespeed
characteristics of the wind turbine. The blade pitch angle b is fixed at K1.18 in
order to achieve rated power generation, for the operating conditions specified for the
site. Fig. 3 shows the variation of the turbine torque as a function of its speed, for
different values of wind velocities, as viewed from the generator side. It is observed
that, the torque is maximum at the rated speed of 1018 rpm, for the annual average
wind speed of 15 m/s.
(2) Torquespeed characteristics of the dual-pole induction generator for different RC
combinations. The 210 kW, 6-pole induction generator with the synchronous speed of
1000 rpm, is first analyzed in self-excited mode. The braking resistance is varied from
1 to 3 pu and the capacitance is varied from 0.6 to 1 pu. The results of the simulation
using Eqs. (6)(11), for different RC combinations are shown in Fig. 4. The base
values of R and C are 0.67 U and 4875 mF, respectively, which are calculated by
choosing the rated values of the phase voltage, current and frequency as base values. It
is seen that, as the capacitance is increased from 0.6 to 1 pu for a given value of
braking resistance, the self-excitation fails at lesser speeds. Also for a given value of
capacitance, as the braking resistance is decreased from higher value to lower value,


K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245

Fig. 3. Torquespeed characteristics of the wind turbine transferred to induction generator shaft for different wind

the self-excitation fails at higher rotational speeds. It is further observed that, the
minimum speed at which self-excitation fails is achieved with 3 pu resistance for a
specified capacitance of 1 pu.
It is the normal practice in Tamilnadu, India to provide the KVAR compensation of
about 80% of the KVA rating, to keep the power factor nearly unity, as the Tamilnadu

Fig. 4. Torquespeed characteristics of the high-speed induction generator for different RC combinations.

K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245


electricity board imposes penalty for the reactive energy imported from the grid. In most
of the wind generating units in Muppandal and Kayathar areas of Tamilnadu, no load VAR
compensation of about 40% of the rated KVA is provided with fixed capacitors
permanently connected across the generator and additional capacitors are added in steps as
power generation increases. If the same compensating capacitors are used for braking also,
the additional expenditure for the provision of elecrodynamic brake involves the cost of
the braking resistor only. With this available value of KVAR capacitance, the generator
fails to self-excite at bout 60% of the rated speed, for the braking resistance of 3 pu.
Similar analysis is carried out for the 8-pole generator, which is in operation during low
wind speeds, and the fixed compensating capacitor provides the necessary KVAR
compensation. It is found that, 3 pu resistance along with this capacitance maintains selfexcitation up to about 400 rpm, i.e., about 50% of the rated value of the low-speed
Eq. (12) is used to link the wind turbine and induction generator models. The steady
state speed of the coupled unit is reached, when the turbine torque referred to generator
axis equals the generator torque. During the normal operation as a grid-connected system,
the operating speed is decided by the grid frequency, whereas during electrodynamic
braking, it depends on the values of R and C. Fig. 5 presents the torquespeed
characteristics of the wind turbine at rated wind velocity of 15 m/s, and the high-speed and
the low-speed generator characteristics for 3 pu resistance.
The EDB reduces the generator speed to about 60% of the rated speed in two stages. In
Fig. 5, A is the operating point at rated conditions, where the high-speed generator
exports active power to the grid at rated wind velocity. A braking resistance of 3 pu
resistance is switched on after the grid loss. It is seen that the braking torque suddenly
increases to a value corresponding to the point B, and decelerates the rotor until the
steady state speed is reached at point C. A further reduction in speed achieved by

Fig. 5. Combined torquespeed characteristics of the wind turbine and dual-pole induction generator with EDB.


K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245

changing the number of poles to 8, and connecting suitable values of R and C. This second
stage of braking operation follows the path CDE. The steady state operating speed of about
400 rpm corresponding to 60% of the rated speed of the high-speed generator is achieved.
Now, the mechanical brake can be applied to stop the generator
3.2. Dynamic response
The dynamic speed and torque responses are shown in Fig. 6. Initially, at time tZ0,
normal operating conditions are assumed where the wind velocity is 15 m/s, and the highspeed generator exports active power to the grid at rated rotational speed. The
electrodynamic braking resistance is switched on immediately after a grid loss. Then, a
high braking torque is developed and rotor speed decreases rapidly until the steady state
speed of about 800 rpm is reached. This speed is maintained until the operation is
transferred to the low speed generator with its braking resistance. The generator speed is
further reduced to 400 rpm. The braking torque decreases as speed decreases.

Fig. 6. Dynamic response of the system (a) generator speed (b) generator torque.

K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245


Fig. 7. Transient torque oscillations During EDB connection at tZ2 s.

Fig. 7 shows the torque pulsations at the time of connecting the EDB. The result shows
that the peak value of the transient torque is about 1.8 times the rated torque and the
duration of transient is about 0.03 s.
The mechanical brake comes into action effectively, only after 10 s the grid loss, as
experienced by the maintenance engineers in the wind farm. Therefore, to show the
effectiveness of electrodynamic braking, the system is simulated for 10 s with and without
the braking resistance after the grid loss. It can be seen from Fig. 8 that the generator speed
is increased to about 1200 rpm in 10 s whereas with EDB, the speed is reduced to 950 rpm.
It is quite clear that the mechanical brake is applied at a lower generator speed of about
950 rpm instead of 1200 rpm.
4. Experimental verification
The results of simulation are compared with the experimental results obtained on a
1.5 kW, 415 V, 3.4 A, 50 Hz, 4-pole star-connected, squirrel cage induction machine

Fig. 8. Simulation results of the system with and without brake.


K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245

Fig. 9. Comparison of the simulation and experimental results.

driven by a dc shunt motor. The induction machine has the per-unit measured parameters
as: R1Z0.14184, R2Z0.14540, L1ZL2Z0.13362 using the phase quantities of the 3phase machine as base values. The functional dependency of the magnetizing
inductance M on im is experimentally determined and expressed by a piecewise linear
approximation as
0:8985; im % 0:36754;
2:047=im C 1:666; 0:36754! im % 0:74392
M Z 1:3683=im C 0:867; 0:74392! im % 1:0455
1:2173=im C 0:65586; 1:0455im % 1:21652
1:082=im C 0:44778; im O 1:21652
Fig. 9 shows the simulation and experimental results of the laboratory machine for the
capacitance values of 0.6 and 1 pu with 3 pu braking resistance. It is observed that the
simulation results closely matches with the experimental behaviour and thus validating
the simulation model.

5. Conclusions
The modeling and simulation of a fixed speed wind turbine with the electrodynamic
brake has been described. It is shown that a very simple, yet valuable EDB can reduce
the speed to about 60% of the rated speed. This minimizes the brake pad wear and tear
and reduces the maintenance cost significantly, when there are frequent grid outages.
Comparison of the predicted and experimental results shows a good agreement. EDB can
also be applied to variable speed wind turbines with suitable power electronic converters.

K. Rajambal et al. / Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 22352245


Parameters of the wind turbine and induction generator.
Wind turbine
Rated power
No. of blades
Rated speed
Rotor diameter
Air density
Blade pitch angle
Gear ratio
Cut-in wind speed
Cut-out wind speed
Rated wind speed
Equivalent inertia

250 kW
40 rpm
29.8 m
1.2 kg/m3
3 m/s
25 m/s
15 m/s
1542 kg m2

3-phase, star-connected dual-pole induction generator

Rated power
Rated line voltage
Rated current
Rated frequency
Rated power factor
Rated speed
No. of poles
Stator resistance
Stator leakage inductance
Rotor resistance referred to stator
Rotor leakage inductance referred to stator

210/60 kW
415 V
360/83 A
50 Hz
1018/760 rpm
0.006/0.078 U
0.17197/0.1.83 mH
0.0047/0.0611 U
0.15605/0.1469 mH

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