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Instant Food Effect to Diet and Health in Adolescents

Iftitah Hanim
Fast food or instant food consumed tends much lately generated a lot of pros
and cons. From one side of the bustle in various activities such as work often makes
us defer the bare necessities, such as food. Therefore prepared foods that provide
benefits and ease of presenting an option. The number of instant food products on the
market consumers increasingly pamper for especially among teenagers. Instant food
seemed ingrained in them. Some even make it as a daily diet. Concerns arising from
this additive is the negative effect of these materials that have an impact on consumer
health. Addition of additives, the effect can also be derived from the packaging used.
The negative effects that may occur include associated with degenerative diseases.
As a result of excessive consumption of instant food which can make teens
ignore a healthy diet. Unhealthy eating patterns will have a negative impact on the
body, one of which led to lack of maximum body's performance in carrying out daily
activities. This consumptive diet will worsen in the daily diet. They will be more
likely to snack than eat healthy foods they should consume in its infancy. Moreover
prepared foods currently marketed using various additives which aims to preserve and
provide better taste in its products. A diet that are actually needed by the body is a
healthy diet and a balanced diet because they meet the required aspects of the body
that contain nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and
water in which the portion consumed in accordance with the energy required in
activity per day.
Keeping your diet to stay healthy and balanced is very important, especially
among teenagers who have a diet consumptive. The effects of excessive consumption
of instant food is the body of the teenager who encroached slowly and will cause
dangerous diseases in the body. Maintaining the health of today will be better than
cure tomorrow. May consume instant food but not too much and still maintaining a
healthy diet that is nutritious. Prevention of negative impacts that can be done
internally, namely the role of the housewife in the preparation of traditional foods
prefers healthy foods, while the external effort is to increase awareness of the
Government, NGO, and also awareness of the dangers of additives manufacturers of
prepared foods.
Keywords: fast food, adolescents, additives, health.

The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Along with the times, increasing human needs. This happens in all walks of
life. On the other hand, bustle-bustle in various activities such as work often makes us
defer the bare necessities, such as food. This is apparently realized by various
managers of enterprises as an opportunity for profit. More and more enterprises are
racing to produce instant foodstuffs. The number of instant food products on the
market consumers increasingly pamper for especially among teenagers.
Moreover, teens who were in the transition from childhood to adulthood
increasingly busy with new things that they know which raised the consumptive
lifestyle that is sometimes excessive. The pattern seemed to think they change. "If
there's an easy, why should you choose the difficulty?" In one day a teenager is able
to eat some kind of instant meals from snacks to main meals were replaced in an
instant form. Instant food seemed ingrained in them. Some even make it as a daily
As a result of excessive consumption of instant food which can make teens
ignore a healthy diet. Though consumption of instant food in large quantities and long
periods of time can lead to accumulation of additives contained in instant food on
their bodies. Today many teenagers who suffer from ulcers, inflammation, and
various diseases that attack the digestive tract. It is certainly not out of their habit of
instant foods. So what exactly is contained in the instant food? How they affect the
diet and health of adolescents?
1.2 Research Question
1.2.1 What are the substances contained in the instant food?
1.2.2 How does it affect health?
1.2.3 Why can affect eating patterns?
1.2.4 How to minimize the negative impacts solution of instant food?
1.3 Research Purpose
1.3.1 Knowing the content of instant food.
1.3.2 Knowing influence on eating patterns and health.
1.3.3 Finding solutions and tips for overcoming the effect of instant food.
1.3.4 Finding how to minimize the negative impact of instant food.

The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

1.4 Rational
Fast food is the food is packaged, easy to prepare, practical, or treated in a
simple way. The positive effect of fast food is most noticeable is that it saves time. in
addition to the time, cost savings also provide prepared food to be superior over the
food prepared in the kitchen. However, prepared foods also have a negative impact on
health that can cause disease if we eat them regularly and excessively.
2. Material and Method
2.1 Material
2.2 Method
2.2.1 Method Interview
Interviews were conducted on a single informant. Interview technique used
was an open interview in order for the subject to know that they are being interviewed
and also know what the purpose of the interview. The interview was held on
Thursday, March 29, 2013 in Loloan Barat village, Jembrana. She worked as a
dietician at Health Center Loloan Barat, Jembrana.
2.2.2 Questionnaire
This method is done on many sources. We did a questionnaire on public high
school adolescents. The number of questionnaires were distributed totaling 90
questionnaire. Questionnaire conducted on Saturday, 10th May 2014.
3. Result and Discussion
3.1 The Content and Impact of Instant Food
Based on the data obtained instant food consumed affects on diet and health in
adolescents. The most common effect caused by the chemicals contained within these
foods. Additive substances contained in these foods are slowly eroding our bodies.
This substance is intended to increase the quality and stability of the food is
maintained. Substance that is often used for this is a flavor enhancer (Mono Sodium
Glutamate), preservatives such as BHA, K-nitrite etc, anti kempal, bleach and flour
bund (acetone peroxide) and sekustran (phosphoric acid). There are many chemical
constituents contained in fast food. However this is a very damaging our health.

The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

BHA antioxidant content in foods in the diet so that it does not quickly
disappear as vitamins, flavoring. It is often used in fat and oil. This will cause those
who consume addictive effects. It is still in the womb eating fast food, not to mention
if we trace the meal packaging used. By Hengky Dermana, only 10 % of fast food in
accordance with SNI. (Reuters, 2003). Packaging containing PVC plastic which
inhibits testosterone (Flack, 1992) and cans containing (Pb) timbale and VCM (vinyl
chloride monomer). (Media Indonesia, 2003).
Food is one of the components is directly related to a person's health condition.
The food is very big influence to achieve good health for someone. These are the
characteristics of a healthy diet:
It contains enough nutrients
Healthy foods are foods that contain chemical substances nutrients needed by
the body. Nutrients in question is:
a. Carbohydrates as the main energy source.
b. Proteins as components of cells and tissues.
c. Fat as a component of cells and tissues, as solvent vitamins and energy
d. Vitamins as components that facilitate the process of metabolism in the cell.
e. Minerals as components participating facilitate build the structure body and

participate in physiological processes in the cell.

f. Fiber to help smooth the digestive mechanisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
g. Water as a solvent other nutrients.
Not contain harmful substances
A sometimes food looks healthy/fresh when viewed at a glance, but that

condition is not a guarantee if the food is really healthy. Fresh is in need to ensure the
availability of nutrients in it, but if it looks the freshness caused by other factors that
are specific treatment of the foodstuff. For example foodstuffs of plant that looks as
fresh as growth helped by excessive pesticide. Or processed foods that seem as fresh
as the provision of preservatives. Things like that can actually be detrimental affect
on the body. Preservatives, colorings, flavorings, (additives) are some of the many
substances that cause disease in the body.
a. Preservative
Preservatives in tolerance by BPOM in limited quantities are: Benzoate,
propionate, nitrite, nitrate, sorbate and sulfite. And dangerous is formaldehyde and

The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

borax. Both of these last many preservatives in any use to preserve food that can last
b. Coloring Matter
Coloring matter to give an interesting view on food. This material there is in
the natural and synthetic. Natural dye materials are usually taken from chlorophyll
(green substance) all to buy a green substance or carotene from carrots to give the
color orange. Synthesis of dyes taken from chemicals that created through a series of
chemical reactions. For example: Yellow color: tartrazine, sunset yellow, red color :
allura, eritrosin, amaranth, Blue color : blue diamond.
Some dyes that are not really used for coloring foods but in certain foods.
These substances are textile dyes such as Rhodamine b. Artificial dyes harmful if
consumed continuously and excessively. Dyes non-food dangerous because the
substance is not for food and not for consumption.
c. Flavoring Substances
There is a7 natural flavor enhancer and some are synthetic. Natural flavorings
such as vinegar, pepper, salt, sugar, etc. are relatively safer and does not cause side
effects. Except in excessive consumption. Artificial flavorings containing
monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a synthetic flavoring that many widely used in
various types of good food and eating fast food served in the household. MSG is a
chemical substance that can affect the nerves work. Continuous consumption will
cause memory (memory) someone becomes slower.
3.2 Effect of Instant Food on Health
Here are some of the health effects caused by food in instant food:
1. Ulcer
Ulcer or Gastritis is derived from the word meaning Gaster stomach. Gastritis
is an inflammation (swelling) of the gastric mucosa, which can be caused by irritation
and infection. As we know, the stomach is a digestive organ in the human body that
serves to store food, digest and then drain into the small intestine. Also irritation can
also be caused by drugs (aspirin, NSAIDs), alcohol, chronic vomiting and toxic
materials. The infection can be caused by bacteria, Helicobacter pylori majority. H.
pylori to colonize the innermost layer is the protective mucous layer of the gastric
mucosa and interfere with its function as a protector. Until now there is no easy way

The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

to live a healthy life free from heartburn in addition to improving their lifestyle and
2. Diabetes
A type of diabetes is a disease that occurs in a person due to the sugar content
of the blood in the body and as a result of uncontrolled disturbances in the body's
metabolic system of a person. Diabetes mellitus is also often we refer to as diabetes
or blood sugar disease. This disease is one of chronic diseases including type the first
sign that the increased levels of sugar in the blood as a result of disturbances in the
body's metabolic system. The body's organs is the pancreas which is already not
working properly.
3. Increase in Weight Loss Quickly
The negative effects of fast food on children especially are gaining weight
very quickly, often cause excessive weight or even obesity. Because often it feels
good, so it tends to make the child overeating and addiction. Candy, soft drinks,
French fries and other fried foods, pizza, burgers, and ice cream are examples of
foods high in sugar and fat, which will give you hundreds of calories per day for your
4. Malnutrition
Junk food can lead to malnutrition, if the kids just eat it and do not want
healthy foods that contain essential nutrients. Healthy food and snacks should provide
essential nutrients, such as vitamin B, magnesium, iron, as can found of eating whole
grain cereals and grains. Calcium from milk or yogurt, healthy fats and fiber from
beans, while vitamin A and vitamin C can obtained from eating fruits and vegetables
fresh. In contrast, the children may not be getting the nutrients when eating only
foods such as breakfast sandwiches, potato chips, candy and soft drinks.
5. Cardiovascular Disease
Fast food is also often high in saturated fat, which greatly increases the LDL
cholesterol (cholesterol evil), thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease in
children. Junk food is generally rich in saturated fats is pizza, ice cream, processed
meats and full-fat cheese. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and eat
foods high in sodium leads to high blood pressure. Children may be at risk of high

The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

blood pressure, when often eat salty junk food like potato chips, french fries, pretzels,
pizza and burritos
3.3 Influence of Instant Food on Diet
Adolescents who tend to eat instant foods would rather eat instant food
constantly. It is very adverse effects on digestive health. Although the teens eating
only one type of instant food in one day and at that time the reaction will not happen
immediately. The impact will be felt around the next 10 years.
This consumptive diet will worsen in the daily diet. They will be more likely
to snack than eat healthy foods they should consume in its infancy. When at home
parents do not force their children to eat, the child will not eat by themselves.
Children will be happy to eat outside the home that the conditions must be very
unhealthy food. Therefore, the role of parents in choosing the type of food and
watched her diet is very important for development.
3.4 Efforts to Minimize Negative Impact
To reduce and minimize negative impacts on food additives can try several
ways, among others:
1. Internally
Reducing the consumption of fast food, increasing the consumption of
vegetables and fruits and take vitamins. Some vitamins suspected to contain anticarcinogenic substances include Vitamin A, C, E found in many vegetables and fruits;
Folic acid found in broccoli, spinach and asparagus: Beta-carotene, Vitamin B3
(niacin), vitamin D into its active form (1:25- hydroxy) found in butter, milk, egg
yolks, liver, rice and fish. Gives light to the family about the dangers of additives,
supervise, control and administration of the use of pocket money and getting used to
bring food from home healthy.
2. Externally
Manufacturer; necessary awareness and responsibility of the manufacturer to
the use of additives in food is produced, providing clear information including

the composition of food additives that are added.

Government; supervision and crack down on manufacturers who violate the
rules. Forward PMT-AS activity (Supplementary Food Program-School
Children) by utilizing locally sourced food.

The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO); facilitate the formation of

consumer groups, encouraging community participation as a watchdog of
public policy, anticipating a global policy that impact on the consumer, to
supervise and act as a consumer advocate.

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1 Conclusion
From the research, the authors concluded that keeping the diet to stay healthy
and balanced is very important, especially among teenagers who have a diet
consumptive. This is because the availability of instant foods very much good at
school, at home or while traveling away.
Besides delicious but very large impact addiction toxins that should not be
consumed. Noticeable effect is on the body of the teenager who eats away slowly and
will cause dangerous diseases in the body. Keeping from now will be better than cure
tomorrow. May consume instant food but not too much and still maintaining a healthy
diet that is nutritious.
4.2 Recommendation
As for the suggestion that the author can give to the public is as follows:
1. Those teenagers remain cautious in instant foods and keep priority to healthy
2. Those parents should supervise, control the administration and use of pocket
money and getting used to bring food from home healthy.
3. Those Manufacturers: necessary awareness and responsibility of the
manufacturer to the use of additives in food is produced, providing clear
information including the composition of food additives that are added.
4. Those Government: supervision and crack down on manufacturers who violate
the rule. Forward PMT- AS activity (Supplementary Food Program-School
Children) by utilizing locally sourced food.
5. Those Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO): facilitate the formation of
consumer groups, encouraging community participation as a watchdog of

The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

public policy, anticipating a global policy that impact on the consumer, to

supervise and act as a consumer advocate.
6. In this era we have to be smart to choose which foods are good and not good for
health because if we choose the wrong would be bad for our health.

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The Effect of Instant Food to Diet and Health in Adolescents

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