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We All Send Signals - By Diann Cannon

Think for a moment about all of the signals people send. As much as some try we cannot
compartmentalize our lives. We are all affected by our spirituality, our intellect, our emotions,
and our physical ability, and each area of our lives affects the other.
Our bodies send signals of all kinds to those around us, and even to our own soul. Did you
know that the word psychology is named after the Greek word psyche, which is literally the
study of the soul? Who we are cannot be separated from our bodies.
Recently one of my clients was speaking at length about eye contact and its importance,
another signal. How we carry ourselves as we walk fast or slow, straight or hunched over is a
signal that can tell others at least a couple of things about who we are.
Reacting to others, living in fear, being angry or self- defeating can send signals of a disorderly
If we are willing to be intimate, friendly, show mutual respect and have a loving rapport with
others tells a story about us through signals.
Our tone of voice sends a signal.
The point is, whether we recognize it or not everything we do or in some cases don't do sends a
signal to others around us.
That is why I chose "Signals" as my company name because of the significance of signals we
send others as well as the signals we send ourselves. After all, everything we do is filtered
through our belief systems.

Body language during a job interview

Letter, interview and body language

The rules as regards applying for jobs have been subject to enormous changes lately. In the past,
people preferred a hand-written application letter. It is becoming more and more common these
days to find a vacancy on the Internet, and to apply for it via the Internet as well. Quite often it is
sufficient to place your C.V. on the web. Because of this, the application procedure often goes
quicker, and now you can find yourself invited for a job interview before you know it. You can find
information on the Internet about how to apply for jobs. Information can be found about how to
write your application letter, the clothes that you should wear and how to carry out the interview
itself. The importance of body language is often mentioned, but doesn't always get the attention it

deserves. After all, before a word has even been spoken, your body language will have already
given people their first impression of you.
What type of person are you?
By using words you can explain what type of education you have received and what experience
you have gained since then. You can also show through words that you know what you're talking
about and you can answer questions to clarify matters. At the same time however, your body
language will also give out a lot more information. Based on your body language it can be seen if
you come across as insecure or self-assured. It can also show if you are a busy or a quiet type
and it helps give an impression of whether you are speaking truthfully or not. Body language can
show if you not prone to stress. It can show how enthusiastic you are and if you are a nice
person, someone who will take his work serious, but also someone who has a sense of humour
and can enjoy a joke from time to time. The members of the application committee will ask you
questions, but your answers won't only be oral. The committee will not only pay attention to what
you say, but also to how you say it! Body language will determine first if it 'clicks', and sometimes
all it takes is just a few seconds. Everybody uses body language, but it takes place mostly at a
subconscious level. Through becoming more aware of your own body language, but also through
recognising the body language of others, you can definitely increase your chances of getting the
Pay attention to time!
It might be a clich to talk about arriving in time for a job interview, but I think it is still important to
bring it to your attention anew. Your attitude or attention to time will also send out non-verbal
messages. An interview for a job is seen as a very important appointment, and showing up too
late for your appointment is therefore absolutely unacceptable. Missing the bus or getting stuck in
a traffic jam are pretty lame excuses. After all, for an important appointment like this you should
have taken that into account. It's much better to arrive way too early than even a little too late! If
you are too early for your appointment you don't have to go in immediately. Sometimes it's better
to walk around a little in the neighbourhood, because waiting for a long time in a hallway or a
'sweatbox' will not do your nerves any good. If it is very cold outside, it might be wise to go back
inside about ten minutes before your appointment because it can be very unpleasant to have to
shake an ice-cold hand.
The first meeting
After you have announced yourself at the reception or to an employee of the company, you will
often be asked to take a seat. After a while someone will come to lead you to the interview area.
Do not jump up immediately and offer this person a handshake. It's better to let the other person
takes the initiative. Shake hands firmly, but not too powerfully and look straight at the other
person. After this you will be introduced to the (other) members of the application committee.
During this introduction it is better to walk around the table to shake hands with the committee
members, instead of leaning over the table. With each greeting look directly at the other person,
and say your name. Except for an internal application, don't assume that the other people know

your name.
Choosing the right seat
After the initial introduction you will usually be directed to take a seat. If you are left to choose a
place yourself, choose a place from where you can clearly see all the interview participants, and
from where they can also see you. If someone is sitting half behind you, and you can't really see
him, he may not get such a good impression of you because of this.
Tune your body posture
During your job interview try to adopt a posture that shows interest but still comes across as being
relaxed. You can do this by sitting up straight in your chair at the beginning of the interview, with
your back against the back of the chair. If you slouch or hang sideways in your chair, it might give
the impression that you are not that interested in the job. However, sitting on the edge of your
chair can come across as being a little tense and might give the impression that you feel
You can change your body posture a little during the interview. For example, when someone says
something it is good to turn a little with your shoulders towards this person and to lean forward a
little. This shows an interest in what the other person is saying. You can emphasise this by tilting
your head a little. It is also important to pay attention to the posture of your interview partners. In
some cases you can achieve mutual tuning by adopting the same posture as the other person.
What to do with your hands?
Just the same as when you are giving a presentation, many people often regard their hands as
obstacles during a job interview rather than a useful means of communication. That is why people
often ask what to do with their hands. In a difficult situation we are often inclined to fold our arms
across our body. This helps to give us a more secure feeling. During a job interview it is better not
to do this, because folding your arms can be interpreted as a defensive move. It is better to let
your hands lie loosely on your lap or place them on the armrests of your chair. From these
positions it's also easy to support your words with hand gestures.
Movements: a dynamic interview?
Nodding your head while speaking is a good way of supporting your words or adding meaning to
them. Hand movements can also help to liven up the interview. The fact that you dare to make
movements with your hands during an interview might indicate that you feel at ease quickly. In
most cases it is better not to make too many hand movements at the start of the interview but add
them slowly throughout the interview. As regards this, pay attention to your interview partners as
well: if they use their hands a lot to make things clear, you can definitely do this as well. When
they don't make many movements, it is better if you don't either. Just the same as with body
posture, it is important to tune your movements to those of the other person. Also pay attention to
inadvertent movements that you may make sometimes due to nervousness. For example,

shuffling with your feet or kicking against the leg of a table can be very irritating for other people.
Drumming with your fingers or clicking with a pen also won't be a great contribution to the
interview. So pay attention!
When should you look at whom?
During the job interview it is important to look at all the interview partners to an equal extent. By
looking directly at the other person we are giving them a sign of trust. By looking directly at people
we are also in control of the conversation. Looking directly at somebody or looking away actually
serves as the dots and commas in our spoken sentences. When one of the committee members
explains something or poses a question, keep looking at this person for as long as he or she is
speaking. This shows that you're listening. While he is speaking he may also look at the other
people, but every time he wants to emphasise something he will look at you again. You can then
nod to encourage him to continue talking. At the end of his question, he will keep looking at you
and then tilt his head up a little to invite you to give an answer. When you answer a question, you
will look first at the person who posed the question, but while you answer you should take turns
looking at the other interview partners as well. You should direct yourself again to the person who
posed the question when you want to emphasise something and at the end of your answer.
Also pay attention to the body language of your interview partners
Apart from paying attention to your own body language, it is also important to see how your
interview partners are behaving. The postures and movements of other people can give you an
impression of how you are coming across to them. This can serve as a warning at an early stage
that you might be doing something wrong that you are not being aware of. For example, when the
committee members are of the opinion that you hold the floor for too long or you annoy them with
your interruptions, they will show their irritation at first through their body language. When the
committee members shake their heads, sigh or fold their arms and lean back, you can take this
as a sign of displeasure. Usually it is not yet too late to change this. You see, it also applies to
your interview partners that their body language takes place subconsciously. However, don't wait
too long because then their irritation will transfer to their consciousness.
Do not worry too much about tension
Knowledge of body language can help you improve the mutual tuning during the interview. You
can use this knowledge to hide your nervousness a little, but actually this is something you
shouldn't worry about too much. Many applicants are nervous during an interview and of course
they would much prefer not to let this nervousness show. However, it's not such a bad thing to be
nervous. The committee members will understand this. Your nervousness may even show that
you feel this job is important to you. If you weren't nervous, and therefore sit a little nonchalant, it
might indicate that you are not that interested. Also realise that the job interview is more than just
a means for the employer to determine which of the candidates is most suitable for the job. The
job interview especially is a moment of mutual acquaintance. It's a first meeting with people that
you might soon work together with.


2004 Michael Grant White
All rights reserved

Bad breathing is a major contributor to almost ALL illness, including heart attacks, strokes,
pneumonia, cancer and many nervous system disorders, warns breathing development expert
Michael Grant White. For example when the breathing is not full, balanced, deep and easy, the
brain may be deprived of needed oxygen and the heart must work that much harder causing it
to go into spasms called heart attacks.

Try this "Squeeze and Breathe" Technique

Best: Focus on Ease
Focus on Ease, Depth, Timing and Balance of breathing. 1. EASE: Find the easiest feeling and
most erect posture. Example: Stand upright, thrust your tail bone all the way forward then all the
way backward. Let it come to rest in between the middle and most forward position. This makes
the muscles and tendons that hold you erect less likely to restrict your easiest breathing. 2.
DEPTH: Try the copyrighted "Squeeze-and-Breathe Technique" at
Place thumbs in kidney area with fingers wrapped around towards belly button. Squeeze fingers
and thumbs together and breathe into space between fingers and thumbs to widen them against
the force of the squeezing. Relax squeeze, allow effortless exhale and repeat as often as it feels
good. 3. TIMING. Let full exhale occur naturally and do not allow inhale for as long as you can
without being uncomfortable then allow the naturally much larger inhale to come in and by
holding back the amount of air being released, spend three to ten times as long exhaling
through the nose. Stay in your comfort zone. Repeat 5-20 times over several daily occasions or
s needed for relaxation and or mental clarity.
Helpful: Go to and look at the logo in the upper left. Breathe along with it.
You should find yourself breathing more deeply and easily. 4. BALANCE. When the others are
done properly the breathing is naturally more balanced. 5. BEWARE of teachers suggesting you
should breathe in, hold, and exhale for any predetermined number count. This technique will
often cause unbalanced and effortful breathing.

Top Ten Body Language Tips - By Robert Phipps

Top Ten Tips:
Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of dealing with others, especially people we've
just met. Maintaining good eye contact shows respect and interest in what they have to say.

Here in the UK we tend to keep eye contact around 60-70% of the time. (However, there are
wide cultural differences, so be careful in other countries) By doing this you won't make the
other people feel self conscious, like they've got a bit of vegetable stuck between their teeth or a
dew drop hanging from the nose. . Instead, it will give them a feeling of comfort and genuine
warmth in your company, any more eye contact than this and you can be too intense, any less
and you give off a signal that you are lacking interest in them or their conversation.
Posture is the next thing to master, get your posture right and you'll automatically start feeling
better, as it makes you feel good almost instantly. Next time you notice you're feeling a bit down,
take a look at how your standing or sitting. Chances are you'll be slouched over with your
shoulders drooping down and inward. This collapses the chest and inhibits good breathing,
which in turn can help make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.
Head position is a great one to play around with, with yourself and others. When you want to
feel confident and self assured keep your head level both horizontally and vertically. You can
also use this straight head position when you want to be authoritative and what you're saying to
be taken seriously. Conversely, when you want to be friendly and in the listening, receptive
mode, tilt your head just a little to one side or other. You can shift the tilt from left to right at
different points in the conversation.
Arms give away the clues as to how open and receptive we are to everyone we meet and
interact with, so keep your arms out to the side of your body or behind your back. This shows
you are not scared to take on whatever comes your way and you meet things "full frontal". In
general terms the more outgoing you are as a person, the more you tend to use your arms with
big movements. The quieter you are the less you move your arms away from your body. So, try
to strike a natural balance and keep your arm movements midway. When you want to come
across in the best possible light, crossing the arms is a no, no in front of others. Obviously if
someone says something that gets your goat, then by all means show your disapproval by
crossing them !
Legs are the furthest point away from the brain, consequently they're the hardest bits of our
bodies to consciously control. They tend move around a lot more than normal when we are
nervous, stressed or being deceptive. So best to keep them as still as possible in most
situations, especially at interviews or work meetings. Be careful too in the way you cross your
legs. Do you cross at the knees, ankles or bring your leg up to rest on the knee of the other?
This is more a question of comfort than anything else. Just be aware that the last position
mentioned is known as the "Figure Four" and is generally perceived as the most defensive leg
cross, especially if it happens as someone tells a you something that might be of a slightly
dubious nature, or moments after. (As always, look for a sequence)
Angle of the body in relation to others gives an indication of our attitudes and feelings towards
them. We angle toward people we find attractive, friendly and interesting and angle ourselves
away from those we don't, it's that simple! Angles includes leaning in or away from people, as
we often just tilt from the pelvis and lean sideways to someone to share a bit of conversation.
For example, we are not in complete control of our angle at the cinema because of the seating

nor at a concert when we stand shoulder to shoulder and are packed in like sardines. In these
situations we tend to lean over towards the other person.
Hand gestures are so numerous it's hard to give a brief guide but here goes. Palms slightly up
and outward is seen as open and friendly. Palm down gestures are generally seen as dominant,
emphasizing and possibly aggressive, especially when there is no movement or bending
between the wrist and the forearm. This palm up, palm down is very important when it comes to
handshaking and where appropriate we suggest you always offer a handshake upright and
vertical, which should convey equality.
Distance from others is crucial if you want to give off the right signals. Stand too close and you'll
be marked as "Pushy" or "In your face". Stand or sit too far away and you'll be "Keeping your
distance" or "Stand offish". Neither are what we want, so observe if in a group situation how
close are all the other people to each other. Also notice if you move closer to someone and they
back away, you're probably just a tiny bit too much in their personal space, their comfort zone.
"You've overstepped the mark" and should pull back a little.
Ears, yes your ears play a vital role in communication with others, even though general terms
most people can't move them much, if at all. However, you've got two ears and only one mouth,
so try to use them in that order. If you listen twice as much as you talk you come across as a
good communicator who knows how to strike up a balanced a conversation without being me,
me, me or the wallflower.
Mouth movements can give away all sorts of clues. We purse our lips and sometimes twist them
to the side when we're thinking. Another occasion we might use this movement is to hold back
an angry comment we don't wish to reveal. Nevertheless, it will probably be spotted by other
people and although they may not know the comment, they will get a feeling you were not to
pleased. There are also different types of smiles and each gives off a corresponding feeling to
its recipient which we'll cover next time.
More info at or

Reveal The Truth Behind The Picture

- By Raam Gabriel & Nili - body language experts
Photo-Analysis - Get to learn about people from their still photo!

Let us say that you are about to have a blind date with a person, or a business
meeting with some one you have never met in person before. How ever you do
have a picture of that person, either sent to you or snipped from some paper.
Did you know that you can become more informed, prepared and intelligent about

the person you are about to meet by photo-analysing their picture?

Or... You may have an old picture in your family album, of far gone family
members, frozen in their eternal position as taken many years ago by some
anonymous photographer. you may be curious to learn what kind of people they
were, or what sort of relationships they have had between them. On the other
hand - you may want to get a new insight about yourself at various stages of your
life, as you go through your own photos album...
This is possible, if you know what to look for, how to observe, and the how to use
the method of photo-analysis.
Photoanalysis is a sub- branch of body language analysis. Contrary to body
language, a part of behavior science dealing with live people, photo-analysis is
an indepth revealing method of personality traits, human interactions and
relationships, solely based on still photos.
"One picture worth 1000 words"...
Only if you know how to look at it, what to look for and especially - how to go into
its depth and discover the secretes hidden in it. A picture is more than a
composition of forms and colors, and hods more to it than can be perceived by
first or even second glace. It is a coded entity, a combination of symbols and
codes, where every detail counts and could be a cue to obtain nformation of
personal history, personality traits, feelings and relationships between people and
much more...
Any posture or pose in a picture bears meaning far beyond the intentional,
conscious staging of the photographed or the photographer. A person's mental,
emotional and spiritual state at any given time affects one's posture, proximic,
muscle tenssion and is being reflected by one's whole physical portrayal.
While words can be manipulated to serve our interests and can hardly be trusted
beyond question - the body can not lie. It transmits and conveys the truth by
giving away coded messages we can not control.
Photo-analysis penetrates in and unlocks these codes in a given picture, enabling
any one to get a quick, preliminary basic and meaningful information of those in
the picture being analysed.
A frozen captured second of a picture taken conveys way beyond the initial
intention of those who appear in it.
Photo-analysis enables you to learn much more about any one through their
The picture speaks a non verbal language - a chin lifted slightly, a bending of the
upper body or the hands posture tell their story...louder than many words can.
A picture in the newspaper can be non-impressive, but a trained eye can reveal in
the very same picture clues which are non-verbally conveyed. An angle of

handshake, a distance between head of states after a successful summit, or even

the difference in the number of open buttons in their jackets before and after the
meeting can, sometimes, can shed light of the attitude to the official agreement
achieved. Everything is information. Everything in the picture speaks to those
who know the language.
For thos who know how - these clues provide an insight about a person that may
save money or time or both, let alone feelings.
Do You Know You How To Model? - by Jan Tincher
Did you know that if you model someone else's physiology -- their body language -- you'll
experience new ways to think, feel, and act?
You already experience different physiologies all day long. For instance, if you are angry, you
stand a certain way. If you are concentrating on something, your posture is different than if you
are just sitting around waiting for things to happen. If you are happy, you are standing differently
than if you are sad, etc.
If you would like to model someone else's physiology, and don't know where to start, tape a talk
show, like Jay Leno or David Letterman or whatever, and model guest stars that you respect and
admire. TIP: Before you model ANYONE, make sure you have chosen wisely.
Sit as they do, talk as they do, walk as they do. If you like the feeling of confidence you get as
you model them, rewind the VCR tape and watch it again and again. Do this preferably at night,
just before you go to bed, so when you are done, your body and mind will *sleep* on it.
The next morning, if you did it enough times and programmed it right, your body will
unconsciously duplicate what you had modeled last night.
All day, double check your actions. Are you someone YOU would respect and admire? You
hope so, right? Because, guess what? If you are, just maybe someone is going to want to model
Thanks for reading.
The Truth About Lying - by John Boe
There are some people who cant tell a lie, many who cant tell the truth, and unfortunately, most
people cant tell the difference. Can you tell when someone is pulling the wool over your eyes?
As children, we were raised to tell the truth and taught that honesty is always the best policy. We
were told stories about George Washington and Honest Abe Lincoln to reinforce the virtue of
truthfulness. However, as we grew older, we realized that the truth sometimes hurts and that few
relationships could survive the harsh reality of brutal honesty. To keep from hurting others, we
learned the usefulness of telling white lies. On the other hand, self-serving lies can be

damaging and are frequently used for personal gain or to avoid punishment.
Scientists looking for a reliable way to expose liars invented the polygraph machine, also known
as the lie detector, in the 1920s. While certainly not a perfect machine, it is estimated that the
lie detector has a ninety percent accuracy rate. While polygraph evidence is not permitted in a
courtroom, the CIA, FBI, police, and employers routinely use it as an interviewing tool. In
addition to using a lie detector, many law enforcement agencies videotape interviews in order to
evaluate body language gestures in detail. Gestures or expressions that occur in less than one
second are called micro gestures. Micro gestures are extremely difficult to observe unless they
have been recorded on videotape and played back in slow motion. Body language experts have
identified and categorized thousands of human gestures and their associated meanings. It
might surprise you to know that research indicates over 65% of our communication is done
nonverbally. In fact, studies show that nonverbal communication has a much greater impact and
reliability than the spoken word.
Body language is a complex mixture of movement, posture, and tone of voice. Developing a
working understanding of body language is similar to learning a foreign language in that it
requires time and effort to achieve mastery. Typically, when someone is lying, they subdue their
gestures and avoid direct eye contact, or have what is termed, shifty eyes. The three primary
facial gestures associated with lying are called; speak no evil, see no evil, and hear no evil.
The speak no evil gesture is when someone filters their words through their fingers or uses
their hand to block their words. The gesture see no evil occurs when an individual rubs their
eye(s) while they are talking. The third facial gesture, hear no evil, occurs when a person
covers their ear(s) or drills their finger into their ear as they are speaking. The two, less obvious
lying gestures are micro gestures, which require close observation to detect. The first of these
subtle, but important micro gestures is a nose wrinkle. This is the same gesture that occurs
naturally when you smell something offensive. The other facial micro gesture that is used to
detect lying is a slight downward curl of the corners of the mouth. People sometimes lie, but
their body language always tells the truth!

Examples Of Body Language



Brisk, erect walk


Standing with hands on hips

Readiness, aggression

Sitting with legs crossed, foot

kicking slightly


Sitting, legs apart

Open, relaxed

Arms crossed on chest


Walking with hands in pockets,

shoulders hunched


Hand to cheek

Evaluation, thinking

Touching, slightly rubbing nose

Rejection, doubt, lying

Rubbing the eye

Doubt, disbelief

Hands clasped behind back

Anger, frustration, apprehension

Locked ankles


Head resting in hand, eyes



Rubbing hands


Sitting with hands clasped

behind head, legs crossed

Confidence, superiority

Open palm

Sincerity, openness, innocence

Pinching bridge of nose, eyes


Negative evaluation

Tapping or drumming fingers


Steepling fingers


Patting/fondling hair

Lack of self-confidence;

Tilted head


Stroking chin

Trying to make a decision

Looking down, face turned away


Biting nails

Insecurity, nervousness

Pulling or tugging at ear


In introducing the general overview of the face, a couple more important points are noteworthy.
They relate to the height and width of the head and face. A person with a developed backhead is
more emotional, family and socially orientated. The narrower the backhead - the less so. The

height of the crown indicates the idealism but more so the authority of the person. When the
crown is low the person lacks in confidence to the degree that the crown is underdeveloped.
Obviously, an overdeveloped crown produce a tyrannical, authoritarian nature. Next time you're in
the office you'll be inspecting a few crowns on superiors heads I suspect! An ambitious nature is
also revealed by a well developed crown. The upper portion of the top of the head relates to
imagination in proportion to its development and the dominance
Passivity can be detected by the width or narrowness of the head when viewed front on. The
length of the head reveals foresight. A short head, when viewed side on indicates lack of
forethought and a more live-in-the -moment attitude.
The Hair
Your hair is a measure of physical insulation, endurance and overall strength. If your hair is fine,
delicate and silky, you are sensitive and also likely to be fragile physically especially if you are of a
slender build. Thick wiry hair is an indication of your physical prowess and your resilience in life.
You have great recuperative powers and may like a challenge in life.

The Forehead
The Forehead can be broadly categorised as follows - A wide forehead expresses your
cleverness and practicality - being someone capable of executing duty diligently. This gives you
high idealism and a wealth of ideas. A high rounded and deep forehead depicts your idealism, but
with a focus on strong friendship. A narrow forehead is considered an obstacle to
fulfilment,especially in social situations. Constraints in family life. Need to think things through.
Shallow forehead with a low hairline may cause many obstacles to your career success and
parental troubles between the ages of 15 and 30.
Flat forehead gives you a more pragmatic nature, given to factual expression.
Exaggerated forehead reveals you are certainly a dreamer - one who needs to anchor your ideas
firmly to a plan of achievement.
The receding or "flying" forehead betrays your impatient and spontaneous manner in life.
Possessing an indented forehead is not a good omen for you employment or business prospects.
Plan and work carefully. Indented with powerful eyebrow ridge means you are quick tempered,
impulsive and ambitious.
A pointed forehead shows your high intelligence if your hairline is set back and not too narrow.

The Eyes
Most importantly, look to the eyes. Prominent eyes with bright sparkle or glitter are preferable to
small, squinty or shifty eyes which reveal an introverted and secretive nature. In fact the eyes are
the most important feature in your close encounters of the business kind. In your search for that
employee or partner, look for eyes that sit firmly whilst gazing steadily. This reflects a solid and
persevering nature and a person of stability and forthright disposition. In contrast, a wandering or
shifty eye portends a nature given to unsettled and inconsistent habits. Restlessness will be
evident and other features supporting your observation and gut feeling, a tendency to dishonesty
and unreliability will be marked in this type. In short, this is a person of meagre commitment.
Unevenly set eyes convey an unique meaning. Firstly, the person is capable of seeing things from
a different perspective and applying lateral thought processes to resolving problems. These
people will analyse your comments and observations with a "left-of-field" mentality. Often you will
be amazed at the impromptu insights that they offer. If you are looking for someone with a flair for
shifting paradigms - then here's your man or woman. These people become invaluable assets to
a company looking for enginuity in it's approach.
If the eyes slant upwards the person is an opportunist - more so if the brows also slant in that
direction (cats eyes look). Many models like Elle McPherson and Claudia Schiffer possess these
eyes. They know how to get what they want. If the eyes are of the opposite slant i.e. slanting
downwards, the person may be a little self deprecating and at the mercy of others. They are
hardly able to say "no".
The late Princess Dianna and Michael Jackson share a feature of the eyes. They possess floating
irises also known as sampaku. The whites are visible under the iris. This indicates an inner
turbulence - a person at odds with the world. Though spiritual in nature, they are hard to please or
understand and have very high expectations of others. Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln
also shared these traits.
The whites visible above the irises may indicate some dangerous elements within the personality.
An explosive temper may be latent in this type and the nature very forceful. Caution is the
operative word in this case. Charles Manson exhibited these eyes. Chinese face readers call
them wolves eyes.
Look at how close or widest the eyes are. Ideally, there should be at least one eye width between
both eyes. That being the case, you can assume your subject has a balanced judgement and
clear view of the world. The closer set the eyes the narrower the opinion and view of the world at
large. It may also reflect an overdependence on parental and family structures. These people may
need a nudge to develop their own independent lifestyles. Their willpower should be strengthened
in the search for their own self assurance. Employees and workers displaying eyes of this type
certainly need continual encouragement to grow in self confidence. You will find these types
possess little forbearance or tolerance and may crack under stress. Trivial matters can be blown
out of all proportion.

In contrast, the wideset eyed character is far more tolerant and broadminded in perspective.
People of this class may present a flagrant disregard for authority and advice. A delicate blend of
firmness and understanding will iron out the initial stresses between you and this type. Offer them
alternative choices in their decision making processes. In respect of career, these types need
room to breathe. Give them plenty of space to explore their creative potential. At times these
types possess too broad and superficial an opinion. Pauline Hanson is a case in point.
Deepset eyes betoken an intense, possessive, yet observant nature. When you look into the
deepset eyed person you can be sure that the mind motivating them is idealistic and inspirational.
Often writers and creatively driven personalities possess deepset eyes. They are romantic to the
core. Omar Shariff's or Val Kilmer's eyes represent this class. This idealism is tempered after the
age of 35 and surprisingly, reveals a more than capable ability in financial matters. They are of
sound judgement, compassionate and serious minded. A philosopher's face may often also
display a deepset "soul window". You will need to carefully analyse and balance the other facial
features to see whether this type is scattered and impractical. The square or round chin will
anchor this type to a more empirical lifestyle. In this case, from a commercial point of view, the
middle aged with deepset eyes may be a positive asset to you.
Besides, a roving and unsteady eye, one incapable of looking at you directly, is an attempt to
mask inner intentions. Sometimes though, the shy and discouraged will also reflect a similar eye.
The look in these cases is an important factor in discriminating between one or the other. Through
practice the "look" can be ascertained quite easily and can reveal amazingly accurate character
snapshots of your subjects.
What does the look entail? Some looks are cold, others endearing, angry, weak or strong. It is the
look which can override an otherwise attractive face. Soft, enticing features will be neutralised by
a stern and unfeeling eye or a look which is hard and cruel. Always balance your judgement of
character by the look in the eyes that present themselves before you.
Be watchful of people who look drunk even when they haven't had a single beer. Their eyelids sit
very heavily over the eyes. Remember, don't jump to conclusions in any of your assessments. For
example, the heavy lidded one may have had little sleep the night before. A sleepy or drunken
look is one that is seen in both men and women. It offers a preview of a personality given to
strong sexual desire, more so if the lips are excessively thick and slightly opened. Here is a
libidinous nature, but one which may be lazy too. Periods of misfortune and despondency are
also revealed in this look. Unless you prefer a casual and uncommitted worker or please. Cold and unflinching eyes with small pupils and sharp eyelight may
appear cruel. If the person possesses other features such as a pointed and downward turning
nose, sharp angular shaped face and tightly pursed thin lips, be certain that the individual is
indeed cruel - both mentally and even perhaps physically. This is a combo for ruthlessness.
Accentuated jowels add more weight to your testimony.
The "look" of the eye and its internal expression is something that cannot be taught in words but
doesn't necessarily require years of experience to learn. In fact we more or less instinctively do it
when we meet people in various situations.

The colour of the iris is also an important determinant in your appraisal of character. A deep blue
colour means that you are in the company of a highly sexed yet gentle and sensitive being. Light
blue eyes suppose an individual who is likely to enjoy flirting with the opposite sex.
Deep green eyes are not only highly energised like their blue eyed cousins but very inventive too both in practical and personal affairs. You will need a lot of time to understand the spontaneous
and sometimes wilful mind of a green eyed person. Men and women of genius often possess this
coloured eye. You'll need to sharpen your intellectual skills with green eyed people.
Grey eyes reveal a high degree of intelligence and imagination but passion may be less
pronounced in this type as reasoning may subdue a part of their initiative. They are a refined
class of people with a fastidious streak.
Black eyes are very rare and when encountered are extremely striking. They are somewhat
strong natured individuals and dont always present their case with what you'd call, finesse. You'd
need to toughen up your skin to live or work with a black eyed character. A tumultuous road lay
ahead if you opt for a life of black eyed fun??.

The Eyebrows
The eyebrow speaks of reputation, fame and temperament too. In many cases I have found a
developed brow line also shows a high degree of dexterity or ability with the hands (engineers,
electronics, civil engineers, drafts persons and architects). Individuals who are observant and
who have to combine refined measurements with dexterity will have the brow line well developed.
The highly arched or ideal brow often seen in the faces of film stars is described as a dramatic
The low set brow reveals an impulsive temperament whilst a higher brow signals a more cautious
attitude to decision making.
A single thick brow over the nose bridge is a sign of intensity and possessive or jealous nature.
A straight brow is the sign of an aesthetic and sensitive temperament.

The Nose
The intensity of physical action is related to oxygen intake, and the external instruments of the
body responsible for that function is the nose. A good sized nose is certainly an indication of
wealth too and the capacity to earn money. It shows the attitude a person has to the issue of
finances. Ideally the nostrils should be well concealed for the best financial prospects. The ages
of 40 to 50 are ruled by the nose.

The Ideal nose has a high, straight, full and fleshy tip with gently flared but protected nostrils.
The fleshy tip indicates cordiality and warmth of personality. Deep empathy with others. Set high
standards for themselves and are good mannered (Lailin). Oversized nose tip results in violent
tendencies. The larger - the more prone to an act of violence

An Aquiline Nose portrays strong will, independence and enterprise with successful mid years.
An upturned nose betokens a luck in social circumstances and a love of mixing with people.
Other noses may include :High bridge & pointed: High degree of energy and very curious mind.
Large: High energy levels but may be more materially concerned than spiritual.
Small: Reserved, shy type.
Thin: Highly strung, on edge and somewhat irritable with trifles.
Wide: Expressive but may develop a devil may care attitude.
Long: Prudent but anxious.
Short: Happy, natural.
Short Snub: Friendly but also secretive. Slow meticulous approach to life.
Straight: Disciplined nature which is methodical.

The Philtrum
The groove on the upper lip, below the nose is worth mentioning. It is called the philtrum. If it is
clearly marked, deep and long, it augurs well for a strong and healthy energy levels and vitality.
Flat, weak and unpronounced philtrums are a mark of reduced life force and drive.

The Mouth
The mouth is related to communication, speech and the sensual appetites like eating and sex.
The lips relate to our ability to nurture others in loving relationships. If the upper lip is considerably
thinner than the lower lip, it reveals an inability to reciprocate in relationships. Conversely, a
thinner lower lip indicates an overly giving nature.
Lips which are full, round and even convey to you that the person is caring and sensitive. The
upper and lower lips in equal distribution reveal a well meaning and communicative personality.
If the lips are large it means an expensive and somewhat luxurious taste - but an expressive and
generous temperament nonetheless. Often the large mouthed person can be very vocal under
pressure, needing to verbalise, sometimes excessively, their dissatisfaction and frustration.

Small lips which are also tightly pursed warn of a self centred and mean character. The downward
curvature of the lips is an marking pointing to discontent in most matters. You may find it hard to
please these types irrespective of what you do or say. Look for upward curved lips which indicate
the opposite - someone cordial and optimistic with a sunny disposition. Ex Prime Minister Bob
Hawke exhibited the thin downward turned lips.
Narrow lips reveal an unemotional character who lives more or less an internalised life, never able
to enjoy the pleasure of sharing deeper feelings.
As well:Large lips mean a rich and luxurious taste. Expressive and generous temperament.
Small: Selfish, miserly.
Curving down: Discontented.
Large lips: Hedonistic.
Curving up: Cheerful.
Curved lips: Changeable.
Straight lips: Self-controlled.
Narrow lips: Unemotional.

The Chin
This relates to the stamina of the individual and the stronger the jaw line the greater the degree of
stamina and endurance. People with very strong jaw lines can sometimes be considered
stubborn. If the jaw line exceeds the balance of other features in the face, don't be too hasty in
your judgement as this may simply mean a person who has strong convictions and who is not
easily swayed by the opinions of others.
The chin should be rounded or square in shape with a gentle fullness. If this is the case, the latter
part of life, during the 60's and 70's will be satisfying and lucky.
A protruding chin displays a strongly independent, determined individual.
Weak or receding chin reveals a weaker willed personality.
Jawline extending beyond earline betokens an individual who doesn't like losing and who may
brook no opposition.

The Ears
The ears fall in the mid section of the head but represent the early, formative years of life between
birth and 15. As such, look to the ears to determine the foundation of life and the potential for
achievement especially during the mid life ages 40 - 50.

The ears should exhibit good, fleshy inner and outer helixes. Thin and poorly shaped outer
helixes may reveal diminishing health.
Some other general types of ears are as follows:Set Close to Head: Plans ahead and is thrifty. Doesn't like to leave too much to chance.
Protruding: An original thinker. Lonely. Non conformist.
Ears with small lobes: Not easy to achieve sexual fulfilment Dependant and may lack initiative.
Ears with large lobes: Independent, strong minded.
Large ears: Intellectual.
Longer than wider ears: Keen, impractical.
Small ears: Instinctive.
Ears with no lobes: Unresponsive and lacks purpose.

The Cheeks
If status and position mean anything at all to you, you'll begin paying a lot more attention to this
part of your own and others' faces. Cheeks tell the story of industriousness, power and authority
in a person's life. Although as westerners we have a preference for a prominent and bonier style
of cheek, the eastern (especially Chinese face readers) have a different perception.
Ideally, your cheeks should be prominent, fleshy and high set with full body, colour and a warm
glow. These attributes must be balanced against the position and strength of your nose. Both
these features should harmonise with each other. The cheeks should stand somewhat apart from
the nose not crowding it, nor too distant. The height of both should not detract from each other. If
you do indeed possess fine cheeks of this description you will have very good chances of all
round happiness.
In describing the ideal cheeks, Santa Clause may spring to mind with his rosy and shiny set of
chubby cheeks. But according to eastern opinion, the excessively shiny cheek is indicative of
digestive trouble. The cheeks are a pretty good barometer of health changes from time to time.
Keep a close watch on your own biological gauge your cheeks. Other cheek colours to take note
of in yourself and others are...
Overly red cheek: lung and bronchial imbalance
Shiny and red: gallbladder and/or heart problems
Red and rashy: trouble in the intestinal region
And in the sphere of personal relationships the colour of the cheeks may also herald some very
important changes. For example,
Blue or greenish tinge - turbulence or difficulty in love life
Dark or grey tinge - inner dissatisfaction and poor circumstances generally
Any moles or marks which appear suddenly are indicators of danger or trouble through deception

The stronger the cheeks, the more authoritative you are. Those in positions of control, executive
power and leadership will often be seen to possess very strong, prominent cheeks. In romance
and marriage, the partner with the more powerful cheeks is said to control the other. When
meeting others of the opposite sex take note of the strength of the cheeks. Compare your own
and study the play of energies between you. Who is the dominant partner? Do you or the other
person own the stronger cheeks? In this way you should foster the spirit of understanding and
insight into your relationships - both for business and pleasure.
If your cheeks are prominent yet not fleshy it shows your frugal and economical disposition. You
have a natural thrift not only where money matters are concerned but in virtually every
department of life. You hate waste! You may be the one in the family who must eat the last
vegetables left on your child's plate for fear that they may end up in the bin. Or, if you have a pet,
you take pleasure in seeing that no scraps have been discarded by being offered at the door of
the kennel for the next morning's breakfast.
In the case of undeveloped cheeks means you or not that forceful in your communication style
and tend to be a little laid back but usually quite happy with what providence brings along. You
must be a little wary that this doesn't deteriorate into an apathetic stance, which may cause lost
opportunities for you.
Sometimes the cheeks appear to be strong in their presentation and are pronounced but lacking
at the base. This means you are a forceful individual who is combative by nature. You are reactive
to the circumstances and people around you and are learning the lessons of graciously living and
letting live.
If your cheeks are narrow but strong you have a very stubborn streak in your nature. You are not
easily changed in opinion or swayed from the course of action you set your mind upon. You are
also extremely forceful in the way you present your opinions and ideas to others. This may not
serve you as well as you think - especially if you require the support of your peers and superiors
in your professional arena.

Your personal ruling planets are Sun and Saturn.

Though you have a generous nature, it is a fact that you will somehow not always be recognised
by others for your noble and selfless actions. The influence of Saturn makes you practical, stern
and unrelenting in your drive for success, even if it may be a slow process for you.
You are better to pursue your business and professional path alone, rather than involve yourself in
business partnerships. You tend to be a bit of a loner anyhow.
Your lucky colours are deep blue and black.
Your lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

Your lucky days of the week are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71.
Famous people born on your birthday include Davy Crockett, Llewellyn George, Samuel
Goldwun, Mae West, Maureen O'Hara, Robert DeNiro, Sean Penn and Donnie Wahlberg.

This is a sample of the full reports available from the Soul Shop

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