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Department of Earth Sciences
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003

Department of Geological Sciences
University of Texas at E1 Paso
El Paso, Texas 79968

ABSTgAC'r: In southwestern New Mexico, Lower Permian (Wolfcampian) rocks grade southward from nonmarine siliciclastics (Abo
and Earp Formations) to marine carbonates (Hueco and Horquilla Formations). A transitional zone between siliciclastic and carbonate
facies trends east-northeast across southwestern New Mexico and consists of 64 to 186 m of cyclically mterbedded siliciclastic and
carbonate rocks, which were deposited in tidal-fiat and shallow-marine environments. Shallow-marine facies include fossiliferous
limestone and olive-gray shale. Tidal-flat facies consist of 1) tipple-laminatedsandstone, which was deposited on intertidal sandflats
near mean low tide, 2) mixed sandstone-shale, which was deposited on an intertidal flat shoreward of the ripple-laminated sandstone
facies, and 3) nodular shale, which is characterized by pedngenic calcareous nodules and was deposited in a supratidal setting. The
intertidal facies are truncated by or grade laterally into rare channel sandstones, which represent tidal-creek or estuarine facies. In
addition to siliciclastic tidal-flat deposits, a few beds of laminated carbonate also were deposited in the intertidal zone.
Vertical sequence analysis aids in delineating three types of depositional cycles. Asymmetrical cycles display the vertical sequence:
basal fossiliferous limestone--olive-gray shale--ripple-laminated sandstone--mixed sandstone-shale--nodular shale, and record
shoreline prngradation. The asymmetrical cycle is always overlain by fossiliferous limestone, which indicates a major transgression
that inhibited siliciclastic sedimentation. A enmmon symmetrical cycle consists of fossiliferous limestone---olive-grayshale--ripplelaminated sandstone--olive-gray shale--fossiliferous limestone, and indicates systematic seaward and landward migration of facies
zones associated with smaU-scale sea-level changes. A less common symmetrical cycle involves laminated carbonate--fossiliferous
limestone--laminated carbonate. Cyclic sedimentation in Abo-Hueco transitional strata is most likely the result of glacial eustatic
sea-level fluctuations.
Lower P e r m i a n (Wolfcampian) s e d i m e n t a r y rocks in
southwestern N e w Mexico display a facies change from
red, n o n m a r i n e siliciclastic rocks in the north ( A b o a n d
Earp F o r m a t i o n s ) to m a r i n e carbonate rocks in the south
(Hueco a n d H o r q u i l l a F o r m a t i o n s ) (Fig. 1). T h e sfliciclastics are p r e d o m i n a n t l y siltstone, shale, and fine-grained
sandstone, a n d represent the distal end o f a southwardprograding elastic wedge derived from the ancestral Rocky
M o u n t a i n s in C o l o r a d o and northcrn N e w Mexico (Kottlowski 1965; L e M o n e et al. 1971; G r e e n w o o d et al 1977).
Thin limestone a n d chert-pebble conglomerates are found
in fluvial facies o f the A b o F o r m a t i o n in the C o o k e ' s
Range a n d near Santa Rita a n d reflect local relief within
the otherwise low-gradient alluvial plain (Fig. 1). East o f
the study area, n e a r the p r e s e n t - d a y S a c r a m e n t o M o u n tains, coarse detritus o f the A b o F o r m a t i o n was shed
westward from the Pedernal Uplift (Fig. 1; Otte 1959;
Pray 1961; Speer 1983). T h e clastic dispersal system on
the west side o f the P e d e m a l Uplift h a d little or no influence on A b o clastics exposed in and westward o f the
southern San A n d r e s M o u n t a i n s , however, a n d will not
be considered in this study. South o f the transition between n o n m a r i n e a n d m a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y rocks, the
Hueco a n d Horquilla F o r m a t i o n s consist o f m a r i n e l i m e stone a n d m i n o r m a r i n e shale. In the F r a n k l i n Mountains,
south o f the study area, the H u e c o F o r m a t i o n is c o m -

Manuscript received 31 January 1985; revised 20 May 1985.

posed o f n o r m a l m a r i n e wackestone a n d packstone, algalplate boundstone, a n d m i n o r grainstone a n d shale (Jord a n 1975).

T h e transitional zone between siliciclastic a n d carbonate facies trends east-northeast across southwestern N e w
Mexico from the Peloncillo M o u n t a i n s to the southern
San A n d r e s M o u n t a i n s (Fig. l). A seaward salient appears
to exist in this transitional zone near the Big H a t c h e t and
A n i m a s M o u n t a i n s a n d a l a n d w a r d recess was situated
near the San A n d r e s M o u n t a i n s (Fig. 1). T h e transitional
zone consists o f 64 to 186 m o f cyclically i n t e r b e d d e d
red siltstone a n d fine-grained sandstone, gray shale, a n d
limestone. F r o m a regional perspective, this interval represents the change from n o n m a r i n e to m a r i n e facies.
W i t h i n the interval, as m a n y as seven facies (5 sfliciclastic
a n d 2 carbonate) are i n t e r b e d d e d on a scale o f 0.1 to 5
m . M i x e d siliciclastic-carbonate sequences present special p r o b l e m s for the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f d e p o s i t i o n a l env i r o n m e n t , because siliciclastic sediment, especially sand,
generally inhibits c a r b o n a t e sedimentation. P e r m o - C a r boniferous rocks throughout the w o r l d contain especially
g o o d e x a m p l e s o f m i x e d siliciclastic-carbonate sequences,
a n d have recently received renewed interest a m o n g sedimentologists (Reynolds et al. 1976; Saunders et al. 1979;
Heckel 1980; R a w s o n a n d T u r n e r - P e t e r s o n 1980; Dfiese
and D o t t 1984). Equally interesting are the nature a n d
origin o f the cyclicity in these sfliciclastic-carbonate sequences. A b o - H u e c o transitional strata contain as m a n y
as 40 cycles, b o t h s y m m e t r i c a l a n d a s y m m e t r i c a l , which
reflect relative o r absolute changes in sea level. A d e p o sitional facies m o d e l p r o v i d e s the f o u n d a t i o n for under-


Copyright 1986, The Societyof EconomicPaleontologistsand Mineralogists 0022-4472/86/0056-635/$03.00


O ~ Hatct~t

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,Peloncillo Range
Organ Mts.

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San ~dres







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ij Member
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o meters
Vertical ~ole

Fro. 2.--Correlation o f Abo-Hueco transitional strata in southwestern

New Mexico. Shaded intervals were measured for this study. No horizontal scale intended.



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FIG. 1.--Upper m a p shows the location o f measured sections (mlid

circles) of Al:m-Hueco transitional strata in southwestern New Mexico.
The sections in the Cooke's Range and at Santa Rita were found in this
study to be north of the transitional zone. The lower m a p is an Early
Permian paleogeographic m a p of southwestern New Mexico. North of
transitional zone, Abo and FEarp Formations are siliciclastic redbeds
deposited by fluvial systems. South of transitional zone, Hueco and
Horquilla Formations are open-marine limestone and minor shale. The
transitional zone consists ofinterbedded silicidastic and carbonate rocks.
Palinspastie reconstruction is not attempted, because ofconflieting ideas
on the a m o u n t of post-Permian crustal shortening in southwestern New
Mexico (el. Drewes 1978; Seager 1983).

standing cyclic sedimentation. Although the Wolfcamplan mixed siliciclastic-carbonate interval is exposed in
only eight different areas in southwestern New Mexico,
the quality of exposure at seven of the locations is excellent; the measured sections contain less than 10 percent
cover. Consequently, the Abo-Hueco transitional zone is
well suited for documenting the depositional environmerits and cyclicity of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sequence.


Eight sections of the Abo-Hueco transitional strata were

measured with the aid of a Jacob's staff and Brunton
compass. In addition, sections at Santa Rita and in the

Cooke's Range were measured as part of this study, but

were subsequently interpreted to be north of the transition
zone. Over 95 percent of the individual units were sampled and covered intervals trenched to expose fresh rock.
One hundred twenty carbonate and 25 sandstone/siltstone thin sections were examined. Twelve shale samples
were analyzed with a Norelco-PhiUips X-ray diffractometer. Glycolated and unglycolated runs were performed
on each sample. Vertical sequence analysis was performed
on data from the Peloncillo, Animas, Florida, Robledo,
D a n a Ana, San Andres, and Organ Mountains. The Big
Hatchet section was excluded because of a significantly
greater percentage of covered intervals than is present in
the other seven stratigraphic sections.


Wolfcampian sedimentary rocks in the zone of transition between the Abo and Hueco Formations have been
divided into two formations, with the lower locally subdivided into as many as four members (Fig. 2). In the
southern San Andrcs, Organ, and Dona Ana Mountains,
the basal Wolfcampian unit is the Hueco Formation, which
is subdivided into three members (Fig. 2; Seager et al.
1976, Seager 1981). The lower and middle Hueco m e m bers are predominantly limestone. The middle m e m b e r
is ovcrlain conformably by a transitional sequence of interbedded red siltstone, gray shale, and limestone, which
is called the Abo-Hueco member. In the Robledo Mountains, the lower and middle members are overlain by the
Abo tongue, which consists of interbeddcd red siltstone,
gray shale, and limestone, and the upper Hucco member,
which contains a thick, ledgc-forming limestone and thinner red siltstone and gray shale (Fig. 2; Seager et al. 1976).
The Abo tongue and upper Hueco member are lithologically similar to and occupy a similar stratigraphic position


as the Abo-Hueco member. The Abo-Hueco m e m b e r in

the southern San Andres Mountains is overlain by redbeds
of the Abo Formation, which lack interbedded marine
limestone. The Abo Formation is absent in the Robledo,
Organ, and Dona Ana Mountains due to post-Permian
erosion. Seager (1981) suggests that the lower part of the
Abo Formation in the southern San Andres Mountains
is coeval with and grades laterally into the upper portion
of the Abo-Hueco member in the Organ Mountains.
In the Florida Mountains the Permian Hueco Formation is undifferentiated and consists of marine limestone, gray shale, and four thin siltstone beds (Clemons
and Brown 1983). This Hueco section correlates lithologitally with the Abo-Hueeo member of the Hueco Formarion farther to the east (Fig. 2).
In extreme southwestern New Mexico, Arizona stratigraphic names are applied to Permian rocks. These rocks
correlate in lithology, age, and depositional environment
with the Abo and Hueco Formations of south-central
New Mexico. In the Big Hatchet and Animas Mountains,
Wolfcampian strata include the upper half of the Horquilla Limestone and the Earp Formation (Zeller 1965;
Zeller and Alper 1965). The upper Horquilla Limestone
consists of thick, massive limestone beds separated by
thinner beds of shale and limestone and appears to be
lithologically and chronologically equivalent, based on
invertebrate fossils, to the lower and middle Hueco m e m bers (Fig. 2; Zeller 1965). The Horquilla Limestone is
overlain by the Earp Formation, which includes red siltstone and shale, as well as a few thin beds of limestone
and dolomite near the top of the section in the Big Hatchet
Mountains. The Earp Formation does not contain as many
marine limestones as the Abo-Hueco member, but otherwise is lithologically similar.
The Wolfcampian section in the Peloncillo Mountains
consists of the Horquilla and Earp Formations. The Horquilla Limestone is mostly Pennsylvanian in age, but the
upper part is Wolfcampian (Gillerman 1958; Armstrong
et al. 1978; Drewes and T h o r m a n 1980a, b). Conformably
overlying Wolfcampian limestones of the HorquiUa Formation is a sequence of interbedded red siltstone, gray
shale, and limestone which has been mapped variably as
the lower Earp Formation (Gillerrnan 1958; Armstrong
et al. 1978) or as the upper m e m b e r of the Horquilla
Formation (Drewes and Thorman 1980a, b). This interval is lithologically equivalent to the Abo-Hueco member
(Fig. 2). The uppermost unit of probable Wolfcampian
age, the Earp Formation, is composed of red siltstone and
shale and is lithologically equivalent to the Abo Formation.
This study is concerned exclusively with the Abo-Hueco member of the Hueco Formation and its lithologic
equivalents (Fig. 2). The correlations in Figure 2 probably
do not represent time lines, but instead represent sequences of rock of approximately the same age that were
deposited in similar environments. The Abo-Hueco
member is in effect a lithosome bounded below and
southward by m a n n e carbonates and above and northward by nonmarine siltstone and shale. The most precise
dating of Abo-Hueco transitional strata comes from the



Abo tongue and upper Hueco member in the Robledo

Mountains, which are determined to be Late Wolfcampian (LeMone et al. 1971, LeMone et al. 1975). The other
sections have not been as precisely dated but probably
are similar in age.


Olive-Gray Shale Facies

The olive-gray shale (0.3-16 m thick; 2.3 m, average
thickness) is the most common facies within the AboHueco transitional zone, constituting 54 percent o f the
total thickness. This facies changes color upward from
olive-gray, gray or tan to red in some sections and has a
range of weathered colors. It is fissile to blocky and conrains very rare organic debris (mostly plant fragments)
and/or ostracods. Locally, burrows are present, and rarely, this facies has a marked, mottled (perhaps due to
bioturbation) character. The shale is often silty and, very
rarely, contains thin siltstone interbeds. It is usually a
slope-forming interval. The principal clay mineral is illite.
Smectite, chlorite, hematite, dolomite, and calcite are
present in some samples. This facies may have sharp or
gradational boundaries with the fossiliferous limestone
and tipple-laminated sandstone facies.

Ripple-Laminated Sandstone Facies

This facies (0.2-8 m thick; 1.6 m, average thickness)
consists of very fine- and fine-grained sandstone to coarse,
arenaceous siltstone. It composes 14.6 percent of the AboHueco transitional zone. It is a tan to yellowish brown
weathering ledge former.
Ripple laminae (mostly of asymmetrical ripples) are
the dominant physical sedimentary structure (Fig. 3a).
Climbing ripples occur locally. Ripple cross-laminae are
present in 2- to 10-cm-thick sets and often indicate that
deposition within any single sandstone bed was from unidirectional currents. However, bi- and polydirectionality
of currents are indicated at many localities. Sparse, lowamplitude, some flat-topped, and some interference rippie forms are also present. Horizontal laminae in 2- to
20-cm-thick sets and desiccation cracks are not uncommon. Convolute laminae are rare. Carbonate rock fragments and shell fragments are present locally as are very
rare raindrop impressions and minor, planar crossbeds.
Plant debris and fern or other plant impressions are
locally common. Burrowing is rare or absent to locally
abundant. Vertical burrows are 1 to 2 em long and 0.3
cm in diameter, whereas sinuous horizontal burrows are
0.5 cm wide and several centimeters long. Tracks and
trails are also locally c o m m o n on some bedding surfaces.
The ripple-laminated sandstone facies occurs in beds
that are traceable hundreds of meters and in some places
grades laterally into the sandstone channel facies. The
ripple-laminated sandstone facies may have sharp or gradational vertical boundaries with the olive-gray shale and
mixed sandstone-shale facies.


G R E G H. M A C K A N D I4: C. J A M E S


M i x e d Sandstone-Shale Facies

The mixed-sandstone-shale facies (1--6 m thick; 2.4 m,

average thickness) is defined on the basis of interbedding
on the scale o f 5 to 20 c m (Fig. 3b). It represents 3 percent
o f the A b o - H u e c o transitional zone. Sandstone beds are
very fine- to fine-grained, generally micaceous, and grade
into coarse siltstone. The facies is dominated by asymmetrical ripple laminations, c o m m o n l y indicating bipolar
current directions. W a v y and convolute laminae are rare.
Desiccation cracks are locally present. Most beds are tabular and laterally continuous, but some pinch and swell,
whereas others are broadly lens-shaped. Plant debris,
horizontal burrows, and bioturbated zones are not uncommon.
Red, green, or gray micaceous shale is typical o f the
mixed sandstone-shale facies. Thin, silty, wavy laminae
occur locally. The shale weathers fissile to blocky, commonly contains fine organic debris (mostly plant material), and locally is mottled or burrowed.
Nodular Shale Facies

The medium-gray, nodular shale facies (0.5--4.0 m thick;

1.5 m average thickness) has a distinctive blocky character both in weathered and fresh exposures (Fig. 3c). It
represents 1.7 percent o f the total thickness o f the AboHueco transitional interval. The principal clay mineral is
illite. Carbonaceous debris is c o m m o n , and locally the
facies possesses a mottled appearance. It is occasionally
silty and locally consists o f pinkish, weathered, mottled
This facies is identified based on the presence of 2- to
10-mm-sized, irregular to spherical calcareous nodules
(Fig. 3c). In thin section, the calcareous nodules consist
o f micrite enclosing floating grains o f sand- and silt-sized
silicate grains. Similar nodules with downward-tapering
calcareous root casts are well developed in fluvial A b o
rocks in the Cooke's Range. Both the root casts and the
calcareous nodules are found as clasts in interbedded conglomerates, demonstrating their probable pedogenic or at
least their very early diagenetic origin.
The nodular shale facies usually has a gradational lower
contact with the mixed sandstone-shale facies and a sharp
upper contact with the fossiliferous limestone facies.
Channel Sandstone Facies

The channel sandstone facies, although rare (< 1 percent o f total thickness) is very distinctive. Broad, shallow
channels typify this facies (5 to 50 cm depth; 1 to 12 m


width). However, a large 5 m by 40 m channel was observed at the D o n a Ana section (Fig. 3d). Within this
channel large-scale epsilon(?) foresets are present. Channels usually have a distinct scour base, locally contain
rip-up clasts, and can truncate several meters o f adjacent
strata. There are shale drapes and discontinuous shale
beds, generally less than 10 c m thick. Crossbeds and ripple laminations with possible reactivation surfaces are
also present. Rare composite foresets (> 1 m thick) o f
internally rippled and bioturbated sandstone grade laterally to rippled sandstone. Mottled, bioturbated, or burrowed zones up to 30 em thick, along with plant debris,
are c o m m o n within some horizons. The sandstones are
usually fine- to very fine-grained.
Fossiliferous L i m e s t o n e Facies

The gray, weathered, ledge-forming, fossiliferous limestone facies (0.1-13 m thick; 1.7 m average thickness)
constitutes 25.8 percent o f the A b o - H u e c o transitional
zone. N o t uncommonly, individual limestone beds are
argillaceous or are separated by shale partings or thin
shale layers less than 10 c m thick. The two most c o m m o n
lithologies are bioclastie wackestone/packstone and pelleted wackestone/packstone, which correspond to standard microfacies 9 and 19, o f Wilson (1975), respectively.
Bioclastic wackestone/packstone consists o f a variety o f
broken and whole fossils in a micrite matrix (Fig. 3e).
Some fossils have well-developed micrite envelopes. Fossils include foraminifera, bivalves, gastropods, echinoderm columnals, echinoid spines, ostracods, brachiopod
shells and spines, bryozoa, and phylloid algae. Peloids,
intraclasts, and detrital silt and sand are u n c o m m o n . Bioturbation has often homogenized the texture o f the limestone, and burrows are visible on bed tops and, less commonly, within beds. Burrows range from small-scale,
sinuous to branching forms, a few millimeters wide and
long, to larger burrows up to several centimeters wide and
30 c m long. Some burrows display an internal scalloped
wall lining suggestive o f a pelleted texture. A few beds
have indistinct wavy laminations and are graded, but
most appear to be massive.
Pelleted wackestone/packstone is composed o f peloids
and a restricted fauna o f ostracods and foraminifera (Fig.
3f). The relative abundance o f the three principal allochems varies. Some beds are dominated by ostracods and
peloids, whereas other beds are peloid- and foraminiferarich. Bivalves and gatropods are minor constituents. Much
less c o m m o n are beds o f foraminifera grainstone, intraclast foraminifera grainstone, and silty micrite with only
a few scattered foraminifera.


FxG. 3.--Selected facies of Abo-Hucco Wansitionai strata: a) Asymmetrical ripples of the tipple-laminated sandstone fades. Scale equals 10 cm.
b) Interbedded rippled sandstone (ledges) and shale (recesses) of the mixed sandstone-shale facies. Scale equals 15 crn. c) Calcareous nodules and
blocky weathering in the nodular-shale facies. Scale equals 10 cm. d) Portion of sandstone channel, Dona Aria section. Approximate channel
boundaries defined by dashed lines. Maximum thickness of channel is 5 m. e) Photomicrograph of a bioclastic wackestone of the fossiliferous
limestone facies. Bar scale is 0.5 mm long. 0 Photomicrograph of an ostracod-rich pelleted wackestone of the fossflfcrouslimestone facies. Bar
scale is 0.5 mm long. g) Laminated carbonate facies showing laminations, fenestral fabric, and vertical burrows. Pencil is 15 cm long.



TABLE 1,--Cycles ident~fwd in outcrops of Abo-Hueco transition strata.

Asymmetrical Cycle (see Fig. 4A); Symmetrical Cycle Type 1 ( ripplelaminated sandstone; see Fig. 4B); Symmetrical Cycle Type H (see Fig
Percent Number
Number Percent
Section Asym- Section
rical Percent of
Thickness metrical Thick- Cycles
Cycles Thick(Meters) Cycles
Type I Thickness Type il

Section Locations

San Andres Mts.

Robledo Mts.
Dona Ana Mts.
Organ Mrs.
Florida Mrs.
Animas Mts.
Peloncillo Mts.



















The fossiliferous limestone has a sharp lower contact

w i t h t h e n o d u l a r s h a l e facies. T h e u p p e r a n d l o w e r c o n tacts are gradational to sharp when associated with the
o l i v e - g r a y shale.

L a m i n a t e d C a r b o n a t e Facies
T h e l a m i n a t e d c a r b o n a t e facies ( 0 . 2 - 1 . 5 m t h i c k ; 0 . 4
m a v e r a g e t h i c k n e s s ) f o r m s a s m a l l p e r c e n t a g e (0.9 p e r c e n t ) o f t h e A b o - H u e c o t r a n s i t i o n a l strata. T h e u n i t s h a v e
tan to gray weathering. Beds contain distinct, wavy lami n a e w h i c h r e s e m b l e L L H s t r o m a t o l i t e s (Fig. 3g). C a l c i t e filled v u g s 0.1 t o 1 c m i n d i a m e t e r a r e p r e s e n t i n s o m e
b e d s , i m p a r t i n g t o s u c h b e d s a f e n e s t r a l fabric. T h e r e a r e
also l o c a l i n t r a c l a s t o r b r e c c i a h o r i z o n s , as well as i r r e g -

ular, crinkly laminations that may be due to desiccation

o r m i c r o t o p o g r a p h y d e v e l o p e d o n algal m a t s . A d d i t i o n ally, t h e u p p e r f e w c e n t i m e t e r s o f s o m e b e d s a r e b u r r o w e d . A l t h o u g h m o s t l y l i m e s t o n e , t h i s facies is l o c a l l y
I n t e r b e d d e d s e q u e n c e s o f t h e p r e v i o u s l y d e s c r i b e d facies a p p e a r o n o u t c r o p t o b e a r r a n g e d i n t h r e e d i s t i n c t
t y p e s o f cycles. T h e m o s t c o m m o n is a s y m m e t r i c a l cycle
involving fossiliferous limestone, olive-gray shale, and
r i p p l e - l a m i n a t e d s a n d s t o n e ( T a b l e 1). A v a r i a t i o n o f t h i s
cycle i n v o l v e s t h e a l t e r n a t i o n o f f o s s i l i f e r o u s l i m e s t o n e
a n d o l i v e - g r a y s h a l e (55 p e r c e n t o f t h e cycles). A t h i c k e r ,
a s y m m e t r i c a l cycle, i n v o l v i n g f o s s i l i f e r o u s l i m e s t o n e , oli v e - g r a y shale, r i p p l e - l a m i n a t e d s a n d s t o n e , m i x e d s a n d s t o n e s h a l e , a n d n o d u l a r s h a l e is also v o l u m e t r i c a l l y i m p o r t a n t . T h e a s y m m e t r i c a l cycle is a l w a y s o b s e r v e d i n
outcrop to be overlain by fossiliferous limestone. The
l e a s t c o m m o n cycle i d e n t i f i e d i n o u t c r o p c o n s i s t s o f l a m i n a t e d c a r b o n a t e a n d f o s s i l i f e r o u s l i m e s t o n e ( T a b l e 1).
T o t e s t t h e s e field o b s e r v a t i o n s we h a v e c o l l e c t e d v e r tical sequence information from seven well-exposed
s t r a t i g r a p h i c s e c t i o n s ( 4 5 2 facies t r a n s i t i o n s ) c o n t a i n i n g
a w i d e v a r i e t y o f facies types. F o r t h e p u r p o s e o f s t a t i s t i c a l
a n a l y s i s , t h e c h a n n e l s a n d s t o n e - f a c i e s is g r o u p e d w i t h t h e
r i p p l e - l a m i n a t e d s a n d s t o n e facies, b e c a u s e o f t h e i r c o m mon association and the paucity of channel sandstones.
B a s e d o n facies d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d a b u n d a n c e , M a r k o v

TABLE2.-- Transition count, expected, x 2 and normalized differences (Z) matrices, Group I (A-D). Transition count matrix, Group IH (E). B-D
matrices constructed following Powers and Easterling (1982)
A, Transition Count Matrix


B. Exl~ccted Matrix


























































- 1.5






D. N o r m f l i z e d D i f f e r e n c e s M a ~ x

C. z Matrix




0. l

E. Transition Count Matrix


















A) Matrix of observed facies transitions. Abbreviations: OGSH =

olive-gray shale; NSH = noduar shale; MSSH = mixed sandstoneshale; RLS = ripple-laminated sandstone; FLS = fossfliferous
limestone; L C = laminated carbonate.
B) Estimated expected cell frequencies.
C) X2ro, = 678. Calculated for 19 degrees of freedom.
D) Normalized differences (Z) matrix. Positive cell values considered
only in construction of Markov diagrams.
E) Same as A above.


chain statistics have been compiled for two groupings of

data: 1) Group I-four sections with all facies transition
types represented (San Andres Mrs., Dona Ana Mts., Organ Mrs. and Robledo Mts.), and 2) Group II--composite
section (pooled data from all seven stratigraphic sections).
A third grouping (Group III--Animas Mts., Florida Mts.,
and Peloncillo Mrs.) could not be treated separately by
Markov analysis due to a low number of facies transition
types (D. Powers, per. comm., 1984). Differences in facies
abundance and distribution suggest, for purposes of relating depositional process to vertical sequence, that the
data be discussed in terms of the first and third groupings
mentioned above. Data tables for Groups I and III are
presented (Table 2; all other data tables are available from
the authors).
The Group I data base consists of 343 facies transitions
arranged in a 6 x 6 matrix (Table 2). Following Powers
and Easteding (1982), an expected data matrix, Xz matrix
(approximately Chi-square distributed), and a Z matrix
(normalized differences matrix) are tabulated. The quasiindependence model for x 2 = 678 is much beyond the
99.9 percentile of the Chi-square distribution for 19 degrees of freedom. Hence, there is considerable evidence
against the hypothesis of quasi-independence. Stated
another way, there are statistical grounds in addition to
outcrop observational information strongly indicating
there was vertical sequence dependence (memory) within
the depositional system.
Markov diagrams have been constucted based on data
mainly from Group I (Fig. 4). These diagrams, coupled
with outcrop observations, strongly support the existence
of three types of cycles within the Abo-Hueco transitional
strata. The most statistically significant sequence is the
asymmetrical cycle (Fig. 4a). From a statistical standpoint, the weakest step in this cycle is the transition from
the basal fossiliferous limestone to the olive-gray shale.
This in part may be due to the olive-gray shale having
been very widespread within the depositional setting. Perhaps the boundaries of the olive-gray shale facies with
the fossiliferous limestone facies were very gradational or
there may have been isolated patches of carbonate deposition within the shale facies. All other transitions in
this asymmetrical cycle are very strongly supported in a
statistical sense.
The symmetrical cycle, involving fossiliferous limestone, olive-gray shale, and ripple-laminated sandstone
(Fig. 4b), does not show up well in a statistical sense for
Group I data probably because of the influence of facies
transitions forming asymmetrical cycles at these stratigraphic locations. However, the observed distribution o f
these three lithologic states has an almost perfectly symmetrical distribution based on data from Group III (Table
2). Unfortunately, the Powers and Easterling (1982) approach does not differentiate between perfectly symmetrical cycles and a random facies distribution f o r the specbSc case of 3 x 3 (1 degree of freedom) data sets (D.
Powers, per. comm., 1984).
Finally, the carbonate-dominated, symmetrical cycle
defined by the fossiliferous limestone and laminated carbonate facies is also supported by vertical sequence anal-


ysis. However, this type of cycle appears statistically less

significant than the asymmetrical cycle (Table 2; Fig. 4c).
Repetition of fossiliferous limestone and olive-gray shale
is also common, but appears statistically less significant
than the cycles discussed above (Table 2).
The Abo-Hueco transitional zone occupies a paleogeographic position between meandering-fluvial facies of the
Abo and Earp Formations to the north and shallow-marine carbonate facies of the Hueco and Horquilla Formations to the south (Fig. l; Jordan 1975; Kottlowski et
al. 1975; Broadhead 1983; Cappa and MacMillan 1983).
Therefore, the Abo-Hueco transitional zone sediments
were deposited within nearshore and/or shoreline environments. The presence in the Abo-Hueco transitional
zone of fossiliferous marine limestone and siliciclastic
rocks, some displaying evidence of subaerial exposure,
supports this conclusion. Interbedded sandstone and shale,
the abundance of ripple laminations, bi- and polymodal
paleocurrent data, shale drapes, reactivation surfaces,
desiccation features, restricted faunas, channel features,
and fining-upward siliciclastic sequences suggest that the
shoreline environment was a tidal flat (Fig. 5; Reineck
Fossiliferous limestone is interpreted to be the most
seaward facies in the Abo-Hueco depositional system (Fig.
5). Bioclastic wackestone/packstone has a diverse fauna,
including filter feeders such as bryozoa, brachiopods, and
cnnoids or blastoids, and indicates normal marine conditions (LeMone et al. 1971; LeMone et al. 1975). Pelleted
wackestone/packstone contains a more restricted, generally ostracod-rich fauna, indiccating a brackish-water environment (LeMone et al. 1971; LeMone et at. 1975).
The predominance of micrite in both types of limestone
reflects quiet-water deposition. Although the fossiliferous
limestone is the most seaward facies, it was probably
deposited in water less than 10 m deep (LeMone et al.
The olive-gray shale facies contains few features diagnostic of depositional process. Perhaps the best indicator of its proper place within the depositional model is
the fact that the olive-gray shale commonly directly overlies or underlies either the fossiliferous limestone facies
or siliciclastic rocks that display evidence of subaefial
exposure (Fig. 4a, b). This stratigraphic position suggests
that the olive-gray shale is either marine or shoreline in
otigin. Because of the lack of evidence of subaerial exposure, the olive-gray shale is interpreted to have been
deposited in a low-energy, shallow-marine setting shoreward o f the offshore limestone and seaward of the tidal
flat (Fig. 5). The olive-gray shale resembles lagoonal shale,
but there is no evidence that the Abo-Hueco shoreline
was protected by either carbonate or detrital islands or
The siliciclastic tidal fiat is represented by tipple-laminated sandstone, mixed sandstone shale, nodular shale,
and channel sandstone facies (Fig. 5). In addition, tidalfiat carbonate sediment also occurs, but rarely. The ripple-



H. M A C K


A. Asymmetrical Cycle

W . C. J A M E S

B. Symmetrical Cycle



F f
I ~







J ~

Sandstone Shale

E t~


+2.2 I

n l u"~



+ J.~

Rip le<~1! Laminated

u w Sandstone



Meters 0

Fossi liferous
Meters 0


C. Symmetrical Cycle


M I/is




--,..- I ,.,,_.


1/ z

+0.8 [

x x
= ,z,

Fossil fragments
Plant debris
Wavy laminae
Horizontal parallel laminae
Fenestrol fabric
Ripple cross - laminae
Mud cracks
Calcite nodules

Note: Standard lithologic symbols

used throughout,

Meters 0
FIG. 4 . - - C o m m o n cycles in Abo-Hueco transitional strata based on outcrop observations and vertical sequence analysis. For cycles A and C,
positive numbers correspond to normalized differences values for Markov chain analysis. Markov chain analysis was not used to delineate cycle
B, as explained in the text.

laminated sandstone facies is characterized by a variety

of ripples, including asymmetrical ripples, climbing
asymmetrical ripples, oscillation ripples, interference rippies, and flat-topped tipples, which indicate deposition
by shallow, low-velocity, bi- to polydirectional currents.
The ripple-laminated sandstone facies was intermittently

subaerially exposed, as indicated by desiccation cracks,

and was reworked, heavily in places, by burrowing organisms. These characteristics suggest deposition on intertidal sandflats (Evans 1965; KeUerhals and Murray
1969; Klein 1970; Reineck 1972, 1975; Reineck and Singh
1975, p. 358). On many modern tidal flats, grain size


decreases landward, because wave energy is greatest near

mean low tide (Reineck and Singh 1975, p. 358). The
presence of probable tidal-flat structures and the stratigraphic association with the olive-gray shale and fossiliferous limestone facies suggest that the ripple-laminated
sandstone facies was deposited near mean low tide (Fig.
5). It may be possible that some beds of tippled or crossbedded sandstone were deposited in a subtidal setting,
but the presence of desiccation cracks prohibits subtidal
deposition for most of the beds of this facies.
The mixed sandstone-shale facies always directly overlies the rippled-laminated sandstone facies (Fig. 4a). The
mixed sandstone-shale facies is similar to the tipple-laminated sandstone facies except for abundant interbedded
shale. Sedimentary structures, lithologies, and facies associations indicate that the mixed sandstone-shale facies
was deposited on an intertidal flat shoreward of the ripplelaminated sandstone facies, a depositional subenvironment designated here as an intertidal mixed flat (Fig. 5).
The ripple-laminated sandstone and mixed sandstoneshale facies are truncated by the channel-sandstone facies,
and locally the ripple-laminated sandstone facies grades
laterally into the channel sandstone facies. The structures
and facies associations suggest that the channel sandstone
represents tidal creek and/or estuarine deposition (DeRaaf
and Boersma 1971; Terwindt 1971; Van Beek and Koster
1972). The small channels probably represent tidal creeks
that headed on the tidal fiat, whereas the largest channels
probably are estuarine, although they could not be traced
shoreward into fluvial facies. The channel-sandstone facies is rare, indicating that the Abo-Hueco tidal flat was
traversed by very few tidal creeks and estuaries.
The nodular-shale facies always directly overlies the
mixed sandstone-shale facies and is interpreted to have
been deposited in a supratidal setting (Figs. 4a, 5). The
distinguishing feature of this facies is carbonate nodules,
which resemble stage II caliche nodules (Gile et al. 1981).
Similar nodules, interpreted to be pedogenic, are found
in fluvial Abo rocks near Socorro, New Mexico (Broadhead el at. 1983), and in the Sacramento Mountains (Delgado 1977; Speer 1983). An intertidal mudflat origin is
ruled out for the nodular-shale facies, because pedogenic
carbonate nodules require long periods of subaerial exposure to form.
Intertidal deposition is also represented by the laminated carbonate facies. Stromatolitic laminations and fenestral structures are c o m m o n features of intertidal carbonates (James 1979). Carbonate tidal-flat sediment may
have been deposited during periods of low siliciclastic
influx or in isolated pools or along bays within the siliciclastic tidal flat (KeUerhals and Murray 1969).
The tidal-flat environment of the Abo-Hueco transitional zone has characteristics that are similar and dissimilar to modern tidal flats along the margins of the
North Sea (Evans 1965; Tcrwindt 1971; Van Beck and
Kostcr 1972; Reineck 1972, 1975) and along the northwestern margin of the Gulf o f California (Thompson
1975). Indeed, the Abo-Hueco tidal flat can be viewed as
a hybrid of these two modern analogs. The Abo-Hucco
tidal flat is similar to North Sea tidal flats in that both


meon low





Fig. 5.--Interpretation of facies distribution for Abo-Hueco transitional strata. Facies names (lowercase letters) and depositional environment interpretations (capitalized) arc indicated on the diagram.

display a landward decrease in grain size, which results

in fining-upward progradational sequences. Segregation
o f grain size on the Gulf of California tidal flat is much
less pronounced, perhaps because o f the limited size range
o f sediment brought to the shoreline from the Colorado
River delta. The interchannel regions o f both Abo-Hueco
and North Sea tidal flats are characterized by ripple laminations, which are uncommon along the northwest coast
o f the Gulf of California. The Abo-Hueco tidal flat differs
from North Sea tidal flats by being finer-grained and having no coarse-grained, high-energy subtidal facies. These
differences suggest that Abo-Hueco sediment was derived
from source areas that were either of lower relief or were
more distal than source areas for the North Sea tidal flats,
and that the coastline of the Abo-Hueco transitional zone
experienced lower wave energy than North Sea tidal flats.
The dominance of tidal energy over wave energy may
reflect widespread Early Permian cratonic submergence
(Klein 1982). There also is no evidence in the Abo-Hueco
interval of offshore islands, bars, or shoals, which are
c o m m o n along the eastern margin o f the North Sea. Fine
grain size and the paucity of tidal channels in the AboHueco tidal flat are similar to the Gulf of California tidal
flat, where the coarsest sediment is very fine-grained sand
and the depositional surface is virtually undissected by
tidal channels. Finally, the supratidal facies of the AboHueco transitional zone appears to be intermediate between North Sea and Gulf of California supratidal sediments. The North Sea supratidal zone, in response to
temperate climatic conditions, is heavily vegetated, and
the sediment contains abundant organic matter and root
mottling, which are not c o m m o n in the Abo-Hueco interval. Although pedogenic caliche nodules in the AboHueco supratidal facies indicate arid or semiarid paleoclimate, similar to the Gulf o f California, the Abo-Hueco


G R E G H. M A C K A N D W. C. J A M E S

interval apparently lacks evaporite minerals that are comm o n in the supratidal sediment of the Gulf of California.
Abo-Hueco transitional strata compare unfavorably
with beach/barrier and delta depositional models. The
Abo-Hueco sections contain too much shale for a beach/
barrier environment and display fining-upward progradational sequences rather than coarsening-upward progradational sequences c o m m o n to beach/barrier systems.
The Abo-Hueco interval also lacks laminated and crossbedded foreshore and upper shoreface facies, which are
diagnostic of beach/barrier sediment. A deltaic model can
also be ruled out because of the thinness of the siliciclastic
sediment and because of the lack of a subaqueous distributary mouth-bar sandstone facies in the Abo-Hueco
Although the depositional model in Figure 5 applies to
all of the measured sections in the Abo-Hueco transitional
zone, the location of the section within the transitional
zone controls the relative abundance of each facies (Table
2). Those sections which were located near the seaward
boundary of the transitional zone are dominated by fossiliferous limestone, olive-gray shale, and tipple-laminated sandstone. In contrast, the sections located along
the landward edge of the transitional zone have a much
higher elastic to carbonate ratio, and have more sandflat,
mixed-flat, and supratidal sediment. Most seaward are
the Peloncillo Mountain and Florida Mountain sections,
whereas the most landward sections are found in the Animas and Big Hatchet Mountains. Sections in the Robledo, Dona Ana, San Andres, and Organ Mountains contain the full range of facies.

Cyclic sedimentation in the Abo-Hueco interval, illustrated in Figure 4, can be understood within the context
of the depositional model (Fig. 5). The symmetrical cycles
involve the superposition of facies that are interpreted to
have been adjacent (Figs. 4b, 5). Vertical stacking of fossiliferous limestone, olive-gray shale, and ripple-laminated sandstone facies indicates seaward progradation of
the facies zones. Conversely, ripple-laminated sandstone
overlain by olive-gray shale and fossiliferous limestone
suggests landward shifting of the facies zones. The asymmetrical cycle also reveals a vertical facies change commensurate with seaward progradation of the shoreline
(Fig. 4a). However, the asymmetrical cycle is always
overlain by fossiliferous limestone, the most offshore facies, indicating the transgression bypassed siliciclastic deposition. Finally, the symmetrical carbonate cycle, which
involves the vertical stacking of laminated carbonatefossiliferous limestone-laminated carbonate, reflects seaward followed by landward m o v e m e n t of the carbonate
facies zones (Fig. 4c).
The total number of cycles per stratigraphic section
ranges from 8 to 40 and averages 25 (Table 1). Each
symmetrical cycle, as well as the asymmetrical cycle and
the overlying fossiliferous limestone, records a transgression and a regression. An estimate of the average duration
of each transgression and regression will provide an im-

portant constraint on the interpretation of the origin of

the cycles. The best chronologic control is for the Robledo
Mountains section, where the Abo-Hueco member was
determined to be upper Wolfcampian (LeMone et al. 1971,
LeMone et al. 1975). The Robledo section has a total of
50 transgressions and regressions (25 cycles). If Late
Wolfcampian is assumed to span 8 million years (half of
the Wolfcampian) (Harland et al. 1982), then the average
duration of each transgression and regression is 160,000
years. Although this number is speculative at best, it does
provide a first-order estimate of the scale of cyclic changes
in the Abo-Hueco interval.
There is a variety of different mechanisms that produce
cyclic sedimentation. Allocyclic mechanisms include interrnittent tectonic uplift or basin subsidence, climatic
fluctuation, and eustatic sea-level change. Furthermore,
lateral shifting of facies zones, independent o f changes in
outside variables, may result in autocycles (Beerbower
1964). A single control on Abo-Hueco cyclic sedimentation is not demonstrable; instead, the relative merits of
each potential mechanism will be discussed.
Autocyclic shifting of facies zones may be a viable
mechanism for the origin of symmetrical cycles, especially those involving only two facies, such as fossiliferous
limestone and olive-gray shale. Irregularities in the
boundaries between facies zones or patches of carbonate
within the shale zone could result in vertical facies changes
independent of outside variables. However, vertical
changes involving three or more facies, such as fossiliferous l i m e s t o n e - - o l i v e - g r a y s h a l e - - r i p p l e - l a m i n a t e d
sandstone or the asymmetrical cycle, are less likely to be
autocyclic, because of the significant change in elevation
and water depth implied by the facies changes. An autocyclic origin seems unlikely for deposition of the fossiliferous limestone facies above the nodular shale, because of the exclusion of three intermediate facies. An
absolute change in sea level appears to be necessary to
explain these cycles. Furthermore, the Abo-Hueco tidal
flat does not seem to be the type of environment to undergo
rapid autocyclic lateral shifts in facies zones or in the
locus of clastic influx. The Abo-Hueco tidal flat was presumably of low relief, had few tidal channels and estuaries, and experienced relatively low rates ofterrigenous
elastic influx, as indicated by sediment accumulation rates
on the order of l0 m/m.y. Thus, allocyclic variables were
probably more important as controls on cyclic sedimentation than autocyclic variables.
Among the allocyclic variables, intermittent tectonism
seems the least likely to have controlled Abo-Hueco deposition. The Abo-Hueco transitional zone was an area
of low refief and tectonic stability. Fine grain size indicates that the Abo-Hueco shoreline was far removed from
upliRs in northern New Mexico and Colorado and from
the Pedernal Uplift in south-central New Mexico (Fig. 1).
Furthermore, the overall trend in the Abo-Hueco stratigraphic interval is for grain size to decrease upsection. A
systematic fining-upward trend is also evident in the Abo
Formation in the Sacramento Mountains, which reflects
tectonic quiescence and gradual erosion of the Pedernal
Uplift (Speer 1983). The Abo-Hueco transitional zone

C Y C L I C S E D I M E N T A T I O N , M I X E D S I L I C 1 C L A S T I C - C A R B O N A TE D E P O S I T

was also subsiding at a relatively slow rate, indicated by

a sediment accumulation rate on the order of 10 m/m.y.,
a rate more characteristic of cratonic and miogeoclinal
basins than to more tectonically active basins (Schwab
1976). Published isopach maps o f Lower Permian rocks
suggest that the areas of maximum subsidence were
southeast of the transitional zone, in the Orogrande basin,
and southwest of the transitional zone, in the Pedregosa
basin (Kottlowski 1965; Greenwood et al. 1977). Even if
subsidence were episodic, it is questionable that it could
account for depositional cycles on the scale of 105 years
(Clifton 1981). Intermittent subsidence due to sediment
loading also seems an unlikely mechanism for Abo-Hueco cyclic sedimentation. The load necessary for mantle
response corresponds to a precompaction sediment thickness of about 50 m, whereas most of the Abo-Hueco
cycles are less than 15 m thick (postcompaction) (Matthews 1974).
An allocyclic variable that may have influenced sedimentation in the Abo-Hueco interval is paleoclimatie
fluctuation. Hays et al. (1976) suggest that variations in
the earth's solar orbit in the late Pleistocene and Holocene
resulted in climatic cycles that range from 22,000 to
100,000 years in duration. The latter value is similar to
the calculated "average" cycle for the Abo-Hueco interval, and this mechanism has been called on to explain
cyclic sedimentation of Miocene oceanic sedimentation
offthe west coast of Africa (Dean et al. 1977) and middle
Miocene shoreline sediment in California (Clifton 1981).
However, there is no evidence of climatic fluctuations in
the sedimentary rocks of the Abo-Hueco transitional interval. The characteristics of the caliche nodules, which
provide the best paleoclimate indicators, appear constant
throughout the sections.
The allocyclic variable that is probably the most viable
as the control on Abo-Hueco deposition is glacial-eustatic
sea-level changes. The 160,000-year "average" transgression and regression of the Abo-Hueco interval is well
within the realm ofglacial-eustatic sea-level change (Donovan and Jones 1979). Carboniferous and Permian glaciation was widespread in Gondwanaland (Crowell 1978)
and has recently been cited as the driving force for cyclic
sedimentation of Carboniferous rocks in the United States
and Europe (Saunders et al. 1979; Heckel 1980; Driese
and Dott 1984). A small rise or fall in sea level could
have resulted in a major shift of the shoreline, because
o f the low-gradient of the Abo-Hueco tidal flat. A glacial
eustatic model may not be independent of small-scale
climatic fluctuations discussed above. A slight change in
the Earth's heat budget due to orbital eccentricities could
have caused partial melting or net growth of polar ice
caps and eustatic sea-level changes (Hays et al. 1976).
Glacial eustacy may be the best model to explain the
origin of the asymmetrical cycle and the overlying fossiliferous limestone (Fig. 4a). During periods of sea-level
fall or stillstand the shoreline prograded seaward, resulting in the asymmetrical cycle. Dunng a major sea-level
rise, shoreface erosion, the trapping of terrigenous sediment in drowned estuaries, and the decrease in erosion
due to higher base level combined to reduce drastically


the amount ofdetfital sediment brought to and deposited

at the shoreline. Consequently, the first sediment to be
deposited during the transgression would be the offshore
fossiliferous limestone (Ryer 1977). Glacial eustacy may
also explain the symmetrical cycles, which involve fossiliferous limestone, olive-gray shale, and ripple-laminated sandstone (Fig. 4b). These cycles reflect smallerscale sea-level changes than the asymmetrical cycles, because the most landward facies in the symmetrical cycle
is the ripple-laminated sandstone. During stillstand or
minor sea-level fall, the tidal flat prograded seaward, producing the regressive part of the symmetrical cycle. A
minor sea-level rise would not greatly inhibit the supply
of detrital sediment brought to the shoreline, and thus,
the transgressive part of the symmetrical cycle did not
bypass detrital facies. Support for this model may come
from thickness differences between the asymmetrical and
siliciclastic-dominated symmetrical cycles. If the magnitude of sea-level rise is proportional to the thickness of
the asymmetrical cycle and trangressive part of the symmetrical cycle, then the thicker asymmetrical cycle supports the idea of a greater sea-level rise.
Although glacial-eustatic sea-level change appears to
be a reasonable mechanism for cyclic sedimentation in
the Abo-Hueco interval, a true test will be future comparisons of Abo-Hueco cycles with other upper Wolfcampian cyclically deposited sediment in North America and
on other continents. This approach, recently employed
by Saunders and others (1979) for Carboniferous rocks
in Arkansas and England, not only provides strong evidence in favor of glacial-eustatic control on cyclic sedimentation but also provides insight into the number of
eustatic changes and how they affect various depositional
The transitional zone between the nonmarine, silieiclastic Abo Formation and the marine, carbonate Hueco
Formation illustrates an excellent example of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate strata deposited in large measure under
cyclical depositional conditions. The main conclusions of
this study are as follows:
1) There are seven major facies present within this transition zone. These facies include olive-gray shale, rippie-laminated sandstone, mixed sandstone-shale, nodular shale, channel sandstone, fossiliferous limestone,
and laminated carbonate.
2) These seven facies were deposited within areas ranging
from shallow-marine, carbonate- and shale-dominated settings to tidal-fiat and supratidal environments.
3) Sedimentation was dominated by cyclical patterns of
deposition. Three types of cycles are recognized: 1)
asymmetrical cycle (from base to top): fossiliferous
limestone--olive-gray shale--ripple-laminated sandstone--mixed sandstone-shale--nodular shale; the
nodular shale is in turn always overlain by the fossfliferous limestone of the next cycle; 2) symmetrical
cycle: fossiliferous limestone--olive-gray shale--rip-


G R E G H. M A C K A N D ~ : C. J A M E S

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