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If z transform lies in ROC then

A. System is stable
B. Inverse of system is stable
C. Both system and its inverse are unstable
D. Both system and is inverse are stable

1) ROC converges if pole and zero lies inside .............................

a) origin b) z=1 c) pole d) zero.
2) z transform is use when system is not ........................................
a) converges b) diverges
3)the period of infinite continuous Fourier transform is .........................
a) N b) N+M c) 2*pi/N d)infinite
4)If ROC does not lies inside unit circle,then ................................
a) Fourier transform converges b) Z transform converges c) Hatly transform converges d) Colpit Transform converges.
5)Z transform always lies around........................
a) origin b) pole c) zero d) z=1.
6)if z transform lies in ROC then...................................
a)system is stable b)inverse of system is stable c)both system and its inverse are stable.
7)Continuous system in time domain ,and in frequency domain.....................................(There is no option in sample paper. you
just write answer)
8)Velocity saturation in MOSFET is....................................
9)Natural frequency of a system gives.......................................
1) nature of transient 2) overshoot 3) oscillations 4) speed of response

1. Mosfet saturates at
a) After before pinch off voltage (c) before pinch off voltage (d) at Q point
(e) after Q point
2. A state at which nothing happened is
a. NOP
b. LDA
3. Hfe to
a. AC

b. BC
c. re
d. re
4. Gaurdian of Kabah
a. Quraish
5. Islam means
a. Submission to Allah
6. Makkah conquered
a. 8 A.H
7. Statue of Liberty
a. New York
8. Largest Ocean
a. Pacific
9. Solar elipes when moon comes between sun and earth
10.School college university are
a. institution
b. learning
c. education institute
11.Single to double as one is to Two
12.pick the different
a. cheerful
b. beautiful
c. dutiful
d. handful

Gk questions of FESCO test

1. Capital of turkey : ANKARA
2. When man 1st landed on moon : 1969, Apollo 11
3. Largest airport of Pakistan : Jinnah khi
4: literal meaning of Roza: abstinence
5. Ctrl F for finding any word in Ms Doc
6. Ideology of freedom movement was Islamic
7. BCC is a space for writing mail address
1.When electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence, the electromagnetic
wave is said to be
a.Linearly polarized
b.circularly polarized
c. Elliptically polarized
d. Hyperbolically polarized
2. Due to velocity saturation, MOSFET reaches saturation
a.Before Pinch off
b. After pinch off
c. At Q point
d. Before Q point
e. After Q point
3. Which system use dc to dc high voltage gain

A. Solar system
B. Battery backup
4. Natural frequency in the control system represents nature of
a. Transient response
b. Oscillations
c. Overshoot
d. Speed of responce
5.Which thing is maximum in RLC circuit at resonance
a)power consumption
b)inductive current
c)capacitive voltage
6.which theorem is used to analyse fault
7. For high frequency application we use which transformer?
8. For overhead protection we use which transformer?
9. Which fault is caused by lightening and thuderstorm
a. Line to line fault
b. Single line to ground fault
c. Double line to ground fault
10.Which modulation has higher data rates
11.An active element is one which
a. Supplies energy
b. Absorbs energy
c. Supplies energy and convert energy from one form to another
12. The ripple frequency in output of fullwave bridge rectifier is
a. Half the input
b. Twice the input
c. Same as input
13. Less cost of delta connection over star connection
a. No fourth neautral wire
14.Transmission lines usually use
a.3 phase
b.2 phase
c. Single phase
15. In aerodynamic turbines which element is NOT there

c. Fuel intake system
16. Batteries used for electrical energy storage are
a. Laclanche cells
b. Edison cells
c. Lead acid cells
d.any of the above
17.A circuit breaker on detecting fault will
a. Open
b. Close
c. Open and trigger the alarm
18.If we have two nodes A and B and Vab is the potential difference between
these nodes then which node is called reference node
a.node A
b.node B
c. Ground node
19. To have variable speeds we use
a. Induction motor
b. Traction motor
c. Shunt motor
20. ROC converges if poles and zeros lie inside
a. Origion
b. Z=1
21. Period of infinite continuous fourier series
a. N
b. N+M
22. Which protection detects both AC and DC?
23. In 3-phase 4-wire system, how many voltages are available

NTDC subjective part (83 question)

related subjects
network analysis,
electronics devices,
signal and systam,
idustrial electronics etc
general knowledge (17 questions)

q.1: These stands for (nepra,pemra,ogra)

q.2: Antham of indiasarejaha se acha written by ----------------q.3: Mega projects of balochistan write 4
q.4: Who are these (abnebatuta,alkharzmi,abdulhisham,ibnesina).
Q.5: Problems occurred in the chalif of hazartabubakarsadeeq (r.a) name 3 of
Q.6: Write the names of 4 kashmir leaders.
Q.7: Write the countries of these
q.8: Write the nuclear power plants in pakistan ,names,generations,locations.
Q.9: Ipps stands for? Name 4,generations,locations
q.10: Rbod&lbod stands for ? Write their work.
Q.11: Latest asian games pakistan got medals
Q.12: Qartba mosque located____________.

3canada is in?
3Buffer state of Asia
4pak amassador for america
Subjective portion include
Basic Electronics JFET,MOSFET,BJT

When electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence, the electromagnetic wave
is said to be
a.Linearly polarized
b.circularly polarized
c. Elliptically polarized
d. Hyperbolically polarized

4.Oscillator whose frequency can be changed by a variable DC control voltage is.

5.For RLC circuit at low frequency z is larger then because..
6.Circuit that produces an out put wave from with any external signal source
7.vice voltage of transistor is very important in checking weather the transistor is. maximum when rlc circuit is in resonance.
9.power in inductive reactance of Circuit is
10.power which is actually dissipated in circuit resistance is called product of RMS value of apply valtage and circuit current.

12.Circuit current is At resonance. reactance is .. When RLC circuit is in resonance.
1) Period of infinite continuous fourier series == ?
a. N
b. N+M
c. infinite
d. 2*pi/n
2) ROC converges if poles and zeros lie inside == ?
a. Origion
b. Z=1
3) Which modulation has higher data rates == ?
a. fm
b. am
c. qam
d. qpsk
4) In LTI system is characterized by == ?
a. Impulse input
b. Step input
5) Transfer function is == ?
a. Mathematical model
b. System with no physical structure
c. Can be calculated through differential equations
6) If ROC (Region of convergence) does not include unit circle then == ?
a. Fourier transform converges
b. Z-transform converges
c. Harley transform converges
7) Fastest achievable Response without overshooting == ?
a. under damped
b. overdamped
c. critically damped
8) If z transform lies in ROC then == ?
A. System is stable
B. Inverse of system is stable
C. Both system and its inverse are unstable
D. Both system and its inverse are stable
9) Under damped response have
a. damping ratio>1
b. 0>damping ratio<1

c. damping ratio =1
d. damping ratio =0
10) We built control systems for _______ == ?
a. remote control,
b. stability,
c. overcomingdisturbances,
d. All of above
11) The DSB category of AM system is generally used in ___________ == ?
a. Oscillator
b. Color information TV
c. Oscilloscope
12) Which is used to prevent power wastage on _______ == ?
a. FDM
b. SSB
c. DSB
13) If ROC does not lie inside unit circle, then == ?
1) FFT converges
2) Z-Transfrom converges
3) Z-Transform Diverges
14) The control system is used for == ?
15) To decrease the power in control system we use == ?
16) What will be the sampling frequency that reveals the same sampled signal == ?
17) z transform is used when the system is not == ?
18) For a LTI system if all the zeroes and poles are inside the unit circle then == ?
19) Which modulation technique has carrier signal either 1 or 0 state == ?
20) Pole of s-plane gives the information about == ?
21) ROC converges if poles and zeros lies inside == ?
22) Which equation best represents AM power? == ?

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