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Expt No:

AIM: To plot frequency response of frequency selective network(Twin T Network)

SOFTWARE: MATLAB Version (R2007b)
Two symmetrical T networks connected in parallel are as shown below.

If the reactances and the resistances of the arms are properly chosen, then this network
may be used to give zero output for a certain input at a particular frequency and this
frequency is called NULL frequency
Using Z Parameters to Describe a Two-Port Network.
There are numerous methods available for analytically describing linear
time invariant electrical networks. These include parameterization by Z, Y, H, G, ABCD
(chain matrix). And S parameters. The network to be analysed and constructed will be in
the audio frequency range hence the classical Z paprmeters are easy to measure and will
be used. Any of the representations can be obtained by appropriate linear transformations,
including the S (sctterring) parameters.

Fig:A general Two- Port Network

The matrix eqution for the Z parameters is
The zs are called the open circuit impedances, since typically the output or input port current is
forced to zero (open circuited) to evaluate the parameter as shown in equations

For a passive network like the Twin T, at most 3 of the four parameters are independent. The
reciprocity theorem ststes that the transfer function of a passive network with the dimensions of
impedances (or admittance) remains unchanged if the points of the excitation and response are
interchanged. The theorem therefore demands that the transfer impedances z12 and z21 must be
Futhermore, if the network is symmetrical with respect to the input and output ports, as in
the Twin T, z22 must equal z11.

Constructing a test circuit

This circuit can be constructed using readiy available components. The above analysis assumes
ideal zero tolerance components and clearly the agreement between the analysis and
measurements will be determined by the tolerance of the components. For best results, use good
quality mylar or polystyrere capacitors. Ceramic capacitors with a high dielectric constant are non
linear and should be avoided.

The frequency response (gain vs frequency) of a Twin T network is similar to that of aNotch

%TITLE:-To plot the frequency response selective network (Twin T or Wein

%ROLL NO:%mfile
r=1000;% value of the resistance
c=47e-9;%value of capacitance
a=[r*r*c*c 4*r*c 1];%quadratic equation in s
a1=polyval(a,w);%Function to find the value of polynomial at w
b=[r*r*c*c 0 1];
c=[4*r*c*c 4*c 0];

Z11=a1./c1;%i/p voltage
Z21=b1./c1;%o/p voltage
V=20*log10(abs(X21));%voltage gain
Plot(f,v0;xlabel(frequency(Hz));ylabel(Voltage gain(db))


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