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: Chandra Franata
: 102011148

Controlling Stress and Blood Sugar by Eating

Healthy Foods
Blood glucose level always goes up when patients of diabetes face stress. When in stress,
the pituitary gland at the base of our skull stimulates the adrenal glands by the kidneys to
release adrenaline. This triggers the muscles and liver to break down the glycogen stores into
glucose. It then is released into the tissues to enable the body to fight or flight the potential
danger. This release increases the blood sugar level which sometimes exceeds the normal
So, diabetes is closely related to our emotional condition. City dwellers always live in the
environment that will inevitably create stress. Traffic jams, pollution, overwhelming
workloads, and selling targets and problems in personal relationships are some of the causal
factors for stress. So, it is easy to say to everybody that stress is unavoidable.
The easiest way is through recreation. Unfortunately, we cannot always do that.


dwellers who are in stress condition usually try to relax their emotional condition by going
out and eating out with friends.
Eating more food and drinking alcohol or coffee are the typical reactions which we usually
experience. To reduce the negative effects of stress, we must try to avoid foods that are bad
to our body. Even though we can do that, the food and drinks that we consume in general
contain excessive fat, salt, sugar, and alcohol and cafein. These deplete vital nutrients such as
magnesium and vitamin B5 the nutrients that are important in combating stress.
Eating foods that contain fiber can help improve our blood sugar. We will feel full due to
the volume of the food but the calories intake is lower. In addition, our body cannot digest
fiber. Fiber binds cholesterol and lowers its absorption. Food that contains fiber reduces our
blood sugar as it slows down the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream.
To minimize the negative effects of stress, we need nutrients such as magnesium and
vitamin C as well as vitamin B. They are essential in supporting our body especially the
adrenal glands to bust the stress. Foods that are rich in magnesium are almonds, cod, soya
beans, sunflower seeds, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, blackstrap molasses. Foods that are rich
in vitamin c are citrus fruit, strawberries, potatoes, berries, peppers, blackcurrants, kiwi fruit,
cauliflowers, guavas, mangoes, and papaya. Foods that contain vitamin B are green
vegetables, brown rice, dairy products, eggs, liver, wheatgerm, lentils and corn.

Mengendalikan Stress dan Gula Darah dengan Memakan

Hidangan yang Sehat
Tingkat gula darah selalu naik ketika pasien yang menderita diabetes menghadapi stress.
Ketika kita mengalami stress, pituitary gland di belakang tengkorak kita akan merangsang
adrenal gland di ginjal untuk melepas adrenaline. Hal ini memicu otot dan liver memecah
glycogen yang tersimpan menjadi glukosa. Glukosa kemudian dilepaskan ke dalam jaringan
untuk membantu tubuh melawan atau menghindari bahaya yang potensial. Pelepasan ini
meningkatkan tingkat gula darah yang kadang-kadang melebihi kisaran normal.
Jadi, diabetes juga dipengaruhi oleh kondisi emosional kita. Para penduduk kota selalu
hidup dalam lingkungan yang menimbulkan stress. Kemacetan lalu lintas, polusi, beban kerja
yang berlebihan, target-target penjualan serta masalah hubungan pribadi merupakan beberapa
faktor penyebab stress. Jadi mudah untuk mengatakan kepada setiap orang bahwa stress tidak
bisa dihindari.
Cara termudah adalah melalui rekreasi. Sayangnya, kita tidak selalu dapat melakukannya.
Penduduk kota yang sedang dalam kondisi stress biasanya mencoba mengurangi kondisi
stress mereka dengan bepergian ke luar rumah dan makan bersama-sama teman.
Menyantap lebih banyak makanan, meminum alkohol atau kopi adalah reaksi umum yang
biasanya kita alami. Untuk mengurangi efek negatif stress, kita harusnya mencoba
menghindari makanan-makanan yang buruk bagi kesehatan kita. Meskipun kita bisa
melakukan hal ini, makanan dan minuman yang kita nikmati pada umumnya mengandung
lemak, garam, gula, dan alkohol serta kafein yang berlebihan. Makanan tersebut tidak banyak
mengandung zat-zat gizi yang utama seperti magnesium dan vitamin B5 - yang penting
dalam melawan stress.
Menyantap makanan yang mengandung serat dapat membantu memperbaiki tingkat gula
darah. Kita akan merasa kenyang karena volume makanan tetapi asupan kalorinya rendah. Di
samping itu, tubuh kita tidak bisa mencerna serat. Serat mengikat kolesterol dan menurunkan
absorpsinya. Makanan yang mengandung serat mengurangi gula darah karena memperlambat
penyerapan gula ke dalam aliran darah.
Untuk meminimalkan efek negatif stress, kita membutuhkan zat-zat gizi seperti
magnesium, vitamin C dan vitamin B. Zat-zat ini penting sekali dalam mendukung tubuh kita
khususnya adrenal glands untuk melawan stress. Makanan yang kaya akan vitamin C adalah
citrus, strawberries, kentang, berries, peppers, blackcurrant, buah kiwi, cauliflowers, guavas,
mangga, dan pepaya. Makanan yang mengandung vitamin B adalah sayuran yang berwarna
hijau, beras merah, produk susu, telur, gandum, lentil dan jagung. oleh Charles Roring

Name : Boby Arisofian


: 102011312

Vitamins D and the Diet

Studies in recent years have found that vitamin D may do more to keep people healthy than
just build strong bones. But how much is enough, and how much is too much?
Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy. Low levels of vitamin D can
lead to problems like rickets and osteoporosis. Rickets is a deformity mainly found in
children. Osteoporosis is the thinning of bone, a common problem as people, especially
women, get older.
Studies in recent years have suggested that vitamin D may also have other uses. Studies
have shown that low levels of D may increase the risk of heart attacks in men and deaths
from some cancers. Other studies have shown that people with rheumatic diseases often have
low levels of D.
The easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight. The ultraviolet rays react with skin cells
to produce the vitamin. But many people worry about skin cancer and skin damage from the
sun. Also, darker skinned people produce less vitamin D than lighter skinned people.
Production also decreases in older people and those living in northern areas that get less
Not many foods naturally contain vitamin D. Foods with high levels include oily fish such
as salmon, tuna and mackerel, and fish liver oils. Boston University researchers reported in
two thousand seven that farmed salmon had a lot less vitamin D than wild salmon.
Small amounts of D are found in beef liver, cheese and egg yolks. And some people take
dietary supplements containing the vitamin. But most of the D in the American diet comes
from foods like milk with the vitamin added.
These days, more doctors are testing for vitamin D levels in their patients. But as research
continues, some experts worry that if people take too much D, it might act as a poison. Also,
skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure.

How much vitamin D does a healthy person need? Nutrition experts who advise the
American government set the current recommendations in nineteen ninety-seven. The daily
amount is two hundred international units from birth through age fifty. Then it rises to four
hundred I.U.s through age seventy, and six hundred for those seventy-one and older. But
some groups say these amounts are not high enough. The nutrition experts are taking another
look at how much vitamin D and calcium people should get.

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