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Critical Thinking Through Technology

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Critical Thinking Through Technology

Critical Thinking Through Technology

Applied in Collegiate Pedagogy

Resource Manual and Analysis of a Special Cooperative Project in the

Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program

Foreword: Enoch S. Hale, PhD

Statistical Analysis: Qingxia Li, PhD
Publishing Design: Dr. Evan S. Fiedler
Sponsor: Elizabeth City State University
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education
PR/Award Number: P120A110105

Participating Colleges/Universities
Bennett College
Bluefield State College
College of The Albemarle
Elizabeth City State University
Lincoln University
Shaw University
Virginia Union University
West Virginia State University

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Critical Thinking Through Technology

Copyright 2015 Elizabeth City State University

All rights reserved.
Cover Image: Julian Voss-Andreae
(9m buckyball structure. View from below. Location: Portland, OR, USA)
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Dedicated to the efforts of our students over the last two years.
They voluntarily participated in innovative research-based teaching
methods that may ultimately augment the use of effective critical thinking
practices in educational settings in the near and distance future.

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Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program Cooperative Project

Director: Ali A. Khan, PhD
Co-Director: Gloria E. Payne, PhD
Consultant: William A. Porter, PhD
Instructional Consultant: Enoch S. Hale, PhD
External Evaluator: Deva Sharma, PhD
Program Coordinator: Reta Blair, AA
Cristina Moreira, PhD (Bennett College)
Hyunju Oh, PhD (Bennett College)
Tesfaye Belay, PhD (Bluefield State College)
Julie Kalk, PhD (Bluefield State College)
Dr. Evan S. Fiedler (College of The Albemarle)
Christopher Perry, MS (College of The Albemarle)
Yolanda Anderson, PhD (Elizabeth City State University)
M. Masud Hasan, PhD (Elizabeth City State University)
Farrah Jackson Ward, PhD (Elizabeth City State University)
Qingxia Li, PhD (Fisk University)
Justin Jackson, MS (Lincoln University)
Bernadette Turner, ABD (Lincoln University)
Ramesh K. Mathur, PhD (Shaw University)
Ruth Lamprecht, PhD (Virginia Union University)
Iantha Malbon, MS (Virginia Union University)
Upali Karunathilake, PhD (West Virginia State University)
Xiaohong Zhang, PhD (West Virginia State University)

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Collegiate Pedagogies
Bennett College
Bluefield State College
College of The Albemarle
Elizabeth City State University
Lincoln University
Shaw University
Virginia Union University
West Virginia State University
Performance Measures
Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal
Innovative Tools
iPad and SMART Board
Consideration and Bibliography
Significance of the Cover

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Critical Thinking Through Technology

As a topic of conversation, critical thinking is an allusive concept. As a
topic of instruction, it often falls under the expression Ill know it when I see it.
As an institutional or program initiative, it must be broad enough to be inclusive of
all disciplinary perspectives, but specific enough to point to action and measurable
results. As a rallying flag for cultural change, it is often characterized by little more
than robust calls for transformation despite our best intentions. Attempts to study
and implement critical thinking within curriculum and across the disciplines is an
enormous challenge. It is an admirable goal, but many institutions take up the
challenge with an immature understanding of the size of the mountain that needs to
be climbed. What does it take to make critical thinking real and impactful?
Although there are many paths, some of the more successful attempts have
seriously considered and addressed three general categories. First, face and embrace
the challenges. Significant challenges are complex because they are multilayered
with multiple competing perspectives. Dont shy away from them; rather, embrace,
incorporate and even, if appropriate, celebrate. Second, have a dynamic, but
realistic approach. Examples are the proving grounds for big ideas. Third, have a
vision that points to the implications: new directions and horizons. It has been an
honor to be part of the Critical Thinking Through Technology Applied in Collegiate
Pedagogy Special Cooperative Project in Minority Science and Engineering
Improvement Program because of the people. It is an example of a well thought out
approach to making the abstract concept of critical thinking something practical,
measurable, meaningful and potentially transformative.
The Challenges
Beginning largely with Lee Schulmans groundbreaking work Those Who
Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching, made explicit what many of us who
teach implicitly know: just because we are experts in a field does not mean that we
can teach it well. Schulman argued that excellent instructors have both content
knowledge and pedagogical knowledge (PCK). This sentiment has been echoed by
many scholars including David Perkins, Ron Ritchhart, Ken Bain and Stephen
Brookfield to name but a few. However, the intersection of content expertise and
pedagogical know how is just the start. Today, existing and emerging technologies
afford numerous areas for engagement, but such engagement comes at a cost of yet
another domain we must work to understand so that we can substantively integrate
it into our teaching. So, technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and
content knowledge (TPCK) have become the norm for crafting meaningful learning
experiences. What about critical thinking?
As rich a framework as TPCK is, it did not sufficiently address some of the
challenges unique to historically black colleges and universities. Populations of
traditionally marginalized and oppressed people bring challenges to higher
education that non-HBCU institutions do not. How then, do you teach people to
think critically given the layers of social, academic, political and economic
complexities that characterize the charter and importance of HBCUs? Critical
thinking had to become an additional area of study; a content area in and of itself.
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Moreover, contextualizing the concept within the STEM disciplines added an

additional layer of investigation.
Contextualizing critical thinking in the STEM disciplines is a double edged
sword. On one side the STEM discipline are based on principles that actualize some
of the most desirable dispositions characteristic of a critical mind. On the other side
STEM disciplines assume critical thinking. As far as principles are concerned,
intellectual transparency, curiosity, perseverance, integrity, and holding a supreme
confidence in quality reasoning are but a few highly visible dispositions we seek to
cultivate in our students. Nonetheless, they often remain implicit as if exposure and
implied practice are sufficient for development. Some scholars have sought to make
these dispositions more accessible to instructors and the institutions that put critical
thinking at the heart of their program initiatives. For example, in his book 5 Minds
for the Future, Howard Gardner argues that a major goal, indeed necessary focus,
of education should be to cultivate mindsets or intellectual character. He discusses
the disciplined mind, the synthesizing mind, the creating mind, the respectful mind
and the ethical mind as those dispositions that embody what it means to think and
act critically within democratic, participatory society, globally as well as
academically. Famed naturalist, E.O. Wilson echos Gardners sentiments in his
book Letters to a Young Scientist. Wilson discusses the importance of
characteristics like commitment to identifying and following ones passion, what it
means to be scientifically creative, valuing exactness, identifying and utilizing
resources with emphasis on cultivating professional relationships, always framing
details within the larger picture, and thinking ethically. Despite these noble efforts,
surfacing who we want students to be proves to be much more challenging than
articulating what we want them to do.
The methodological power of the scientific method is so pervasive in how
we design science education that we assume exposure is sufficient to bring to light
its significance to sound reasoning. This poses a major pedagogical challenge
because taking a class in biology does not mean one learns to think like a biologist.
Something more than participating in the discipline is needed to cultivate the skills
and dispositions that make critical thinking meaningful and transformative. Stated
interrogatively, how do you surface those dimensions of critical thinking that are
most relevant to thinking well within the STEM disciplines so that they become a
guide to belief and action?
The Approach
I would argue that the grassroots approach to faculty development and instructional
design is one of the most impressive dimensions of this collective effort.
Unfortunately, the implementation of institutional initiatives, like critical thinking,
move forward with or without faculty input. Even if the initiative was the facultys
idea, crafting and implementation is largely top-down. This may be the nature of
such lofty goals in the machinery of an institution, but the further it gets away from
faculty, the greater probability it will have marginal impact. Working with colleges
and universities accreditation plans, Ive often heard faculty lament: This is just a
fad. It will pass and another one will replace it. We just hold on and wait out the

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storm, but nothing changes. Such experiences have clearly informed my point of
view, which makes working with cooperative project a welcomed exception.
My experiences as part of this project have been overwhelmingly positive. I
study critical thinking, teaching and learning. I also study and write about faculty
development. Together, I apply the research, principles and pedagogy addressing
critical thinking and active learning to help faculty deeply infuse the concepts and
lessons within their work so that learning becomes transformative. This is a
collective effort that requires negotiation. I was asked to lead faculty through
concise learning experiences that addressed the what, why and how of teaching
students to think critically where technology, content and pedagogy meet. I chose to
begin each engagement with the faculty just as this project intended.
What better resource is there to begin with than ones personal history of
intellectual development? What better guide to thinking critically? Is there a better
resource to see what we have done, what we are capable and what we need to
develop than the learning history of experts in their fields? An organic approach to
the substantive implementation of a significant idea necessarily involves the people
who are commissioned to do it. Moreover, it works to build a trusting community
when facilitated well. I believe that once that trust is built and experts emerge as a
community, then we can challenge our conceptions, assumptions, and expectations
of what it means to teach students to discipline their minds. Without an organic
approach to faculty development that this project embraced, many of the
accomplishments may not have been realized. It is a testament to good planning and
open communication that a dedicated community emerged.
New Horizons
This programs organic approach may serve as a model for other institutions
who wish to address similarly complex topics and initiatives. The long-term vision
and plan, the cross-disciplinary approach, the involvement of multiple stakeholders,
and the consistent, open and collective construction of products point to some of the
key elements that make progressive and lasting change.
More importantly, however, I see the mission and goals of this HBCU
critical thinking in STEM program as a conscious effort to bridge the inequalities
that plague our nation. Although an ideal, without practical steps that work toward
that ideal it will remain unreachable. The work of those involved in this grant
demonstrates a thoughtful and integrated effort to make equality tangible. Critical
thinking and STEM are vehicles, but the humanity of those administrators,
instructors, consultants and students create learning opportunities that move the
pendulum of schooling from passive recipients of information to active participants
in its construction and application. The challenges were and will continue to be
enormous, but those involved have demonstrated that sincere efforts can create the
realities we wish to see. I consider it one of the greatest honors of my life to have
played a small role.
Enoch S. Hale, PhD
Academic Learning Transformation Laboratory
Virginia Commonwealth University
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Dr. Cristina Moreira - Biology
Dr. Hyunju Oh - Mathematics
Our challenge was to create and implement critical thinking methods to
improve the reading comprehension and basic math skills of the students at Bennett
College. We exposed our students to different mathematical activities and biology
lessons which stimulated the students to go through the process of identifying the
essence of a problem, gathering the information that is relevant to the problem,
interpreting the relevant information, developing informed conclusions and solution
to the problem, articulating the implications to the solution to the problem and
finally being able to communicate the achieved results. Assessing this practice we
discovered an improvement in pre and posttest scores in both subject areas.
According to Paul & Elder it takes us about six stages to go from an
Unreflective Thinker to a Master Thinker, with very important stages in
between as for example, the Challenged Thinker [5]. Our goal at Bennett College
is to challenge our students to reach a point where thinking becomes second nature
to them.
Robert Reich in his book about preparing ourselves for 21st century
capitalism mentioned that our wealth will no longer reside on how much money we
make but each nations primary assets will be its citizens skills and insights [17].
Therefore, it is our job as educators to prepare the future by developing and
mentoring critical thinkers. Richard Paul defines Critical Thinking as a systematic
way to form and shape ones thinking [16]. It functions purposefully and
exactingly. It is thought that is disciplined, comprehensive, based on intellectual
standards, and, as a result, well-reasoned. Gerald Nosich noted that critical
thinking involves three parts: asking questions, trying to answer those questions by
reasoning them out and believing the results of our reasoning [13].

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Another benefit is as students learn to think more critically, they become

more proficient at historical, scientific, and mathematical thinking [5]. They
develop skills, abilities, and values critical to success in everyday life. Therefore,
even though our focus at Bennett is STEM, the ability of critical thinking is an
interdisciplinary benefit.
Specific Objectives of Critical Thinking Exercises
Our main goal in using the exercises learned through the Minority Science
and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) workshops and provided literature
is that our Biology and Mathematics courses improve our students critical thinking
about the subject matter but also their ability to think effectively in their lives.
Therefore we exposed our students to different activities which stimulated
the students to go through the process of identifying the essence of a problem,
gathering the information that is relevant to the problem, interpreting the relevant
information, developing informed conclusions and solution to the problem,
articulating the implications to the solution to the problem and finally, being able to
communicate the achieved results.
In terms of our courses evaluation, we rely on Blooms taxonomy approach
(Creating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding and Remembering) while aiming
to find balance on how we access our students learning [3].
Rationale for Selection of the Courses
In Biology, BI 100 (Biological Science) and BI 101 (Principles of Biology)
would implement the Critical Thinking strategies presented to during two
workshops sponsored by this MSEIP grant. BI 100 is a course that attends an
average of 50 students/ semester and is an introductory course tailored to nonscience majors. It is also a pre-requisite for graduation and one of the biggest
classes at Bennett College which usually do not have more than 20 students. BI 101
is also an introductory course but is a pre-requisite for biology, psychology, social
work and math/computer sciences majors with an average of 35 students/class.
Critical thinking exercises were also implemented in MA 221 (Calculus I)
and MA 130 (Precalculus) courses. MA 221 is attended by an average of 10
students and is a required course for STEM majors (except biology majors) at
Bennett College. MA 130 is attended by an average of 17 students and is a general
education course for STEM majors.
Our rationale in choosing our courses was to pick the classes we teach
which have the highest number of students so we can impact the most with our new
teaching approach.

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Outline of Methodology
After our participation in the Critical Thinking workshops provided by this
grant, we were deeply convinced of the importance of implementing the
suggestions we received during our training into the classroom by bringing them
into instruction of our Biology and Mathematics courses, both structurally and
tactically. Therefore, we had to decide not only on what to cover but also on how to
cover. We had to take in consideration what were our goals for the courses, how to
implement them, the requirements the students must meet, grade policies and how
to correlate their grades with their performance in these courses.
Students participating in courses where Critical Thinking ideas have been
implemented are active participants and they know from the beginning what in
general is going to be happening in the course, how they are going to be assessed,
and what they should be striving to achieve. Therefore, the syllabi of these specific
courses were modified to include lessons with critical thinking objectives.
The following activities were implemented in BI 100 and BI 101.
Current science articles (on alternative energy, AIDS, antibiotics
resistance, gene patents, privacy issues) are assigned to the students
which were advised to come to class prepared for an engaging
discussion. One student presents the article, a second student is asked to
interpret, and others join the discussion with their reflections.
History of Science Groups prepared presentations on different
scientists from the 16th through the 21st century.
Cell Parts Analogy Groups prepared presentations that had analogies
to the different parts of the cell.
Class is divided in groups and assigned different parts of a chapter to
reformulate and present (using their own words) to the other groups in
the class.
In MA 221 and MA 130, during the semester the students acquire basic knowledge
and the ability to:
understand the motivation for the development of the concept of limit
and how limits, the derivative, and the integral are used to solve
use TI-graphic calculator;
compute or evaluate: functions, limits, derivatives, and integrals;
use computer software Maple to illustrate concepts and solve
problems, and then interpret the results;
set up a mathematical model in real life problems; and
learn how to approach problems to find solutions using critical thinking.

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In order to accomplish these goals, students follow these steps to solve the given
read carefully the given problems;
set up the given conditions and goal, and then write them in
mathematical language;
find proper formulas to solve problem and then work on algebraically
or using a graphic calculator; and
analyze and interpret the results.
Examples of activities performed in MA 221.
I. Newtons Method
a. Introduce the Newtons Method
b. Introduce the iteration formula
c. Solve one example on the board using a TI-Graphing Calculator
d. Group exercises
e. Solve problems, develop a program, and assign projects using Maple
II. Approximating a definite integral by Riemann Sum
a. Introduce the definition of definite integral
b. Solve an example of Riemann Sum with 5 partitions
c. Solve the Riemann Sum with n partition
d. Interpret the result and think about the definition again

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BI 100 and BI 101
Group projects with test grade value offered extra chances of success in the
Students connected their own field of study to components of the group
In a course geared to non-science majors there were more opportunities for
discussion and group activities.
Articles discussions were very lively and helped the students connect the
material in the course to daily issues.
Pre and posttest grades slight improvement (between 8 and 9%) observed.

MA 221 and MA 130

Engage students with different learning styles using technology.
Develop higher-order-thinking skills and creativity.
Maximize student learning - visualize solutions, explore concepts, assess
understanding, interpret results.
Pre and posttest grades improvement observed between 3 to 6% gain.

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Bennett College is one of the two HBCUs (historically black colleges and
universities) in the country dedicated to the education of African American women.
A vast majority of our students come to Bennett with deficiencies in reading
comprehension and basic Math skills. This scenario provokes developing a platform
incorporating critical thinking design. Therefore, we feel that even though our
improvements are small we are finding students that are more motivated to come to
class and are engaged active learners.

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Dr. Tesfaye Belay - Biology
Dr. Julie Kalk - Physics
The purpose of this initiative was to incorporate critical thinking for a better
understanding of biology and physics through interactive learning. Methods
included a web-based tutor with animation studies and in physics several
modalities. Pre and posttest assessments indicated a positive correlation between
the inclusion of these creative experiences and student engagement and
Bluefield State College (BSC) is a historically black college located in
Bluefield, West Virginia, United States. The demography of its students is 86%
white, 10% black and 4% other. First-generation college students make up 71% and
adult learners are about 44%.
Better understanding of biology through interactive learning.
Exposing todays issues by discussions embedded with assessment.
Text: The Unity and Diversity of Life [18]
Use online version of WebTutor and eBook with embedded animations
and videos.
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BIOL 102: General Biology 2 (Online) and assessment

Purpose: To determine whether or not students are meeting the learning
objectives of General Biology 101 and 102 outcomes.
Approach: Have students complete critical thinking questions related to the
content using WebTutor and eBook animations as resources.
Assessment: Embedding 15 essential biology questions in five exams
selected by the teaching team of Biology 101 or 102. The performance goal
is that 80% of students will answer 70% or more of the embedded questions
The overall percentage of the embedded questions answered correctly by the
whole group during each exam is compared from semester to semester. The average
grade distribution of students scoring on embedded multiple choice questions as
shown below.

Physics 201
The hypothesis was that adding a critical thinking element to instruction
would raise scores in general over previous years and the desired outcome was to
increase students ability to create, analyze and evaluate graphs.
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) has
consistently shown that students across the world tend to perform better on lowerorder tasks such as recalling, defining and recognizing information versus data
interpretation [12].
In a world where information is increasingly presented visually, students
need to be trained how to understand visual representations such as graphs.

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The Force Concept Inventory (FCI) was used for assessment.
Widely available, research-based and used as an assessment in PHYS 201
since Fall 2007.
Designed as a pre/posttest assessment.
Requires a forced choice between Newtonian concepts and commonsense
alternatives [8].
Does not provide a direct measure of students ability to create and use

The key limitations in this study were the number of students evaluated and the
assessment techniques. For example, as it is stated above, the FCI does not provide
a direct measure of students ability to create and use graphs. Future research may
incorporate a greater variety of tools to evaluate effectiveness of the teaching
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Dr. Evan S. Fiedler - Anatomy and Physiology II
Mr. Christopher Perry - Anatomy and Physiology II
Critical thinking was employed by creating a personal relationship between
the content and life activities. By focusing on relevance, the objective was to have
students understand the material through personal experiences [6]. Improvement in
posttest versus pretest scores was observed when integrating this pedagogy.
The determination of the importance of information is a trial and error
process. Often, students will consider themselves adept at this skill after taking a
series of tests on previously covered material; learning how does the information
connect to the matter at hand, how does this fact bear upon the issue, and how do
ideas relate? This critical thinking exercise was an effort to create a relationship
between the content and their own life.
Anatomy & Physiology II (A&P II), the specific unit The Digestive
System, was chosen for integration of this methodology. The rationale was that
these students have completed approximately 75% of the content in A&P I and
A&P II combined, thus they have already developed a foundation of knowledge to
draw upon when completing this exercise.

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The activity to establish relevance.
1. Write a single day diet journal;
2. create a flow chart relating 3 foods to the anatomy & physiology of the
digestive system (reference Chapter 21 in the textbook) [11]; and
3. add illustrations.
Brief Example Without Illustrations

A group of 48 students showed an average improvement of 11.25% between
subject (the digestive system) pretest and posttest scores. It should be clarified that
this was the only method the material in this content area was investigated. Students
had access to a power point and the textbook but the professors did not explain the
details of the system. This was done purposefully to truly test the merit of the
critical thinking approach in pedagogy.
The students found this exercise to be mentally stimulating and readily
engaged in the lesson; a refreshing approach to relate to the content. The vocabulary
terms and concepts integrated were extensive including but not limited to the
composition of macromolecules (proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates), enzymes and
hormones involved in digestion (amylase, trypsin, pepsin, cholecystokinin, etc.), the
organs and their respective physiology (esophagus-peristalsis, stomach-parietal
cells secreting HCl, small intestine with microvilli- absorption, etc.). Even though
the quality of the experience was significant, more data needs to be accumulated to
have a complete package/evaluation.

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Dr. Yolanda Anderson - Mathematics and Computer Science
Dr. M. Masud Hasan - Mathematics and Computer Science
This report details a critical thinking project that was held at Elizabeth City
State University, with a focus on incorporating technology. The emphasis of the
critical thinking activities was in introductory level computer science courses in the
Mathematics and Computer Science Department. The goal was to improve critical
thinking skills by incorporating activities that would improve comprehension,
thereby increasing the students ability to connect the discipline-specific material
with their everyday lives. In essence, when educators use critical thinking concepts
in the classroom, they raise thinking to higher levels of understanding and
quality, while engaging students and improving understanding [7].
Critical thinking through technology is gaining popularity as educators are
realizing that students are lacking this skill. When reinforcing critical thinking, it is
necessary to incorporate technology as this millennial society of connected students
relies on technology in education. Encouraging critical thinking allows for better
understanding of material by doing instead of just hearing course concepts.
Critical thinking allows students to become active participants, as it relates to
learning, as opposed to simply being a receiver of information in an inherently
passive role [13].
Increasing critical thinking skills is a comprehensive goal of creating wellrounded students. While it will improve comprehension within a particular subject,
it will also lead to an expansion of the way in which they view the world [7].

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Drs. Hasan and Anderson used the above principles to increase the
comprehension of concepts within selected computer science courses. The
researchers worked with introductory courses, as these are the foundational courses
within the computer science major. Giving the students the correct building blocks
will set them up for success within the major, equipping them with the tools that
can be used across their entire curriculum, no matter the discipline [13].
While critical thinking is necessary, it takes direction from educators to
become effective. It is ideal to have the subject matter relate to the lives of students,
while using the language of the discipline so that the information can be interpreted
insightfully [6]. Given this framework, Drs. Hasan and Anderson used the
following strategies in exercising critical thinking in their classes.
Break a continuous lecture of 50 minutes (Monday, Wednesday, Friday
classes) or 80 minutes (Tuesday, Thursday classes) into segments that also
include challenge questions, examples, feedback questions, and student
start with a small example and gradually add requirements to the problem
(e.g., simple loop accumulating sum inside loop finding average from
accumulated sum);
dissect a large problem into smaller sub-problems to solve each sub-problem
one at a time;
make test questions more analytical, requiring previously learned
knowledge to be used in changed assumptions; and
use mini (5 minutes or less) quizzes at the end or in the middle of every
lecture, where students get immediate automated feedback from the quiz
(implemented in Blackboard).
The objectives of the above strategies are as follows:
to make the class more interesting and keep students more engaged by
class participation;
to enable versatile thinking in bottom-up and top-down approaches;
to observe how students use their learning (i.e., ability to think and
apply), rather than directly asking what they have learned; and
to allow the instructor to know the progress in student learning from
each lecture, as opposed to each module, and giving students immediate
feedback on their comprehension.

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Rationale for Selection of Courses

The researchers selected the following introductory courses.
Introduction to Computer Science (CSC 114) - This course provides
students with a basic understanding of programming practices and
problem-solving skills. Concepts covered include number systems, the
history and components of computers, flowcharting, pseudocode
methodologies, understanding of programming practices, algorithms,
test cases, and software development concepts.
Programming I (CSC 115) - This course provides an introduction to
programming and is taught in a high level programming language. The
topics covered are data types, expressions, assignment, selection,
repetition, introduction to arrays, functions, and recursion. Students are
required to do programming projects.
These are the first two introductory courses for computer science majors,
and tend to be fairly challenging (as evidenced with high failure rates) to students
learning programming for the first time. Additionally, these courses are offered in
multiple sections; hence one section can utilize critical thinking strategies, while
another section may not, so that the two sections can be compared as to the effect of
the critical thinking strategies.
Incorporate active participation through the use of SMART board in lecturediscussion;
use programming examples for specific topics (e.g. selection or loop
present solutions to homework assignments as soon as the due date passed;
modify test questions to be more analytical; and
use the automated feedback tool in Blackboard tests and surveys.

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In each course, students were given a pretest and an identical posttest at the
beginning and the end of each semester. These were graded assessments.
This semester, Dr. Hasan observed two sections of the same course (CSC
114, Fall 2012). In one section, he infused critical thinking activities throughout the
semester. The other course was taught in the traditional manner, without infusing
critical thinking exercises.
The section that infused critical thinking throughout the semester resulted in
a greater improvement between the pretest and posttest scores (28.9%) than the
section without critical thinking activities (11.3%).
In the Fall of 2013, two different courses were chosen (CSC 114 and CSC
115) and each infused critical thinking methodologies throughout resulting in
improvements between the pretest and posttest scores for each class.

In the Spring of 2013, Dr. Hasan was able to infuse critical thinking
activities in one section of Programming I (CSC 115). The students showed an
improvement from the pretest to the posttest (13.4%).
In the same semester, Dr. Anderson was able to observe the performance of
the students in one section of Introduction to Computer Science (CSC 114). Using
the critical thinking exercises resulted in an improvement between the pretest and
posttest scores (12.4%).
In brief, it was found that students who undergo critical thinking exercises are likely
to have higher comprehension and performed 9% - 29% better on tests compared to
students in traditional classes without the critical thinking exercises. However, in
the same set of data illustrated above in CSC 114 and CS 115 one can clearly note
that the overall performance of the students was lackluster. The grade distribution
cumulatively is 4 As, 4 Bs, 9 Cs and 5 Ds. This observation may call for an
integration of improved techniques to facilitate student understandings during
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Mr. Justin Jackson - Mathematics
Dr. Qingxia Li* - Mathematics
(*Dr. Li later transferred to Fisk University)
Ms. Bernadette Turner - Mathematics
This project is aimed at measuring the differences in students critical
thinking ability through technology by Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Test in a
Pretest and Posttest setting. The technology, Pearsons My Math Lab and Moodle,
is being implemented for the developmental mathematics courses at Lincoln
University. Data is collected and analyzed under Baseline condition (without
technology) and Experimental Condition (with technology) respectively. Results
showed that students from classes with technology had a higher increase in the
ability of critical thinking.
Lincoln University (LU) in Jefferson City, Missouri, a historically black
college, was established in 1866 by African American Civil War soldiers as an
educational institution created for the freed Black population. Lincoln University
has an open admission policy and services a large portion of non-traditional
Critical thinking has many definitions. One of the common definitions is the
ability to integrate many different ideas to come up with a unique solution to solve
real life problems. In mathematics, critical thinking can be either an analysis or a
synthesis of mathematical elements. For example, in Algebra one needs to break the
work in parts to solve it, while Geometry requires the combination of several
components to solve a problem.
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Many strategies have been used at LU in an effort to improve the student

learning experience. The educators created time for activities by providing lecture
notes in advance to students. Additionally, they facilitated student group
discussions in the classroom. In this project, the researchers applied SMART
Software and Pearsons MyMathLab in developing mathematics courses.
Project Summary
The outlines made available can be used with SMART Software efficiently
and have led to some remedial sections being taught with a self-paced model.
Pearsons MyMathLab and Moodle are currently being implemented at LU.
Remedial courses were selected because students in these courses may stand
to gain the most through improved critical thinking skills. Students who can
improve their ability to reflect on their own thoughts are more likely to succeed in
every class they take. Richard Paul stated, Critical thinking is thinking about your
thinking while youre thinking in order to make your thinking better, in an
interview for Think magazine [15]. The courses were designed with this in mind.
Project Objectives
The goals of this project are: (1) to help students gain the mathematical
skills required to be successful in later math classes and eventually fulfill all the
requirements to complete a degree; (2) to increase the development of critical
thinking through correcting mistakes on homework/quiz assignments. Students can
refer back to previous examples or definitions to try and fix their own errors
through the provided online videos or examples; and (3) to encourage students to
identify the applications of even basic mathematics and connect what they have
learned to real world, practical situations.
We used Pretest-Posttest of a critical thinking assessment to compare
student performance. A pretest was given during the first week of classes and an
identical posttest was given during the last week of each semester.
Before getting started, it is vital to have clear objectives in the content area
for the course.
a) Objectives for Basic Math (Math 50)
Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole
numbers, integers, fractions and decimals;
recognizing place value and rounding;
working with fractions through an understanding of prime
numbers factors and multiples;
basic concepts of percentages and problems involving simple
interest, taxes, and discounts;
solving one step linear equations;
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translating words to expressions and/or equations; and

introduction to the coordinate plane.

b) Objectives for Basic Algebra (Math 51) - 3 credit hours

Review of real numbers and simplifying algebraic
solving linear equations;
the coordinate plane and graphing linear equations;
exponential rules; and
polynomials - definitions, multiplying, and factoring.
c) Objectives for Basic Algebra (Math 51C) - 4 credit hours
Math 51C is a combination of Math 50 and Math 51. The
objectives for Math 51C are the same as Math 51.
Lecture outlines consist of definitions that usually just require a fill-in-theblank to complete them, how to steps for a concept, and many examples to be
worked out on the board and by the students. All objectives for a course align with
the sections and objectives laid out in the notes. The text books initially used for
Math 50 and Math 51 were Basic Mathematics Through Applications, 4th edition
and Introductory Algebra though Applications, 2nd edition respectively [1,2].
Different Strategies have been used for Math 50 and Math 51/Math 51C.
a) Basic Math* (partially self-paced model)
Video Lectures were created using SMART software. The
lecture notes were captured into a notebook and a recording
was made of an instructor working through the notes on a
tablet PC. These videos combined with the provided notes
made it possible to move to the self-paced model.
Homework assignments were created using Moodle. The
assignments were created for each section and aligned with
the lecture videos and notes.
Due dates are specified to ensure all objectives are met by the
end of a semester, but students are encouraged to work
ahead. Students make progress by completing their notes
while watching a lecture, completing all homework
assignments for a chapter with at least an 80%, taking a
practice test, then finally taking a chapter test. As long as
students work ahead, they are given the opportunity to take a
second version of a chapter test. This allows students to
practice what they missed or did not understand and try to
improve their score. Test grades can go down as the average
of the two attempts will be counted if the second attempt
score is worse than the first.

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Remedial classes have mandatory attendance and this selfpaced course is no exception. The class meets in a computer
lab where students can work individually, help each other, or
get individual help from the instructor.

b) Basic Algebra - a more traditional approach

Lecture notes have been imported into a SMART notebook
as above, but these lectures are completed in a traditional
classroom setting.
Since students have an outline of what will be written on the
SMART board, lectures can be broken up at any time and the
classroom can be flipped. Students get time to try and finish
portions of the notes individually or in groups before the
correct answers are discussed on the board.
A .pdf file of the notes is created from the SMART notebook.
This completed version of notes can be placed on Moodle for
students to review as needed.
*Math 50 was taught with a traditional approach in the Spring of 2013 and
the self-paced model was first used in the Fall of 2013.
Online Homework
a) Basic Math - Moodle
Assignments for each section were created using the quiz feature in Moodle.
Students could rework entire assignments an infinite number of times until they
mastered the concepts. Reworking assignments gave students the opportunity to
learn from their mistakes, an important aspect of critical thinking. One drawback to
using the quiz feature in Moodle is that entire assignments must be completed
before students can see whether their answers are correct.
b) Basic Algebra - Pearsons MyMathLab
Questions were picked that matched the course objectives to create
assignments for each section. Feedback was provided instantly on every question.
Praise was given for correct answers and hints or general information was given
depending on incorrect answers. This helped students apply definitions to specific
examples and improved thinking skills. Besides homework assignments,
MyMathLab is full of resources including an online version of the textbook, video
lectures, and Power Point presentations. Though MyMathLab is an excellent tool,
its cost has been an issue for many students. This is one reason the Basic Math
course was developed in Moodle.
Supplemental Resources - Khan Academy
Khan Academy is an amazing free resource for almost any subject.
Students are provided with links to videos and practice exercises in Khan Academy
through Moodle that match up with learning objectives we are working on. Khan
Academy is another opportunity for students to pick what they need to work on and
try to improve their own knowledge base and thinking skills.
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All the courses we studied showed gains from the pretest to the posttest.
When all courses were considered together, the data was statistically
significant and supported the claim that there were positive gains from
pretest to posttest scores. Our assessment was updated between the Spring
and Fall of 2013. Many of the same questions were used, but some more
were added. Besides additional questions, multiple choice portions were
added to improve reliability. It showed that technology helped the students
improve their critical thinking skills, but it is difficult to be certain.
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The one course that did not use technology was Math 51C section 1 from
the Fall of 2013. The gains were much higher in section 2 of this course,
which used recorded online lecture notes. The sets were both so variable
that the results were not significant when testing the claim that the mean
gain is higher for sections of this course that use technology.

Looking at the averages depicted above, there are a few troubling aspects.
First, the highest posttest average for any of the courses was 57.8% in Math
51C. The other averages were even lower, which is disappointing as we
expected much higher numbers based on the difficulty of the assessment.
The gains from the lowest level remedial class, Math 50 Basic Math, were
modest. The average went from 32.8% on the pretest to 38.8% on the
posttest. The idea with our current model of remediation is that students
who successfully complete Math 50 will acquire the skills necessary to
complete Math 51, then intermediate algebra, and finally college algebra or
elementary statistics. The data above suggests that students who completed
these sections of Math 50 were not as prepared as students who sat down to
take the pretest in Math 51. If students miss out on content knowledge and
critical thinking skills at each rung of the remedial ladder, the chances of
them successfully completing a degree are slim at best. The odds of a
student starting in a low level remedial class and earning a STEM degree are
even smaller. The University is constantly seeking to improve the student
experience and is looking into different options for remedial education. One
is offering co-requisites to go along with intermediate algebra. This would
get students in the classroom more, which may have influenced our data as
well. Not only was the posttest average the highest in Math 51C, but this
course also showed the highest gain from pre to posttest. This could
partially be attributed to the fact that this course is a four-hour course
meeting Monday through Thursday, while all the sections studied of Math
50 and Math 51 were three-hour courses meeting on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday.

Even though there were not significant findings from the gains in the selfpaced version of Math 50 versus the traditional version, we believe there is
promise in the results. We will continue to collect data in self-paced
classrooms to see if students gain more skills through this approach.

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Dr. Ramesh K. Mathur - Mathematics
This paper is a study of the outcomes as it applies to critical thinking with
the use of technology. A pre and post- test was given to students in the beginning
and end of the semester .Critical thinking intervention was used in a general
mathematics class, for non-majors , at Shaw University to see the relevance of
mathematics in real life. The objective was to see the importance and applications
of exponential functions. Students were required to use technology to acquire data
on savings using Excel to make an oral presentation of how they would use math in
everyday life. This study produced positive results in students critical thinking as
indicated by improvement in post -test as compared to pre- test.
Students taking the lower level general mathematics course were selected, to
follow the non-traditional approach, using critical thinking. It was felt that these
courses are pre-requisites to upper level courses, and a better understanding in these
courses would help them to perform better in upper level courses in math and
To help students gain the necessary mathematical skills, and logical
reasoning, which help them completing upper level courses; and
to encourage and require students to work problems related to their real life.

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How do you plan to survive in 35 years? Students were asked to follow the
steps listed here:
1. Understand the problem or issue at hand.
2. Understand the logical connections between ideas.
3. Identify, construct and evaluate arguments.
4. Avoid common mistakes.
5. Solve the problem using the proper approach and formulas.
Collect data from the Internet;
use Excel to analyze the data;
create PowerPoint presentations; and
study Khan Academy related videos to prepare for presentations.
Students were given a pretest in the first week of the semester, and a posttest
in the last week of the semester (Spring 2014). The figure shows a comparison of
the pre-posttest results of the traditional section MAT 112-04 and MATH 112-03.
General Math 112-03 used the critical thinking techniques. The mean post grade in
MAT 112-04 was 70, as compared to a mean post grade of 85 for MAT 112-03.

The critical thinking approach was used in one general math course that is a
pre-requisite to upper level mathematics courses. In addition to the improved
posttest performance, there were 6 As, 4 Bs and 9 Cs, a total of 19 passing grades
in the section using the critical thinking techniques. The course using a traditional
approach had only one student resultant A grade compared to the six in the section
using the critical thinking approach.

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Dr. Ruth Lamprecht - Computer Information Systems and Computer Science
Ms. Iantha Malbon - Computer Information Systems
Critical thinking is a skill that needs to be taught to all students in order to
aid them in their future careers. The ability to make connections between previous
knowledge and a current situation or problem can determine how quickly or easily a
solution can be found. Becoming a critical thinker means becoming adept at using
the elements explicitly and electively in your own thinking [13]. The researchers
in this study focused on the need to guide students into becoming better critical
thinkers. This was done through the use of hands-on exercises, frequent (short)
quizzes, and broader questions in class discussions.
This resource discusses the results of the Critical Thinking Study in various
Computer Information Systems (CIS) courses at Virginia Union University. The
goal of the researchers was to show students how to take new content and relate it
to old information. Critical thinking is the systematic monitoring of thought with
the end goal of improvement [7].
The approach of the researchers is based in the belief that the more class
work is grounded in the real-life applications of the topics, the more the students
will learn. The goal of critical thinking is to establish an additional level of
thinking to our thinking [7]. To this end, the researchers stress the connections
between what the students already know and what the students are learning. The

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concepts of critical thinking are important in guiding students to the ability to make
these connections on their own.
One of the elements of reasoning is the assumptions made in the reasoning.
"Whenever you reason through something, you always have to begin somewhere"
[13]. Students learn that their assumptions can prevent them from solving the
problem. For example, it is usually assumed that everything is plugged in but you
can waste a lot of time if that's the problem. Another element is the point of view of
the question. "Addressing the same question from a different point of view can
produce a whole different set of purposes, assumptions, conclusions, and so on"
[13]. When trying to determine how to answer a question, it is important to realize
that a different perspective can open up a new set of solutions. Learning how to do
this can expand the knowledge base of students.
Courses and Objectives
Below are the courses used in this project. These courses were chosen as
ones taken by CIS majors. This means the students are more motivated and
interested to learn the material. Listed with each course are the objectives for the
critical thinking exercises given.
Introduction to Software Development (CIS 210)
Sequential vs. simultaneous actions as they apply to programming and the
real world to make the connection between personal knowledge and specific
course knowledge.
Explore application of lecture concepts through bi-weekly quizzes focused
on getting students to practice quick thinking.
Application Programming & Advanced Application Programming (CIS 368 & 369)
Discussion of programming controls that they have seen on app interfaces in
the real world.
4-step problem-solving model which can be used to solve programming and
real world problems to stress the importance of the design phase of a
Advanced Business Applications (CIS 262)
Format a worksheet for printing by understanding the concepts that make it
easier to visualize data and promote environmental conservation.
Manipulate charts to present data in different ways that shows cause-andeffect of different data patterns.
Data Communications and Networking (CIS 263)
Analyze and discuss the troubleshooting process using the 4-step problemsolving model.
Describe ways to extend and enhance Ethernet networks that allows for
future expansion and easy maintenance.

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Outline of Methodology
To teach the students to be critical thinkers, the researchers used the
following exercises.
Writing programs where they had to determine the information
necessary to complete the task;
server troubleshooting where they had to apply problem solving
skills to determine a solution and then test its viability; and
frequent quizzes designed to guide the students to the connections
between previous knowledge and the new knowledge.
Quick-answer question used in class and on assignments.
Why is it important to understand the problem before designing the
What behaviors threaten the security of the network?
Questions were drawn from key pieces of information required for each
course. They were asked as short answer questions to promote thinking outside the
Overall, the researchers saw improvements in the students use of critical
thinking. The graphs from CIS 369 and CIS 210 show individual student scores on
the pre- and post-test assessments. Of all the students in these two classes, 27
showed improvement while 4 did not, indicating an 87% success rate. However,
none of those four students passed the class and only one of them completed the
post-test. The graphs for CIS 262 and CIS 263 further illustrate the connection
between overall class performance and performance on the assessments. All
students, on average, had some improvement between the pretest and posttest, but
those students who placed in the top grade grouping for the classes had the most
improvement between the assessments.

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With regards to this process statistically, the only limitation observed in the
study was that improvement was progressively better in the group that could be
considered stronger academic students. A research-based teaching method that
may result in enhanced scores in the future by all participants may be more peer
interaction during lessons and on assignments.

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Dr. Upali Karunathilake - Mathematics
Dr. Xiaohong Zhang - Mathematics
The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking defines critical
thinking as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully
conceptualizing, apply, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information [14].
It is also an integral goal in the higher education process. In this presentation,
researchers looked at how the infusion of technology with traditional classroom
instruction can improve students critical thinking and performance in mathematics
A comparison of results was analyzed from pretest and posttest scores for
each of the classes listed to see if there was a statistically significant improvement
in student achievement.
The researchers evaluated general education math courses; Math 120
College Algebra (Fall 2012 & Spring 2013) and Math 105 Geometry for Math ED
(Fall 2012). There are three levels of understanding in Mathematics [4, 10]:
1. Who/What/When/Where: At the first level, students can ask the question
what by finding the description of the problem and attempt to
understand the problem. What is this about? What is the main point?
What is the problem? What/who is involved? When does this
occur? Students may or may not have seen a similar problem before but
identifying the problem will lead them to the next level, and to seeking a
method to solve it.

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2. Why/How: The second level is the analysis stage. Why can this
argument/theory be used on this problem? How do you use an
algorithm to solve it? Is it the most appropriate? Is there any other
way? Why/how does the method work? Using all these questions will
lead students to find an appropriate method to solve the problems.
3. What If/What Next: The third and the most important level for
understanding the content is to use critical thinking where students can
ask these questions. What if this were wrong? What if the condition
was changed? What can be learned from this? Is there a next step?
What is next step? Where else can I apply this method?
Methodology (in class)
Our approach is traditional classroom teaching with an emphasis on active
participation of students by solving problems posed to them during the class. We
also used Smart Board; graphing calculators; software such as derive, JK Graph;
and using power point presentations to improve students understanding and critical
thinking. Some of the methods of solving as well as theorems were developed in
this way rather than directly given to students. Students were encouraged to use
other resources including tutoring service as well as online resources. We increased
in-class activities, some hands-on problem solving, group work and more. The
researchers encouraged students to work independently or in groups daily, and used
some study strategies to incorporate critical thinking which included:
Note taking
Graphic organization
Data collecting
Group exercise
Before and after quizzes
Test taking on by McGraw Hill
This approach gave the students the opportunity to become more actively
involved in the classroom.
Methodology (outside of class)
We used the SI Program (Supplemental Instruction Program), a peerfacilitated program that integrates content and learning skills outside the classroom.
SI leaders lead the students to how-to-learn with what-to-learn. Some study
strategies included:
Questioning techniques
Vocabulary acquisition
Test preparation
Group studies
We also used Khan Academy, Catch Up Math ( and
the text book website.

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A test to measure the students' critical thinking abilities was administered at
the beginning and towards the end of each semester. Fall 2012 Math 105/Geometry
for Math Education demonstrated total average test score increases of 25%. Spring
2013 Math 120/College Algebra demonstrated total average increases of 50%.
A statistical analysis was performed to see if the change in exam grades
was significant.
Fall 2012 Math 105
One-sided confidence interval using t distribution at 97.5% confidence level
is (-, 11.39). Since the average in differences between test 2 and test 1 is 13.04,
we claim with a 97.5% confidence that students critical thinking as measured by
this test has improved.
Spring 2013 Math 120
One-sided confidence interval using t distribution at 99.5% confidence level
is (-, 16.21). Since the average in differences between test 2 and test 1 is 21.33,
we claim with a 99.5% confidence that students critical thinking as measured by
this test has improved.
This is the first year we have incorporated all those methods with critical
thinking strategies. At the same time while working on our own National Science
Foundation grant we have seen some improvement; however, we are still seeking
the magic way to improve our retention rate, lower the DFW rates, and help more
students to succeed at all levels, in all classes. We really appreciated the guidance
provided in these workshops. Our passion and our commitment to mathematical
teaching has been empowered through participating in this project and will make us
better educators.

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Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

Dr. Qingxia Li
The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal has a distinguished
history, dating back to its initial development in 1925. Designed to measure
important abilities and skills involved in critical thinking, it has been used in
organizations as a selection and development tool and in academic settings as a
measure of gains in critical thinking resulting from specific coursework or
instructional programs. A Mental Measurement Yearbook review noted that the
Watson-Glaser is distinguished by its voluminous research and validity studies.
Watson and Glaser believe that critical thinking includes the following
practices [19]:
attitudes of inquiry that involve an ability to recognize the existence of
problems and an acceptance of the general need for evidence in support
of what is asserted to be true;
knowledge of the nature of valid inferences, abstractions, and
generalizations in which the weight or accuracy of different kinds of
evidence are logically determined; and
skills in employing and applying the above attitudes and knowledge.
Consistent with this conceptualization, the Watson-Glaser II (newest
revision) has maintained the same approach to measuring critical thinking. Each
Watson-Glaser II subtest is composed of reading passages or scenarios that include
problems, statements, arguments, and interpretations of data similar to those
encountered on a daily basis at work, in the classroom, and in newspaper or
magazine articles. Each scenario is accompanied by a number of items to which the
participant responds.
There are two types of scenario/item content: neutral and controversial.
Neutral scenarios and items deal with subject matter that does not cause strong
feelings or prejudices, such as the weather, scientific facts, or common business
situations. Scenarios and items having controversial content refer to political,
economic, and social issues that frequently provoke emotional responses.

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The Watson-Glaser II introduces one notable change to Watson and Glasers

original work. Factor analyses of the existing instrument (Forms Short, A, B)
consistently revealed a structure in which three scales, Inference, Deduction and
Interpretation - all related to drawing conclusions - factored together. Recognition
of Assumptions and Evaluation of Arguments remained as independent factors.
Based on this finding and the logical appeal and interpretational ease of the three
factor model (RED), a new subscale composition was proposed.
Recognize Assumptions (R)
Assumptions are statements that are assumed to be true in the absence of
proof. Identifying assumptions helps in discovery of information gaps and enriches
views of issues. Assumptions can be unstated or directly stated. The ability to
recognize assumptions in presentations, strategies, plans, and ideas is a key element
in critical thinking. Being aware of assumptions and directly assessing their
appropriateness to the situation helps individuals evaluate the merits of a proposal,
policy, or practice.
Evaluate Arguments (E)
Arguments are assertions that are intended to persuade someone to believe
or act a certain way. Evaluating arguments is the ability to analyze such assertions
objectively and accurately. Analyzing arguments helps in determining whether to
believe them or act accordingly. It includes the ability to overcome a confirmation
biasthe tendency to look for and agree with information that confirms prior
beliefs. Emotion plays a key role in evaluating arguments as well. A high level of
emotion can cloud objectivity and the ability to accurately evaluate arguments.
Draw Conclusions (D)
Drawing conclusions consists of arriving at conclusions that logically follow
from the available evidence. It includes evaluating all relevant information before
drawing a conclusion, judging the plausibility of different conclusions, selecting the
most appropriate conclusion, and avoiding overgeneralization beyond the evidence.
Results for Critical Thinking Pretest and Posttest
The following sections summarize the results of the Pretest and Posttests
when infusing critical thinking strategies. The participating institutions included
Bennett College, Bluefield State College, College of The Albemarle, Elizabeth City
State University, Hampton University*, Lincoln University, Shaw University, West
Virginia State University, and Virginia Union University. A total of 17 faculty
members from Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics participated
in this project. Of the students, 387 students had valid Critical Thinking pretest
scores, and 254 students completed the posttest. 110 students completed both
pretests and posttests.
*Hampton University did not provide an individual detailed section of their
approach to include in the manual prior to publication.

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Section 1: Overall Performance of students on Critical Thinking Pretest

The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking pretest had three categories with their
respective distribution of questions (40 total): Recognize Assumptions (12),
Evaluate Arguments (12), and Draw Conclusions (16). Across all students in nine
different colleges, the number of correct answers from all students had a fairly
normal distribution (see Figure 1). The lowest score was 0 (3 students), and the
highest score was 35 (1 student). Students performed slightly better in Evaluate
Arguments (54.6%) than the other two categories: Recognize Assumptions (45.4%)
and Draw Conclusions (47.2%).

Figure 1. Distribution and Descriptive Statistics for the Pretest Scores (all students)
Section 2: Overall Performance of students on Critical Thinking Posttest
The lowest score of the posttest is 6 (2 students) and the highest score is 38
(1 student). The posttest also has a fairly normal distribution. 80% of students got
11 to 25 correct answers on the posttest. No students have got less than 6 correct
answers and the percent of students who got 6 to 10 correct answers is low (0.6%).
More than 15% of students scored 26 or better.

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Figure 2. Posttest Scores (all students)

Section 3: Comparison of Pretest and Posttest scores
As shown in Table 1, the posttest-total mean is slightly higher than the
pretest-total mean. There is a 4.1% and 9.7% increase in the categories of
Recognize Assumptions and Evaluate Arguments respectively while a 9.6%
decrease appears in the category of Draw Conclusions. Table 2 shows that there is a
2% increase between pretest mean and posttest mean for students who have
completed both measures.

Table 1. Differences of Means and Standard Deviations (all students)

Table 2. Means of Pretest and Posttest for Students who Completed Both Measures

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Section 4: Comparison of Time-spent on Tests with Scores of Tests

As shown in Figure 3, over 80% of students completed their tests in 11 to 40
minutes and 29% of students did the tests in the range of 21 and 30 minutes. The
correlation is calculated between the number of correct answers and time spent on
the tests. Table 3 and 4 show that there is a weak correlation between students
scores with time spent on the tests. There is a strong correlation between number of
total correct answers and the number of correct answers in each category:
Recognize Assumptions, Evaluate Arguments, and Draw Conclusions.

Figure 3. Distribution for Time-Spent on Pretests and Posttests (all students)

Table 3. Correlation between Time and Scores on Pretests and Posttests

Table 4. Correlation between Time (10-50 minutes) and

Scores for Pretests and Posttests
Note: Total= total number of correct answers in Pretests and Posttests, RA= number
of correct answers in the category of Recognize Assumptions, EA= number of
correct answers in the category of Evaluate Arguments, DC= number of correct
answers in the category of Draw Conclusion, Time= number of minutes students
spent on their pretests and posttests.
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Section 5: Comparison of STEM and Non-STEM Majors in Pretests and Posttests

Overall, STEM did slightly better than Non-STEM majors in Pretests and
Posttests. STEM majors got one more correct answer than Non-STEM majors for
the Medians as well as 3 more correct answers for the third Quartile. Comparing the
posttest-total with the pretest-total, STEM majors has a slightly decrease while
Non-STEM majors has a small increase. For both STEM and Non-STEM majors,
there are noticeably increase in the categories of Recognize Assumptions and
Evaluate Arguments, but a relatively large decrease in the category of Draw

Table 5. Means, Standard Deviations and Five Number Summaries of Pretests and
Posttests for STEM and Non-STEM Majors
Section 6: Comparison of 1-2 Year College Students and 3-4 Year College Students
As shown in Table 6, there is an increase for 1-2 year students and a
decrease for 3-4 year college students in Posttest means compared with the Pretest
means. Year 1-2 college students had a higher increase in the categories of
Recognize Assumptions and Evaluate Arguments and a smaller decrease in the
category of Draw Conclusions than 3-4 year college students.

Table 6. Means, Standard Deviations and Five Number Summaries of

Pretests and Posttests for 1-2 Year 3-4 Year College Students.

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Section 7: Conclusion
For all student participants, there is only a slight difference between
Pretests-total and Posttests-total. There is a noticeable increase in the categories of
Recognize Assumptions and Evaluate Arguments, and a relatively large decrease in
the category of Draw Conclusions. For 1-2 year college students, there is a
relatively large increase in Posttest means compared with Pretest means, while there
is a decrease in the posttest means for 3-4 year college students. Compared with
Non-STEM majors, STEM majors did slightly better in both Pretests and Posttests.
There is only a slight difference between pretest means and posttest means for both
STEM and Non-STEM majors. A time analysis is conducted among time spent on
both tests and the number of correct answers in each categories of the tests. There is
no strong correlation between number of correct answers and time spent on these
Section 8: Future Projects
The targeted student groups should be 1-2 year college students and the
discipline in the survey can be reduced to three categories: STEM, Non-STEM, and
Undeclared. The time allowed on the tests should not be more than 60 minutes. The
outcomes of the tests should be related to extra credits in the course for student
engagement. A pretest and posttest on the course content along with a Critical
Thinking test should be given at the beginning and the end of semester. Data should
be collected under Baseline Condition (without using technology in teaching) and
Experimental Condition (with technology in teaching) separately.

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Critical Thinking Through Technology

iPad and SMART Board

Dr. Farrah Jackson Ward
Chairperson: Mathematics and Computer Science
Dr. Farrah Jackson Ward of Elizabeth City State University has been
actively using iPAD and SMART Board in the collegiate classroom. Specific tactics
that have resulted in greater student involvement in both guided practice and
problem solving requiring critical thinking (with individual and group learners) are
briefly shared in this section of the manual. In addition to working with students,
Dr. Ward also has and continues to deliver hands-on interactive seminars to
educators (on how to use either/both modalities).
The iPad can be loaded with multiple applications. Unfortunately, as a result
of this flexibility teachers could be overloaded with information so much so that
they may not know where to begin and/or may be intimidated. Dr. Ward
recommends these specific apps below to begin to get comfortable with
incorporating this unique productive technology.

Teacher Clicker Socrative: Ask questions on the spot (multiple

choice, true/false, short answer). Quizzes (create or import from
Excel). Exit Ticket (preloaded).
Educreations Interactive Whiteboard: Turn your iPad into a
recordable whiteboard. You can create a video tutorial. Voice
recording, handwriting, and drawings. Add text and photos to any
page. Share lessons via email, Facebook, Twitter and/or a website so
students can watch them before and/or after class.
Baiboard - Collaborative Whiteboard: Note taking. Animation
clouds. Annotate PDF and pictures. Obtain signatures. Share lessons
via email, Dropbox, Facebook, Twitter and/or Tumblr.

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Critical Thinking Through Technology

The SMART Board is an interactive flat panel large enough to be viewed by

all the students (from their seats) in a typical size classroom. Innovative features
allow for teachers and students to interact with any displayed information in a
manner similar to using a touch-screen computer. Active editing such as
highlighting, underlining, and/or adding content allows for lessons to turn into
malleable modules. Essentially, the active user (instructor/student) is truly
teaching/showing understanding in-the-moment and differentiating the delivery of
content to reach multiple learning styles. During seminars, Dr. Ward shares
extraordinary stories of students problem-solving individually and together with/in
front of their peers. Student feedback has been positive in performance and on endof-class surveys.
The iPad and SMART Board are not brand new tools in todays educational
setting, but they do provide a mechanism for a dynamic learning experience.

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Critical Thinking Through Technology

Significance of the Cover

The cover model of a buckyball represents Buckminsterfullerene (C60)which
exhibits wave-particle duality. This molecule was chosen by the publisher as an
analogy to the combination of applying deduction and induction when establishing
understandings. Deduction is an expression of the wave property, and induction is
demonstrative of the particle state. Exhibiting the dual nature relates to the
viewpoint that both practices are simultaneously occurring in the mind of todays
students during the learning process.

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Critical Thinking Through Technology


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Critical Thinking Through Technology


Paul R. Critical Thinking. Santa Rosa (CA); Foundation for Critical Thinking;

Paul R. Critical Thinking: What Every Person Needs to Survive in a Rapidly

Changing World. Tomales (CA): The Foundation for Critical Thinking; 1993. 7 p.

Paul R. How to prepare students for a rapidly changing world. Foundation for
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