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Ferrovirio | Fundio | Servios

Railway | Foundry | Services

Creating paths.

Projetar o futuro
criar caminhos para alcan-lo.
Planning the future is the creation of paths to achieve it.

Criando caminhos.
O slogan da AmstedMaxion reflete a sua
rpida adaptao e busca constante por
novos desafios. Para isso, visa estar prxima
das pessoas, entendendo suas necessidades
e propondo solues cada vez mais criativas.
Hoje, amanh e sempre.
Creating paths.
The slogan of AmstedMaxion is a reflection of the companys swift adaptation and also the constant search for new
challenges. For this reason, the company seeks to stay close to people, understanding their needs and proposing solutions
that are more and more creative.
Today, tomorrow and always.


Sucessora da FNV - Fbrica Nacional de Vages, fundada em 1943, a

AmstedMaxion foi criada no incio do novo milnio, a partir da associao
entre a Amsted Industries, fabricante norte-americana de componentes
com atuao nos mercados ferrovirio, fundio e servios, e a brasileira
Iochpe-Maxion, maior fabricante nacional de rodas e chassis para veculos
comerciais, com produtos comercializados em mais de 40 pases.
Aps seis dcadas de atividades, a AmstedMaxion figura como uma das
principais referncias latino-americanas no desenvolvimento e fabricao de
vages de carga em ao e alumnio, rodas de ao fundido, truques, rodeiros
e sistemas de choque e trao, alm de prestar servios de reparao,
adaptao e modernizao de vages e componentes. Pioneira, atende a
todas as ferrovias e seus usurios no Brasil e no exterior, incluindo empresas
de leasing de vages.
Em sua fundio, so produzidas peas de ao para aplicao em mquinas e
equipamentos de construo civil, minerao e ferrovirio.
Por tudo isso, uma empresa que est presente na vida de milhares de
pessoas. Sim, porque em algum momento, aquele produto que chegou
sua casa j passou por um caminho criado pela AmstedMaxion.

The successor to the National Freight Cars Factory (Fbrica Nacional de Vages - FNV), founded in 1943,
AmstedMaxion was set up at the start of the new Millennium, with an association between Amsted Industries,
a North American manufacturer of components with firm activities in the railway, steel casting and services and
Brazilian company Iochpe-Maxion, the largest national producer of wheels and chassis for commercial vehicles, with
products sold in more than 40 countries.
After six decades of activities, AmstedMaxion appears as one of the main references, within Latin America, when
it comes to the development and production of Freight Cars in aluminum and steel, as well as wheels in cast steel,
trucks, wheelsets and also coupler system, as well as providing services of repair, adaptation and modernization of
Freight Cars and components. As a pioneer, the company serves all railways, and also users thereof, both in Brazil
and abroad, including a company for the lease of Freight Cars.
In its steel foundry, steel parts are produced for application to machines and equipment for civil construction, mining
and railway industries.
For all this, it is a company which is present in the daily lives of millions of people. Indeed, because that product
which has just arrived at your place of abode is sure to have passed along some route created by AmstedMaxion.

Por todo o mundo,sempre existem

novos caminhos a serem criados.
A AmstedMaxion est presente no mundo todo, por
meio de uma estrutura que inclui a Amsted Rail.
A rede formada por plantas industriais e postos
avanados capazes de levar eficientes solues
tecnolgicas a clientes localizados em todas as partes
do globo, como ilustra o mapa.

Throughout the world, there are always

new paths to be created.
AmstedMaxion is present throughout the world, through
a company structure which includes Amsted Rail. This
network comprises industrial plants and advanced stations
which can take efficient technological solutions to clients
located anywhere in the globe, as the map clearly shows.

O maior parque fabril

da Amrica Latina.
No Brasil, a AmstedMaxion possui unidades em Cruzeiro e
Hortolndia, municpios do estado de So Paulo. Juntas, as duas
plantas constituem a maior e mais importante operao integrada
de equipamentos ferrovirios de carga da Amrica Latina.





Ocupa uma rea total de

951,4 mil m2, sendo 115 mil m2
de rea construda,
empregando diversos recursos
tecnolgicos na fabricao e
reforma de vages.














Primeira planta industrial

do segmento de transporte
ferrovirio do Brasil,
inaugurada na dcada de 40.
Est instalada em rea total
de 200 mil m2, dos quais,
40 mil m2 construdos.


Cruzeiro: This is the first industrial site within the segment

of rail transport in Brazil, having been inaugurated back in
the 1940s. This plant occupies a site with a total area of 200
thousand m 2 , of which 40 thousand m 2 is built area.
Products: Railway wheels and cast steel parts.




Hortolndia: This unit takes up a total area of 951.4 thousand

m 2 , of which 115 m 2 is built area, making use of a range
of technological resources in the production and also the
refurbishment of Freight Cars.
Products: Freight Cars services and welded structures.



Produtos: vages, servios e

estruturas soldadas.

The largest industrial complex in Latin America.

In Brazil, AmstedMaxion has units in Cruzeiro and Hortolndia,
both situated in the state of So Paulo. Together, these two
industrial units make up the largest and also the most important
integrated operation involving railway equipment for goods
transport in the whole of Latin America.








Produtos: rodas ferrovirias e

peas fundidas de ao.


Plantas industriais: 14, incluindo Amsted Rail

Industrial Plants: 14, including Amsted Rail

Exportao: mais de 30 pases

Export: The company exports to more than 30 countries

Canad (Canada)
Griffin - Winnipeg
Estados Unidos (USA)
Griffin - Kansas
Griffin - Keokuk
Chicago Castings
Griffin - Columbus
Brenco - Virginia
Alliance Castings
Mxico (Mexico)
Jamaica (Jamaica)
Repblica Dominicana (Dominican Republic)
Nicaragua (Nicaragua)
Costa Rica (Costa Rica)


Venezuela (Venezuela)
Colombia (Colombia)
Equador (Ecuador)
Per (Peru)
Bolvia (Bolivia)
Paraguai (Paraguay)
Chile (Chile)
Uruguai (Uruguay)
Argentina (Argentina)
Alemanha (Germany)
Blgica (Belgium)
Portugal (Portugal)
Franca (France)
Itlia (Italy)
Mauritnia (Mauritania)


Guin (Guinea)
Gabo (Gabon)
Egito (Egypt)
Arbia Saudita (Saudi Arabia)
Paquisto (Pakistan)
ndia (India)
Japo (Japan)
Austrlia (Australia)
frica do Sul (South Africa)
Scaw metals
China (China)

Incio das atividades da

FNV Fbrica Nacional de
Vages, no Rio de Janeiro-RJ,
a primeira do segmento
ferrovirio no Brasil.

A FNV transfere suas

operaes para Cruzeiro-SP,
onde hoje funciona uma das
unidades da AmstedMaxion.

Diversificando seus
negcios, a FNV
inicia o segmento de
fundidos industriais.

A FNV inicia sua atuao

no mercado de rodas
ferrovirias de ao fundido.

O grupo brasileiro
Iochpe-Maxion assume
o controle da FNV.

De uma joint venture

entre a Iochpe-Maxion
e o grupo americano
Amsted Industries Inc.,
surge a AmstedMaxion.

Incio das operaes em

Hortolndia-SP, como parte
de uma arrojada estratgia
de expanso, dobrando a
capacidade produtiva.

Aquisio definitiva de
toda a planta industrial
de Hortolndia-SP.

A AmstedMaxion
apresenta uma nova
viso com a renovao
de sua marca, slogan
e conceito.

A AmstedMaxion apresenta
a soluo completa para o
transporte de conteineres.











comprovada em nmeros.

Qualidade empregada
em todos os processos.
A preocupao com a qualidade em todos os processos, produtos e servios, uma constante na AmstedMaxion. A empresa
tem como premissa garantir a excelncia mxima, sendo sempre a melhor opo do mercado. Mais do que isso, com suas
equipes de campo, leva seu conhecimento para dentro de seus clientes, desenvolvendo e adaptando produtos para a mxima
eficincia de cada equipamento, pea, componente ou servio.

Somadas, as duas plantas industriais da AmstedMaxion

apresentam capacidades de produo anuais significativas,
que explicam, em parte, porque a empresa lder de
mercado. Mas, alm da questo numrica, fatores como
competncia, proximidade e criatividade so decisivos para
manter-se sempre frente. Assim, seguimos evoluindo e
contribuindo para diversos negcios e para a sua vida.

A tecnologia de ponta, aliada ao trabalho de equipes altamente especializadas e atentas s inovaes tecnolgicas, garantiu
AmstedMaxion a conquista de diversos prmios e importantes certificaes nacionais e internacionais, demonstrando o
comprometimento da empresa com as exigncias do mercado.
ISO 9001/2000 emitido pela BVQI
M-1003 e M-107/208 da AAR (Associao Americana de Ferrovias)

Capacidades anuais
de produo:

Quality used in all processes.

The concern for quality in all processes, products and services is constant here at AmstedMaxion. The main guideline of the company is that of
ensuring the maximum of excellence, while always being the best option on the market. More than this, through its field teams, the company takes
knowledge to inside the clients, thereby developing and adapting products to obtain the maximum efficiency of each unit, component or service.
The presence of cutting-edge technology, together with the work of highly specialized teams which are aware of technological innovations, has
made sure that AmstedMaxion has been awarded with several different prizes and certifications, both in Brazil and abroad, thereby showing a firm
commitment to market requirements on the part of the company.

92 mil

ISO 9001/2000 issued by BVQI
M-1003 e M-107/208 from the Association of American Railroads (AAR)


de peas

vages de carga

Simulao Vampire .

Simulation Vampire.
Capacity proven in figures.
Taken together, the two AmstedMaxion industrial plants have
significant annual capacities for production, and this goes to
explain, in part, why the company is the market leader. However,
apart from the numerical issue, other factors such as competence,
proximity and creativity are also decisive factors to keep the
company always in the lead. Thus, we shall continue to evolve and
also make our contribution to different business segments and also
to your life.

Investimentos em recursos tecnolgicos e em capacitao

tcnica tornam a equipe de engenharia da empresa uma
das mais conceituadas mundialmente.

Advanced Technology Applied.

Investments in technological resources and also in
technical skills training make the engineering team of
the company one of the best regarded in the world.

Acordos tecnolgicos:
Empresas do grupo Amsted Rail
Fabricantes de vages e truques
Universidades e Institutos de Pesquisas

Technological Agreements:
Companies of the Amsted Rail group
Manufacturers of Freight Cars and trucks
Universities and Research Institutes

Melhorias de processos:
com o emprego de ferramentas dinmicas de simulao:
Magma SolidWorks - Pro/E (solidificao)
Desenvolvimento de produtos:
com uso de ferramentas avanadas destacando o FEA e
o Vampire.

Total production capacities per annum:

O software permite a construo de um modelo dinmico,
simulando quase todos os aspectos comportamentais dos vages.
Melhorias na suspenso
Melhorias na estabilidade
Ajustes conforme caractersticas da ferrovia
Simulaes de equilbrio do vago
Melhoria no desgaste da roda
Roda x interao ferrovia
Investigao de descarrilamento

10 thousand Freight Cars units

40 thousand tons of cast components
92 thousand railway wheels units

KAIZEN, 5S, 6 Sigma and Lean Manufacturing
Integrated System

tecnologia aplicada.

40 mil

10 mil

KAIZEN, 5S, 6 Sigma e Lean Manufacturing
Sistema Integrado

Improvements of Processes:
With the use of dynamic simulation tools:
Magma SolidWorks - Pro/E (solidification)
Product Development:
With the use of advanced tools, especially FEA
and Vampire.
This software package allows the construction of a
dynamic model, simulating nearly all the aspects of the
behavior of Freight Cars.
Improvements to Suspension
Improved Stability
Adjustments in line with characteristics of the railway
Simulations of the balance of the carriage
Improvement in wheel wear
Wheel x Interaction with the Railway
Investigation of derailments

Conhea os principais modelos de vages fabricados pela
AmstedMaxion. Suas dimenses e capacidades podem
variar conforme a famlia de cada modelo, bem como as
necessidades de cada cliente.

Freight Cars
See the main models of Freight Cars made by AmstedMaxion. The sizes and
capacities may vary according to the family of each model, as also the needs
of each particular client.

Vages plataforma AmstedMaxion.

Soluo completa para o transporte de containers.
A AmstedMaxion continua frente, se adequando
cada vez mais s necessidades do modal ferrovirio
brasileiro. Os vages plataforma AMAX oferecem
uma soluo completa, com foco em cobrir todas as

alternativas viveis existentes no mercado para o

transporte de containers. Dessa forma, a AmstedMaxion
se mantm sempre a frente, criando novos caminhos de
eficincia para voc.


AmstedMaxion platform freight cars.

Complete solution for container transport.
The AmstedMaxion continues forward, adapting themselves more to the needs of Brazilian
railroad. AMAX platform freight cars offer a complete solution focused on covering all
viable alternatives in the market for transport of containers. So, the AmstedMaxion remains
always ahead, creating new efficient ways for you.

Seja em ao ou alumnio, a AmstedMaxion

referncia na fabricao e fornecimento
de vages de carga, de todos os tipos, para
as mais renomadas companhias ferrovirias
do Brasil e do exterior. A qualidade dos seus
produtos um reflexo dos investimentos em
tecnologia de ponta e trabalho de equipes
especializadas. Isso torna a equipe de
engenharia da AmstedMaxion uma das mais
conceituadas mundialmente, garantindo
credibilidade e excelncia em seus produtos
e servios.
Alm disso, sempre criando caminhos, a
empresa capaz de customizar qualquer
projeto de acordo com as necessidades
especficas de cada cliente.






All Door

All Door






Car Carrier Truck






Freight cars
Whether in aluminum or steel, AmstedMaxion is an
industry benchmark in the production and the supply of
freight cars of all types, for the most important railway
companies in Brazil and also abroad.
In addition, always creating paths, the company is
able to customize any project according to the specific
needs shown by each client.


1 - Braadeira
2 - Aparelho e Choque
3 - Cruzeta
4 - Engate
5 - Mandbula

Pointer and
main components
1 - Yoke
2 - Draft Gear
3 - Crosshead
4 - Coupler
5 - Knuckle

Na fabricao de sua linha de rodas ferrovirias para vages e

locomotivas, a AmstedMaxion utiliza, em sua unidade situada na
cidade de Cruzeiro-SP, a mesma tecnologia da lder mundial do
segmento, a Griffin Wheel Company, empresa do grupo Amsted Rail,
que detm a tecnologia das rodas com perfil parablico, padro de
referncia pela Associao Americana de Ferrovias (AAR).

Truque e seu
principais componentes



Desempenho mximo,
sem folgas.
nico aparelho de choque e trao que
anula, praticamente, todas as folgas
entre os vages.


Maximum performance,
without slack.
This is the only shock and
traction equipment that
practically does away with all
slack between the carriages.

1 - Rolamento
2 - Rodeiro
3 - Travessa
4 - Lateral
5 - Roda


Um passo a frente
em qualquer deciso.
O Sistema de Monitoramento
Inteligente que oferece dados
precisos e confiveis sobre a
localizao e condio de ativos.

Truck and its

main components
1 - Bearings
2 - Wheelset
3 - Bolster
4 - Side frame
5 - Wheel

A step ahead in
any decision.
The Intelligent Monitoring System
which offers precise and reliable
date about the location of assets
and their respective conditions.

A AmstedMaxion tambm adotou, para sua linha de rodas ferrovirias,

a utilizao do ao microligado, conhecido por sua alta resistncia,
com o objetivo de melhorar o desempenho em desgaste por meio do
aumento da dureza, da profundidade de endurecimento e do limite de
escoamento. Mantendo a sua liderana em inovao, a empresa foi a
primeira no Brasil a fornecer rodas com esse tipo de ao, aumentando
a performance do seu produto e demonstrando o comprometimento em
agregar valor para os seus clientes.

Produz uma diversificada linha de
fundidos ferrovirios, como truques e seus
componentes, sistemas completos de choque
e trao, pontas da viga central fundidas,
espelhos, pratos de pio, tringulos de freio e
hastes de ligao.
Outro destaque so as rodas ferrovirias,
desenvolvidas com a exclusiva tecnologia
Griffin, lder no mercado norte-americano,
cumprindo todas as especificaes e normas
estabelecidas pelas mais rigorosas ferrovias
do mundo.
It produces a diversified line of cast materials
for railway operations, such as trucks and their
components, comprehensive coupler system, draft
sill end castings, striker, center plate, break beam and
draw bars.
Another point worthy of mention are the special
railway wheels, developed with the exclusive Griffin
technology, which leads the American market, meeting
all specifications and standards as established by the
most stringent railways of the world.
In addition, always creating paths, the company is
able to customize any project according to the specific
needs shown by each client.

Railway Wheels
For the production of the companys line of railway wheels for freight cars and
locomotives, AmstedMaxion makes use, in the companys industrial plant located in
the city of Cruzeiro, state of So Paulo, the same technology as used by the world
leader in this segment, the Griffin Wheel Company, a company of the Amsted Rail
Group which has the technology of wheels with parabolic profile, which is a reference
standard established by the American Association of Railroads (AAR).
For the companys line of railway wheels, AmstedMaxion has also taken up the use
of microalloyed steel, well known for its high resistance, in order to enhance the
performance in terms of wheel wear, through the increase in hardness, the depth
of the hardening process, and also the yield strength. Keeping the leadership in
innovation, the company was also the first company in Brazil to supply wheels using
this kind of steel, thereby increasing the performance of the product and demonstrating
the commitment to add value for the clients.


Ponteira e seus
Principais componentes

AmstedMaxion develops and also produces components for the market in
general and, first and foremost, for their own Freight Cars, thereby allowing
total control of the processes, without depending on other suppliers.


A AmstedMaxion desenvolve e fabrica componentes para o

mercado em geral e, principalmente, para seus vages, permitindo
controle total de processos, sem depender de outros fornecedores.

Mquinas e Equipamentos
Tratores, escavadeiras, caminhes e mquinas pesadas
em geral, contam com as solues em peas fundidas
da AmstedMaxion para desbravarem novos caminhos.

Suporte Frontal
Front Support

300 Kg


Machines and Equipment

Tractors, wheel loaders, trucks, and heavy machinery in general have solutions in cast
components made by AmstedMaxion, to embark on new journeys.

Roda Guia

770 Kg

A capacidade de produzir peas de 10 at

6.000 Kg, somada sua produo anual, fazem
da AmstedMaxion a maior fundio de ao de
toda a Amrica do Sul.


Cruzeta Traseira
Rear Cross

Carcaa de Eixo


33 Kg

913 Kg

284 Kg

Axle Housing

O segmento de fundio da empresa busca a

excelncia em produtos e servios, dispondo
dos mais avanados recursos tecnolgicos
para produzir fundidos de ao carbono,
baixa-liga e mangans de altssima qualidade,
atendendo os mercados interno e externo,
nos setores de mquinas e equipamentos
para construo civil, minerao, cimento,
automotivo e ferrovirio.
Em Cruzeiro-SP, so operados trs fornos
eltricos a arco, sendo um com capacidade
de 17 toneladas e dois com capacidade de
12 toneladas. Os fundidos podem ser
fornecidos nas condies: bruto, pr-usinado,
acabado e submontado.

Caixa de Transmisso




Suporte de Direo

1.800 Kg

190 Kg

124 Kg

640 Kg

3.220 Kg


Roda Guia


Carro Grelha

944 a 2.500 Kg

3.200 Kg

555 a 2.880 Kg

7.500 Kg


Fundido Central



285 a 1.340 Kg

1.539 a 4.136 Kg

405 a 1.470 Kg

92 Kg


Eixo Motor


A equipe da AmstedMaxion busca a excelncia
em produtos e servios, tambm, em fundidos
especficos para minerao.




Pellet Car

Track shoe

Main Frame





The AmstedMaxion team also seeks excellence in products
and services, in the field of specific cast products for the
mining industry.

Steel Casting
The capacity of producing parts from 10 up to 6,000
kg, together with annual production has made
AmstedMaxion the largest steel foundry unit
in South America.
The steel casting segment of the company seeks
excellence of products and services, making use of
the most advanced of technological resources to
produce cast items in carbon steel, low alloy steel and
manganese of the highest quality, serving the national
and the international market, in segments such as
machines and equipment for civil construction, mining,
and railways.
In the city of Cruzeiro, State of So Paulo, Brazil, there
are three eletric arc furnaces, one with a capacity of
17 tons and the others with a capacity of 12 tons. The
cast products may be supplied in any of the following
conditions: rough, pre-machined, finished and

AmstedMaxion Assistncia
e Inteligncia em Solues
de servios

Reviso e manuteno de vages
e componentes


de gesto

A AmstedMaxion efetua parcerias permanentes, ou com
propsitos especficos, com empresas reconhecidas no mercado
ferrovirio, visando fornecer solues de qualidade e aumentar
a abrangncia dos Servios AMais em reas como: freios,
rolamentos, monitoramento eletrnico, entre outros.

AmstedMaxion Assistance and Intelligence in Solutions

The main characteristics of the AMais Services are to offer the market really
comprehensive solutions in relation to the operation of Freight cars, with a
distinctive and higher-quality proposal to benefit the clients.
This means that the Operators can be free from worries, as also from the
high costs related to the maintenance of their Freight cars, and can thus
concentrate their efforts on the real focus of their business activities.
Checking and maintenance of Freight cars and components
Management Models
The structure of AMais is defined as a management model that can be
personalized for each Operator. Each contract is considered as a separate
business, which can be adaptable to the following situations:
Execution in our industrial plants
Sharing of workshops > services
Total management of outsourced workshops > services and also materials
Opening of independent branches


Strategic Partnerships
AmstedMaxion establishes permanent partnerships, or partnerships with
specific purposes, with companies that are well known on the railway market,
seeking to offer quality solutions and also increase the scope of the AMais
services in areas such as: brakes, bearings, electronic monitoring and others.

Os Servios AMais so uma soluo inovadora que vo,

definitivamente, contribuir para elevar a rentabilidade do seu negcio:
Manuteno Full Service > Custo 20 a 40% menor
Gesto de Estoques > 37% (custo mdio sem estoque)
% Manuteno Corretiva > Reduo de 60-75% para 20-25%
% THP (Trem Hora Parado) > Reduo de 40 a 50%
% Frota de Cobertuta > Proporcional ao ganho de THP
Assistncia Tcnica > Agilidade e melhoria contnua

Real Advantages
The AMais services are an innovative solution that shall definitely make
a contribution to increase the profitability of your business:
Full Service Maintenance > Cost 20 to 40% less
Stock Management > 37% (average cost without stock)
% Corrective Maintenance > Reduction from 60-75% to 20-25%
% Train Stoppage Hours (TSH) > Reduction by 40 to 50%
% Cover Fleet > Proportional to gain in TSH
Technical Assistance > Speed and continuous improvement


Choque e Trao


Coupler System

Brake Consultancy

Gesto Total
dos Estoques
Total Stock

de Freio


Brake Components

e Rodas


Wheelsets, Bearings
and Wheels

Garantia de

Aparelho de
Choque e Fundidos
em geral

Itens de Estrutura
(tremonhas, portas
e escotilhas)

Draft gear and castings in


Structural Items
(Hoppers, Gates and Hatchways)

Buscando sempre inovar, ouvindo

atentamente as necessidades do
mercado para propor solues
criativas, a AmstedMaxion criou a
AMais exclusivamente para atender s
concessionrias ferrovirias tambm na
prestao de servios, incluindo reparao,
adaptao e modernizao de vages e
de seus componentes, alm da reviso
e manuteno de frotas de vages e
locomotivas. Esses trabalhos podem, at
mesmo, ser realizados nas instalaes
do cliente, conforme necessidade e
viabilidade tcnica.
Atravs da AMais, a AmstedMaxion inova,
mais uma vez, ao propor solues completas
e diferenciadas na prestao de servios.
AMais Services
You may now count on all the expertise amassed by
the greatest manufacturer and market leader in the
segment of Freight cars, for the modernization and total
maintenance of your fleet.
Always seeking to innovate, while also carefully listening
to the needs of the market in order to propose creative
solutions, AmstedMaxion has created AMais exclusively
to serve the rail transport concessionaires also in the
provision of services, including repairs, adaptations and
modernization of Freight cars and their components, as
well as the review and maintenance of fleets of Freight
cars and locomotives. This work can also be carried out
on the premises of the client, according to needs and
subject to technical feasibility.
Through the AMais programme, AmstedMaxion is
innovating once again, by proposing comprehensive and
distinctive solutions for service provision.


Service Modules
There are several different possibilities (please contact us to find out more). Projects, as also
some services, are treated as independent demands, as they serve a specific purpose. In
contrast, the complete system services, or components, may be effectuated in a complete or
independent fashion. However, the best option for the client, ensuring greater cover at
lower cost, is that of Integrated Maintenance:


A estrutura da AMais definida conforme modelo de gesto que

possa ser personalizado para cada Operadora. Cada contrato
tratado como um negcio em separado, capaz de ser adaptvel a:
Execuo em nossas plantas industriais
Compartilhamento das oficinas > servios
Gesto total das oficinas > servios terceirizados / materiais
Abertura de filiais independentes

Voc pode contar com todo o expertise

do maior fabricante, lder no mercado
de vages, tambm na modernizao e
manuteno total de sua frota.

Existem diversas possibilidades (entre em contato para saber mais). Projetos,

assim como alguns servios, so tratados como demandas independentes
por atenderem a uma finalidade especfica. J os servios de sistemas
completos, ou de componentes, podem ser realizados de modo completo, ou
isolados. Entretanto, a melhor opo para o cliente, que garante maior
abrangncia a custos menores, a Manuteno Integrada:


A principal caracterstica dos Servios AMais oferecer ao

mercado solues realmente completas no que se refere
operacionalizao de vages de carga, apresentando uma
proposta diferenciada e superior em benefcio a seus clientes.
Isso permite que as Operadoras fiquem livres de preocupaes
e custos elevados referentes manuteno de seus vages,
concentrando esforos no foco real de seu negcio.

Servios AMais

Nos caminhos da

On the paths of responsibility.

A AmstedMaxion valoriza o seu capital humano, pois acredita que s possvel alcanar timos resultados,
para si e seus clientes, quando se conta com equipes integradas e altamente motivadas. A poltica de gesto
de pessoas da empresa tem como principal objetivo valorizar, desenvolver e reter seus talentos.
Os colaboradores da AmstedMaxion so incentivados atravs de programas de formao acadmica,
qualificao tcnica e desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal. Muitas dessas iniciativas so estendidas,
tambm, aos seus familiares.
AmstedMaxion adds value to your human capital, as the company believes that it is only possible to achieve good results, for the
company and its clients, when there are integrated and highly motivated teams. The people management policy adopted by the
company has the main aim of adding value to the company talent, as also the development and retainment thereof.
The collaborators at AmstedMaxion are encouraged through programmes for academic qualification, skills training, and also
professional and personal development. Many of these initiatives are extended to include family members.

Ciente de sua responsabilidade enquanto empresa, a AmstedMaxion desenvolve e participa de projetos
com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade de vida da populao no seu entorno. Por isso, apoia diversas
entidades sociais e estimula o voluntariado. Mas, o grande destaque fica por conta das aes educacionais,
como o Programa Formare, que desenvolve as potencialidades de jovens de baixa renda para integr-los
sociedade como profissionais e cidados.

Well aware of the responsibility as a company, AmstedMaxion develops, and also participates in, projects seeking to
improve the quality of life of the surrounding population. For this reason, the company has supported several charity
institutions and also encourages volunteer work. However, the main highlight is the set of educational activities, such
as the Formare programme, which develops the potential of low-income youngsters to bring them into society as
professionals and also as citizens.

Meio Ambiente
A AmstedMaxion promove aes de conscientizao e preservao ambiental, alm de realizar um
amplo monitoramento de todas as suas atividades, como o sistema de exausto, para que no haja
impactos ambientais delas decorrentes. A preocupao com o meio ambiente no se restringe s
normas e regulamentos governamentais, mas envolve iniciativas preservacionistas e campanhas de
conscientizao junto aos seus colaboradores e sociedade, tais como o Programa de Coleta Seletiva, a
Semana do Meio Ambiente e o Reflorestamento da Mata Ciliar.
The Environment
AmstedMaxion also promotes actions of awareness building and environmental preservation, as well as conducting the wide
monitoring of all company activities, such as the exhaustion system, so that there is no environmental impact arising therefrom. The
concern with the environment is by no means restricted to Government standards and regulations, but also involves preservationist
initiatives and awareness-building campaigns among the company employees and also the society at large, such as the Selective
Collection Programme, the Environment Week and also Reforestation of Riparian Forests.

Rua Dr. Othon Barcellos, 77 - Centro
Cruzeiro / SP - CEP: 12730-010
Tel: (55 12) 2122-1400 / Fax: (55 12) 2122-1851

rea Stio So Joo, s/n - Jardim So Camilo
Hortolndia / SP - CEP: 13184-902
Tel: (55 19) 2118-2000 / Fax: (55 19) 2118-2140

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