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Market segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad target market into
subsets of consumers who have common needs and applications for the relevant goods and
services. Depending on the specific characteristics of the product, these subsets may be
divided by criteria such as age and gender, or other distinctions, like location or income.
Marketing campaigns can then be designed and implemented to target these specific customer
segments. Through market segmentation, companies divide large, heterogeneous markets into
smaller segment that can be reached more efficiently and effectively with products and
services that match their unique needs.
The four basic market segmentations-strategies are based on behavioral, demographic,
psychographic and geographical differences. Behavioral segmentation devides buyers into
segments based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responses concerning a product. Many
marketers believe that behaviour variables are the best starting point for building market
Next, demographic segmentation which devides the markets into segments based on variables
such as age, life-cycle stage, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity and
generation. This segment are the most popular bases segmenting customer groups. One
reasons that consumer needs, wants, and usage rates often vary closely with demographic
Psychographic segmentations divides buyers into different segments based on social class,
lifestyle or personality characteristics. People in the same demographic group can have very
different psychographic characteristics. To understand psychographic in simple words its
profile a person or group make-up constructed such as attitudes, values and behaviour.
Lastly, geographic segmentation devides the market into different geographical units, such as
nation, regions, states, counties, cities or even neighborhoods. A company may decide to
operate in or a few geographical areas or operate in all areas but pay attention to gepgraphical
differences in needs and wants.

In market segmentation that required to divided and split the marketing strategies and mix. In
this section, we only give attention or focus on segment of high school for study at our
university. Lately, the high school students are shrinking within our region and moreover this
project will be decrease around over the next 10 years. On top of that, I as admin officer in
this university wanting to recommended potential market segments to increase the number of
students in this university.
These are several segmentation we can believe and focus on, and the first one its segment of
matriculation/foundation. As a university we can offer to them various type of course and
choices. We try take students heart with offer the course, this reasons in Matriculation they
only have just two stream, Science stream and Accounting stream. We can tell them course
in our university its easy to grab with our terms. We can explain about our vision and mission
and details about our objective.
Furthermore, we can improve their English language because in our university English is the
main communication skills. We use English language as communication language because
once students graduate and finish in universities at least their can communicate well in
English. This show we offer more than academic achievement or goals, and globally
recognized qualification, experience and vocational or skills will shows your matured to
success in your future and life time.

Second segmentation we can tell diploma students about our universities. We can offer them
the course suitable for them based on their result. Mostly the famous course in this university
that students choice before this its management and enterpernuership, finance and etc.
Our university offer MARA scholarship to all student. That can be more advantages to
diplomas students because usually in diplomas their use ptptn as scholarship. When students
take this scholarship in the end of study they just to pay the small amount bases on their
However, mostly when graduate our students can easily to hire job. This because our practical
or industry training among the best training in the best company such as Nestle, Ambank,
Astro and so on. In turn, experience the benefit of our cultural in this university because we
have lots of region, race and cultural and show to abroad students and find them suitable
course and living place.
The students that graduates from high school can be offer the diploma courses at least their
can get 5 credits in subject. Environment in ours class are bring the scenarios world class
university because the lessons. The great lessons can make the successful and get flying
colors result.

Third segmentations, its for STPM and matriculation students can apply for this degree.
Degree its a new step to success after all finish their way. For degree students we offer the
loan and can covert to scholarship. However to convert the scholarship, at least you must
score 3.50 above each semester or cgpa 3.50 for every course. It will make you easier in
future once you score every semester and you didnt owe anything and learn in universities
free without paying but the effort must see and worth it.
In our universities student can wear anything compare to regulations of the school and
matriculation. The objective we offer this program is to save all cost of students in Malaysia
who take degree these programs its lower cost as part of the degree is done in Malaysia where
tuition fees and living expenses are considerable lower include the food.Our universities offer
the best and can give you counseling if your mind still blind to decide.




There are many ways to segment a market, but not all of the segmentation is effective. It must
choose carefully and need to be made which helps in marketing the right product to the right
target market. Market segments need to satisfy the following five criteria of market
1) Measurable
The size of the segment must be in numbers, the purchasing power of the segment and the
characteristics of the segment must be measurable in numerically. Market research would be
able to explain, if the segment is accurate, the number of individuals within the segment must
be defined clearly.
2) Substantial
The segment must be a homogeneous group, with similar characteristics. Factors such as age
group, brand perception and other factors. The segment must be large enough to tailor
marketing effort. The consumer market must be defined clearly, products are made for certain
characteristics, it could be for height or weight or other preferences. The segment chosen
must be substantial
3) Accessible
The targeted segments need to be accessible, take example a form of advertising, certain
areas may not have access to the internet so they need to be targeted using different methods
of communication. The targeted segment must be served well, locations need to be chosen
based on seasons

4) Differentiable
Different segments must be differentiated, they must react differently to different campaigns
or products, and different marketing tools would be used to target these audiences. Their
characteristics must be differentiated and their understanding of the marketing efforts and the
product or service must be different.
5) Actionable
The segment must be devised in such a way that it results in an action, this could be a buying
behaviour. The segment must have practical value; the marketing effort must result in an


In the nutshells, market segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad
target market into subsets of consumers who have common needs and priorities, and then
designing and implementing strategies to target them. Market segmentation strategies may be
used to identify the target customers, and provide supporting data for positioning to achieve a
marketing plan objective.

Businesses may develop product differentiation strategies, or an undifferentiated approach,

involving specific products or product lines depending on the specific demand and attributes
of the target segment. If this segment is projected to decreases over the next 10 years, there
are many ways that the university can solve it. Lack of students can be solving it with, for
example demographic, psychographic and geographic segmentation.

Furthermore there are six marketing concepts that can improve ore help the
university to manage the lack of students. It will help the university to segment their market,
analyse the prospects and customers, understand their behaviour towards the university and
attitude also product. The market segmentation also has reasons to solve any problem. There
are five reasons why market segmentation will benefit your direct marketing programmers.
There are ads competitive advantages, identified new markets, reduce the cost, reduce credit
risk, and purge the list.

There are many ways to define your market, but only one way will most efficiently meet your
specific goals. Segmentation studies divide your market into groups with shared
characteristics to help you market more effectively. We offer you a segmentation study that is
customized to your needs through careful planning and collaboration. There are many ways
to divide customers into groups, but only one way that will deliver what youre looking for.

There are many factors the university can do to sure that the lack of the students in their
university will not happen because many ways can improve their management. They can find
the students in any ways such as from matrix, diploma, careers people that wants to further
their study. Lastly, market segmentation is very important things that can help the university
to find the students and decreasing the lack of students.

KotlerPhilip.2009.Principle Of Marketing.(Wikipedia).
[19 February 2009]
Philip Kotler, Gary Amstrong (2012) Principles Of Marketing, Fifteenth Edition, Pearson,
New Jersey.

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