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[BG ER mew nee eaeh_benaonayeaiT EEO = aoa at tr | ee) ee a Otis | wtp pe Thorens ane fa serrage 7 = [al esas acai rs BE i 2a [reece nora FR ia anne Bm RTT : us| psi meal “a pee = San a eT 7 lien aman oe TT a Bal zal Ta pao oh TTT at a sata eee ena em - Eee eC RESESEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ba ee [Frente zs a =| eingeosaTs sa TE Sema gop wt sa a x Frc estas (aa Wate ‘Sushare capt oeCongaos) sa i sa sl Ties : FERRO of ars TTS Ceshobetingot pores sn remate o i soon | wo wom | so086 Tenge PATS Tg TE teoleare capt aft company) szovts | some | szave | 200% Seater begins tne yaar. aceed Cin te gener Nir Oman ueng te uae fa Reming orcas he Tne a medi Gn spr rine. ema A ttc godless nnn me nde 2. reel apo pena rganpieer me or Gusher Dias oa ited Hera M0 amish Pe egg re) SHARP & TANNAN A Chartered Accountants LIMITED REVIEW REPORT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF GUJCHEM DISTILLERS INDIA LIMITED FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30™ JUNE, 2016 ‘We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of Standalone Unaudited Financial Resuhs ‘Gh ‘Staioment) of Gujchem Distilers India Limited (the ‘Company’, for the parfod ended 30" June. 2015 excep for the disclosure regarding ‘Publ Shareholding’ and ‘Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding’ which have been traced from diselosures mado by the management and have not bean audited by us. This Statsment is the cesponsibity of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors on 12" August, 2015, Our respansibity Is to Fesue a report on these financial stalsments based on out review. We conducted our review in accordance wth the Stonderd on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, Review of Intorici Finanelal Informstion Performed by the Independant Auditor of the Eniity issued by the institute of Chartered Accountants of Inala. This Standard requires that ‘we plan end perform the review to oblain moderate assurance as to whether the financial ‘sialements are free of material misstatoment, A review is limited primariy to intutles of Comparty personnel and analyseal procedures apaliad to financial data and thus provide 135 ‘essurance than an audit. Wa have rot perfermea an audit and accordingly, we do nat express aan audi opinlon. Based on our review conducted as abava, nothing has come to our attention that ceuses us to believe that the accompanying Statement of Standalone Unaudited Fingnclal Results prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standerds specified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and ‘other recognised accounllng practices and noficies has not disclesed the information roquired 40 be aiseloced in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which itis to be disclosed, oF that I contains any material misstatement. SHARP & TANNAN Chartered Accountants Firm's Registration No 1090827 18 piand of MILIND P. PHADKE Periner Mumbai, 12° August, 2015 Membership No, 933013. Ravindra Annexe, 194, Churchgate Reclamation, Dinshaw Vachhs Road, Mumbai - 400 020, India. “Tel. (22) 2204 772223, 6633 B43 - 47 Pax (22) 6633 8352 E-mail : admin Fook M Kobi Shrendhs T. Kate Milind Pade ‘ameath D. Kase ‘Aseria B.Chopee Eewi Avgucine ——-Raghennh B Acharys Fito O. Bichia Thing Aktoe Pavan K Agave “Alt at Pane. asrrinte Offers Seagelore, Cheers, Gos de New Delhi

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