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Justin Bieber
March 1, 1994

(Gender: M)

Dear Justin
Thank you for ordering your Name and Birth
Date Report.
Applying scientific principles of mathematics
and language, your report includes a full
analysis and evaluation of all the names you
have used. All were instrumental in creating
the foundation of who you areyour mind and
thinking patterns, your personality traits, your
deepest ideals, desires, and ambitions.

As you read your report consider your life and

the experiences you attract. Realize now, as a
young person, that you have a wonderful
future ahead of you. You are responsible for
filling your time with constructive effort and
achievement. This report is letting you in on a
secret that could change your life
dramaticallythat your mind through your
name is creating the experiences of your life.
Consider the part of your report about destiny
and the conditions that will take place in your
life. Realize now that if need be, these
circumstances can be changed. What do you
want to create? What do you want out of life?
Make the decision to go for the best!
As much as your name determines who you
are, your birth date defines your innate, core
purpose in life. Its called your birthpath. As
you cultivate your natural abilities you will find
your greatest happiness and fulfilment. You
will discover what you were meant to be and
what careers you are ideally suited for. Your
names, though, must be harmony with your
inner potential; otherwise, life will not be as
Never accept that you must go through life
wishing your life could be better. It can be.
Life should be rewarding. You should be
happy, joyful, and successful. Your future is

Part 1: Analysis of Your Names

Have you wondered why you think and act as
you do, why you attract certain experiences
time and time again, why your life shows a
specific pattern of eventsdisastrous or
successful, or why a specific health weakness
afflicts you? The reason can be found in the
qualities of your name.
The most important part of you is the invisible
energy of mind, which is responsible for your
personality; for the balance and coordination
of the body, your degree of stability, your
habits, desires, strengths, weaknesses, and
the state of your health. Your mind determines
everything about you. What then creates your
mind? When asked, Who are you? do you not
reply with your name? You do not answer to
your friends name or your sisters or
brothers. You respond only to your
name. Your name and your mind are
one. The correct answer to "What's in your
name?" is "everything!" and to be specific and
personal, the answer is "you".

Why Names Matter

Name is part of language, for it is only through
language that human intelligence can be
expressed. It does not matter what alphabet
or means of communication is used. In order
to create intelligence, a consistent pattern of

symbols must be employed. If language was

not taught to a child he or she would never
develop intelligence, which illustrates how
language is a basic principle or tool for the
development of mind.
How is language measured? Through
mathematicsthe only tool of measurement.
Mathematics is the universal measurement for
all of life both quantity and quality. To
illustrate, if you take two apples and three
oranges you have five items in quantity, but in
quality, you have to describe specific
characteristics. In human nature, mathematics
reveals the qualities of mind. Qualities of
human mind are measured within the basic
principle of 9. Each number from 1 to 9
determines specific qualities of human
intelligence, and when applied to name, a
myriad of personality qualities can be
measured. The consistent position of each
letter in the alphabet determines its
mathematical quality.
Too many people today suffer physically,
mentally, emotionally, and materiallyall due
to lack of understanding of the principles of
name. Yes, proper foods and good physical
habits are essential and are the building blocks
to a strong, healthy body, but they are not the
complete answer. Everyone searches for
happiness, health, and understanding. The
first step towards this goal is knowing the
reasons why you think the way you do and

how your thoughts create your life pattern;

your happiness, health, and success.
In your Name Report, your names are
analyzed using the 26-letter English alphabet.
However the effect of your names in English
may be modified somewhat if, in addition, your
names were created from a different alphabet.
We would be pleased to discuss this matter
with you.

Middle Names
Middle names do not determine your
personality traits and are not analyzed unless
you are called by your middle name. If your
middle name is a part of your business
signature, it would have an overall influence in
your business affairs and would be described
in the business signature section.

Your First Name(s)

Your most used first name(s) reveals your
personalityyour desires, ideals, goals,
ambitions, as well as potential health

Your name of Justin gives you a happy,
spontaneous, generous, magnetic personality.
As you are a quick thinker, witty, and
extremely imaginative, you seek opportunities
for conversation and to be the centre of
attention as outlets for your humour and
spontaneity. The element of surprise can
motivate you to jump into an undertaking
without any premeditated plan, just working
out the details as circumstances arise. Your
interest in people in general would bring you
success in any position in which you contact
the public and can express your creativity, free
from monotony, system, or limitations. You
could develop many artistic talents.
Lack of punctuality could cause setbacks in
business, especially early in your life before
you suffered serious disappointments over
missed opportunities. You can be forgetful
because of a lack of concentration and failure
to write things down. This tendency could
appear to others as irresponsibility. Although

you can be logical and analytical in arriving at

a quick over-view of a subject or proposition,
you have difficulty mustering the concentration
and perseverance to follow through with
detailed, systematic analysis. Accordingly, you
are prone to act impulsively with the result
that errors in judgment occur. You depend
upon your self-expression, personality, and
adaptability to carry you through. In your
personal relationships, you thrive on
encouragement and kindness. Sometimes the
bribery of receiving a gift or other
inducements can persuade you to get a
monotonous job completed, for you cannot be
driven to accomplish your tasks. You seldom
carry out a job the same way twice. Your
personal habits could frustrate more fastidious
family members or co-workers as putting
things away after you are finished with them
does not often enter your thinking.
You are not one to take life too seriously, as
you see humour in many situations, and to
make others laugh makes you happy. A zest
for life and optimism keep you youthful. You
have a great amount of vitality and energy,
which usually finds an emotional outlet. Your
sincere appreciation and love for people often
arouses your sympathy to help others, drawing
you into emotional experiences that sometimes
overwhelm your reasoning and prudence. You
are too easily influenced through the
emotions. In spite of bitter experiences, you
are very forgiving, seldom hold malice, and
only momentarily do you experience moods.

Unkind words and criticism can hurt you

deeply, yet you seldom show it.
Rarely do you do just one thing at a time. You
often have many projects on the go and
sometimes this scattering of your efforts
prevents you from finishing everything you
start, and does not allow success in some
areas of your life. You can be positive in your
opinions yet passive in action because there
are times when you lack confidence. You often
provoke debates and arguments, in which you
insist on having the last word!
This name makes it difficult for you to be
systematic, to budget, and to save money. You
are too generous, occasionally, foolishly so.
Money to you is something to be spent so that
you may enjoy the pleasures of life, and to
help others. Associating with others who take
finances seriously could lead to problems in
your life.
You enjoy rich, quick-energy foods and tend to
be a quick, nervous eater. Any overindulgence in your appetite could affect the
liver causing bilious attacks and other similar
ailments, or could show in skin problems such
as eczema.

Your Surname(s)
The family name is the influence of your
background, your home environment, the
strengths and weaknesses, and the
hereditary traits.

It must be clearly borne in mind that this is a

generalization of the attributes of the
surnames given, and in some cases, the
characteristics are modified by the first name.
But, if not modified by the first name, the
attributes described will predominate. The
fault lies in the name, and will carry on to the
heirs bearing that name.
The surname of Bieber creates an intensely
ambitious and active family. Honest when
living to their highest nature and loyal in
friendship, once having given their word they
will never willingly break a promise. As they
have great initiative and self confidence, they
want to be their own boss, free to make their
own decisions without supervision. They love
freedom and they work well on their own in
occupations where there is opportunity for
change and new experiences such as in travel,
sales, or promotion, and would feel great
frustration in a routine, monotonous type of
job. Members of this family are quite fearless,

often doing something of a new and

challenging nature. They will not be held
down, nor will they be possessed by others.
They are so intense that they seldom relax and
find pleasure in casual congenial association.
Quite outspoken in their attitude to life and
rather heartless--although they are not aware
of being--they believe that a truth should be
told regardless of the results. Members of this
family depending on the first name influence
are very individual, and all have their own
opinions; thus there is not closeness but there
is loyalty, in family relationships. They would
all go their separate ways, and often early in
life. Women marrying into this family suffer
through frustration and repression because of
a lack of closeness with their partner. There is
much friction and turmoil within the home.
This name limits vision and causes bitter
experiences through impulsive actions that
make family members prone to accidents.
Extreme tension affects the senses of the head
and the solar plexus, causing cramps,
digestive upsets, and extreme moods of
depression that make life almost unbearable at
times for themselves and others.

Your Combined Names(s) Create Your Destiny

Your combined names show your desires,
long-term ambitions, and accomplishments
and create your destiny or your
experiences and the conditions that
become part of your life.

Justin Bieber
Using the combined names of Justin
Bieber you desire a systematic and orderly
life, and provide opportunities to establish
stability in your affairs. These names take you
into supervisory positions with the
responsibility to organize and direct the efforts
of others. Though you could achieve financial
stability and considerable success, it comes
about only through perseverance and much
hard work in technical, mechanical, or financial
fields. The influence of these combined names
adds a shrewd, analytical quality to your
nature. Others could consider that you place
too much value on the dollar and material
success, and too little on the more relaxed
aspects of life such as friendliness, sociability,
and humanitarian ideals. Any weakness in your
health could affect the reproductive organs.

Your Business Signature(s)

Your business signature denotes the
degree of your financial success and the
type of occupations you are drawn into.

Justin Bieber
To the extent that you use the business
signature of Justin Bieber, you would find
that you are not able to use your time to
greatest efficiency because you get involved in
inconsequential detail, routine, and monotony.
It does bring you financial opportunities and
takes you into positions in which you could
have authority and responsibility. Though you
could reach a high level of financial success,
you might become so engrossed in business
and financial matters that other aspects of
your life suffer, such as your personal
relationships or your health.

Part 2: Your Life Purpose/Birthpath

At birth, with the first breath, a spiritual
essence and purpose became a part of you and
gave you life, caused your heart to beat, and
your systems to work, and activated your
physical growth. Your particular date of birth
determines your unique core purpose, the

reason for your life, and pathway you should

follow for ultimate happiness.
Whether your birthpath fully expresses
depends upon your names, for the names
create your personality and are the compelling
forces that shape your life. The birthpath is
only the potential to be understood and
expressed through your mind harmonized to
your purpose.

Your Life Purpose/Birthpath for March 1, 1994

The time you were born indicates that you
have a potential role as a teacher, leader, and
specialist inspiring and instructing others. The
qualities of your inner nature include
generosity, a love for humanity, and a desire
to serve and help others. To create a happy,
healthy, and successful life, you must keep
your emotions in check to avoid feeling too
much the tensions of living and the problems
of others. Your compassion and appreciation of
people could allow you to do well in positions
where you can serve and assist others such as
in charitable institutions, hospitals, in the legal
industry, or in the educational system, to
name a few.
You could find happiness in the business and
financial world in an occupation assisting and
serving others in some way, such as a financial
planner or family lawyer, in which you better
their lives because of your efforts. Following

musical, artistic, dramatic, and/or design

pursuits could encourage your creativity,
originality, and imagination.
Your inborn love of independence and freedom
could be nurtured in situations offering variety
and opportunities for self-expression. Within
your potential are the appreciation of the
outdoors and all the beauties of nature.
Although your birthpath indicates a role of
being a compassionate provider for people,
create opportunities to be on your own at
times for reflection to develop your creative
talents through literary, musical, and/or
artistic composition.
A balanced name harmonized or balanced to
your birthpath will give the mental freedom to
accomplish the full expression of your unique
inner qualities.
A name with opposite qualities to the birthpath
does not allow the balanced, natural
expression and unfoldment of your purpose. It
creates many expressions of frustration,
unhappiness, and lack of fulfilment which
result from desiring one thing but attracting
something else. When the name is not in
harmony with ones purpose, the result is
turbulence, discontentment, and stress.

Whether your inner potential/birthpath

described above can develop and express
is dependent on the qualities and balance
of your first and last names.

Birth Time Around Midnight

The calculation of your birthpath is based on
the widely used Gregorian calendar, which is
recognized internationally. For births around
midnight, the day of birth is always
determined according to standard time, and
not daylight-saving time, if it is in effect. A
birth occurring in the half-hour between
midnight and 12:30 am (standard time) is
treated as occurring on the previous day.
Please contact the office so that we can revise
your Name Report if your time of birth was in
either of the following periods:

Midnight to 12:30 am standard time

Midnight to 1:30 am daylight-saving time

Your Life Phases

Your birth date is divided into three distinct
phases. Each phase is an opportunity to
develop qualities that are components of your
birthpath potential as determined by the date
of birth.

Your First Life Phase

Your first life phase is determined by
the calendar month of birth (March) and
covers the personal development period of life,
beginning at birth and ending at 27 years of
age. Childhood represents the foundation of
life upon which should be built discipline,
health, intelligence, love, ideals of service, and
an appreciation for all humanity.
From birth to 27 represents a time for
expression in inspirational endeavours such as
art, music, drama, composition, singing, and
public speaking which can uplift and encourage
others through creative, intelligent, humorous
expression. Generosity is another attribute to
be developed during this time in your life. You
would be successful in any position in which
you could express your cosmopolitan qualities
personally, spontaneously, and creatively, free
from monotony or limitations. By learning
system and order, you would overcome any
tendency to scatter your efforts and to leave
projects incomplete. Your natural affection for,
and caring of, others must find constructive
outlets; otherwise, you could be drawn into
frivolous emotional encounters and bitter

Your Second Life Phase

Your second life phase is determined by
the day of the month of birth (1) and
covers the most active period of time from 27
to 54 years of age and determines the basic
group of each person. All people belong to one
of three basic groups: practical, social, or
From 27 to 54 is a time of independence for
you to learn the lessons of self-reliance, selfresponsibility, and individuality of mind. These
qualities build confidence and strength of
character preparing you for leadership
opportunities. You would feel the urge for
freedom to shoulder your own responsibilities,
and to learn through your own experiences.
You could find it difficult, at times, to merge
your efforts with others. A name in harmony
with your potential would allow you to develop
originality, inventiveness, creativity, and
resourcefulness in the practical arts and other
fields that capture your interest. Your initiative
and motivation for accomplishment provide a
constructive example for others. Your loyalty
to your friends would be shown more by what
you do for them rather than through your selfexpression.
By cultivating generosity, compassion, and
understanding of people, you would control
any tendencies to be self-centred and selfopinionated.

Your Third Life Phase

Your year of birth (1994) is the third and
last life phase and covers the period of time
from 54 to the close of life. It represents the
fruition period of life when each person should
give back of his or her knowledge of life so
others may benefit from the shared
From age 54 to the close of life is the time
to build along creative, mental lines; to
develop originality, versatility, and selfsufficiency; and to discover new meanings and
theories to life that would lead to new
experiences and progress for humanity. There
would be a stirring of an eager, dynamic,
creative quality that must find constructive
outlets in intellectual pursuits by seeking
truth, fact, and logic in answer to the
questions of life and by exploring new lines of
activity. Within you is an appreciation for the
forces of nature. You would love the freedom
experienced in the outdoors and the challenge
in participating in activities in that natural
environment. Life is an adventure and you
would find your greatest happiness in positions
in which you could implement constructive
change and reform, bringing new ideas and
efficiency, and justice for others. You should
not be pushed or driven, but allowed the
independence to develop the full potential of
the creativity within you.

Although this mental quality is constructive,

consistent mental effort and emotional control
are required to remain positive. Otherwise,
feelings of repression, frustration, antagonism,
or criticism could arise, particularly if you have
been impeded in your accomplishments. By
learning system and order, and attention to
detail, you would be able to finish what you
start and thereby ensure progress. Generosity
and thoughtfulness toward others would
eliminate self-centredness.

Part 3: Relationships and Compatibility

All people belong to one of three basic groups:
practical, social, or inspirational. In the
Kabalarian Philosophy they call these groups:
water (practical), fire (social), and air
(inspirational) groups. You are in theWater
The day of the month when one is born
determines the group. Each group has a
specific role in life and the group signifies the
basic nature of the purpose within each person
and, as well, indicates the conditions
necessary for personal growth. The group is
part of the birthpath quality. Whether this
quality finds a natural expression depends
upon the names used, for the names create
the personality of each person and his or her

destiny in life. Name is the predominant

determining factor in each persons growth and

Table of Groups


Day of Birth


1, 5, 7, 10, 14, 16,19, 23, 25, 28


2, 4, 8, 11, 13, 17,20, 22, 26, 29, 31


3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18,21, 24, 27, 30

Each group water, fire, or air express in

specific ways.
The water group expresses in a matter-offact, direct, independent way, and is
responsible for establishing the practical
understanding of life. Water group members
learn through their own efforts in self-

education and self-discipline to become leaders

sharing with others the benefit of their
experiences. They are self-sufficient and
creative but have to guard against being selfcentred. Those in the water group appreciate
the outdoors and find harmony and peace in
The fire group has the lesson of
responsibility, the lesson of association,
working for and with others, coinciding
viewpoints and educating and organizing
others. Those in the fire group often learn
through the fire of experience until they base
their decisions on definite principles and are
not swayed by others. They are not highly
inspirational, as they seek proof through fact
and logic.
The air group is here to contribute through
self-expression and creative, artistic
achievement. Air group members have the
potential to develop universal understanding to
lead the minds of others into progressive,
constructive channels of thought and
creativity. Being idealistic and inspirational,
they should express affection and generosity.
Since they feel deeply about the welfare of
humanity, they can be over-emotional,
temperamental, and unrealistic if not living the
higher side of their nature.

People born into the same group can
experience a natural kinship, especially if their
names have relative mathematical qualities.
They tend to observe life from a similar
perspective, think and feel in a similar way,
and enjoy similar activities. However, discord
in the name can distort the natural
compatibility of people in the same group.
Therefore, if you are married to or associating
with someone born into a different group, an
opportunity awaits you to gain an
understanding of life from another perspective.
Being in different groups need not spoil longterm happiness, especially when each person
strives to appreciate and understand the
viewpoints and the challenges that face the
other person. As you can appreciate, there are
many factors to consider in creating close
compatibility. Creating co-operation and
understanding between people is one of lifes
many challenges, yet necessary in generating
harmony and fulfilment.

You are in the: Water Group

In business associations, friendships, and
marriage, you will find the most congeniality
with those who are also in the water group.
Members of the water group work best on their
own; they are tenacious and work hard to
accomplish their goals. Because of their

extreme independence and individuality, and

their self-focused approach to life, they are
inclined to disregard advice and overlook the
sensitivities of others. They like to do things
their own way. They are not as verbally
expressive as people in the fire and air groups.

Merging with the Other Groups

Those in the water group find it easier to
merge with those in the fire group than with
those in the air group. It is important to fire
group members to blend and to get along with
others; they find it easier than do people in
the water and air groups to set aside their own
opinions and desires to avoid issues and to
create harmony. Fire group members do not
tend to interfere with the independence of
those in the water group. Therefore, without
clear understanding of the reasons that create
the differences, friction may result in close

Part 4: Career Selections

The opportunity to choose and develop a
career relative to the qualities of your inner
nature is an important aspect to consider in
the overall happiness and success of your life.
Since the time of birth denotes the quality and
potentialities of the power of life seeded within
each person, the names given would contain
qualities that allow the birthpath expression
through the developing personality. Parents

would know how to educate and guide their

children with greater understanding.
The names used lead to particular vocations
and avocations that may or may not be
relative to the inner potential. It is the name
that determines destiny through the quality of
mind, the cause for ones path in life.
Comparison between the name and the
birthpath will reveal the degree of harmony or
discord that has resulted, as well as the
degree of satisfaction and contentment
experienced in work.
It may not be practical to change your
occupation. You may have already invested
years in education or accumulated experience
in a specific field. If this is the case, we
suggest that you consider pursuing personal
projects, such as hobbies, natural to your
intrinsic qualities. The freedom and personal
satisfaction gained would help to lessen any
unhappiness and frustration created by your
present occupation, and may even change or
enhance your work performance, because you
will be happier and more relaxed.
You may also consider building upon your
existing vocation to assume other
responsibilities more in keeping with the
natural expression of your birthpath.
If you decide to work toward a career change,
consider the importance of a change of name

and understand the mental qualities required

to handle the new occupation. Investigate the
particulars of the vocation under review and
the education that may be required. Then plan
the steps carefully. This is where our
telephone support services can assist you.
The following are only a few suggestions of
work environments in which you could find
fulfilment and success for your birthpath

Career List
Look for opportunities in whatever occupation
you are in to specialize and to be of service to
others. Look for chances to help others and to
bring out the best from them.
Dance Instructor
Drama Teacher

Graphic Artist
Landscape Designer
Interior Designer
Professional Engineer
Animal Attendant
Conservation Officer
Health Care

Foreign Service Officer

Part 5: Current Destiny Created by Your

Combined Names
Your combined names of Justin Bieber create
the overall conditions in your life which we call
your destiny. Your names have allowed a
certain degree of accomplishment and success;
however, there are definite drawbacks and
conflicting influences that will spoil your longterm personal happiness and fulfillment, and
business success. These conditions will
continually occur (despite your best efforts)
and will limit your success in life as long as
you use these names. See the detailed
descriptions below.

Justin Bieber
Your combined names of Justin
Bieber bring opportunities for positions
where you would have some direction and
control of material values and finances but
a first name could limit the ability to take
advantage of them. You are drawn
amongst people who tend to measure
everything according to its dollar value

and worth. Your combined name brings

many responsibilities and opportunities in
management and administration which
would create financial stability and settled
conditions. Although this is a strong,
positive destiny, it can tend to impose on
your personal life as you become very
involved in business. Your personal life
could suffer and bring misunderstandings
and unhappiness if you fail to keep the
balance. The strengths and weaknesses in
your first and last names will enhance or
limit the success you will achieve
personally and in business endeavours.
Any over-indulgence could affect the
generative organs. A balanced name in
harmony with your birthpath will create
the right desires and channels through
which to attract the best opportunities to
express the beauty and success in the
development of your inner purpose.

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