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1. List some of the finite word length effects in digital filters.
2. What is truncation?
3. What is meant by fixed point arithmetic? Give example.
4. Define Noise Transfer Function.
5. What is dead band?
6. What is zero input limit cycle?
7. What are the different formats of fixed point representation?
8. What are the two types of quantization employed in digital system?
9. What is quantization noise (or) quantization error?
10. What is meant by limit cycle oscillation?
11. List the advantages of floating point arithmetic.
12. What are limit cycle oscillations?
13. What is product quantization error?
14. Write an account of floating point arithmetic.
15. What is coefficient quantization error? what is its effect?
16. What is overflow oscillations?
17. What is the need for signal scaling?
18. What is meant by quantization of analog signals?
19. What is the possible range of numbers in the fixed point-arithmetic?
20. What is round off noise error?
1. Discuss in detail the errors resulting from rounding and truncation.
2. Explain fixed and floating point representation in detail.
3. Explain the quantization process and errors introduced due to quantization.
4. Explain the limit cycle oscillations due to product round off and overflow errors.
5. Explain the various errors that occur in a DSP system.
6. Derive the expression for quantization noise power.
7. What is meant by signal scaling? Explain.
8. Explain coefficient quantization in IIR filter.
9. Draw the product quantization noise model of second order IIR system.
10. How to prevent limit cycle oscillation? Explain.
11. Explain limit cycle oscillations.
12. With a block diagram, explain the quantization noise model. Derive the expressions for steady
state noise power.
13. Realize the first order transfer function H(z)=
and draw its quantization model. Find
1a z
the steady state noise power due to product round off .
14. Consider a second order IIR filter with H(Z)=1/(1-0.5z -1)(1-0.45z-1).Find the effect on
quantization on pole locations of the given system function in cascade realization. Assume b=3.
15. For the given transfer function H(Z)=H1(Z)H2(Z)where H1(Z)=1/(1-0.5z ) &
H2(Z)= 1/(1-0.4z-1).Find the output round off noise power. Calculate the value if b=3. (8)
16. Two first order low pass filter whose system functions are given below are connected in cascade.
Determine the overall output noise power. H1(z) = 1/ (1-0.9z-1) and H2(z) = 1/ (1-0.8z-1)
17. Analyze the limit cycle behavior for the following systems 0.7y(n-1)+x(n) ,


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y(n)=0.65 y(n-2)+0.52 y(n-1)+x(n) also determine the dead band of the above systems. (10)
18. Study the limit cycle oscillations of the system y(n)=0.95y(n-1)+x(n) where the product is
quantized by rounding to 4 bits and sign magnitude representations is used. Also determine the
dead band of the system.
19. The input to the system y(n)=0.999y(n-1)+x(n) is applied to an ADC.What is the output
quantization noise power of the filter if the input is quantized to 8 bits.
20. An 8 bit ADC feeds a DSP system characterized by the following transfer function H(z)=1/
(z+0.5) estimate the steady state quantization noise power at the output of the system. (8)

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