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Kajian kualitatif ini bertujuan memerihal dan memahami pelaksanaan kurikulum Bahasa
Arab di sekolah rendah. Fokus kajian adalah kepada proses sebenar amalan pengajaran dan
pembelajaran di bilik darjah yang melibatkan fasa perancangan, penyampaian dan penilaian.
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peranan yang dimainkan oleh guru dalam menterjemahkan
matlamat dan objektif kurikulum terhadap pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P)
berasaskan kaedah dan teknik pengajaran tertentu. Aspek penilaian pengajaran dan cabaran
pelaksanaan kurikulum juga turut dikaji. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah kajian kes dimana enam
orang guru bahasa Arab dari Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Kluang, Johor dipilih untuk menyertai
temu bual. Mereka dipilih secara bertujuan berdasarkan lokasi kajian, latar belakang pendidikan,
latihan perkhidmatan dan pengalaman mengajar. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa guru-guru
bcrsetuju bahawa matlamat dan objektif kurikulum bahasa Arab adalah realistik dan relevan
untuk dilaksanakan di peringkat sekolah rendah. Manakala guru juga memahami matlamat dan
objektif yang digariskan dengan menterjemahkannya melalui perancangan dan pelaksanaan
pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam kelas menggunakan teknik-teknik tertentu mengikut
kemahiran yang diajar. Teknik-teknik pengajaran yang dilaksanakan juga berasaskan
pengetahuan, kemahiran dan pengalaman guru. Guru turut melaksanakan penilaian pengajaran
khususnya dalam aspek penilaian empat kemahiran bahasa dan pentaksiran secara formatif dan
sumatif. Kajian juga turut melihat cabaran dan kekangan dihadapi oleh guru secara eksplisit
khususnya dalam konteks pelaksanaan pengajaran, kesediaaan guru dan perubahan dasar
kurikulum. Kajian turut menunjukkan tidak ada perbezaan yang ketara antara guru
berpengalaman dengan guru baru dalam melaksanakan pengajaran bahasa Arab kecuali
perbezaan dari aspek adaptasi demografi sekolah dan latar belakang pendidikan. Oleh itu,
dapatan kajian menunjukkan realiti sebenar pelaksanaan kurikulum bahasa Arab di sekolah
rendah dimana peranan dan kesediaan guru sangat berimpak dalam menentukan kejayaan
pelaksanaannya. Beberapa cadangan tindakan turut dikemukakan oleh pengkaji diakhir kajian


This qualitative study aimed to describe and understand the implementation of the Arabic
Language curriculum in primary school. The studys focus is on the actual process of the
teaching and learning in the classroom, which involved the planning, delivery and evaluation
phases. This study investigated teachers role in translating the curriculums aims and objectives
on the implementation of teaching and learning (T&L) based on specific methods and
techniques. The evaluation aspect and curriculum implementation challenges were also
investigated. The research design of this study is qualitative in the form of a case study where six
Arabic Language teachers from the Kluangs District Education Office were selected to
participate in the interviews. They were purposely chosen based on the study location, education,
training background, as well as teaching experience. Research findings showed that teachers
agree that the aims and objectives of Arabic Language curriculum are realistic and relevant to be
implemented at the primary school level. The study showed that teachers understand the aims
and objectives outlined, by translating it through the planning and implementation phases of
teaching and learning process in the classroom, through the use of specific teaching techniques
based on the skills taught. The teaching techniques implemented were also based on teachers
knowledge, skills and experience. Teachers also implemented evaluation specifically on the
aspects of the four language skills, using formative and summative methods. Other than that, the
study also looked explicitly into the challenges and obstacles that teachers faced especially in the
context of teaching implementation, teacher readiness and curriculum change. The study showed
that there is no significant difference between experienced teachers and new teachers in
implementing the teaching of Arabic Language, except on the school demography adaptation and
the subjects education background aspects. Thus, these research findings gave a clear picture of
the actual Arabic Language curriculum implementation in primary school, whereby teachers
role has an impact in ensuring the implementation success. Some suggestions have been
submitted by the researcher at the end of the study.

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