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What is Oxidative Stress?

What is Oxidative Stress?

Increasing scientific evidence suggests that the majority

of DISEASES includingCANCER are driven by oxidative stress and
inflammation attributed to environmental factors. OXIDATIVE STRESS has been
increasingly recognized as a contributing factor in AGING and in various forms of
pathophysiology generally associated with AGING.


ROOTS to DISEASE and AGING. It affect inside of our BODY it affects
everyHUMAN being on this PLANET, MAMMALS included. Its best to get to
the CORE ROOTS or the CAUSE of the problem rather than a Relief Symptoms.

Scientists agree that AGING and most deadly DISEASES are the result of cellular
deterioration due to destructive molecules called FREE RADICALS. Free Radical
Damage that CAUSES AGING is called OXIDATIVE STRESS, the same process
that causes RUST. In a sense, AGING is your bodys way of RUSTING from
the INSIDE OUT! How do you deal with Oxidative Stress levels?
What is Oxidative Stress?
Oxidative Stress (OS) is a general term used to describe the steady state level
ofoxidative damage in a cell, tissue, or organ, caused by the reactive oxygen species
(ROS). This damage can affect a specific molecule or the entire organism. Reactive
oxygen species (ROS), such as free radicals and peroxides, represent a class of
molecules that are derived from the metabolism of oxygen and exist inherently in all
aerobic organisms.

~When FREE RADICALS overwhelm your ANTIOXIDANT defenses,

your CELLSare damaged. This DAMAGE is called OXIDATIVE STRESS. Some
researchers believe that LONG INTENSE EXERCISE (especially endurance
training) may cause more OXIDATIVE STRESS than HUMANS can
handle. MITOCHONDRIA (the power plants of cells) are believed to be one of the
main sources of FREE RADICALS.Endurance SPORTS use more OXYGEN, which
sends more ENERGY through your MITOCHONDRIA. In theory, the HIGHER
your METABOLIC rate and ENERGY needs, the more FREE RADICALS your
mitochondria will PRODUCE.~

HEALTH is a RELATIONSHIP between you and your BODY Every HUMAN

beings is an author of his own HEALTH and DISEASE.. Free Radical, Oxidative
Stress andAGING. The accumulation of DAMAGE from these particles over time
leads toCELLULAR DAMAGE, degenerative DISEASES and ultimately to AGING
and DEATH. Protect now than too

OXIDATIVE STRESS or Free Radical Damage ~ It is a condition of increased

oxidant production in cells, triggered by exposure to Free Radicals, sources of free
radicals are both endogenous and exogenous.

*Endogenous (within the body)-Tobacco (10 radicals per puff), Ionizing

Radiation,Ultraviolet radiation, Oil fumes, Other pollutants/chemicals, Alcohol,
Saturated Fat

*Exogenous (outside the body) sources include exposure to cigarette smoke,

environmental pollutants such as emission from automobiles and industries,
consumption of alcohol in excess, asbestos, exposure to ionizing radiation, and
bacterial, fungal or viral infections.

Oxidative stress occurs when exposure to free radicals and other oxidants exceeds
the bodys antioxidant defenses system results from increases in exposure or
generation decreases in antioxidant protection, often considered destructive to the

FACT: Oxidative Stress occurs when exposure to FREE RADICALS and

otherOXIDANTS such as the AIR we breathe (Pollution, Cigarette
Smoke, Chemtrail, Car exhaustion, Radiation from the Microwave or
Refrigerator), WATER we drink (eg. Fluoride, Chlorine, Radiation) and
the FOOD we eat (Chemical, Toxins, Trans-Fats, Artificial Sugar, Processed Foods
etc), even when we do intense EXERCISE. Everyone who exercises, body builds, or
does manual labor increases their level ofOXIDATIVE STRESS, INTENSE training
produces more FREE RADICALS than moderate exercise, which may overwhelmed

antioxidant DEFENSES and CAUSE irreparable Oxidative DAMAGE or Oxidative


Scientific research has validated OXIDATIVE STRESSdamage to your

bodysCELLS by FREE RADICALS as the root cause, at the cellular level, of
AGING. In fact, studies show that metabolic wear and tear caused by FREE
RADICALS in cells accelerates AGING, the problems associated with aging and
contributes to more than 200 HEALTH conditions.

~When you are young and healthy, it never occurs to you that in a single second your
whole life could change.~ Protect yourself

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