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Towards the unification of RAM to nonvolatile memory of a hard disk?

Much of the energy used in computing is spent on transferring data from one
memory type to another. Doing so rapidly requires more power and generates
more heat.
One way to reduce energy consumption and increase the speed of computers
would make a computer chip that include memory, so this is physically had
gotten very close to the point where the computations take place. However,
physical storage required to create that kind of long-term is not compatible
with current integrated circuits.
Creating and switching the polarity of nanomagnets without an external
magnetic field, which is necessary to achieve the above objective, it has been
the target of much research in computing and electronics. Generating a
magnetic field requires energy and space, why not been yet integrated
magnets in computer chips.
Instead, in computing, it has traditionally worked with separate systems for
magnetic memory. These include the hard disk of a computer where data is
stored, and various types of random access memory, or RAM, integrated
circuits in the central processing unit, or CPU, which is carried out by
calculations and logical operations.
In previous research, the team Sayeef Salahuddin, of the University of
California, Berkeley, USA, found that direct electrical current through the
tantalum, a rare metal, creates polarity magnets without an external magnetic
field. Unfortunately accommodate a sufficient number of nanomagnets on a
chip it meant align perpendicularly, and the vertical orientation invalidated
tantalum switching effects.
This image taken from a computer simulation shows nanomagnets inclined at
various angles, with white indicating regions of larger inclination angles.
Researchers have found that a small inclination of 2 degrees is capable of
facilitating the magnetic switch. (Photo: Samuel Smith, UC Berkeley)
Now, Salahuddin, Long You and colleagues found that leaning a little magnets,
and it was enough to do it just 2 degrees, all the benefits of high-density
magnetic switching without the need of an external magnetic field are
achieved. This opens the door to a memory system that can be hosted on a
microprocessor, a major step towards the goal of reducing power dissipation in
modern electronics. With this new way of switching the polarization of the
nanomagnets if that longed transition from high density storage, from hard
drives to integrated circuits is feasible. In short, the progress achieved by the

team of Salahuddin could lead to computers that are turned on in an instant,

operating much faster and using a remarkably less energy.

Palabras claves:
Ram, voltatil, disco duro, chip, almacenamiento,

campo magntico, cpu,

RAM: memoria principal de la computadora, donde residen programas y datos,
sobre la que se pueden efectuar operaciones de lectura y escritura.
VOLTATIL: La memoria voltil de una computadora, contrario a memoria no
voltil, es aquella memoria cuya informacin se pierde al interrumpirse el flujo
DISCO DURO: Disco con una gran capacidad de almacenamiento de datos
informticos que se encuentra insertado permanentemente en la unidad
central de procesamiento de la computadora.
CHIP: Circuito electrnico de material semiconductor, especialmente silicio, en
forma de cubo minsculo, que, combinado con otros componentes, forma un
sistema integrado ms complejo y realiza una funcin electrnica especfica
ALMACENAMIENTO: Para cualquier sistema ordenado, las unidades de
almacenamiento son aquellas que permiten guardar fsica o virtualmente
archivos de datos de todo tipo.
CAMPO MAGNETICO: Magnitud vectorial que representa la intensidad de la
fuerza magntica.
CPU: Sigla de la expresin inglesa central processing unit, 'unidad central de
proceso', que es la parte de una computadora en la que se encuentran los
elementos que sirven para procesar datos.
MICROPROCESADOR: Procesador de muy pequeas dimensiones en el que
todos los elementos estn agrupados en un solo circuito integrado.

Este es un gran avance para la computacin por que le dar una mayor rapidez
a los ordenadores, porttiles y mviles gracias a la inteligencia de los nano
imanes que sern capaces de acelera cualquier proceso computarizado y
tendr un ahorro de energa mucho ms grande que cualquier otro ordenador,

este es otro de los grandes avances de la ingeniera en este caso en la

ingeniera de sistemas, esperamos que con el tiempo sea implantada esta
nueva modalidad lo ms pronto posible a los ordenadores .



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