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Abortion methods:

How abortions are performed

Most abortions are performed during the first trimester. The earlier an abortion takes place, the
lower the risk of complications and the more options a woman has. Abortion is one of the safest
surgical procedures, in fact early abortion is ten times safer than childbirth.

Complications such as perforation, pelvic infection are rare, but in a situation of legal abortion,
they can and should be dealt with promply. Termination of pregnancy is a very simple procedure
if performed by qualified staff in an appropriate setting. The chance of complications is low -
approximately 1%. These complications are generally easily treated, and do not have a
permanent physical effect. Termination of pregnancy is the most commonly performed surgical
procedure in Australia. Contrary to "pro life" propaganda, there is no evidence that abortion
causes breast cancer, trauma, sterility or depression. The vast majority of women, around 90%,
feel relieved after the procedure. In Australia, it is not necessary to have a doctors referral
(except Western Australia). If you require counselling you need to be aware that some
counselling agencies are run by anti abortion groups and their sole purpose is to dissuade the
woman from choosing an abortion. When you call the clinic for an appointment you may wish to
discuss your options regarding future contraceptive use.

Medical Abortion
RU486, Misoprostol, Methotrexate, abortion pill (Mifeprex) or medical abortion.

The Abortion Pill/RU486 is an early abortion option for women who are 8 weeks pregnant or
less. It consists of two medications mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone blocks the
hormone progesterone needed to maintain the pregnancy. When progesterone is blocked, the
uterine lining begins to shed and bleeding may occur. Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract
and the pregnancy is usually expelled within 6 to 8 hours. Since every woman's body is different,
bleeding varies from woman to woman. Some may experience light bleeding similar to that
towards the end of a period while others have heavier bleeding like a heavy menstrual period.
Some women do not experience any bleeding until taking the misoprostol. Medical abortion is
about 97% effective. In some cases though the woman may have heavy bleeding which may
require surgical abortion. Side effects may include heavy bleeding, headache, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, and heavy cramping. Women with certain medical conditions such as: blood clotting
problem, taking anticoagulant medicine, severe anemia, adrenal failure use of systemic
corticosteroids, possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, mass in the tubes or ovaries, inherited
porphyria, allergy to mifepristone, misoprostol or other prostaglandin medicine and severe
diarrhea may not be suitable for RU486.

Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy occus when the fertilized egg attatches itself to the fallopian tube. This type
of pregnancy can be very dangerous and if not caught and treated in time as it can lead to internal
bleeding, and in extreme cases, even death when tube erupts.. Symptoms include abdominal pain
and sometimes vaginal bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy can be treated with methotrexate or surgery.

Safety of RU486
RU-486 has a very good safety record in the US, just as it does across the world. An estimated
360,000 US women have used RU-486. Three women who received it have died (although a
causal link to RU-486 is not yet clear in all three cases). Nevertheless, the fatality rate for RU-
486 - less than 1 death (0.8) per 100,000 procedures - is still extremely low. For perspective: it's
less than the fatality rate from a shot of penicillin (2 deaths per 100,000 cases) and nearly
identical to women's low death rate from common miscarriage. It's far less than the fatality rate
for childbirth (about 12 maternal deaths per 100,000 births), and its risks are lower than those for
dental procedures and hernia operations. The tragic death of 18 year old Holly Patterson is used
by the anti abortion lobby to advance their anti abortion, anti woman and anti contraception
agenda. The World Health Organization estimates that around 68.000 women die every year in
the developing world, from the effects of unsafe, illegal abortion , yet those who oppose legal,
safe abortion also oppose the use of reliable methods of contraception and even condoms for the
prevention of AIDS.

Surgical Abortion - Vaccum Aspiration, D&E

MVA - Manual Vaccum Aspiration involves the use of a handheld syringe as a source of suction
for removing uterine contents. Cervical anesthesia is used and the procedure time is 5–15
minutes. A patient can leave the clinic within two hours.
Vaccum Aspiration involves the use of a slim, flexible tube attached to an electric pump with
gentle suction and the procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes. After the procedure there is some
cramping and bleeding.

D&E, Dilation and Evacuation is used during the second trimester, 13 to 24 weeks and consitsts
of two parts dilation and evacuation. The procedure is similar to first trimester abortion but the
preparation is quite different and the whole process may take 1-2 days. The cervix is gradually
dilated over a period of time with the use of plastic dilators or laminaria. (Laminaria is made of
sterile, match-stick sized rods, derived from seaweed, which are inserted in the cervix and as
they absorb moisture, they slowly expand to gently dilate the cervical canal .) The evacuation
procedure is performed with a combination of suction aspiration and surgical instruments such as
small forceps and the curette a narrow, spoon shaped instrument.
Underground Abortion Methods: What Women do when Abortion is Illegal

All around the world, regardless of religion or nationality, women faced with an unwanted
pregnancy sometimes opt for abortion. Of the 46 million abortions which take place around the
world every year, around 19 milllion are performed illegaly under unsanitary conditions by
untrained practitioners or the women themselves. The range of methods is extensive:

Herbal: parsley, papaya sap, rue, guava leaves, some herbs can be toxic and women have died
from using pennyroyal oil.

Physical: catheter insertion, crotchet hook, ball-point pen, bicycle spoke, wire, uterine massage,
sticks, blows to stomach.

Pharmaceutical/manufactured: alcohol, detergent, bleach, potassium permanganate, epsom salt,

quinine, pitocin, aspirin, Cytotec.

The World Health Organization estimates that around 68.000 women die every year in the
developing world from the effects of unsafe, illegal abortion. In countries with total abortion
bans such as El Salvador, Chile and Nicaragua, doctors are too afraid to treat women with
ectopic pregnanies and other complications relating to pregnancy, a number of women have died
as a result of these laws.

What to look out for after an Abortion

See your doctor/hospital if you experience:

*Heavy bleeding — pass clots larger than a lemon or soak through more than two maxi pads an
hour, for two hours or more in a row.
* Pain or discomfort not helped by medication, rest.
* A fever and, or chills - indicating infection.
* Vomiting for more than four to six hours and are not able to keep anything down.
* An unpleasant smelling vaginal discharge.
* Signs of a continuing pregnancy.

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