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Eas'tern Chrusii^n College.

R O. Box 229

BEL A/R, Md. 2101^1

Paul 5^Ico, director



' '


Januavy J96S




We entered the New Year net^ zeal ad nevr de.

activities. Our Polish magazine,which
bmngs blessa^s to hundreds of people,was
published regularly. Three
of Poland
pounds reoeived
of used clothing
people in
a lame
man to
- aPo-

^el chaxr, young people received musical instruments and at the pref
Over registered
hundred packages
of hr^st^ literature
Bibles were
sent through
beamed to thousands of people in Poland,

w received many
Belgium andajidother
c^toies. We
with quesUons
Hundreds of letters were written to

Ten preaches ^

mi^stry many souls have been won to Christ. In

letters have been translated into Polish and EnPoland receive regiOarchurches,
support and
- partgroups

assignee was given to two new congregations

from Eastern Christian College serve


^mg the y^ 19^ I visited 80 churches and preached 102 messages,

SttiH f 9


held Missionaiy Revival meetings, ^oke

taught in 8 Christian Service Caii5)s,


groups and travelled over

At the College I taught 3 dourses. Dela also took part in some camps,
but most of her time ms spent at the typeTrjriter, in the basement pa

cking parcels, at the piano translating songs, teaching Sunday School

and Daily Vacation Bible School, etc. Our a-vttrage daily work is


hours, including Saturdays and SundaySi

Lord was very good to us - He gave us health and protected on the roads.
This work was done because of the x^onderful Christians in this

who pray for us and support^ us.


We need your assistance for 1965* The need is even greater than in
for radio and printing equipnent, for assistance in new work, for publi
cation of a new Polish song book, for secretarial work and additional

living - link support for iJls and Adam Korenczulc. We are short about .

^ 150.00 per month, but we believe that our brethren will not let us downl

All cheks should be drawn ^ the name of THE DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS.

Another year has come

to an end. When we look back we can truly say!

The Lord has blessed us in all walks of life. Here at the Slavic Church

of Christ we are moving alKjad. Our young people have really been wor
king hard and have applied themselves to study the Word of God and to
bring their friends to the Church. We, older members, have gained a deeper

insight and devotion in our responsibilities as Christians. We've


good and conscienlious teacjiers for our children as Elaine Kohler, Susan
Miller from Eastern Christjlan College, and during the year we held many
special meetings for our youth under direction of Bro. Eugene Siwak, who

is our Bible School superintendent and dedicated worker in'theLord' s Church.

We organized a new orchestra with the help of some adults and have alreadyperformed at the services for the glory of our Lord.

The radio program is also bringing good results as mair^r people listen to

the Gospel being proclaim^. Through this means we are able to reach

many sinners in their homes. All of our members \^olehearted3y and

prayerfully support this york. I jxreach and teach every Saturday and
Sunday. Every Friday we h^ye orchestra-rehersals. During the week I vi
sit two nursing homes where Slavic people are, bringing comfort to them.

I also visit private home^, making contacts.

I always pray the Lord for imfailing faith and a tireless drive in t' is
great work of saving souls.

In 1964 we had 5 additions to the Lord's Body and we thank Godfof this

Thank you vearj much for ypur support of our ministry through the Dei)artment of l^ssions and may Lord continue to bless you.


Dear Brother and Sister Bajkol
Please excuse me that I did not write so long but there were so many
reasons. After iry return from U.S^A. brethren in Poland watched me
carefully in order to find out what I learned in America and if I re

mained faithful to

calling in Christ. Now they are sure that I am


In addition to ny work as e*uangelist in the State of Bialystok, I am

T-iritingthesis for ny masters degree at the Theological Academy in

Warsaw. By spring I hope to have M.A. I am active in the work among
youth. Wot long ago we had a rivival and a blessed youth program.
Everybody was moved to tears. At the present time I live with ny pa

Beloved, I think about you often and especially when I hear your voi
ce in the radio. You are very dear to me. I am very thankful for eve
rything vihat you have done for me. Now, when I am home and think back,
I appreciate more every day what you were doing for me and pray that
Lord will reward you abundantly.
Yours, Kostek
Dear Brother and Sister Bajko.Peace be unto youl

The year 196*1' comes to the end. In a few short words I would like to
thank you for your loving care of Kostek and for the help i-ahich you

gave him during the 5 years he spent in U.S. What you have done will
never be forgotten and good Lord will reward you.

Novr, when Kostek is home I am very happy and I can peacefully depart
to my Lord, knowing that ny place in proclaiming the Gospel ^dJJL be
taken by ny son. We wish you a happy New YearI Nikon Jakoniuk





"... I Tsrite to you,who preaches the truth and the pure Gospel.
Please,explain to me why our clergy is departing from the truth and
their teaching is not according to the Scriptures. IVom the Bible
which you sent me and from your preaching I see how far from the truth

are our priests. Please send me the address of Vatican, I would like
to Tflrite to the Pope and ask hitn wl:y his clergy is not preaching the
Gospel...." F.M

"..o Many thanks for your great love and goodness that you preach the
Gospel and we are receiving so much of spiritual food. We are meeting
in groups every tfonday to hear your message through radio c." H.S,


"CO I write this letter with request that you may send me your Polish
magaz^e. I got your pikblication ty incident and I found much spiritual
food in it Please, send me regularly.


"....I often listen to yom- Taroadcast and I like it veiy much. Please
send me youp Christian publication..." S.T.

"... Your PoU-sh nagaz^ is liked hrsr eveiybody. There is spiritual

food for youth and adii:^ts. Poems and new songs are attracting the youth

Please send it regularly..." Cz. A.



"... Please s^ me a Russian Bible with large print, like the one you
sent to


would like to have it for myself and also


^e one to^ssia, when I will go there next time. Please, do not re

fuse my petition..." JIf.




of thanks for the parcel which we received. We

^ yw much, thank
,so, letalso
Loni reward
and who

ributed to this ministiy.." E.Dz.



know you,but

witt^ I am alone
1 i^h
^ Itothree
husband ishave
in no
a sanatorium
relatives sick
- imhusW's parents were killed in a concentra^

this caim ny husband lost his health.. Christmas is co^

needs ame,
^b^ wants me^ - I am]just a burdenchildren
to eveiybody.
I amHobody
for the milk
clothes, no shoes...
Can you


^*5 recollect your last visit in our Church anu

meeting when so many of our youth responded to

is oS^ because we sre members of one

body. We
and imn.te you
to come agaiii as soon as po^ble.



Eastern Chrlstlati College

P. 0. Box 229

Bel Air, Bid. 21014

Paul Bafko, direcbor.


Greetings in

1 o<;;
June, 1965.

the name of the LorH to all

Friends in Christ!


There is so much to report that this time

1 would like to limit myself just to ^ew

words and give you more news from the field.

Because the second week in June I am begin-

ning my ministry in the camps,the months of

April & May were spent mostly in preparing
and recording radio messages for the whole
summer,editing and publishing the Polish ma^
gazine, packing parcels, answering urgent letters from the radio liste ners and readers of our literature,sending support to preachers, sending
Bibles and literature. At the same time I was able to preach in few chur*
ches, missionary rallies, men's retreat, visit people, etc.
While in the camps I will be able to preach in many churches, answer hun.
dreds of letters and prepare more radio sermons.This is a blessed minis
try and we thank God for you,Friends,who pray, give and show great inte
rest in our work.We receive many letters and comments about our ministry
and we appreciate it very much because it encourages us and gives us mo
re strenght to do the Lord's will. I would like to share with you a poem
written by a Christian lady in Florida where I brought the message^
Dear Friend of mine, there is no way
In which 1 could address you,
With more sincerity of heart
Than just to say! God Bless Tou.

My words could wish that all your cares

Would be a little lighter
And I could send you greeting cards
To make your hour brighter.

But I am sure no other thought,

Or message would impress you.
As lovingly or lastingly
As asking God to Bless you.

My lips could call^ "Good Luck to you''

And so I say:God Bless You,Friend

in every good endeavor,

Or whisper "Happy Landing"

And I could promise you the depth
Of faithful understanding,

And may His guiding grace be yours


Forever and Forever. -


The building in Baltimore wa^ recently redecorated by efforts



Church and the Dept. of Missions with sacrificial labor of E. Siwak and C.
Grimstead, students of E.C.C.

There are two congregations Wshiping in this building:The Slavic congre

gation - preaching in Russiaji, Ukrainian and usually a short message in
the English 9:30-10:30, American congregation 11:30-12:30. The Sunday
School for both congregation 10:30-11:30. The church is located at 5 So.

Broadway. A. Korenczuk, minister of the Slavic Church, F. Bryans,minister

of American Church. Please stop and worship with us.

During the Easter season andj on Mother's Day we had special services at

the Slavic Church and also Mjay 22 we had a baptismal service at the Slavic

Church - two souls were added to the Lord's Church. Bro. A. Korenczuk or
ganized a Youth Group for the purpose of study the Scripture and fellow ship, which will meet every Week in different homes.

Also Slavic Church has a 15 jminutes Russian -Ukrainian broadcast every

Lord's Day which is partly sponsored by the Department of Missions.


I am sure that many of you are anxious to hear from them. We received

the most encouraging letter^ from Poland about the work which Kostek is
doing there and also personal letter from him, which I share with you.
"Dear Bro. Bajko! Thank you very much for the letter and the money
forwarded through PEKAO. I can't order a car before I have a full amo

unt. If somebody else would!like to help me with it, the money should
be send to you, /Note: The <j:oast of a car $1500.- He is short $500.-/

I am glad you all are well ^nd working for the Lord. We are preparing
for the Easter season. The young people are eager to do something. The

orchestra is learning some iongs also they learn poems so that it will
be for the joy of the congregation and for the glory of God... I teach
them to sing some choruses and I wish you could hear us singing...

I often think of the time I was with you, seeing your dedication to the
Lord and your work.I often wish I could have that and many times I lack

it but I am learning more and more of it now. All of us here are greatful for what you have done and are doing for us. May Lord bless you
in your ministry. K. Jakoniuk."

G. Bajenski is departing to Polad August 25 and we are glad that Youth

from Washington area, N.C. gave $450.- toward a car. The same amount
received Kostek from the same group and Youth from the Church of Crist

Bloomsburg, Pa./ George wrote us a couple weeks agoJ

"Dear Bro.& S. Bajko! Only one more week of exams and my formal Colle
ge education here in the States will be finished. It were wonderful 5'i
years of my life, and I will always remember all what you have done

for me through these years. It is impossible to write it down or put

in words how much I appreciate and thank God for you, your interest
in me, your patience and Christian love toward all who are in need.

I pray that God might lead us to work toward the same goal in our li
ves, winning souls to Christ.... G. Bajenski."

"I would like to inform you that I listen to your program every Monday
and I like it very much. If it is possible, please send me the Bible
and some other religious literature you have.. M.E."
"I wrote you a letter before but it looks that you did not receive it.

I listen to your program with great interest and it stirs my soul.

Please send me a Polish Bible and other Christian literature... M.Sz."

"Dear Friend! In my life I did not write to so far country,nevertheless

I do it now because incidentally I got your wonderful magazine which I
read and gave to others to read. I would like to receive it regularly,
please do not refuse my petition... A.Ch."
LIFE OF CHRIST, VISUALIZED - Polish & Russian translations
"Dear Bro. in the Lord! My father wrote to you and asked for the Life

of Christ, vis. and you sent it together with your Polish magazine.
My father is not a Christian and he will never take ny other lite
rature except from his own church, he never took Bible in his hands,
but Life of Christ and your Polish magazine appeal to his heart so
much that he reads it and gives to others, and even he started to

read the Bible with great interest and he wants more of your litera
I am so happy for it
so please

send us more of your liteijature, because other people in community ask

for it and also please pr^y that ray father will become a Christian too'.'

"... In the begining of m>^ letter I would like to wish you good health
and God's blessing. I would like to inform you that the medicice


you sent through Bro. S. I received. I just returned from the hospital
and my health is not better but I trust that the medicine which I
ceived will help me because it is what I need and we do not have it in

our country.Please pray fqr my recovery and please come and visit us.K'J

We are just about ready with our "spring-shipment" of used clothing.Be

tween 60-70 packages will ne send to Poland this month. We want to thank

everybody, who contributed clothes or money for the shipment. We appre

ciate it so very much, because from the letters that we are receiving we

know, of what help those packages are to the people in Poland. We want
to thank especially those Iindividuals who went to the expense as to have
the suits and coats dry-cleaned and all those ladies who

go to the

trouble to wash the things before sending thecJover.It makes all the di
fference in the world to send clean clothes. Quite often I throw in my
washmachine a load and wadh the things before sending them away.But with
all the tons of clothing it is impossible to wash all that comes soiled.
But if we could share the work and every one wash the pieces that are
meant to be put away,our deeds of love will look much better.

Quite often we receive clctthes in bags and we realize how much work it

involves to pack and saw t;hose bags for the shipment, but it will be just

a little more work if inst:ead of throwing the coats and suits in the bag^
they would be folded and put in a little more carefully.Sometimes we pull
out from the bags beautiful coats and suits in excellent condition


wrinkled to such extend, t^hat it seems almost impossible to bring


back to a normal shape. And one more things ladies, if you really need
so desparately the buttons from the shirts or dresses, please, cut them
of carefully, without making holes in the garment itself. No matter how
poor a person, but can't \jear a shirt with a row of holes.
I want to apologize for those "catty" remarks,but it seems such a shame

that a nice piece of clothing is spoiled by carelesness.

Once more thank you very, very much to everybody who shares with us the
joys of helping others!
Adela Bajko
Please,, don't forget to s ^nd

us your correct address with Zip-Code!

We want to cooperate with the Post-Office requirements.



Eastern Christian, College

P. 0. Box 229

Bel Air, llld. 21014

Paul Bajko, dlrecbor.

September, 1965


Dear Friends^

Vacation time is over. This year I was able to

' '

mily. All summer was spent in preaching & tea-

have one week of vacation and to be with my fa-

ching in Christian Service camps and churches.

As the result many young and older people ac-

cepted Christ and many young people


their lives for specialized service.

While working in camps I managed to prepare 24


radio messages for our Polish broadcast, an

swer about 500 letters and send Bibles, lite rature to Poland, Australia, France, Belgium and other countries.
Closa contact was maintained with ChristLans and preachers in Poland where
many souls were won to Christ this summer too.

Wherever I have been this summer I experienced wonderful Christian fel

lowship and I felt a deep concern and interest of Christians in our work
in winning souls and building the Kingdom of God. My only regret is that
I was not able to fulfil all invitations to camps and churches.

We also appreciate very much the financial assistance during my

and also of those who support us regularly. With your help we are able
to go on. May Lord bless you real good.
Yours in Christ,

4 1985

2 -


Thanks be to God for another good summer. We can truly say that the


remembers our labors of lovie. We have experienced many blessings.

Every Saturday we had our prayer meetings in the evenings and the worship
service and Church School on Sunday morning. Since we moved the worship se
rvice to Sunday mornings we experienced refreshing feelings of joy in prai-

sing the Lord in the morning

I prepared sermons for all these meetings


the lesson for the adult clatiss.

Every week I prepared the radio program which we broadcast every Sunday mo
rning. In this field the Lord is also being glorified as we are able
reach those who do not come to worship with us.

During the month

of July we had our Daily Vacation Bible




night for a week we had th^ joy to see about 60 children from the neigh

borhood come and listen to the Gospel down to their level. The VBS was ably
directed by Mrs. Adela Bajko, who for the second year has been
Superintendent. We also would like to extend our gratefulnesjto the stu
dents of ECC and Norma Steeyer, member of the Creswel Church of Christ
for their wonderful assistance in teaching the children. As a direct result
of the VBS on Saturdays evenings we have "Story time" for children that do

not know the story of Jesus^' Students of ECC do the teaching.

We need your prayers that the Lord might grant us more strength and zeal
to carry on our service to liis glory.
Yours, Adam Korenczuk.

Daily Vacation Bible School vjas held from July 17-24. Total enrollment was
over 50 children, with an average attendance of 40. Our staff included:
Mrs. Bajko, director; Mrs. Korenczuk, pianist; and teacherss Sandy Keffer,
Beginners; Norma Steever, Primary; Dorothy Daw, Juniors; & Adam Korenczuk,
Teenagers. Other helpers included Eugene Siwak and Cathy Arnold. For the




children attending, this was the first contact with any

teaching about Jesus. Several of the workers were so challenged by their

need and desire to leam, ithat we have started a weekly Children's Bible
Story Hour for the "street children" of Baltimore. Eugene Siwak, Dorothy
Daw, and Cathy Arnold of ECC, and Norma Steever of Creswell Church
been working every Saturday afternoon at 5pm. at this project. They spend
an hour before the meeting calling on the children and inviting them to
come. Those who come are taught Bible stories. Gospel songs, and practical
object lessons. The work is sometimes hard! Please pray for us!
Dorothy Daw.

3 -


Dear Bro. Bajko,

We are sending you the missionary offering from the Camp. May the Lord add
His blessing to it.

You will be happy to know that on Friday night there were two conversions,
seven rededications, and ten decisions for specialized Christian Service.

I trust that you will have a most fruitful summer in Church Camps mission

In His service, J.G.

Dear Paul,

I do not know if you remember me or not but my name is B.L. I played the
part of Christ in the camp drama. My friends and I have been praying for
you and your work,wherever you may be, and we shall continue to pray

Enclosed is a $2.00 bill. I have had this bill for some time now & you may
not believe this, but it is my good luck piece. Really God is all the com

fort that I need, so I am sending this to you so that it will become a good
luck piece in helping to spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ....
Your loving brother in Christ, B.L.

Dear Mr. Bajko,

I want to tell you again how much I personally enjoy your stay at
this week. I know that I speak for the rest of the campers too. We


hope to see you again soon.

The things you said in chapel helped some of us to wake up and think about
things that we had been taking for granted. Thank you again.
Your young friend in Christ, M.D.

I tried while you were at KCC to get to you and ask you for a Bible prin
ted in Polish, but you were gone before I could.
There is a very great need for Polish Bible. I have a neighbor Mr. S. S.,
he is elderly, his physical condition is not very good. I have hopes that
if I can get a Bible printed in Polish, it might turn his heart to the
Saviour before he has to go out of this world. I know he feels a need for
the blessed Word of Life





"Thank you very much for your letter and support. We are very busy
Every Lord's Day we have baptismal s2rvices. Now we are preparing for
Church-aniversary celebrations La many of our churches. Please remember us
in your prayers.
Yours, P.B. "

"We would like to inform yoi^ that your Christian magazine and Life of Christ
vis. we received and
food for us.


you very, very much. It is precious spiritual

Fam. K."


"From July the 15th to Auguut the 21st, I spent the time with my wife


son in Gdansk. There we also took part in the youth camp and evangelistic

meetings. I preached the Gospel very often and visited few homes.
Three times I visited a family Szulc. This family is always listening


the services broadcasted by|Bro. P. Bajko from Monte Carlo. This broadcast

services are very useful and gained jaany souls for Christ. Thanks to this
broadcast I get acquainted with this family. I preached the Gospel for them,
and presented them with the Bible and invited them to the church.
Yours in His love, J.S."

"Beloved Bro. Bajko,

Peace be unto you!

The Church of Christ in Siemiatycze sends to you heartly greetings and

thanks for your help in the amount of 15000.00 zloty /over $200.00/ for
remodeling of our house of worship. May good Lord reward you abundantly
for your care of our ministers and churches, which you do in the name of
the Lord. Please pray for us constantly."

"Dear Bro. Bajko:

Please excuse my boldness, but my brother is very sick. Our medicine

does not help him, but when in the hospital they gave him American me
dicine Furadantin it helped. But our hospitals do not have enough of
this medicine and I want to ask you to help my brother by sending him
medicine according the enclosed prescription.
Yours in Christ, Z.M."

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