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A Comprehensive List of Fuel, Diesel and

Lube Oil Tanks on a Ship

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A ship is a massive storage floating structure which is primarily used to store and
transfer liquid or dry type of cargo from one port to another. A ship requires tonnes of oilboth fuel and lubricating, along with water so that its propulsion and other auxiliary
systems can operate efficiently.
In order to store different types of oils and water, the ship is designed and constructed
with several tanks. These tanks help to store fuel oil, lube oil, hydraulic oil, drinking
water, fresh water, ballast water etc.
The size, number, type, and location of the tanks depend on the following factors:

Size and type of the ship

Propulsion plant, auxiliary engines type and design of other machineries.

Area of voyage

Tanks are spread all over the ship from forward to aft and port to starboard. Different
types of tanks present on the ship are:
Fuel & Diesel Oil Tanks:
Bunker tanks
These are the biggest tanks in terms of capacity present on board a ship. They are used
to store fuel and diesel oil received in bulk after bunkering. The locations of bunker tanks
are normally outside the engine room and they are generally a wing or double bottom
tank. Low sulphur oil and marine gas oil is bunkered in separate dedicated bunker tanks
to avoid mix up of fuel.
Settling tanks
Generally, more than two settling tanks are present and located on a ship as part of the
bulkhead of the engine room. Oil from the bunker tank is transferred into the settling
tank. The diesel oil settling tank can be located as double bottom tank in the engine
room. Settling tank for low sulphur oil and marine gas oil is kept separate from other fuel
Service tanks

Service tanks onboard ships are used to store and supply treated oil to main engine,
auxiliary engine and boilers. The number of such tanks can be one or more. Fuel oil and
diesel oil service tanks are normally located as a part of the bulkhead of the engine
room. Low service fuel oil (L.S.F.O) and marine gas oil (M.G.O) tanks are dedicated
tanks to avoid mix up.
Over flow tank
Over flow tank is provided for both fuel and diesel oil system in the engine room for
collecting the overflowed oil from bunker tank. Return lines and leak off lines may also
be connected to overflow tank. It is a normal practice to have a common overflow tank
for high and low sulphur system.

Emergency generator diesel oil tank:

Fuel for emergency generator is supplied form a separate diesel oil tank with capacity
derived by the regulation given in SOLAS. The location of the tank is in the emergency
generator room which is outside the engine room.
Lubricating oil tanks
It is almost impossible to think of any machinery operating without the use of lubricating
oils. For this reason, various grades of lube oils are stored onboard ship. Different lube
oil tanks present on board ship are:
Main Engine Crank Case (M.E.C.C) Oil Tank

The Main engine crank case oil is stored in one or more tanks and low sulphur system
oil is kept in separate tanks. There are no other settling or service tanks in lube oil
system and oil is taken directly from the main tank.
Main Engine Cylinder Oil Tank
The main engine cylinder oil is used inside the combustion chamber between
the piston and the liner, and is stored in the cylinder oil tank. The bulk oil is bunkered
directly into these tanks. The low sulphur oil is kept separate in different tanks.
Main Engine Cylinder Oil Daily Tank
The daily tank is located in the engine room and the oil is transferred from the storage
tank to this daily tank. The capacity of daily tank is kept as per the main engine cylinder
oil daily consumption.
Main Engine Turbocharger Oil tank
If the main engine comprises of a turbocharger system with forced lubrication, a
turbocharger lube oil storage tank is provided.
Maine Engine Turbocharger Daily Lube Oil Tank
A daily oil tank is provided in the engine room. Oil as per the daily consumption of the
turbo charging system is transferred from the storage tank.
Auxiliary Engine Lube Oil Tank
Auxiliary engine are 4 stroke engines and no separate cylinder lube oil is used.
Therefore, only auxiliary engine main lube oil is bunkered and kept in storage tank. One
or more tanks may be present as per the ships requirement.

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Un barco es una estructura flotante de almacenamiento masivo que se utiliza
principalmente para almacenar y transferir tipo de lquido o seco de la carga de un
puerto a otro. Un barco requiere toneladas de aceite combustible y lubricante, junto con
el agua de manera que su propulsin y otros sistemas auxiliares pueden operar de
manera eficiente.
Con el fin de almacenar diferentes tipos de aceites y agua, el barco se disea y se
construye con varios tanques. Estos tanques ayudan a almacenar el aceite combustible,
aceite lubricante, aceite hidrulico, el agua potable, el agua dulce, agua de lastre, etc.
El tamao, nmero, tipo y localizacin de los tanques depende de los siguientes

El tamao y el tipo de la nave

Planta de propulsin, motores auxiliares tipo y diseo de otras maquinarias.

rea de viaje

Los tanques estn repartidos por toda la nave de avance a popa y puerto a estribor. Los
diferentes tipos de tanques presentes en el barco son:
Combustible y Diesel Oil Tanks :
Tanques de combustible
Estos son los mayores depsitos en trminos de capacidad presentes a bordo de un
barco. Se utilizan para almacenar combustible y aceite diesel recibidos a granel
despus de abastecimiento de combustible. La ubicacin de los tanques de combustible
estn normalmente fuera de la sala de mquinas y en general son un ala o un tanque
de doble fondo. Aceite de azufre bajo y gasleo martimo se bunkers en los tanques de
combustible dedicado separadas para evitar la mezcla de combustible.
Tanques de sedimentacin
En general, ms de dos tanques de sedimentacin estn presentes y se encuentra en
un barco como parte del mamparo de la sala de mquinas. Aceite del tanque bunker se
transfiere al tanque de sedimentacin.El depsito de decantacin de aceite diesel
puede ser ubicado como tanque del doble fondo en la sala de mquinas. Tanque de

sedimentacin para el aceite de bajo contenido de azufre y de gasleo martimo se

mantiene separado del otro aceite combustible.
Tanques de servicio
Tanques de servicio a bordo de los buques se utilizan para almacenar y suministro
tratados de aceite al motor principal, motor auxiliar y calderas. El nmero de tales
tanques puede ser uno o ms. Tanques de aceite combustible y de servicios gasoil
normalmente se encuentran como parte del mamparo de la sala de mquinas. Aceite de
baja el servicio de combustible (LSFO) y gasleo para uso martimo (MGO) tanques
tanques dedicados para evitar confusin.
Con el tanque de flujo
Con el flujo se proporciona tanque para combustible y sistema de aceite diesel en la
sala de mquinas para recoger el aceite desbordado del tanque de combustible. Las
lneas de retorno y fugas de las lneas tambin se pueden conectar a desbordarse
tanque. Es una prctica normal tener un tanque de rebose comn para el sistema de
alto y bajo contenido de azufre.

Emergencia generador diesel del tanque de aceite :

El combustible para el generador de emergencia se suministra forma un depsito de
gasoil independiente con capacidad derivada de la regulacin dada en el Convenio
SOLAS. La ubicacin del depsito est en la sala del generador de emergencia que se
encuentra fuera de la sala de mquinas.

Tanques de aceite lubricante

Es casi imposible pensar en cualquier maquinaria que opera sin el uso de aceites
lubricantes. Por esta razn, diversos grados de aceites lubricantes se almacenan a
bordo del buque. Diferentes tanques de aceite lubricante presentes a bordo del buque
Motor principal Crank Case (MECC) del tanque de aceite
El motor principal del crter de aceite se almacena en uno o ms tanques y el aceite de
sistema de bajo contenido de azufre se mantiene en tanques separados. No hay otros
tanques de sedimentacin o de servicio en el sistema de aceite lubricante y el aceite se
toman directamente desde el tanque principal.
Principal motor del cilindro del tanque de aceite
El aceite principal del cilindro del motor se utiliza dentro de la cmara de combustin
entre el pistn y elrevestimiento , y se almacena en el depsito de aceite del cilindro. El
aceite a granel se bunkers directamente en estos tanques. El aceite de bajo contenido
de azufre se mantiene separado en diferentes tanques.
Principal Cilindro de aceite del motor Daily Tanque
El tanque diaria se encuentra en la sala de mquinas y el aceite se transfiere desde el
tanque de almacenamiento a este tanque diariamente. La capacidad del depsito de
todos los das se mantiene de acuerdo con el consumo de aceite de cilindro principal
motor de todos los das.
Tanque Motor principal turbocompresor Petrleo
Si el motor principal consta de un turbocompresor sistema con lubricacin forzada, se
proporciona un tanque de almacenamiento de aceite lubricante del turbocompresor.
Maine motor turbocompresor Daily Lube tanque de aceite

Un tanque de petrleo diario se presenta en la sala de mquinas. El petrleo como por

el consumo diario del sistema de carga turbo se transfiere desde el tanque de
Motor Auxiliar Lube tanque de aceite
Motor auxiliar son motores de 4 tiempos y no se utiliza aceite lubricante cilindro
separado. Por lo tanto, el motor auxiliar solamente aceite lubricante principal se bunkers
y se mantiene en el tanque de almacenamiento. Uno o ms tanques pueden estar
presentes como por la exigencia barcos.

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