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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

Attendees: Linda Slagle, President

Mark Bostwick, Vice-President
Blake. Surbey, Treasurer
Kaja Snell, Interim Board Member
David McPherson, Property Manager

Others present: Nine (9) Residents of CVII

Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

I. Meeting Call to Order: President Linda Slagle called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: Quorum was met by the presence of four Board members. Kaja Snell, interim
board member, arrived at 7:15.

II. Resident Forum:

Work Session Report. Mrs. Slagle announced that the board had just met for a supper work
session at 6 p.m.. Ways of improving oversight and communication were discussed. There are
no action items or decisions to report. The board will hold a similar supper work session before
the July meeting.

Questions on Fios:
Q: What if the resident downstairs declines to have the Fios wiring installed. Can the upstairs
neighbor get the service
A: The wiring has to go through the bottom unit. Attempts will be made to get access to the
unit below. If the unit below does not have the wiring, the upper unit will also not have it.

Q: Has everyone been notified?

A: Off-site owners or rental agents should have been contacted by now. Mr. McPherson hopes
that by the second mailing, all concerned parties will have been contacted about Fios.

Q: What is needed for installation?

A: Access to a telephone line and electrical power.

Q: How big is the actual box?

A: There’s an 18x 24 painted plywood installation board no more than 2" in depth. There is
also a battery pack.

Q: Are there cords throughout the house or is the system wireless?

A: Most applications can be wireless with the exception that RG6 coaxial cables (similar to in
unit cables for cable TV) are required for high definition television.

Q: Will Verizon run cable or wiring above the ceiling or through the walls.

A: No. The unit owners should work with the Verizon installers as to the best way to connect
their in unit devices.

Q: Can the cable ready access already in the unit be used?

A: This is yet to be determined.

Q: Can the Board legally require access to each unit.

A: The CVII Board is within its legal rights to install a closet floor to ceiling pre-wiring
through the 1st floor unit.. The pre-installation requires no power supply hook-up and is free.

Q: Mrs. Slagle asked how the residents felt about the Board requiring access to units?
A: Several residents said yes, they were fine with requiring access..

Appearance of Property.
Next resident question: Who is responsible, Z or landscaping company for removing limbs on
trees across front Hollywood Video? Mr. McPherson said it's landscaping’s job, but CVII
would take care of it for a while.

Another resident asked about the cable hanging down at the corner of Troy & Key. It's been
there for several months and she would like to have it removed. It's behind 1806 Key. Mr.
McPherson thinks the cable belongs to Comcast Cable and Mr. Surbey suggested finding out if
it belongs to Verizon or Comcast will solve some questions.

Another resident brought up a very droopy/frayed telephone wire behind the apartment since
she moved into it, 3yrs ago(?). Mrs. Slagle responded the unit owner had had difficulty with
phone service for some time. Verizon will not rewire through the walls since the company is
moving to fiber optics. In order that the unit owner might have service until such time as that is
accomplished, management had another company restore service. The external wire is a
temporary fix. As soon as the Fios system is in place the owner will be directed to use that
phone system. The external wiring will be removed.

A resident brought up a problem with the basement of 1800 Key. There's a baseboard out from
the wall and with mold on it and there are old paint cans in the common area. For over 4 years
the entry way to the basement going into the trash room has needed painting. She brought it up
to Mr. Z and he said they are getting the bidding done from paint contractors. Mrs. Slagle
directed management to have the area cleaned up and repainted now.

Mrs. Slagle asked if there were things outside the cages in the storage room at Key and Troy?
Were items removed during the last clean up? Have more items appeared since then? The
resident replied yes, and someone said that the sign on the door is ineffective.

Mrs. Slagle wants to move on this. Can we have another sweep of the area in July? Mr.
McPherson responded by saying that there are 30 years of crud in these buildings. During the
recent clean up, items on top of the cages had not been removed.. For now, he will remove
items from the floor.

Another resident pointed out that items on top of the cages in the storage rooms can block the
sprinkler system. He recommends items be removed. Mr. McPherson and Board agreed.
One resident asked why not sell the items to be disposed of if there were any value and make
money for the association? Mr. McPherson said there's insufficient value to be cost effective..

Mrs. Slagle asked if there were enough items outside the cages to justify another bulk pick up?
The resident said yes, I think so.

Motion. Mrs. Slagle made a motion that every two months management should estimate the
amount of bulk trash to be removed, post notifications on cork boards, and remove all items in
the common areas outside the cages and other storage areas. Mr. Somers seconded the motion.
For: all.

In building 1741 there’s a hall light flickering.

The resident asked the board to consider the following:

1. Phasing in front loading washing machines which save water and energy.
2. Repairing and replacing broken timer light switches: in trash and laundry room. 3.
Installing river rock to improve drainage in the 1847-1859 Wilson courtyard by 1853..
4. Repairing sidewalks in several areas where is regularly pools. A very helpful map
showed locations and 3 solutions for the pooling problem were offered. 5. Removing
Magnolia leaves prior to mowing. Leaving them burns the lawn..

Kitchen Renovation petition.

A resident is doing a kitchen renovation. In response to guidelines emailed by Mrs. Slagle, he
submitted a detailed plan to the Board. The Board was able to approve the plan contingent upon
his presenting proof of the required permits to the Manager. He will also need to request water
and electric cut-offs enough in advance that residents can have notification 72 hrs. in advance.

Motion. Mrs. Slagle moved to approve renovation as soon as Manager receives permits. Mr.
Bostwick seconded the motion. For: all. Mr. McPherson will send an approval letter once he
has the permits from the owner..

Mrs. Slagle stated that the magnolia leaves should be removed prior to mowing: they do not
mulch. Ms. Schwartz, Landscaping Committee chair, related that the issue had been reviewed
by the Manager and TruGreen. Leaves will be removed in the future and the grass will be
mowed every 7-8 days with the understanding that the lawn will not be mowed while it is
raining.. These items will be review for inclusion in the next contract.

Residence forum closed at 7:41 pm.

III. Reading & Approval of Minutes:

Motion by Mr. Surbey to approve the public minutes as changed and executive minutes as
typed was seconded by Mr. Somers. For: All.

IV. Management Report:

• CVII came in under budget when you combine things.
• Mr. Surbey said that CVII is charting a good course.
Action List:
• Delivered reserve report.
• Got paint estimates.
• Sent out Verizon letter and response card.
• Electrical update on 1774 tabled until July

V. New Business:

Wilson Blvd. Project:

• Widening the sidewalk would greatly reduce greenspace.
• Arlington Co. is discouraging fencing.
• Decorative shrubbery is an option
• The Wilson Blvd. side is a Gateway to the community.

John Reyner, Chairman of the Wilson Blvd. Project, reported that his committee of four has
begun work. Options for dealing with the worn foot paths included paving stone, concrete, and
shrubbery. Mr. Surbey emphasized the importance of Mr. Reyner’s committee. Mrs. Slagle
pointed out that the development on the other side of Wilson should be considered. We need to
consider how our property looks when the new, taller buildings are in place. Further, the
project should be designed to be executed over several years since the expenses of interior and
exterior painting carpeting and lighting will be incurred over the next two years. If we plan the
Wilson Blvd. Project well, we can do some of the first elements and add more to the same plan
each year. This approach will make the changes affordable.

Addressing the problem of the dirt paths worn by pedestrians along the Wilson Blvd. sidewalk,
Mr. Reyner talked about the relative advantages of stepping stones and slate; perhaps concrete.
It depends on the cost. The Board asked Mr. Reyner to meet with his committee and present
his plan at the July meeting. Mr. McPherson agreed to Mr. Reyner’s request to have elements
of the plan costed out based on drawing submitted.

Motion by Mr. Surbey to charge the Wilson Blvd. committee with developing a plan for
enhancements along Wilson Blvd. that could be executed in several phases. Second by Mr.
Bostwick. For: All.

Reserve Study. Mr. Surbey requested deferral until July meeting to allow sufficient time to
review the study.

Thompson Hauling. Our trash removal company has asked for an addition $120 per month
because of increased fuel costs. Mr. McPherson has asked them to get him a breakdown of the
increase in fuel costs. This will be ready for the July meeting.

VI. Old Business:

Panel Box Replacement. Mr. McPherson will send an email to the Board by next Friday with
the date when Dominion Power will approve a power shut off needed for the panel box

Tuck Pointing Project. Several villages are sharing the same engineer to survey our buildings
for needed tuck point work. Because of the larger contract, each village enjoys a better price
for the contract. Work has already begun for CVIII. Mr. McPherson is hoping for a September
1st start date for CVII. There are a number of areas which need attention, including the brick
retaining wall on the corner of Troy and Key. Mr. McPherson will bring the CVII portion of
the agreement for survey to Mrs. Slagle for signature. (Already approved during May

Interior/Exterior Painting Proposals. In packet from management, a revised proposal from

Renaissance, using high quality Benjamin Moore house paint shows the following:
• External painting, $56,000
• Interior painting, $81,000 ($91,000 if they remove wall paper and paint below the
• Original cost estimate, $160,000
• Current estimate, $137,000.

Carpet/Carpet Tile Proposals. Lawson Carpet’s proposal for commercial grade carpet $58,000.

Lighting Proposals. There was no proposal for lighting. Asked for an estimate based on work
done in CVI, Mr. McPherson suggested $35,000 for labor and fixtures. Mr. Somers
asked if they were more fuel and energy efficient. That is to be seen, but Mr. McPherson said
they were bug resistant. Mrs. Slagle suggested the lighting type be selected as part of the
interior design plan. Ms. Snell asked to clarify what constitutes inside decoration.

Overall Funding for Painting, Carpeting, and Lighting Projects. Mr. Surbey suggested
restructuring the reserve categories so that the funds for entry systems are included in the funds
for interior carpeting and painting.. That would make $261,000 available for the projects. He
suggested CVII solicited bids from three designers.

Motion by Mr. Surbey to select a designer/decorator for hallway to include: 1. Concept: Light
fixtures and flooring; and 2. Implementation: Oversee the whole project.
The motion was seconded by Mrs. Slagle. For: all.

VI. New Business

NSTA project modification. Mrs. Slagle reported that the National Science Teachers
Association (NSTA) has made some changes in their proposed addition The changes are being
presented to the Arlington County Board. The NSTA building is currently located next to
Rhodeside Grill and El Radicchio . The extension will replace these two buildings with an art
deco style structure which has already been approved. The reason for the current petition is
changes which increase the green value of the structure. The façade remains the same as do the
parking agreements reached earlier with NSTA’s Colonial Village residents. Mrs. Slagle will
write a note of support for the NSTA building project to the Arlington County Board.

Information on renovations in units. Mrs. Slagle stated there was a need to develop written
directions for submitting renovation proposals. This would allow the administrative assistant to
respond to such requests more efficiently, and would give owners a more complete check list to
work from when preparing a renovation project for the Board’s approval. The document could
also be included in the next handbook and posted on the website.
New Recording Secretary, Helen Wirka. Review of what is requested/how minutes work for
new recording secretary.

Interim Appointment. Motion by Mr. Surbey to accept Kaja Snell as interim Board member
until annual meeting in October, 2008.. Mr. Bostwick seconded the motion. For: all.

Reorganizing of website duties. Mrs. Slagle and Mr. Somers will temporarily share the website
duties as to content to be posted.. Mr. Bostwick suggested the Board hire someone to manage
the site technically.

Content of Monthly Flyer. Mrs. Slagle asked for two focuses for Mr. Surbey to include on the
monthly meeting announcement flyer.
First Suggestions:
• Lighting, report burned out bulbs.
• New planting around community, please keep your pets moving.
• Police your belonging.
Mr. Surbey suggested not doing two negatives on the poster.
Mrs. Slagle suggested “Problems in the laundry room? Call the HOF Laundry (301 595 1010)
and CVII:s Administrative Assistant 703 525 5557.”

Supper work session. There will be a supper work session for Board members at 6 p.m. on July

Next Board Meeting. Tuesday, 7-22-08, at 7 p.m., in meeting room at 1701 N. Troy St.

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