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AP ART History

Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa



Architecture representing
Political Power & Authority
1850-51. Iron,
glass, and

European characteristics
The revolutionary construction
of the crystal palace created for
the London Great Exhibition by
Joseph Paxton featured a
structural skeleton of cast iron
that held iron framed glass panes
measuring 49 by 30 inches, the
largest size that could be mass
produced. Pre fabricated wooden
ribs and bars supported the
panes. The triple tiered edifice
was the larges space ever
enclosed up to that time, 1851
feet long, covering more than 18
acres, and providing for almost a
million square feet of exhibition
space. It was criticized as being
simply engineering work rather
than actual architecture by the
neoclassical and the romantics
because it didnt allude to any
old style however it was just
more forward looking in the time
of Queen Victoria and Prince
Albert. The palace was supposed
to greatly show off the prestige
and power held by the British to
the rest of the world that would
be coming to visit the London
exhibition, and the palace did a
great job in showing Londons
global authority and dominance.


Olowe of Ise,
posts, ikere
palace, ikere,
wood and

Non-European example
The kings of the Yoruba people of Nigeria
also manifested their authority and power
through the large palaces in which they
lived. In a typical palace plan, the
principal rooms opened onto a veranda
with elaborately carved posts facing a
courtyard. Elaborate carvings also covered
the palace doors. Among the most
important Yoruba artists of the early
twentieth century was olowe of Ise, who
carved the doors and veranda posts for the
rulers of the Ekiti Yoruba Kingdoms in
southwestern Nigeria. The door of the
royal palace in Ikere illustrates Olowes
artistry. Its asymmetrical composition
combines narrative and symbolic scenes
in horizontal and rectangular panels. Tall
figures carved in profile end in heads
facing out to make them appear even taller
unlike typical Yoruba sculpture, which
uses short, static figures. The figures are
of such high relief that the upper portions
are actually carved in the round. The
figures move energetically against an
underlying decorative art pattern, and the
entire surface of the doors is also painted.

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

Art that challenges a tradition

Francis Goya.
The sleep of
Etching and

After printing about 300 sets of

this series, Goya offered them
for sale in 1799, he withdrew
them from sale two days later
without explanation. Historians
believe that he was probably
warned by the church that if he
did no he might have to appear
before the Inquisition because of
the unflattering portrayal of the
church in some of his etchings.
In 1803, Goya donated his plates
to the royal printing office. The
print shows a slumbering
personification of Reason,
behind whom lurk the dark
creatures of the nightowls,
bats, and a catthat are let loose
when reason sleeps. The rest of
caprichos enumerate the specific
follies of Spanish life that Goya
and his circle considered
monstrous. Goya hoped that the
series would show Spanish
people the errors of their ways
and reawaken reason. He even
tried to sell the etchings as
Hogarth had done in England,
but they only aroused
controversy with his royal
patrons, so he went back to more
classical portraiture of the royal

Staff Finial,
possibly 17th
Brass, height

Following Portuguese contact in the 15th

century. Kongolese art increasingly
absorbed western influences, as suggested
in a staff finial. While representations of
the matrilineal ancestress were a common
Kongolese motif symbolizing leadership,
this finial also reflects European
influences that followed the conversion of
the king and the arrival of Catholic
missionaries who brought with them
objects such as the monstrance (a highly
decorated vessel used to display the
consecrated bread/body of Christ) and the
crucifix. Made in the kongo, this cast
brass female figure seated within an
ornate frame with its foliated decoration
seems European in style. Although the
figure may appear to be praying, in Kongo
iconography, as elsewhere in central
Africa, the clapping of hands is a common
gesture of respect for another person. This
complex synthesis with the west and
traditional influences would hereafter
continue to affect African art in both
subtle and overt ways.

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

Equestrian Portraiture

crossing the
1800-01. Oil
on canvas.

Funerary Art

Rodin. The
shade. Bronze

David flattered napoleon by

reminding the viewer of two
other great generals from history
who had accomplished this
difficult featCharlemagne and
Hannibalby etching the names
of all three into the rock in the
lower left corner of the painting.
Davids artistic task was to paint
the glorification of Napoleon, he
idealized the leader as he lead
the French troops across the
alps. Napoleon, who actually
crossed on a donkey, is shown
calmly astride a rearing horse,
exhorting us to follow him. His
windblown cloak, an extention
of his arm, suggests that
napoleon directs the wind as
well. While Neoclassical in the
firmness of its drawing, the work
also takes stylistic inspiration
from baroque, using a dramatic
diagonal composition, instead of
the classical pyramid.
On June 3, 1962, many of
Atlanta's civic and cultural
leaders were returning from a
museum tour of Europe
sponsored by the Atlanta Art
Association when their chartered
Boeing 707 crashed upon takeoff
at Orly Field near Paris, France.
Of the 122 passengers that died,
106 were Atlantans (eight crew

Old Jenne,
Mali, 13th-15th
century. Terra
cotta, 27


A horseman made of polished terra cotta

covered with red clay holds , is armed
with quiver, arrows, and a dagger, it is a
good example of the technique. Man and
horse are formed of rolls of clay on which
details are carved of the face, clothing,
and harness. They are also engraved, and
apinted. The rider has a long oval head
and jutting chin, pointed oval eyes set in
multiple framing lids, and a long straight
nose. He wears short pants and a helmet
with a chin strap, and his horse has an
ornate bridle. Such elaborate trappings
suggest that the horseman could be a
guardian figure, hero, or even a deified
ancestor. Similar figures have been found
in sanctuaries. But, as urban life declined,
so did the arts. The long tradition of
ceramic sculpture came to an end in the
15th and 16th centuries when rivals began
to raid then Manden cities.

Three distinct archaeological sites have

been excavated at Igbo-Ukwuone
containing a burial chamber, another
resembling a shrine or storehouse
containing ceremonial objects, and the
third an ancient pit containing ceremonial
and prestige objects. The burial chamber
contained an individual dressed in
elaborate regalia, placed in a seated
position and surrounded by emblems of

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

cast. 1880.

Human Body in Art

Claudel. The
Waltz. 18921905. Bronze

members also died; two

stewardesses sitting in the tail
section survived). In an instant
the core of Atlanta's arts
community was gone. Thirtythree children and young adults
lost both parents in the crash.
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. traveled to
Paris to assist with the recovery
efforts. Given to the High
Museum by the French Govt to
commemorate the victims of a
plane crash at Orly in Paris.
Many of these victims were
Atlantans on a museum
sponsored trip. Rodin shows a
lot of contemporary symbolist
and expressionist style. He
studied the Beaux artes school.

10th century,
n painting

French composer, Claude

Debussy, a close friend of
Claudel, displayed a cast of this
sculpture on his piano. Debussy
acknowledged the influence of
art and literature on hi musical
innovations. The waltz exists in
several versions. The sculpture
depicts a dancing couple, the
man unclothed and the woman
seminude, her lower body
enveloped in a long, flowing
gown. In Claudels original
conception, both figures were

The mossi people of bukina faso carve

small wooden figure called biiga, or
child as a plaything for little girls. The
girls feed and bathe the figures and
change their clothes, just as they see their
mothers caring fro younger siblings. At
this level the figures are no more than
simple dolls. Like many childrens dolls
around the worlds, they show ideals of
mature beauty including elaborate hair
styles, lovely clothing, and developing
breasts. The biiga shown wears its hair
Doll (Biiga)
Burkina Faso, just as little mossi girls do, with a long
neck projecting over the face. Bu the

his power and authority. These included

three ivory tusks, thousands of imported
beads that originally formed part of an
elaborate necklace, other adornments, and
a cast bronze representation of a leopard
skull. Elephants and leopards are still
symbols of temporal and spiritual
leadership in Africa today. Ethnographic
research among the Nri, an Igbo-related
people currently residing in the region,
suggests that the burial site is that of an
important Nri kind or ritual leader called
an eze.

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

entirely nude, but she had to add

drapery to the female figure after
an inspector from the ministry of
Beaux-arts found the pairing of
the nude bodies indecent and
recommended against the statue
commission for a marble version
of the work afterwards. After
Claudel added drapery, the same
inspector endorsed the
commission, but it was never
carried out, instead, Claudel
modified the waltz further to
have it cast in bronze. The work
shows an illusion of fluent
movement in the human body of
the dancing partners whirl in
space, propelled by the rhythm
of the music. The spiraling
motion of the couple, enhanced
by the womans flowing gown,
encourages the observer to view
the piece from all sides,
increasing its dynamic effect.
Despite the physical closeness of
the dancers, there is a little
actual physical contact between
them, and their facial expression
reveals no passion or desire. The
work portrays human love as a
union more spiritual then

Culture. Mid
20th century.
Wood. 11

elongated breasts mark the doll as a

mother of many children. Likewise, the
scars on the belly mimic those applied to
mossi women following the birth of their
first child. Thus, although the doll is a
called a child, it actually represents the
ideal mossi woman, one who has achieved
the goal of motherhood. Moss girls do not
outgrow their dolls as one would a
childhood plaything. When a young
woman marries, she brings the doll with
her to her husbands home to serve as an
aid to fertility. If she initially has difficulty
bearing a child, she carries the doll on her
back just as she would a baby. When she
fives birth the doll Is placed on a new,
clean mat just before the infant is placed
there, and when she nurses, the doll is
placed against her breast before just
before the newborn receives the

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

Images with text

Henry Van de
Tropon. Color

Van de Velde was focused on the

socialist theories of art the
convinced him that he should
devote his creative energies
toward art that everyone can see.
From that moment he focused
his efforts on useful objects.
After designing a house for his
family in 1895, he proceeded to
create the rugs, furniture,
utensils, wallpaper, and even his
wifes dresses. He wrote in an
exhibition catalogue near the
same time the hope of a happy
and egalitarian future lies behind
these new decorative works.
His design office in Brussels
became a beehive of activity and
he argued against historicism in
architecture and in favor of art
for all. When the grocery firm
Tropon approached him with a
commission for a new
advertising campaign, van de
Velde created the first integrated
marketing program in the history
of design. The abstract ovoid
module that forms the center of
the poster became the companys
logo and was featured on all of
its products as well as its
stationary, advertising, and
delivery vehicles.

Ethiopia represents one of the oldest

branches of the Christian faith.
Christianity arrived in Ethiopia during the
4th century, well before reaching northern
Europe. Typical of icon and manuscript
painting in Ethiopia, this leaf is decorated
with bright colors and a joyous interplay
of geometric pattern. The full-page
Ethiopia, 15th miniature depicts the Evangelist Luke,
CenturyAfric with his symbol, the Ox, within the arch
above. The short text is in geez (the
an; East
ancient Ethiopic language), and consists
EthiopianSin of the opening lines of the gospel of
gle Leaf from Luke.All manuscript and icon painting in
Ethiopia was confined to monasteries. The
a Gospel
painting style of this leaf relates it to the
Book with a
Portrait of St. Ewostathian monastic community of
LukeBooksM Central Ethiopia. The artists of this
community rose to prominence under the
1440-1480ink scholar-emperor Zara Yaeqob (14341468), who commission-ed many of them
and tempera
to produce books and icons for the court.
on vellum
This leaf draws its inspiration from the
most important monastic painter, Fre
Seyon, who was enormously influential
between about 1450 and 1500.

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa


Paul Cezanne,
mont sainte
1885-87, oil
on canvas.

Narrative in art

Tanner. The

No artist had a greater impact on

the next generation of modern
painters than cezanne, who
enjoyed little professional
success until the last few years
of his life when other artists
began to recognize his work. He
later on changed his style to
being more impressionistic, and
thi made him popular. He
focused on collecting the effects
of light, and his favorite place to
do this was on mont sainte
victoire, a prominent mountain
near his home in aix, that he
depicted about 30 times. The
version here shows the mountain
rising above the arc valley,
which is dotted with houses and
trees and is traversed at the far
right by an aqueduct. Framing
the scene at the left is an
evergreen which echoes the
contours of the mountains
creating visual harmony between
two principal elements of the
Tanner believed that biblical
stories could illustrate the
struggles and hopes of
contemporary African
Americans. He may have
depicted the resurrection of
Lazarus because many black
preachers made a connection

Dartey is a modern day African artist from

Ghana, in this water color paintings he
shows a foggy Ghana landscape with
some trees and bushes in the foreground.
A one level house in the middle ground,
Dartey E.
and a foggy mountainous background.
The use of fast dabby brushstrokes, along
Cottage, 20th
with dark, colors make the people and
century, water details in the painting hard to discern
color , Ghana which could represent his disconnection
with Africa during the 20th century. The
painting shows a landscape of Ghana and
in doing so Dartey compares the old and
the new Africa and expresses some post
imperialistic stress, especially with the
faded background, showing that he is no
sure what is to come in the future, and the
foreground is equally as blurry which
shows and overall disconnect with his
time and that he among many other
Ghanaian people are lost and dont know
what is going on now ow what is soon to

Olowe of Ise,
Door from

The doors of the Royal Palace in Ikere

commemorate the celebrations honoring
the orisha of divination, orunmila. In the
left-hand panel, the future will be foretold
by reading oracles. At the top is a man
with sacrificial animal and palm nuts.
Below him, a diviner sits with a
diviniation board and a ceremonial cup for

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

of Lazarus.
1896. Oil on


Vincent Van

between the storys theme of

redemption and rebirth and the
emancipation proclamation of
1863, which freed black slaves
and gave them a new life. Tanner
received a favorable critical
reception at the Paris Salon of
1897. The subject is the biblical
story in which Jesus went to the
tomb of his friend Lazarus, who
had been dead for four days, and
revived him with the words
Lazarus, come forth. Tanner
shows the moment following the
miracle, as Jesus stands before
the amazed onlookers and
gestures toward Lazarus, who
begins to rise from his tomb. The
limited palette of browns and
gold, reminiscent of Rembrandt,
but more intense, is appropriate
for the somber burial cave. It
also has the expressive effect of
unifying the astonished
witnesses in their recognition
that a miracle has indeed
The dozens of self-portraits by
Vincent van Gogh were an
important part of his oeuvre as a
painter. Vincent van Gogh
created many self-portraits
during his lifetime. Most
probably, Van Gogh's self
portraits are depicting the face as

the royal
palace in
1925, 72

Head said to

the palm nuts and lower still are

messengers and assistants. On the right,
two rows of faces introduce the court. The
king is represented in the second panel
seated between his guard and two royal
wives; the chief wears a European top hat,
a symbol of power. Above the royals,
musicians perform while below royal
wives dance. The bottom two registers
depict the peoplefarm workers and a
pair of wrestlers.

A life size head shows the extraordinary

artistry of ancient Ife. The modeling of the
flesh is remarkably sensitive, especially
the subtle transitions around the nose and
mouth,. The lips are full and delicate, and
the eyes are stinkingly similar in shape to
those of some modern Yoruba. The artists
of ancient Ife also produced heads in terra

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

Gogh. Selfportrait with

bandage. Oil


Relationship between artist

and patron

Watson and
the Shark
Copley, 1778

it appeared in the mirror he used

to reproduce his face, i.e. his
right side in the image is in
reality the left side of his face.
The painting certainly shows
impressionism, with light study
and quick impressionistic brush
strokes. In an irrational fit in
1888 in December, Vincent Van
Gogh decided to cut off the
lower portion of his left ear. He
severed the lobe with a razor,
wrapped with cloth and then
took it to a brothel and offered it
to one of the women there. In
this painting van Gogh paints
himself bandaged up after this
1849 event off Havana where
Watson lost part of his leg before
being rescued
Watson was involved in trans
Atlantic shipping some of which
involved slaves
Watson was a Tory who was
anti-American revolution and
perceived it as hypocritical; in
the revolutionary war the British
offered freedom to runaway
slaves who joined the army or
Watson was the patron of the
work-probably because he
opposed American independence
which was interconnected with

represent the
lajuwa, lfe,
yourba, 12001300 ce, terra
cotta, 12

cotta. They were probably placed in

shrines devoted to the memory of each
dead king. One of the most famous was
not found by archaeologists but had been
preserved through the centuries in the
onis palace. It is said to represent lajuwa,
a court retainer who usurped the throne by
intrigue and impersonation. Scholars
continue to debate whether the Ife heads
are true portraits. Their realism gives an
impression that they could be. The heads,
however all seem to represent men of the
same age and embody similar concept of
physical perfectioin, suggesting that they
are idealized images. Idealized images of
titled infividuals are a common feature of
sub Saharan afrcan sculpture, as they are
for many other cultures in the world.
Nkisi Nkonde provide a dramatic example
of the ways in which works of African
sculpture are transformed by use. When
first carved, the figure is neutral with no
particular significance or use. Magical
materials applied by a diviner transform
the figure into a powerful being, at the
Power figure
same time modifying its from. Each client
who activates that power further modifies
the statue. Nails may also be added as part
Zaire, kongo
of healing or oath-taking process. And
culture, 19th
when the figures particular powers are no
century, wood
longer need, the additions may all be
nails pins
stripped away to be replaced with
blades and
different magical materials that give the
same figure a new function. The result is
that many hands play a role in creating the

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

the slave trade.


Ritual Objects

Maya Ying
Lin. Vietnam
1982. black

The artist maya Lin

combined 2 basic ideas, the
minimal grandeur of long,
black granite walls and row
upon row of engraved
names--the abstract and the
intimate conjoined. the
power of lin's monument lies
in it understatement. the
wall is a statement, of loss,
sorrow, and the futility of
war, and the names are so
numerous that they lose
individuality and become a
surface texture. it Is a
timeless monument to
suffering humanity, faceless
in sacrifice. "the point is to
see yourself reflected in the
names".The memorial, now
widely admired as a fitting
testament to the Americans
who died in that conflict,
was the subject of public
controversy when it was first
proposed due to its severely
minimalist style. in its
request for proposals for the
design of the monument,

(Nylo Beri),
Gabon, Fang
Culture, 19th
Wood. 16

nkisi nkonde we see in the museum. The

person who we are likely to label as the
artist is only the initial creator. Many
others modify the work, and in their hands
the figure becomes a visual document of
the history of the conflicts and afflictions
that have threatened members of the
On top of a reliquary, the Fang people
place a wooden figure called nlo byeri,
which represents the ancestors and which
guards their relics from malevolent sprit
forces. Nlo byeri are often carved in a
naturalistic style with careful arranged
hairstyles, fully rounded torsos, and
heavily muscled legs and arms. Frequent
applications of cleaning and purifying
palm oil produce a rich, glossy black
surface. The strong symmetry of the statue
is especially notable. The layout of fang
villages is also symmetrical, with pairs of
houses facing each other across a single
long street. Internally, the fang strive to
achieve a balance between the opposing
forces of chaos an order, male and female,
pure and impure, powerful and weak.
They value an attitude of quiet
composure, of reflection and tranquility.
These qualities are embodied in the
symmetry of the nlo byeri, which
communicates the calm and wisdom of
the ancestor while also instilling awe and
fear in those not initiated into the fang

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa
the veterans stipulated that
the memorial be without
political or military conflict,
that it be reflective in
character and that it
harmonize with the
surroundings, and that it
include the names of the
more than 58000 dead or
missing. the memorial is
among the most visited
works of public art in the
21st century and one of the
most affecting war
monuments ever.


Sacred Spaces

Church. New
York City.

In the 19th century Europe and

United States, many architects
used the Gothic style because of
its religious associations,
especially for Roman Catholic,
Anglican, and Episcopalian
churches. The British-born
American architect Richard
Upjohn designed many of the
most important gothic revival
churches in the USA including
the trinity church in New York.
With its tall spire, long nave, and
squared off chancel, the trinity
quotes the early fourteenth
century British Gothic style
particularly dear to Anglicans
and Episcopalians. Every detail
is historically accurate, although
the vaults are of plaster, not
masonry. The stained glass

Great Friday
Jenne, Mali,
rebuilding of
1907 in the
style of the
13th century

Archaeologists have determined that

Jenne was established as a city by the
third century CE, and that by the middle
of the ninth century it had become an a
major urban center. Also by the ninth
century, Islam was becoming an economic
and religious force in West Africa, North
Africa, and northeren terminals of the
trans-Saharan trade routes that had already
been incorporated into the Islamic
Empire. When Koi Konboro, the twenty
sixth king of Jenne converted to Islam in
the 13th century, he transformed his palace
into the first of three successive mosques
in the city. Like the two that followed the
first mosque was built of adobe brick, a
sun dried mix of clay and straw. The
mosques eastern, or marketplace, faade
boasts three tall towers, the center of
which contains the mihrab. The finials, or
crowning ornaments, at the top of each

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

windows above the altar were

among the earliest stained glass
in the USA.


Violence in art

Francis Goya,
Third of May,
1808, 181415. Oil on

In 1808 napoleon conquered

Spain and placed on its throne
his brother Joseph Bonaparte.
Many Spanish citizens,
including Goya welcomed the
French at first because of the
reforms they inaugurated,
including a new, more liberal
constitution. On may 2, 1808,
however, a rumor spread that in
Madrid that the French planned
to kill the royal family, the
populace rose up and a day of
bloody street fighting ensued,
followed by mass arrests.
Hundreds of Spanish people
were herded into a convent, and
a French firing squad executed
these helpless prisoners in the
predawn hours of may 3. Goya
commemorated the event in a

Section of
San Rockwall painting,
san peoples,
south Africa,
pigment and
eland blood
on rock

tower bear ostrich eggs, symbols of

fertility and purity. The faade and sides
of the mosque are distinguished by tall,
narrow, engaged columns, which act as
buttresses. These columns are
characteristic of west African mosque
architecture and their cumulative rhythmic
effect is one of great verticality and
grandeur. The most unusual features of
west African mosques are the torons,
wooden beams projecting from the walls,
which provide permanent supports for the
scaffolding erected each year so that the
exterior of the mosque can be replastered.
Numerous of rock paintings are found in
South Africa in the region of the
Drakensberg Mountains. Almost 600 sites
have been located in rock shelters and
caves, with approximately 35,000
individual images catalogued. It is
believed that the paintings were produced
beginning approximately 2400 years ago
by the predecessors of the san people who
still reside in the region. Ethnographic
research among the san and related
peoples in the area suggest possible
interpretations for some of the paintings.
For example rock paintings depicting
groups of dancing figures may relate to
ceratin forms of san rituals that are still
performed today to heal individuals or to
cleans communities. These may have been
created by san ritual specialists or
shamans to record their curing dances or
trance experiences of the spirit world. San

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa


Representation of Deities
Birth of
Venus. 1864.
Oil on canvas

painting that like Delacroixs

massacre at Chios focuses on the
victims and anti heroes, the most
prominent of which is a Christ
like figure in white. Everything
about this work is romantic, the
sensational current event, the
loose brushwork, the poses
based on reality, the off balance
composition, the dramatic
lighting. His reason for painting
such brutal scene was to warn
men never to do it again.
We see the effect of new taste on
painters in the birth of Venus by
Cabanel, one of the leading
academic artists. He won the
prix de Rome in 1845 after
studying with an academic
master, and won top honors at
the salon 3 times in the 1860s
and 1870s. The mythological
subject of his work is venerable
in western art and engaged many
artists as far back as Raphael.
Cabanel depicted Venus borne
along on the waves,
accompanied by a group of putti,
some of whom blow on conch
shells. His ultra-skillful painting
style is based on neoclassical
techniques and shows Cabanels
mastery of anatomy, flesh, tones
and the surface of the sea. The
image has a strong erotic charge,

rock artists continued to create rock

paintings into the late 19th century. These
later works depict the arrival of Afrikaner
pioneers to the rgion as well as british
soldiers brandishing guns used to hunt

Spirit Spouse
(blolo bla)
cote divoire,
baule culture.
Early 20th
century, 17

The Baule people believe that each of us

lived in the spirit world before we were
born. While there, we had a spirit spouse,
whome we left behind when we entered
this life. A person who has difficulty
assuming his or her gender role as an
adult may be prescribed by the divinera
carving of an image of the spirit spouse. A
man has a blolo bla (otherworld wife) and
women has a blolo bian carved. The
figures display the most admired and
desirable marks of beauty so that the spirit
spouse figures are broadly naturalistic
with swelling fully rounded musculature
and careful attention to details of
hairstyle, jewelry, and scarification
patterns. They may be carved standing in
a quiet, dignified pose or seated on a
stool, the owner keeps the figure in his or
her room, dressing it in beautiful textiles
and jewelry, washing it, anointing it with
oil, feeding it, and caressing it. Over time

AP ART History
Name: ______________________
2nd six week free response grid Due: Mon 3/18/2012
European examples may include: Neoclassical, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Avant-Garde,
Non-European examples must include: Ancient and Modern Africa

though in the arched back and

hooded eyelids of Venus. Thus is
the goddess of love rendered as
earthly as a pinup picture. This
combination of mythological
pedigree and physical appeal
proved irresistible to Napoleon
III, who bought the birth of
Venus for his private collection.

the surface of the figure softens and takes

on a glossy sheen indicating the attention
has been given. The baule hope that be
caring for and pleasing his or her spirit
spouse a balance may be restored that will
free the individuals human life to unfold

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