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Fall 2013

MAE 214 Computer Aided Engineering I

Class Meeting: Tuesday - Section 87826 10:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Section 87827 1:30 p.m. to 3:10 p.m.
Section 87828 4:30 p.m. to 6:10 p.m.
Class Website: ASU Blackboard System
Instructor: Jay Patel
Office: GWC 565
Office Hours: Monday & Friday 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m or by Appointement
Teaching Aide(s): Ligin Varghese; Nick Lagrou
Office hours: GWC 481:Monday 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Friday: 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Course Textbook: Engineering Graphics Essentials, 4th Edition. by: Kirstie Plantenberg
SDC Publication
Course description: Introduces geometry and construction techniques in CAD, technical
drawing conventions, generating drawings from CAD model
Enrollment requirements: Pre-requisites: C or better in MAE 212 or (ECE 212 or ECE
214) OR be co-enrolled in MAE 212.
Course Outcomes:
1) Be able to communicate ideas and designs using hand sketches; improves 3D
visualization skills.
2) Be able to construct 3D Solid Models of parts and assemblies using SolidWorks.
3) Learn engineering and technical drawing conventions.
4) Generate engineering drawings from Solid Models of parts and assemblies.
5) General understanding of manufacturing processes used to produce the parts
being designed.
Course Software:
Download SolidWorks from My Apps and VPN software
Course Supplies:
Clutch Pencil and color pencils (optional) at least 4 different colors
1 Small clear plastic triangle, 30/60/90 degree

Grid paper, a file will be uploaded on Blackboard for orthographic projections

and isometric views.
USB jump drive

Printing policies in GWC 481:

20 prints available.
Not for printing other course assignments.
A Word of WARNING! Do not wait until the day homework is due, there is
NOT always paper or the printer could be BROKEN/OUT OF ORDER!
Homework, Quiz and Exam: Total of 8-10 homework will be assigned based on
progress of syllabus and availability of time frame. Quizzes will be given on prior notice.
There will be one midterm near fall break.
Grading Pattern:


Grading cut off (tentative):

97 A+ 100
93 A 96
90 A- < 93
87 B+ < 90
84 B < 87
81 B- < 84
76 C+ < 81
70 C < 76
60 D < 70
0 E < 60
Academic Integrity Policy:
Any type of copying or cheating on exams, homeworks and quizzes will not be tolerated.
Appropriate rules of academic integrity will be strictly enforced as a part of action.
Cheating on homework/quizzes would result in ZERO for the homework/quizzes
portion of the total grade. Cheating on exams would result E for this class.
Please be aware of ASU Academic Integrity policy at following link for more

Absence policies:

Attendance to the lectures is not mandatory, but it will be the students obligation
to obtain notes from any missed lectures. Note that slides will be posted for some
of the topics only. These slides are meant to COMPLEMENT the lectures, not
replace them.

Make up quizzes and exams will be given for absences that are due to religious
observances/practices that are approved by university policy or due to other
events or activities sanctioned by the university. In those cases, the student must
notify the instructor in advance (preferably 1 week ahead) so that arrangements
can be made.

If an absence is not due to a university sanctioned reason, missed quizzes or

exams will not be made up unless it is due to health issues (a doctor note will be
required), or a personal emergency that is appropriately justified. Arrangements
need to be made within 1 week following the absence, including a meeting with
the instructor to provide justification for it. If there is no attempt on the part of the
student to make these arrangements in this time frame, the missed assignment will
receive zero points.

Classroom behavior policies:

Cell phone and pagers must be silenced during class and students will refrain
from answering or making phone calls during lectures. If they must do so, they
will need to leave the classroom without disrupting the lecture and come back
after they are done.

No recording devices of any kind can be used.

Behavior that disrupts the lectures is not acceptable and students who engage in
such behavior will be asked to leave.

Threatening behavior against other students or the instructor will not be tolerated.
ASU police may be called, and the student reported for disciplinary action.

Disability resources:

Students who require accommodation for a disability must be registered with the
Disability Resource Center (DRC) and submit appropriate documentation from
the DRC and appropriate arrangement will be made.

Students who plan to make these arrangements should inform the instructor at the
first convenient opportunity at the beginning of the semester to facilitate the


The course content, including lectures, handouts, homework, quizzes and exam
problems, are copyrighted material and students may not sell notes taken in class
or any of the original material distributed in class (as listed above) during the
conduct of the course.

The information contained in this syllabus, other than absence policies may be subject to
change with reasonable advance notice.

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