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891 F.Supp. 492, 25 Envtl. L. Rep. 21,577

(Cite as: 891 F.Supp. 492)

incurrence of response costs” by plaintiff; and re-

United States District Court, sponse costs must be necessary costs and consistent
E.D. Missouri, with National Contingency Plan (NCP). Comprehen-
Southeastern Division. sive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act of 1980, §§ 101(14, 22-25), 107(a),
ANSCHUTZ MINING CORPORATION, Plaintiff, (a)(4), (a)(4)(B), 42 U.S.C.A. §§ 9601(14, 22-25),
v. 9607(a), (a)(4), (a)(4)(B).
No. 1:88 CV 72 SNL. [2] Environmental Law 149E 440

June 23, 1995. 149E Environmental Law

149EIX Hazardous Waste or Materials
Owner of mining property brought action against 149Ek436 Response and Cleanup; Liability
previous owner and operator under Comprehensive 149Ek440 k. Substances Covered. Most
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liabil- Cited Cases
ity Act. On owner's request for declaratory judgment (Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ-
and reimbursement for cleanup costs, the District ment)
Court, Limbaugh, J., held that: (1) material at site Material at mining site was “hazardous” within
was “hazardous” within meaning of CERCLA; (2) meaning of CERCLA, despite argument for exclusion
imminent release is enough to trigger CERCLA cov- of mining waste. Comprehensive Environmental Re-
erage; (3) only substantial compliance, not strict sponse, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, §
compliance, with National Contingency Plan (NCP) 101(14), 42 U.S.C.A. § 9601(14).
is required under CERCLA; (4) in future, parties
would be required to contain contaminants; (5) prior [3] Environmental Law 149E 442
owner was 80% liable for cleanup and containment
costs, while current owner was 20% liable; and (6) 149E Environmental Law
current owner would be awarded all reasonable attor- 149EIX Hazardous Waste or Materials
ney fees connected with litigation. 149Ek436 Response and Cleanup; Liability
149Ek442 k. Threatened Release. Most
Ordered accordingly. Cited Cases
(Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ-
West Headnotes ment)
CERCLA does not require that there has been release
but, rather, imminent release is enough to trigger
[1] Environmental Law 149E 438 CERCLA coverage. Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980,
149E Environmental Law § 107(a)(4), 42 U.S.C.A. § 9607(a)(4).
149EIX Hazardous Waste or Materials
149Ek436 Response and Cleanup; Liability
[4] Environmental Law 149E 439
149Ek438 k. Elements in General. Most
Cited Cases
(Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ- 149E Environmental Law
ment) 149EIX Hazardous Waste or Materials
Elements of prima facie claim under CERCLA are: 149Ek436 Response and Cleanup; Liability
defendant must fall within one of four categories of 149Ek439 k. Remedial and Removal Ac-
“covered persons”; there must have been “release or tions in General; Cleanup Plans. Most Cited Cases
threatened release” of hazardous substance from fa- (Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ-
cility; release or threatened release must “cause the ment)

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891 F.Supp. 492, 25 Envtl. L. Rep. 21,577

(Cite as: 891 F.Supp. 492)

Strict compliance with National Contingency Plan 149EIX Hazardous Waste or Materials
(NCP) is not required under CERCLA but, rather, 149Ek436 Response and Cleanup; Liability
only substantial compliance is mandated. Compre- 149Ek447 k. Contribution and Indemnity;
hensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Allocation of Liability. Most Cited Cases
Liability Act of 1980, §§ 101(23-25), 107(a)(4)(B), (Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ-
42 U.S.C.A. §§ 9601(23-25), 9607(a)(4)(B); 40 ment)
C.F.R. § 300.700(c)(3)(i), (c)(4). Prior owner and operator of mining site was 80%
liable under CERCLA for cleanup and containment
[5] Environmental Law 149E 439 costs of site, while current owner was 20% liable;
contaminants representing bulk of hazardous waste
149E Environmental Law were extracted by prior owner while current owner
had only owned facility for short time and its opera-
149EIX Hazardous Waste or Materials
149Ek436 Response and Cleanup; Liability tions of facility were minimal. Comprehensive Envi-
ronmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
149Ek439 k. Remedial and Removal Ac-
Act of 1980, § 101 et seq., 42 U.S.C.A. § 9601 et seq.
tions in General; Cleanup Plans. Most Cited Cases
(Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ-
ment) [8] Environmental Law 149E 720(2)
Jointly liable parties in CERCLA litigation regarding
contamination of mining site would be required in 149E Environmental Law
future to contain contaminants in most cost effective 149EXIII Judicial Review or Intervention
way that would eliminate any future problems with 149Ek711 Attorney Fees
runoff contamination into waterways or into 149Ek720 Hazardous Waste or Materials
neighboring land and town, but parties had to take 149Ek720(2) k. Response and Cleanup
into account remote location of site and lack of im- Actions. Most Cited Cases
mediate population; there was no justification for (Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ-
complete removal action in which huge sums of ment)
money would be spent to take contaminants from one Private causes of action under CERCLA include cost
remote part of country to another remote part of of attorney fees, in order to conserve finite resources
country. Comprehensive Environmental Response, of government and encourage prompt attention to
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, § 101 et environmental problems. Comprehensive Environ-
seq., 42 U.S.C.A. § 9601 et seq. mental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of
1980, § 101 et seq., 42 U.S.C.A. § 9601 et seq.
[6] Environmental Law 149E 447
[9] Environmental Law 149E 447
149E Environmental Law
149EIX Hazardous Waste or Materials 149E Environmental Law
149Ek436 Response and Cleanup; Liability 149EIX Hazardous Waste or Materials
149Ek447 k. Contribution and Indemnity; 149Ek436 Response and Cleanup; Liability
Allocation of Liability. Most Cited Cases 149Ek447 k. Contribution and Indemnity;
(Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ- Allocation of Liability. Most Cited Cases
ment) (Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ-
Allocation of liability under CERCLA must be done ment)
in equitable fashion based on court's factual findings
and legal conclusions. Comprehensive Environmental Environmental Law 149E 720(2)
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980,
§ 101 et seq., 42 U.S.C.A. § 9601 et seq.
149E Environmental Law
149EXIII Judicial Review or Intervention
[7] Environmental Law 149E 447 149Ek711 Attorney Fees
149Ek720 Hazardous Waste or Materials
149E Environmental Law 149Ek720(2) k. Response and Cleanup

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891 F.Supp. 492, 25 Envtl. L. Rep. 21,577

(Cite as: 891 F.Supp. 492)

Actions. Most Cited Cases sell the property to Anschutz Mining Corporation for
(Formerly 199k25.5(5.5) Health and Environ- Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000).
CERCLA plaintiff bringing private action against Because of the years of neglect, it took Anschutz
prior owner and operator of mining site would be some time to bring the mine back to an operable con-
awarded all reasonable fees connected with litigation, dition. By the time the mine was ready, the price of
and that amount would not be affected by liability cobalt had plummeted and the venture was halted
allocation. Comprehensive Environmental Response, because it was no longer profitable. Anschutz was
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, § 101 et able to gather some of the surface cobalt from the
seq., 42 U.S.C.A. § 9601 et seq. *494 tailings piles, but there was never any active
*493 Maurice B. Graham,Padberg McSweeney, St. mining of the site by Anschutz.
Louis, MO, Norella Huggins and George D. Martin,
Armstrong Teasdale Schlafly & Davis, St. Louis, There has been no further activity at the site. It is
MO, and Richard A. Oertli, Holme Roberts & Owen, surrounded by a chain link fence to keep out tres-
Denver, CO, for plaintiff. passers and there is a part-time watchman who main-
tains the integrity of the fence. The video tour pro-
John L. Oliver, Jr. and J. Fred Waltz, Oliver Oliver vides a clear picture of the current condition of the
Waltz & Cook, Cape Girardeau, MO, and Marcus facility.
Martin, Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott,
Denver, CO, for defendant. Discussion

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER This action is a private action brought by the current
property owner against a previous owner and opera-
LIMBAUGH, District Judge. tor. As the law has become more hostile towards
businesses that alter the environment as a byproduct
This matter is before the Court on the Plaintiff's re- of their industrial efforts, Congress has attempted to
quest for a declaratory judgment and reimbursement share the heavy cleanup burden with successive own-
for cleanup costs under the Comprehensive Environ- ers. After all, even though a party may be the current
mental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act owner of a facility he may not be the main contribu-
(“CERCLA”), 42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq. tor to the environmental problems.

Statement of Facts With that in mind, Congress enacted CERCLA. It

was “enacted in 1980 to accomplish the dual purpose
The center of this suit is a tract of land near Freder- of ensuring the prompt cleanup of hazardous waste
icktown, Missouri. Since the mid 1800s, the area has sites and imposing the costs of such cleanups on re-
been operated sporadically as a mine, smelter, mill, sponsible parties.” Dico Inc. v. Diamond, 35 F.3d
and tailings disposal area. From 1902 to 1922, the 348, 349 (8th Cir.1994) citing General Elec. Co. v.
North American Lead Company and Missouri Cobalt Litton Indus. Automation Sys. Inc., 920 F.2d 1415,
Company worked the mine and produced nearly 1422 (8th Cir.1990), cert. denied, 499 U.S. 937, 111
700,000 tons of waste solids. From 1944 to 1961, the S.Ct. 1390, 113 L.Ed.2d 446 (1991).
National Lead Company (now NLIndustries) mined
the property continuously and created shafts which [1] In order for an action to fall under the aegis of
contain mining refuse and generated nearly 4.5 mil- CERCLA, it must fit within a framework that has
lion tons of tailings. been developed through case law. The statute itself
does not specifically list the prima facie elements of a
In 1978, National Lead sold the property to two local claim, but the case law is in agreement that the ele-
businessmen. One year later, after a dramatic increase ments are: (1) the defendant must fall within one of
in the price of cobalt, an element believed to be four categories of “covered persons”, 42 U.S.C. §
abundant at the site, the businessmen were able to 9607(a); (2) there must have been a “release or
sell an option to NEDLOG, which in turn was able to threatened release” of hazardous substance from the
facility, § 9607(a)(4), 9601(14), (22); (3) the release

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891 F.Supp. 492, 25 Envtl. L. Rep. 21,577

(Cite as: 891 F.Supp. 492)

or threatened release must “cause the incurrence of that the actions which are taken must be necessary
response costs” by the plaintiff, § 9607(a)(4); and (4) and taken in accordance with the NCP. The Court
response costs must be necessary costs and consistent dismisses the defendant's argument, supported by
with the National Contingency Plan (NCP). §§ authority from the Fifth Circuit, that strict compli-
9607(a)(4)(B), 9601(23)-(25). See, Stewman v. Mid- ance is required. Not only do the regulations call for
South Products of Mena, Inc., 993 F.2d 646, 648 (8th “substantial compliance” 40 CFR § 300.700(c)(3)(i),
Cir.1993); See also, Dedham Water Co. v. Cumber- (c)(4), but decisions in this circuit have followed the
land Farms Dairy, Inc., 889 F.2d 1146, 1150 (1st standard of substantial compliance Id. The rationale
Cir.1989). is that cleanup is encouraged, even if it is by private
parties, and that if the court were to disallow reim-
[2] In the case at hand, all the elements of CERCLA bursement for insubstantial deviations from technical
are met. The Defendant is a covered person because regulations, that policy would serve to block private
NLIndustries qualifies under § 9607(a)(2) as “any cleanup actions. The Court finds that up to this point,
person who at the time of disposal of any hazardous all of the remedial actions taken by Anschutz have
substance owned or operated a facility at which such been done in accordance with the NCP and 42 U.S.C.
hazardous substances were disposed.” The parties 9601(23), (24). This includes, but is not limited to the
cannot dispute that a release occurred as defined by sampling costs, the Dames & Moore Reports and the
42 U.S.C. 9601(22) nor does the Court have any construction work done on the D dam.
doubt, despite the defendant's argument for the exclu-
sion of mining waste, that the material is hazardous [5] The more difficult problem comes in determining
as defined by statute. 42 U.S.C. 9601(14); Eagle- what work must be done in the future. The Court
Picher Industries v. US E.P.A., 759 F.2d 922, 926 determines that the parties must contain the contami-
(DC.Cir.1985); Idaho v. Bunker Hill Co., 635 nants. This must be done in the most cost effective
F.Supp. 665, 673 (D.Idaho 1986). way that will eliminate any future problems with run
off contamination into the waterways or into the
[3] The next two prongs of the CERCLA test are neighboring land and town, but must take into ac-
more contested, but nonetheless applicable. In the count the remote location of the site and lack of im-
first place, the Court makes the factual finding that mediate population. The Court finds no justification
the site poses a significant threat to human health and for a complete removal action in which huge sums of
the environment. (Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste money would be spent to take these contaminants
Site Investigation, prepared by the Missouri Depart- from one remote part of the country to another re-
ment of Natural Resources, Pltf. Ex. 581 at 1). Sec- mote part of the country. However, both parties are
ondly, the eighth circuit has found that CERCLA “is compelled to prevent the spread of this contamination
a strict liability statute, with only a limited number of so that further damage, with ensuing joint liability,
statutorily-defined defenses available.” General Elec- will not occur.
tric Co. v. Litton Indus. Automation Sys., Inc., 920
F.2d 1415, 1418 (8th Cir.1990); therefore, the causa- [6] Having found that both parties to this suit are li-
tion argument fails. Finally, an argument that the able, the Court turns to the allocation of liability. To
defendant's waste was released but was not the cause address this issue, many courts have looked to the
of the cleanup must fail because the statute does not “Gore Factors”, which were submitted to Congress to
mandate a release, an imminent release is enough to address this issue, but never adopted. This Court
trigger CERCLA coverage. There cannot be a re- chooses not to address those factors specifically,
quirement that medical evidence support claims that since they do not serve as precedent, but certainly
the local population has already been harmed; if that follows the premise that allocation must be done in
were a requirement it would eliminate an entire cate- an equitable fashion based on the Court's factual find-
gory which Congress has specifically included. Early ings and legal conclusions. See, Gopher Oil Company
cleanup can avert major disaster; a doctrine that re- v. Union Oil, 955 F.2d 519, 526-527 (8th Cir.1992);
quired a party to produce evidence of disaster would See also Pennsylvania v. Union Gas Co., 491 U.S. 1,
circumvent a purpose of the legislation. 21, 109 S.Ct. 2273, 2285, 105 L.Ed.2d 1 (1989); Key
Tronic Co. v. U.S., 511 U.S. 809, 114 S.Ct. 1960, 128
*495[4] The final element of CERCLA coverage is L.Ed.2d 797 (1994).

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891 F.Supp. 492, 25 Envtl. L. Rep. 21,577

(Cite as: 891 F.Supp. 492)

IT IS FINALLY ORDERED that the Defendant pay

[7] In the case at bar, the defendants were the long- all costs already incurred, at the allocated liability
time operators and the main users of the facility. The rate, including prejudgment interest, and that the De-
plaintiff has only owned the facility for a short time fendant pay all reasonable attorney fees incurred by
and its operations of the facility were minimal. The the Plaintiff in this action.
contaminants that represent the bulk of the hazardous
waste were extracted by the defendant and are the E.D.Mo.,1995.
defendant's legacy. Anschutz Min. Corp. v. NL Industries, Inc.
891 F.Supp. 492, 25 Envtl. L. Rep. 21,577
However, both parties are liable and the Court finds
that the Defendant is Eighty Percent (80%) liable for END OF DOCUMENT
the cleanup and containment costs of the site and the
Plaintiff is Twenty Percent (20%) liable for the
cleanup and containment costs of the site. That figure
represents liability for past, present, and future
cleanup efforts. The Plaintiff is also entitled to inter-
est on the sums that have already been paid. 42
U.S.C. 9607(a); U.S. v. Allen, 1990 WL 339489, *2

[8][9] Having made that determination, the Court is

left with the final issue of fees. In order to conserve
the finite resources of the government and encourage
prompt attention to environmental problems, private
causes of action include the cost of attorney fees.
U.S. v. Mexico Feed and Seed Co. Inc., 980 F.2d 478,
490 (8th Cir.1992). Therefore, the Court awards the
plaintiff all reasonable fees connected with this litiga-
tion. That amount will not be effected by the liability
allocation; the Plaintiff will receive One Hundred
Percent (100%) of all reasonable fees that have been


IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Plaintiff and

Defendant are jointly liable for the cleanup costs of
the Madison Mine site near Fredericktown, Missouri.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Plaintiff is

allocated Twenty Percent (20%) of all cleanup costs
and that the Defendant is *496 allocated Eighty Per-
cent (80%) of all cleanup costs.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties con-

tain the contaminants within the site so that they pose
no threat of release. This containment is to be done in
the most cost effective manner in compliance with
the NCP.

© 2010 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

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