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Science quiz

1. Participants to the Science Quiz are School 1 st place winners in Grade 4-6
2. The District Finals of the contest shall be conducted in a Quiz Show Format
3. There shall be four (4) rounds for all categories: Easy, Average, Difficult, and
Clincher. There shall be ten (10) easy questions, five (5) average questions, and
five (5) difficult questions. All contestants shall answer all questions in the 3
rounds. Each correct answer in every round will be given corresponding points,
to wit:
a. Easy
1 point
b. Average
3 points
c. Difficult
5 points
4. Each contestant shall be provided with chalk, eraser and 1/8 illustration board.
5. Each question must be answered within the time allocated for it. Ten (10)
seconds for the easy part, twenty (20) seconds for the average questions and
thirty (30) seconds for the difficult questions. Quizmaster shall read each
question twice and the time shall start only after the quizmaster says GO


Science Thought and Engineering Goals
1. Scientific Thought
a. Brief and clear statement of the problem
b. Well defined procedure
2. Engineering Goals
a. Clear and relevant objective/s
b. Economically feasible
3. Potential Contribution/practical value
Creative, Resourcefulness and Inventiveness
1. Creative ability in presenting the problem or in th approach to solve the problem
2. Innovative design / new idea shown
3. Intelligence and imagination in finding ways / means to undertake the project
1. Familiarity with specific literature in the relative field
2. Awareness of other approaches or theories
3. Appropriateness of methodology


Research Skill
1. Use of laboratory equipment / innovative resources
2. Appropriate, orderly and effective presentation of data


Oral Presentation Skills

1. Clear and thorough discussion of the project
2. Clarity and conciseness of explanation pretaining to important aspects of the
research proposal
3. Presentation aided by AV materials
4. Over-all personatily
5. Self-confidence
6. Enthusiasm

SCI-ART CONTEST (1 from each Grade Level II, IV, V, and VI)
1. Only one (1) contestant per grade level shall participate in the contest
2. The contest will revolve around the theme which will be announced by the contest
administrator during the contest proper.
3. The medium for visual artistry shall be oil pastel only. The required base paper to be
used during the contest, however, is an illustration board (size )
4. The contestant will bring their own materials during the competition. Borrowing of
materials from other contestants shall not be allowed.
5. The allotted time for the contest is one and a half hours, after which all entries shall
be submitted to the contest administrator. Contestants may decide to submit his/her
sci-art earlier without waiting for the lapse of one and half hours. Late submission
shall be deducted 1% from the total for every extension of five minutes. A fraction of
five minutes shall already be considered five minutes for purpose of the deduction.
6. The sci-art shall be identified by a number that corresponds to the number which
identifies the contestant for the judging process
7. Decision of the Board or Judges is Final.
8. Criteria for the Sci-Art
i. Originality of Idea
ii. Relevance to the Theme
iii. Overall impact

ODYSSEY OF THE MIND (Hands On Minds On Activity

1. The contest in hands-on minds-on activity where each contestant will have to answer
questions, perform a science activity by following specific directions that require
cognitive and psycho-motor skills and fluency in oral communication of science ideas
and concepts
2. Each contestant will have to go through 5 learning stations (LS) starting from
Learning Station 1 (LS1 to LS5)
3. Each LS has a learning packet, Directions to follow iIN PRINT
4. Individual LS is manned by a member of the Board of Judges who acts as the
evaluator of the learning outcome.
5. Performance in each LS is under time pressure. Communication skills, speed,
accuracy and correctness of activity results called for are being assessed.
6. The hands-on minds-on activites will focus on any of the following content standarts:
a. Living things and their environment
b. Matter
c. Force, motion and Energy
d. Earth and space
7. A performance Rubric will be used to rate the performace of each contestant in every
learning station
8. Awarding of the top 5 winner will be after the event.

1. Participant is elementary school pupil from grade VI who is the Division Winner in
2. Material used: LEGOS
3. Criteria for Judging
a. Creative Design
i. Creative Appearance, Interactive Behavior
b. Technical Design
i. Good Engineering, Stable Structure
c. Presentation
i. Successful/Stable Demo Clear
ii. Concept in presentation
iii. Over-all Appearnace
d. Justification


1. The improvised science equipment shall be presented in a Congress before a Panel of
Reactors/ Judges. Presentation of the fuctionality and usage shall last for 10 minutes.
10-15 minutes for questions and remarks from the Panel of Reactors, and 5 minutes
for the wrap-up synthesis of the presenters.
2. The write-outs of the improvisation shall be submitted in three copies for review of
the panel reactors on or before september 22, 2015. Late submission will invalidate
the entry.
3. The improvised science equipment MUST show the following:
a. Available local resources are used to perform experiments
b. Cheaper products to simulate experiments
c. Scientific principles involved/ concepts underlying the device
d. Important life skill/s to be developed in the learners
e. Quality of the science equipment
f. Can be replicated and shared to the other teachers
4. Criteria to be used in the congress shall be defined by the Board of Reactors/Judges.

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