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3.1 Hyderabadi-style chicken biryani
a. Persiapan Bahan
1. Kupas 4 cm jahe dan 6 siung bawang putih. Kemudian cuci dan haluskan kedua
bahan tersebut menggunakan food processor.
2. Cuci cabai rawit hijau, daun ketumbar, dan daun mint. Kemudian cincang ketiga
bahan tersebut.
3. Cuci dan iris 6 siung bawang merah.
4. Memarkan 3 biji kapulaga.
5. Cuci buah lemon, kemudian peras buah lemon sebanyak 5 ml.
6. Tuang yoghurt plain ke dalam gelas ukur sebanyak 80 ml.
7. Cuci dan bersihkan 1,4 kg ayam. Kemudian potong menjadi 8 bagian.
8. Rendam beras basmati dengan air biasa selama 2 jam
b. Teknik Pengolahan
Ayam yang telah dicuci dan dibersihkan, kemudian dipotong dan dimarinasi.
Marinate merupakan perendaman ayam dalam bumbu-bumbu agar bumbu-bumbu yang
dilumuri dalam ayam tersebut bisa meresap sempurna dan merata ke seluruh bagian
ayam dari kulit hingga ke bagian terdalam dagingnya. Marinate ayam ini dengan
disimpan di suhu rendah agar bisa mereserap lebih sempurna.
Pengolahan beras basmati yang pertama dilakukan adalah soaking. Tujuan soaking ini
adalah membuat tekstur beras basmati menjadi lebih lemas dan lunak sehingga mudah
dimasuki air. Beras basmati yang telah disoaking selama 2 jam dan dicampur oleh
bumbu, kemudian disteam dengan menggunakan dandang. Steaming merupakan proses
mengukus dengan air yang mendidih hingga menghasilkan uap air dalam boiler atau
dandang yang tertutup. Uap air itu lah yang akan mematangkan beras basmati dimana
jumlah air yang digunakan tidak boleh terlalu banyak. Jika air yang digunakan terlalu
banyak, maka air dibawah sarangan dandang akan naik ke atas mengenai beras sehingga
tekstur beras akan menjadi lembek dan bumbunya larut ke bawah terbawa air.

c. Alat
1. 1 gelas ukur
2. 2 gelas plastik
3. 1 saucepan
4. 1 dandang
5. 1 panci
6. Pisau
7. Alat pemeras lemon
8. Sendok makan
9. Sendok teh
10. Spatula
d. Bahan
1. 4 cm jahe
2. 6 siung bawang putih
3. 1 botol yoghurt plain
4. 1 buah lemon
5. 1 tsp kunyit bubuk
6. 1 tsp cabai bubuk
7. 1 tsp garam masala
8. 2 cabai rawit hijau
9. Daun ketumbar secukupnya
10. Daun mint secukupnya
11. 1,4 kg ayam
12. 2 tbsp butter
13. 60 ml minyak sayur
14. 4 siung bawang merah
15. 50 g almond yang telah diblanching
16. 2 lembar bay leaves kering
17. 3 butir cengkeh
18. 2 batang kayu manis
19. 3 biji kapulaga

20. 1 tsp jintan bubuk

21. 600 g beras basmati
e. Resep

4 cm piece ginger, peeled, roughly chopped

6 garlic cloves, peeled

95 g ( cup) natural yoghurt

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp ground chilli

1 tsp garam masala

2 small green chillies, finely chopped

cup roughly chopped coriander leaves, plus extra, to serve

cup roughly chopped mint leaves, plus extra, to serve

1.4 kg whole chicken, cut into 8 (see Note)

pinchof saffron threads

2 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)

60 ml ( cup) vegetable oil

4 red onions, sliced

50 g ( cup) blanched almonds

2 dried bay leaves

3 cloves

2 cinnamon quills

3 cardamom pods, bruised

1 tsp caraway seeds

600 g (3 cups) basmati rice, soaked in cold water for 2 hours

Cook's notes:

Oven temperatures are for conventional; if using fan-forced (convection), reduce

the temperature by 20C. | We use Australian tablespoons and cups: 1 teaspoon equals 5
ml; 1 tablespoon equals 20 ml; 1 cup equals 250 ml. | All herbs are fresh (unless
specified) and cups are lightly packed. | All vegetables are medium size and peeled,
unless specified. | All eggs are 55-60 g, unless specified.
Soaking time 2 hours
Marinating time 30 minutes
Drink 2012 De Bortoli La Bohme Pinot Noir Ros, Yarra Valley, Vic ($20)
Place ginger and garlic in the bowl of a small food processor and process until a
paste forms. Transfer to a large bowl, add yoghurt, juice, turmeric, ground chilli, garam
masala, green chillies, tsp salt and half the coriander and mint, mixing well to
combine. Add chicken, turning to coat in marinade, then cover and refrigerate for 30
minutes. Meanwhile, place saffron in a bowl with 2 tbsp warm water and set aside to
infuse for the same amount of time.
Heat ghee and oil in a large, non-stick frying pan with a tight-fitting lid over high
heat. Add onions and cook, stirring, for 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove
from pan, drain on paper towel and set aside. Add almonds to same pan and cook,
stirring, for 2 minutes or until golden. Remove from pan, drain on paper towel and set
Remove all but 1 tbsp oil mixture from pan and reserve. Allow excess marinade to
drip off chicken, then add to pan and reduce heat to low.
Place a large saucepan of cold water over high heat. Add bay leaves, cloves,
cinnamon, cardamom and caraway seeds. Drain rice, then add to pan and bring to the
boil. As soon as rice starts to boil, strain out half the rice and evenly spread over
chicken. Drizzle over some of the reserved cooking oil, top with half the fried onions
and half the fried almonds, then sprinkle over remaining coriander and mint. Continue
cooking biryani over low heat, and continue boiling remaining rice for a further 2
minutes or until tender.
Drain remaining rice, then place on top of biryani. Top with the remaining fried
almonds. Drizzle over saffron-infused water, cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook for a

further 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through and rice is tender. Top with
remaining fried onions and serve sprinkled with coriander and mint.

Using poultry shears, remove wing tips at second joint and discard, leaving one joint
attached to bird. Cut legs, then thighs from chicken. Remove breasts and halve each
widthwise. You will have 8 pieces.
3.2 Sandesh
a. Persiapan Bahan
1. Tuang susu cair sebanyak 1 liter ke dalam gelas
2. Cuci buah lemon, kemudian peras buah lemon sebanyak 5 ml
3. Iris almond kemudian press almond.
b. Teknik Pengolahan
Susu cair diolah dengan cara boiling. Boiling merupakan merebus susu hingga
mendidih sehingga bagian dari susu cair ini akan memisah antara lapisan lemak dan
cairannya. Susu yang digunakan adalah susu cair segar agar dapat dipisahkan antara kedua
bagian tersebut.
c. Alat
1. 1 gelas ukur
2. Panci
3. Spatula
4. Pisau
5. Sendok makan
6. Saringan atau kain saring
7. Alat pemeras lemon
d. Bahan
1. 1 liter susu cair
2. 1 buah lemon
3. 2 tbsp gula palem
4. 3 tbsp gula pasir

5. 5 biji almond
e. Resep
Ingredients (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml):

1 litre milk

1 to 1.5 tbsp lemon juice or vinegar

2 tbsp palm jaggery or substitute with just 2 tbsp sugar

3 tbsp sugar or as required

4-5 pistachios, almonds, sliced or 10-12 golden raisins

1. Keep the milk to boil.
2. Line a deep bowl or pan with a muslin or thin cotton napkin.
3. When the milk beguns boiling, lower the flame. add lemon juice and stir.
4. When all the milk curdles, switch off the fire.
5. Pour the entire content in the lined muslin.
6. Take the four corners of the muslin in your hands and join together.
7. The chenna or paneer would be in the muslin. so gather all the curdled paneer
together in the muslin and squeeze the whey.
8. Rinse the chenna with the muslin in running water very lightly. this is to remove the
sourness of the lemon juice or vinegar from the paneer.
9. Place a weight like a stone bowl or a stone pestle on the muslin for 25-30 mins.
10. Take the paneer in a plate or a tray. knead with the knuckles of your palms.
11. Gather the whole mixture at intervals and then again continue to knead till the
mixture becomes smooth and less granular.
12. Add jaggery and sugar and knead for 2-3 minutes again.
13. The jaggery and sugar both will melt and release moisture in the mixture.
14. Add this mixture to a thick bottomed non stick pan.
15. With continous stirring cook on a low flame for a total time of 9-10 minutes.
16. First the mixture will have a smooth and molten consistency.
17. Slowly the moisture would begin to dry up and the mixture would start coming

18. We do not want a dry sandesh mixture.

19. The paneer should have some moistness and must not have a dense rubbery texture.
20. Remember the mixture should have some moistness and not be dry.
21. Also no oil or fat should be released from the mixture.
22. Let the mixture warm or cool and then knead the mixture again to get a smooth
23. Shape into round flattened balls or a peda.
24. With a toothpick or fork you can even make designs on the sandesh.
25. Press some pistachio or almond slices or raisins in the center.
26. Serve the sandesh immediately or refrigerate and then serve them.
27. If not serving immediately then refrigerate the sandesh as they get spoiled if you keep
them out at room temperature.
the sandesh recipe can be doubled or tripled.
use freshly made paneer or cottage cheese to make sandesh.

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