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Bradford Woods Community Church



An Epistle from Ed
By Ed Cadwallader, Pastor
In God's sight this principle stands firm and unshakable: that all saints live by the same Spirit and by
the same faith, and are guided and governed by the same Spirit and the same faith, but they all do
different external works. For God does not work through them at the same time, in the sane place, in
the same work, or in the sight of the same people. He moves at different times, in different places, in
different works, and in different people, but he always rules them by the same Spirit and in the same
faith. And each one is compelled by the work, place, time, persons, and circumstances, previously
unknown to him (or her), to follow God as God rules and guides him (or her). This is the
true knowledge of faith in which all saints are instructed, each one in his (or her) vocation.
While Martin Luther first penned these lines with priests and monks in mind (I added the or her), I
believe these words are so timely and true for the Church of our God on earth today. We, here at
BWCC, are made up of many different people, with a variety of different talents and ideas. We
don't always agree on how things should be done, which may be because being guided by the Holy
Spirit we are guided to do different external works.
Now that we have begun September we begin the trek toward Advent, the start of a new liturgical
year. The Choir returns to offering weekly anthems in our worship. We begin a new Sunday school
year and a new session of Confirmation classes. We start up again with different people added to the
mix in the body of Christ we personify here in Bradford Woods. With these different people come
new ideas, new enthusiasm, new talents and ultimately change.
The thing we must remember is that we are all guided by the same Spirit and the same faith. It is
vital that we embrace all the differences not as difficulties, but as opportunities, given to us by the
Holy Spirit, to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to create faith in every life we have the
opportunity to touch.
Another way to think about this is to consider that I am one of those different people guided here,
into your midst, by the same Holy Spirit and the same faith we ALL share. In responding to God's
love for me in Jesus Christ I will try to let God work through me, remembering that it is God that I
serve and no other - not a faction, not a favorite, not a side, not a majority, not a point of view. There
is a certain freedom that comes in knowing that if my way doesn't always work out, that if things to
not go as planned in what I try to accomplish, that I can still know God is working through me for the
sake of the Gospel.
Think about it

Fall Rummage Sale

By Cait Kowal, Rummage Sale Committee
The Rummage Sale is coming! We are happy to announce that this fun,
fall event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 17 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. So, start
donating your gently used items to our rummage sale. We will accept anything except for
clothing and upholstered furniture.
Drop off times are: Monday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Wednesday 10 a.m. 4 p.m.,
Thursday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. or by appointment (email or call
the church office). To conserve space we ask that large furniture be dropped off on Oct. 15 & 16.
Please volunteer to help. You can help with setup, watching tables, organizing, pricing, working the
cashier stand or cleanup. We have donation receipts available for anyone who wants one for tax
purposes. During the Rummage Sale event, there will be free coffee and muffins from 8 a.m. to
10 a.m. or while supplies last, and a fast lunch: hillbilly hotdogs, chips & drink for sale from 11 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m. Items purchased from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. are half off! This event will be held rain or shine.
Pass the word and tell your friends and neighbors. See you then!

Annual Congregational Meeting, Oct. 25

By Jennie Griffin, Chair
Church Council
Please plan to attend the annual congregational meeting following the worship service
on Sunday, October 25. The proposed 2016 budget and slate of candidates for the
BWCC Church Council will be presented and voted upon. A quorum of at least 40
members is required for these items to pass (see below for proxy voting info).
Everyone may - and is encouraged - to attend this meeting, but only members (age 18
and over) may vote.
We would love to have some new faces on Church Council, and there are several functional areas that could use some
help, including the following:
Missions Committee - Responsible for the community outreach activities of the Church, including the coordination of
mission activities and the distribution of mission funds.
Outreach Committee - Responsible for spreading the Christian Gospel, e.g. visitations, promoting new members
classes and receiving new members, publications and publicity fall under this committee.
Hospitality Committee - Responsible for fostering friendship and fellowship within the church, e.g. coffees, nurseries,
congregational gatherings such as Advent dinners, etc.
Christian Education Committee - Responsible for the administration of the educational program of the Church,
e.g. Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Youth Fellowships, Communicants Classes, Adult Bible Classes and Junior
Chairperson of Ushers - This person is responsible for assigning ushers for weekly and special services.
If you have any questions about these positions, or if you are interested in helping in one of these areas (or another
area!), please contact me or Diana Greenberg. If you cannot make the meeting, proxies will be available from the church
office (724) 935-3135 or They will also be emailed 1-2 weeks in advance of the
meeting. Thank you for considering a position, and for your concern for your church.

Sunday School News

By Norma Liebenguth,
Sunday School Superintendent
Sunday School started back on September 20th with 8 youth and 14 adults attending classes.
Thanks to Pam and Greg Hendrickson for providing Penguins tickets to raffle off at the Rally
Day Coffee Hour. And, congratulations to Ginny and Bill Ice for winning them!
A reminder to all teachers: we MUST have your clearances on file in the church office if you
plan to teach this year. If you dont already have clearances, I will be glad to help you obtain

Treasurer's Report as of 9/20/15

By Pam Hendrickson, Treasurer

By Daphne Turner
Congratulations to Preston Turner on his marriage to Danina DiBattista on September 13.
Preston, son of our former pastor Doug and his wife, lifetime elder Daphne, grew up in this
church. The couple lives in Bellevue.

Our Newest Member

Please welcome Joyce Liebenguth, Johns mother, as the newest member of
Bradford Woods Community Church!
An avid tennis player for many years, Joyce was a force to be reckoned with
on the court, winning many singles and doubles championships.
Born and raised in Williamsport, PA, she was married to Gerard (Gerry)
Liebenguth for 64 years and raised four children. She and Gerry lived in
Maracaibo Venezuela, Chicago, Tulsa, and London England before finally
settling down in the Pittsburgh area. Joyce is a registered nurse. She last practiced nursing at Passavant Hospital before retiring some years ago.
If shes not in church, she might be at home watching tennis.
A long-time resident of Allison Park, Joyce now lives in The Arbors at St. Barnabas, Valencia Woods, where she enjoys
calls and visits from friends, her four children, seven grandchildren and great-grandson.

By Jean Hipwell, Missions
A big thank you goes out to all who donated to NHCO's "Back to School Supplies".
They are now asking for gently worn coats in children's and adult sizes. These can be
placed on the downstairs coat rack. A donation box upstairs is available for used hats,
scarfs and gloves. North Hills Community Outreach is also collecting the following Thanksgiving
items through October: large box stuffing mix, large box instant mashed potatoes, canned cranberry sauce, canned vegetables or yams, pie crust mix, "easy" pumpkin pie mix,
evaporated milk, muffin mix, turkey gravy mix, or grocery gift card for $10 or more. What you
share, they share with those in need.

"Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. " ~ Psalm 106:1

Worship Leaders and Acolytes

If you would like to volunteer to be a worship leader, please contact
Pastor Ed. Thank you for your service.
Oct. 4
Oct. 11
Oct. 18
Oct. 25

Joe Bayer, Amber Swann, acolyte

Chuck Brehm, Mac Coltharp, acolyte
Melanie Verbaarschott, Beth Muhlenkamp, acolyte
Jenn Hudak, Chloe Coltharp, acolyte

September Happenings

Colorful characters turn up at the

Centennial Celebration!

New Member Joyce Liebenguth and Family

A great turnout for our Blessing of the Animals service!

Pastor Ed with Sister Elizabeth

For the love of all creatures great and small...


4836 Wexford Run Road | P.O. Box 421

Bradford Woods, PA 15015
(724) 935-3135

Serving Bradford Woods and surrounding North Hills communities.

Visit our website: | Contact us:

ICCC Mission Statement

Bradford Woods Community Church is a member of the ICCC (International Council of Community Churches) whose
mission statement is: As people devoted to following Christ we are committed to community, to treasuring diversity, to
living our faith in service and love.

Events for the month of October:

October Birthdays
4 Tia Lammers and Grayson Hudak;
5 Steve Kanter; 11 Mallory Riley;
12 Emily Bayer; 13 John Kanter;
15 Mallory Schmidt; 17 Carley Schmidt;
19 Benjamin Mason; 20 Carol Solari and Bradford Woods
Community Church; 21 Shelly Muhlenkamp and Paul Swann;
22 Diana Greenberg; 24 Sue Bayer;
26 Joy Astarb and Linda Philpott

Prayer Concerns and Praise

Rebecca Alessandria, Joel Bonzer,
Joseph Bossman, Cathy Carter,
Kevin Croney and Family,
The Davenport Family, Jody Dentici,
Diane Dilanni, Christine Feagin,
Martha Finley, Kevin Frederick,
Laurie & Joe Gillespie, Ron Liguori, Sue Long,
Denise Massaro, Jeff Prady, Jennifer Rihtarchick,
Jared Riley, The Family of Jim Schmiedlin,
Doug Siefers, Myleigh Smith, Doris Stokes,
Tim Stokes, Linda Tessmer, John Valley,
and The Waldron Family


Communion, 11:00 a.m.

Trustees Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
Church Council Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Fall Rummage Sale, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
BWCC turns 95!
Annual Congregational Meeting, 12:00 p.m.

Adult Sunday School: Every Sunday, 10 a.m.
Morning Worship: Every Sunday, 11 a.m.
Youth Grape: Every Sunday, 7 p.m.
Choir Practice: Every Monday, 7 p.m.
AA/NA: Every Thursday, 7 p.m. (except 10/15)

Coffee Hour and Ushers

Please help with preparing coffee, a
cold drink and an (optional)
refreshment is all thats needed. Feel
free to sign-up online.
Ushers greet new guests, hand out
bulletins, and collect contributions in the collection
plates during service is all thats needed. And, its

If you are new to our congregation, please pass your information to Caitalyn Kowal in the church office, regarding your
address, phone number, email address, etc. so we can keep our records up to date and keep you up to date. Thank you.
Please help us with our mailing list costs. If you could view this newsletter via email or online, please
contact us at 724.935.3135 or

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