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Model motion to set up a screening of the film in your area as part of the

Black Panther film tour

This union branch/committee notes:
1) The film Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution has just been
screened at the Sundance Film Festival in the USA to critical acclaim.
2) The Black Panther Party for Self Defence made an invaluable contribution
to the fight against racism and capitalism in the US in the 1960s and early
3) The film tells the story of the rise of the Panthers, how they came to be
seen as a threat to capitalist society because of their radical stance against
racism and capitalism, and in the way they made links with other oppressed
groups in addition to reaching out to white working class communities.
4) A union-backed speaking tour - The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the
Revolution - is being supported by the TUC Race Relations Committee and
the National Union of Journalists London Magazine and London Central
branches. Other union branches are invited to join the sponsorship list. Love
Music Hate Racism (LMHR) is also supporting the tour.
This union branch/committee believes:
1) The Black Panther party, as the film shows with previously unseen footage,
came under attack from the FBI's COINTELPRO operation to kill its leaders
and disrupt its activities. None of the police officers and FBI agents involved
have been brought before a court to answer for their crimes.
2) The legacy and continuing influence of the Panthers has many important
lessons for the struggle against racism and capitalism today.
3) The film - directed by award-winning film maker Stanley Nelson (he
received the National Humanities Medal from US President Barack Obama in
2013) - makes an invaluable contribution to the progressive movement and
can act as a powerful educational and organising tool in the fight against
racism and capitalism today.
This union branch/committee resolves:
1) To support financially and organisationally the forthcoming speaking
tour/screening - Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution - featuring the
director Stanley Nelson and former members of the Panthers, with the aim of
promoting the film in the UK and the valuable lessons it provides for the fight
against racism today.
Thanks for your support, Gary McFarlane, equality officer, NUJ London
Magazine Branch and NUJ Black Members Council (pc)

Cheques, funds are payable to Love Music Hate Racism, c/o Black Panther
tour. Gary McFarlanes contact details for union branch treasurers/officers: 80
Clyde Road, London, N15 4JX,, 07472 703 288
For the information of your members
- this is an interview about the film with the director Stanley Nelson and
Kathleen Cleaver on Democracy Now
- more about the film and Stanley Nelson on the film company site.

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