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BioSystems 57 (2000) 49 – 62

From external to internal measurement: a form theory

approach to evolution
Eugenio Andrade *
Departamento de Biologı́a, Uni6ersidad Nacional de Colombia, Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C., Colombia

Received 1 December 1999; received in revised form 24 April 2000; accepted 25 April 2000


The point of view of external observers has led to an explanation of life based on digitally encoded information.
In contrast, the existence of natural internal observers, or agents that belong to the same scale of the observed objects,
explains the appearance of form centered approaches. The main controversies in thermodynamics and evolution are
due to the changes of perspective, so as to speak, if measurement is considered to be external or internal. Equilibrium
theories developed for closed systems under ideal conditions are analogous to external measurements. On the other
hand, morphogenetic perspectives as far from equilibrium thermodynamics applicable to open systems allow to
imagine self-organizing agents that perform local measurements. Chaitin’s algorithmic approach would help to
elucidate the relation between digitally encoded information and active forms, because forms and shapes are
responsible for specific pattern recognition and play a major role in the process of finding the proper measuring
standard. The predominance of form over digital records is illustrated by studying the mapping between genetic
descriptions and functional shapes, originally suggested for RNA, by Schuster. Therefore, interactions between living
entities are seen as reciprocal measurement processes that bring about couplings (shortened descriptions and local
decreases of entropy) that are paid by partial record erasure (increase of entropy). To conclude, this approach
centered on the inner dynamics or form is appropriate for understanding how Lamarckism and the modern neutral
theory of evolution can be integrated for expanding the neoDarwinian perspective. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland
Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Internal measurement; Form; Digital; Analog; Algorithmic compressibility; Entropy

1. Introduction tween external and internal forces, as quoted from

The evolution of living systems has been tradi-
tionally explained in terms of the interplay be- In the formation of crystal individuals, two
different counter-acting formative tendencies
come into operation. The inner constructive
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. force, or inner formati6e tendency, which corre-
Andrade). sponds to the Heredity of organisms, in the case

0303-2647/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0303-2647(00)00082-4
50 E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62

of the crystal is the direct result of its material mann’s development reconciles the macroscopic
constitution or of its chemical composition. […] description with molecular mechanics. However,
The external constructive force, or the external any prediction of future cases becomes possible
formati6e tendency, may be called Adaptation in only when the individual behavior of every
crystals as well as in organisms […]. Conse- molecule is subsumed into the global statistical
quently, the form of every single crystal, like the equilibrium parameters that are kept constant. In
form of every single organism, is the result of this external approach the irreversible increase of
the interaction of two opposing factors — the entropy brings forth homogeneity, symmetry and
inner formati6e tendency, which is determined destruction of form in the same extension as the
by the chemical constitution of the matter itself, available energy diminishes.
and the external formati6e tendency, which is The limitations of this approach were raised by
dependent upon the influence of surrounding James C. Maxwell, who proposed a thought ex-
matter periment in order to illustrate that the behavior
and properties of large quantities of molecules is
(Haeckel, 1868). different than the behavior of small quantities of
I agree with several recent proposals that favor matter. There is a very deep and real distinction
a shift of perspective to place a major emphasis between the properties of individual molecules
on internal forces. The external forces will not be and the properties of observable systems. In order
totally dismissed, but will, however, be better to make this point clear, he introduced an ob-
understood within a hierarchical approach. This server or an intelligent being endowed with finite
paper will present the interplay between internal and very acute faculties that provided it with the
and external forces as a semiotic activity that ability to discriminate fast from slow moving
involves measurement processes. Within this molecules so that by operating a valve, this agent
framework, the discussions on the concept of form could produce a thermal non-equilibrium state
and digital, analogic conversions are revisited. (Daub, 1970; Heimann, 1970).
While physicists asserted that Maxwell’s
demons cannot operate in closed systems, and
2. From external to internal measurement in therefore, are unable to perform selective work, in
thermodynamics agreement with the second law of thermodynam-
ics (Brillouin, 1951), neoDarwinians subscribed to
It is often argued that the use of thermodynam- natural selection as the fundamental explanation
ics in biology has a long history that is rich in of evolutionary processes. The apparent contra-
confusion (Morowitz, 1992). It is my tenet that diction between these two perspectives resides in
this confusion arises as a consequence of the the fact that Darwinians considered selection as
simultaneous use of concepts developed from op- an external pressure, while the activity of a
posite standpoints: externalism and internalism. Maxwellian demon is more akin to an internal
Externalism is exemplified in classical ap- selective action. Notwithstanding, in all instances
proaches developed in the 19th century. In these the idea of selection suggests that in living matter
theories, systems are studied within stable takes place what Maxwell’s demon can not do in
boundary conditions that are obtained by isolat- equilibrium systems.
ing the systems so that the descriptive parameters In the last few decades, Prigogine has advanced
remain under the observer’s control. Thus, sys- a morphogenetic perspective compatible with an
tems are described by an external observer, who internalist view point, wherein microscopic dy-
performs measurements and gathers data, making namics that take place in open, far from equi-
possible the production of a logically consistent librium systems is considered to act as a source of
description. In this way objectivity is attained. increasing organization. This approach has paved
Clausiu’s entropy approach deals only with phe- the way for the introduction of an observer into
nomena at this macroscopic level, while Boltz- the system. In this case, boundary conditions are
E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62 51

focal and transient, so that measurement is always neously. However, if we consider that evolution
in the process of being completed. As a conse- has proceeded from the simplest to the more
quence, the principle of selection must be seen as complex forms, then priority should be given to
a process of concrete and immediate choices made the internalist approach, for it considers living
by real organisms at a local scale (Fig. 1). entities within their nature as units of experience
Brooks and Wiley (1986) contribution clearly that measure and create records at a local scale.
shows how the contradiction between evolution Only when higher levels of organization appeared,
and entropy or rather between neguentropy accu- did an external measurement analogous to the
mulation in living systems and entropy increase, imposition of boundary conditions to these lower
boils down to a question of the location of the levels develop; however, actions that take place
observer. It can be deducted from his internalist within the same scale or level of organization, are
perspective that evolution is fueled by entropy. In the inner measurement.
a recent analysis by Zurek (1990), the notion of This suggests that a phenomenon that we can
physical entropy is referred to an information consider as an external measurement does take
gathering and using system. In all these internalist place in nature but not in the manner of the
approaches the irreversible increase in dissipated idealized mechanical and equilibrium approaches
entropy brings forth heterogeneity, rupture of of classical science. Instead, a newly emergent
symmetry and a diversity of forms, as entropy is higher level overlooks many microstates and vari-
dissipated to the environment. In this manner, ants that are not needed for the specification of
internalism rightly addresses the issues relative to this hierarchical level. Therefore, microstates that
form and organization that were traditionally are disregarded and pass by undetected by this
raised by the so-called ‘vitalists’ viewpoint. external measurement are equivalent to the so-
External and internal perspectives are comple- called ‘neutral’ variants. Of course, the external
mentary, in the sense that, the descriptions they measurement contributes with restrictions, but
produce are incompatible when made simulta- there are no natural systems that can physically
exert such a deterministic control. There are two
main reasons for this.
1. A structural complexity, though it may be
large, has a limit. This limit confers a re-
stricted capacity for discrimination and detec-
tion. This discriminating capacity, algorithmic
potential, coding ability and record storage
capacity is necessarily limited, finite and
2. The acquisition of information requires a prior
work-action of measuring and recording. This
action is costly and has to be paid for by
entropy dissipation that is responsible for ran-
dom fluctuations that prevent the full conser-
vation of records. It is, therefore, unavoidable
Fig. 1. The action of internal measurement brings forth a
that some information is lost.
radius of non-random interactions and structural closure while Matsuno (1989) has claimed that the limit of
a perturbation is transmitted to the nearest environment. Only speed light explains the impossibility of obtaining
local records that deal with connected units are created, paid global and synchronous descriptions, but within
by increases in uncertainty about the environment beyond the realm of living organisms one could consider
their influence. A higher level of organization performing a
sort of external measurement can partially resolve the uncer-
such descriptions almost instantaneous. Ho and
tainty by stabilizing compromises between the newly created Popp (1993) discussed the possibility of quantum
structures. coherence in living systems. They suggested that
52 E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62

organisms emit light at a steady rate from a few other in what is termed ‘substance’. For Aristotle,
photons per cell per day to several hundred pho- matter can not be reduced to formless atoms
tons per organism per second, and concluded that acted upon by external forces, ‘matter-form’ is
this emission was responsible for coherence in instead a principle of activity and intelligibility
living systems. better expressed in the notion of ‘substance’ (Aris-
totle, 1998). Form has priority in as much as its
properties are intrinsic to matter. That is, the
3. Epistemological status of form priority of form and the formal cause over the
other Aristotelian causes has to do with the fact
Life and form are two intimately associated that it operates from within, and so becomes the
terms such that one can hardly imagine one with- principle or cause of movement (Jaeger, 1946).
out the other. Biology has shifted from the exter- Today, one might explain Aristotle’s thought by
nalist morphologic centered paradigm to the more stating that intelligibility of a process must be
internalist information paradigm. Nonetheless, sought in the internal dynamics associated with
the study of digitally encoded information in the forms.
DNA opened some avenues that inevitably lead In terms of Thompson (1961) the form of any
us back to the morphologic perspective. However, portion of matter (living or dead), and the sensi-
this time we are not limited to organismic body ble changes of form, that is, its movements and its
patterns but to the patterns of organization that growth, may in all cases be described as due to the
shape every level in the organized hierarchy, and action of forces. The form of an object is the
therefore, we may state that the active agency that result of a composite ‘diagram of forces’, and
might explain the recording of information as therefore, from the form we can deduce the forces
DNA resides in form. I suggest that the present that are acting or have acted upon it. Although,
change of perspective from digitally encoded in- force is a term as subjective and symbolic as form,
formation, back to form, will also support an forces are the causes by which these forms and
internalist standpoint. changes of form are brought about. This consti-
In Plato’s terms, forms are a priori, they are tutes the best attempt so far, to reduce form to
immutable and eternal. Forms are ideas that ex- forces while keeping the autonomy of the form.
plain the intelligible world because they remain Thompson’s attempt to eliminate intrinsic formal
unchanged in contrast to the sensible world of causes by working only with extrinsic efficient
variation and constant change. These intelligible ones, resulted in an affirmation of the autonomy
and unchanging entities are ideas ‘eidos’ that rep- of form. The point that was missed, however, is
resent objective, real and universal states that that forces are not just mechanical interactions
have no concern whatsoever for individual, con- but are the directionality imposed on the flow of
crete and sensible entities. Forms confer intelligi- physical energy as a consequence of semiotic pro-
bility that marginalizes the concrete and sensible cess of measurement.
world as experienced by every single individual. This latter insight is latent in Whitehead’s phi-
As I will discuss below, if forms had epistemolog- losophy of organism. For him, substance (actual
ical priority and real existence separated from entities) suffers changing relationships, and there-
matter, it would leave unsolved the problem of fore, only form is permanent and immortal. Or-
how to achieve logical consistency without dis- ganism or living entities are individual units of
carding the concrete and sensible world experi- experience and can be regarded from either inter-
enced by individuals. nal or external perspectives. The former (micro-
In a similar manner, Aristotle’s ‘logos’ is scopic) is concerned with the formal constitution
equated with form and intelligibility, which is why of a concrete and actual occasion, considered as a
we speak of formal reasoning or mathematical process of realizing an individual unit of experi-
formalism. Nonetheless, ‘matter’ and form are ence, and the latter (macroscopic) is concerned
two metaphysical principles inseparable of each with what is given in the actual world, which both
E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62 53

limits and provides opportunity for the actual mines identity. Likewise, form as examined by
occasion. His remarkable insight is that ‘actuality’ Rene Thom is an arquetype that has an epistemo-
is a decision amid ‘potentiality’. The real internal logical status higher than force. If shapes, con-
constitution of an actual entity progressively con- versely, are emergent with regard to components,
stitutes a decision conditioning the creativity that then paradoxically, the now more basic compo-
transcends that actuality. Conversely, where there nents should have possessed form to have been
is no decision involving exclusion, there is no able to interact in the first place. This is not to
givenness, for example in Platonic forms, but in advocate for a Platonic view since the prior char-
respect to each actual entity there is givenness of acter of some type of forms does not imply that
such forms. The determinate definiteness of each they are to remain eternal and separate from
actuality involves an action of selection of these matter, but rather the opposite, it is the unleash-
forms. Therefore, form involves actual determina- ing of an evolutionary process.
tion or identity (Whitehead, 1969). For interactions to be established two condi-
Thus, the formal constitution of an actual en- tions are required; (1) openness, and (2) affinity or
tity would be a process analogous to measurement the non-random preference of one entity for an-
or to a transition from indetermination (potential- other as selected from among others. The problem
ity) towards terminal determination (actuality). is that in order to knit together a whole network
Consequently, these theories of life incorporate of interactions in the physical world, some basic
thermodynamics or the study of the flow of en- forms inherent to elementary particles must have
ergy and its transformation in alternative forms. preexisted in order to make possible further
This becomes the basis for understanding the recognitions and increments in complexity.
transmission of simple physical feelings from one I state that priority should be given to form for
living entity to another. its nature explains the appearance of digitally
When we deal with the question of how form encoded semiotic records. Form, is one of those
emerges and is conserved along a defined lineage concepts in which Peirce’s three categories can not
of descent, Buffon’s answer still provides an inter-
be easily differentiated. Form, as stubborn fact,
esting insight (in Canguilhem, Buffon, 1976; Ja-
has the qualitative aspect of firstness, the func-
cob, 1982). Forms (a three-dimensional arrange-
tional, determinate and relatedness traits proper
ment of component parts) have something to do
of secondness and, as a source of coordinating
with shapes (external contour of organisms) that
activity and intelligibility is also an expression of
are produced by casting on molds, in this case an
‘inner mold’ constituted by ‘the folding of a mas-
I conceive form as the process that is responsi-
sive surface’. Even in the 1930s, biochemistry was
ble for the establishment, transfer and conserva-
not totally alien to such ideas, and was not un-
tion of a specific set of non-random interactions.
usual to find in the literature references to
Thence, form is responsible for the emergence of
molecules that shape each other as likely carriers
of instructive information (Olby, 1994). The real functions that materialize in a specific spatio–
breakthrough of the molecular biology revolution temporal arrangement of parts, of whatever na-
in the 1950s was the concept that the organisms ture, that are required to maintain a coherent
could be reduced to digitally encoded one-dimen- performance. This perspective favors the current
sional descriptions. After this, DNA became the shift of outlook, as noted by Matsuno (1995), that
carrier of form or the informative molecule by considers that the emerging systems characteris-
excellence. Yet, it has never been made clear how
forms and three-dimensional shapes get encoded The fact that ‘form’ has some attributes of firstness does
in one-dimensional records. not mean that it is eternal, unchangeable and separate form
matter. It is rather, a succession of a series of form. This paper
Following Schrödinger (1983) form (structure, is closer to Aristotle (Phys. II,7 in Jaeger, 1946) in his remark
organization) and not ‘substance’ (material con- that form is seen as a cause responsible for inner dynamics and
tent) is the fundamental concept, because it deter- movement, which is a point I tried to rescue.
54 E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62

tics are the outcome of inner measuring processes. in accordance with their inner structure or self-
Furthermore, it is understood that organisms are reference. In this way, the organisms suppress the
as real, as fundamental, and as irreducible as the confusion of the vast ‘multiplicity of things’ and
molecules out of which they are made. Form is, shape their own experienced world.
therefore, understood as a relational order among For instance, prokaryotes are subject to high
components that matters more than the material rates of lateral genetic transfers; (Kidwell, 1993;
composition (Bateson, 1979). Form and informa- Syvanen, 1994; Ravi et al., 1999), so that a bacte-
tion are not a priori properties, for they arise as a ria like Eschericha coli bears a considerable
consequence of selection, but paradoxically in or- amount of foreign DNA. This fact demonstrates
der to initiate the process of selection some forms that identity does not depend on the genetic
must have existed to start with.
record alone, but derives from the coherence of
Thus, form is to be understood as a principle of
experience felt as a unity. The genetic record only
activity that organizes (dynamic geometry) the
restricts the type of measurement devices that can
world as a result of dynamic interactions. This
be utilized.
concept is in open contrast to the Newtonian view
where absolute space-time is filled with passive The tendency of the active forms to link with
geometricized entities. The concept of organic their selected counterparts and the actions of the
forms also opens the way to hierarchical reason- higher level hierarchical systems to integrate dif-
ing, since the interactions of a defined set of forms ferent elements into an autonomous organization
gives birth to higher order forms. that functions as a cohesive set of interests, can be
understood as an attempt to attain some degree of
consistency. Complete consistency is never
4. Living entities are systems of representation achieved, because of the unpredictable distur-
bances created in the interactions that result in
For representation to take place, both a com- couplings. The logical inconsistency intrinsic to
parative process, where differences can be de- each level is the consequence of their inner dy-
tected (measurement), and a translation process, namics. It is, however, partially resolved from
of coding and recording are necessary. Transla- without by virtue of the boundary conditions and
tion by codification implies that the difference is restrictions imposed by the higher level of
incorporated into a circuit with an appropriate organization.
network of processes that permits such a change All living entities are ‘subjects’ with active inter-
of codification. In a similar manner, coded ver- ests and prospects. Different living entities belong
sions that make use of certain type of symbols to varying degrees of organization, in as much as
and belong, so to speak, to a defined language, they are subjects of representation, that manage
may transfer that data to another codal version to promote their interests, regardless of whether
by using another language that employs different
they are considered as a community or simple
isolated units. A collective validation of represen-
Systems of representation provide the living
tation systems goes on all the time. For instance,
entity with the capacity to pursue its own interests
Margulis and Sagan (1995) stated that eukaryotic
or subjective aims. This is a unique strategy that
provides that organism with the possibility of cells are nothing but a community of prokaryotes,
handling, manipulating, contrasting, validating thus, there is no ontological identity that can be
and integrating or eliminating the irrelevant ele- resolved by decomposition into parts, for individ-
ments of its external world, and therefore, to use uality is relative to the limit of discrimination
the terms of Bateson, ‘‘to select the difference that imposed by the observer. The point is, regardless
makes difference’’ (Bateson, 1979). Their repre- of what component sub-units a living entity can
sentations, therefore, become, an expression of be dissected into, there is a coordinating activity
feeling, experiencing, measuring and interacting, responsible for experience felt as a unity.
E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62 55

5. Measurement and analogic digital conversion There are always sectors that remain both un-
compressed and compressed. The former will re-
I propose that the establishment of links or main so, as long as this sector does not provoke
couplings between living entities acting as observ- an observer who can direct the compression, and
ers is the result of a process of measurement and the latter will remain so, only as long as selective
recording. I start by persuading, as stated by activity goes on or is perceived by any living
Hoffmeyer and Emmeche (1991), that the records entity. As energy flows, there is a tendency to
have a dual nature (digital and analogic). The compress information in the records paid for by
structural features that are responsible for the entropy increases. These entropy increases be-
coupling between living entities are analogous to come manifest as dissipating perturbations and/or
compressed descriptions. An encoded compressed partial erasing of records that appear in a variety
description is relatively free from external influ- of forms, from single base perturbation, to the
ences, but is susceptible to internal influences that deletion of larger fragments and the accumulation
are directed or canalized by the intention of the of mutations. This partial record erasure is the
observer agent, which is to obtain a coherent only way to relieve the structural constraints of
performance. Although these couplings appear to the evolving systems, as exemplified within the
be ‘selected’, in as much as they improve the events of the Cambrian explosion.
relation between energy, spent and success. The creation of new links does not always
Experience shows that an appreciable number involve the loosening of former ones, since any
of descriptions can be significantly shortened, by transmission of perturbation is most likely to
affect uncoupled motifs, for they represent a ma-
slightly modifying them in the interaction with the
jority. That is, as suggested, that non-coding
observer. It is well known, however, since
DNA regions play a passive role in buffering
Chaitin’s work, that a random series of symbols
against mutations (Vinogradov, 1998). The more
(0, 1) cannot be compressed (Chaitin, 1969), but it
intensive the ability to take advantage of random
is less known that after a few directed variations,
fluctuations, or the satisfaction of the subjective
the degree of compression increases in the region
goals, the higher the transmitted perturbation. In
where those directed variations took place. The
other words, the more pressure that is exerted
subjective goals of the observers, their inner drive upon a solid mold, the higher the perturbation
to interact, make them active agents responsible and unexpected fractures that affects the mold.
for adjustments that permit the discovery or actu- Similarly, let us remember that each level of orga-
alization of previously hidden patterns. Recipro- nization exists within a defined threshold of en-
cal fit is not provided by a type of ‘pre-established ergy barriers and that if the work executed is not
harmony’ but is instead developed within an inter- sufficient to drive the system out of its stability
active process where the observer’s intention to well, the perturbed system will remain stable and
‘find a match’ plays a major role. The observer’s will not degrade into component subsystems.
intentions are driven by the tendency to grasp Conversely, to move upward in the organized
available energy, while enabling both the conser- hierarchy requires selective work, however, as
vation and transfer of energy that might result in complexity increases the system will also develop
perturbation of observers’ inner patterns or mea- types of algorithmic rules that may be used to
suring devices. Thus, only by including the tran- compress the previous uncompressed domains.
sient character of both the action of measurement Therefore, semiotics becomes operative as a phys-
and the created records, the internal observers’ ical dynamics that is restricted only by thermody-
dynamics could be modeled in terms of Chaitin namic considerations and by the presence of
complexity approach. Directed transformations actually existing forms.
due to the active agency performed by the ob- In order to develop Chaitin’s algorithmic com-
server must be paid for by dissipating entropy plexity in Peircian terms, a two level hierarchy is
that might affect some existing records. required, to distinguish between a random un-
56 E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62

ceived from the higher level. Thus, secondness is

the inter-phase where inner randomness and ex-
ternal restrictions meet. We may note that maxi-
mal compression cannot be attained because of
the ensuing susceptibility to higher risks by muta-
tions. (3) Thirdness is equivalent to the organizing
and formati6e causes, which can be understood as
the tendency to find regularities and patterns or to
elaborate a compressed description2.
In the evolution of binary series, one might find
the following cases:
1. (Uncompressible) t0 “ (Uncompressible) t1: a
series remains uncompressible regardless of the
formal system used to study it.
2. (Uncompressible) t0 “ (Compressible) t1: an
uncompressed series becomes compressible
when either it is studied with a more complex
formal system, or it has been modified so the
previous less complex formal system can ac-
count for it.
3. (Compressible) t1 “ (Compressed) t2: a com-
pressible series of symbols becomes a com-
pressed description after execution of the
appropriate algorithm.
Let us assume a series of digits, (O) that makes
up part of the possible external world that might
be experienced by a living entity trying to make its
living in a subregion of the said world. Let (S) be
Fig. 2. Work needed to establish a coupling. (1) Uncoupled
systems. (2) System (S) bears a measuring device (M) that that living entity. S employs M as a measuring or
might recognize some elements (Eo) in system (O). (3) System discriminating device and is seeking a match in
(S) performs a work in order to establish a coupling. (4) order to catch the available energy, but this goal
Coupling established between systems S and O as a conse- cannot be achieved gratuitously. S has to perform
quence of the direct interaction between M and E. This
some work in order to succeed in such an en-
coupling is paid by random fluctuations in S and O.
deavor. In the Fig. 2, the line stand for coupling
and the arrow represent the ‘work’ executed by
compressible series that has been provided a pri-
(S) upon (O). M recognizes a set of elements that
ori to the system, and a random series that appear
become a shortened description incorporated into
after execution of a compressing algorithm per-
S as M%. This coupling action disrupts the matrix
formed by the higher level system. Therefore, (1)
where fitting is being attained and this disruption,
firstness corresponds to random uncompressed a
as entropy increase, pays off the cost of coupling.
priori sectors, some of which have the potential of
This disruption explains the permanence of un-
being compressed. A priori random series are
compressed and redundant subregions, described
relative to the observer’s formal systems complex-
ity. Then (2) secondness is represented within the
actually compressed sectors or the existing definite Compression of symbol series is a truly semiotic activity in
as much as it requires the identification of regularity patterns
and tangible forms. These regions appear as ran- that permit such compression as a result of an active agency
dom from a non-hierarchical ontology, but they explained as thirdness. But, compression of digitally encoded
stand for ordered and coupled entities as per- information results in shape
E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62 57

in evolutionary theory as random neutral varia- it does not completely eliminate the non-relevant
tions (Fig. 2). information in terms of sequence specificity, be-
Compressions elucidate the intelligibility that cause this type of information is required as struc-
was hidden in the former uncompressed state. The tural support of the active site. However,
basic assumption of science is that the universe is shortening of descriptions take place in the transi-
ordered and comprehensible. In a similar vein, it tion from analogic to digital (Dretske, 1987), since
can be said that this order within the universe is context dependent information can be dispensed
compatible with the processes of life for at least with. The adequate shape that is encoded in a
one world, our earth, exists in which life has compressed description, is all that is required for
emerged. the activity of a living system, namely, the estab-
Therefore, the world must have a property lishment of interactions that permit the continua-
analogous to algorithmic compressibility for life tion of the measuring and recording process.
to exist. We may conclude that life forms are On the other hand, the mapping of digital
adapted for the discovery of suitable compres- semiotic descriptions into analog semantic ver-
sions. And also, that living forms posses embod- sions (shapes), shows that shapes maximize the
ied algorithmic compressions. The point, however, amount of information contained in the space of
is that suitable compressions are only those that sequences, and that the relation between these two
fit a defined shape. Shapes permit the recovery sets is not the bijective.
and storage of compressed descriptions. Digital This point can be illustrated by looking at the
descriptions are compressed within their actions mapping of sequence space into shape space elab-
as they collapse or materialize in functional orated by Schuster (1997) for RNA molecules of
shapes. 100-nucleotide length. Billions of linear sequences
In the classical Maxwell’s demon thought ex- can satisfy one shape. But what is really striking is
periment, ‘Information Gathering and Using Sys- that any random subregion of the sequence space
tems’ measure and compute positions and might encode all possible forms and shapes (7×
velocities of particles, however, these actions con- 1023). While the space of possible forms is nearly
stitute only the mathematically formalized aspect complete in the real world of molecules, the space
of the demon’s activity. For instance, sense organs of existing sequences is astronomically little and
work with images and analogic pattern recogni- restricted in relation to the space of all possible
tion, nonetheless they both are required for the sequences. This latter assessment assumes that we
classical demon to perform his job. As increasing are dealing with sequence spaces that all through-
organization goes on, what has hitherto been out evolution keep their dimensionality constant,
unmeasurable becomes measurable. Thus, the so to speak, the molecular variants are searched
demon must evolve measuring devices, which can within the same restriction length. In real evolu-
be represented in any structural feature that might tion, the search of molecular variants takes place
serve to this purpose, though its agency is always not only by testing variants but also by the in-
experienced as a unity. Therefore, the analogy creasing length, so to say that sequence space has
between living entities and Maxwell’s demons also increased in dimensionality. Nonetheless, in
deals only with the mathematically formalized all the instances the number of functional shapes
aspect of what a living form can feel and is always lagging far behind the number of possi-
experience. ble linear sequences. At the level of primary se-
The transition from analogic (holistic three-di- quences, biosphere seems to have explored only a
mensional pattern recognition) to digital coding minute astronomical fraction of the total possible
(linear) entails a loss of information. This is sequences, whereas the space of all possible
equivalent to the passage from an image (percep- shapes is almost complete. If evolution is con-
tion) to a statement (cognition). Enzyme-substrate cerned only with the expansion of the realm of
recognition is holistic; however, in spite of its actually existing sequences, it has hardly begun its
dependence on highly specific sequence domains, task, conversely, if its aim is to produce all the
58 E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62

possible functional shapes, it has long been near I find the earlier previous conclusion as a very
to completion of that task, since chordate ap- telling argument that supports the prevalence of
peared. The point is, that what matters for life is forms over digital records. It is the reciprocal fit
not just the random sorting of sequences but the between local shapes that is responsible for non-
finding of functional and active shapes, and there random interactions between molecules. As ex-
are prime possibilities of obtaining them at the plained by Root-Berstein and Dillon (1997), this
molecular level. Moreover, it is the filling of the type of complementary interaction, drives evolu-
shape-space what drives evolution to higher levels tion in a non-random way towards higher degrees
of organization even if the exploration of se- of organization.
quence space is confined to a minute region. For Thus, we are dealing with a mapping of many
example, molecular diversity in high level organ- (sequences) to one (shape), which shows a charac-
isms endows them with a universal molecular tool teristic of degeneracy given by the existence of
kit of an estimated magnitude of 108 for any neutral paths. However, this mapping also ex-
enzymatic reaction or antigen recognition (Kauff- hibits a holographic correspondence where each
man, 1993). Any potential substrate or antigen minuscule part of the world of semiotic genetic
will be recognized (Perelson, 1988; Segel and Pere- descriptions holds within it the makings of the
lson, 1988). If the evolution of functional forms is entire whole world of forms (Fig. 3).
close to saturation, the vast majority of molecular The mapping of living cells, words or proteins
variants is neutral and corresponds to the already and their corresponding genetic descriptions, for a
existing shapes. Therefore, function can be assimi- given determinate length, is expected to show that
lated to a degenerate set of numerous linear series the number of linear sequences that satisfy one
of symbols. form is much larger than it is for RNA. The
following data are only tentative estimations
based on length restriction of 100 nucleotides for
RNA and 100 aminoacids for proteins Schuster
(1997), Kauffman (1993), Perelson (1988) and
Segel and Perelson (1988):Magnitude Prot. seq.
space=20100=10130  magnitude RNA seq.
space=4100=1060.Magnitude Prot. shape space3
=108  magnitude RNA shape space (7×
1023).Ratio, magnitude seq. sp.: magnitude shape
sp. (proteins) = 10122.Ratio, magnitude seq. sp.:
Fig. 3. (1) ‘Borges Library of Babel’, or world of all semiotic magnitude shape sp. (RNA)= 1.4× 1036.Thus,
digitally encoded genetic descriptions, better known as se- 10122  1.4× 1036.
quence space. Actually existing genetic descriptions repre- These last figures are in agreement with the fact
sented as a tiny cloud of scattered points. (2) Translation and
that the probability that a mutation is neutral for
complex dynamical folding; a one way process as stated in the
Central Dogma; (3) world of all possible shapes that provides protein genes is as high as 70% (Tiana et al.,
the context of meaning or semantics; (4) world of actually 1998), in accordance with the existence of neutral
existing functional shapes. (A), Prokaryote; (B), invertebrate; networks that traverse sequence space (Blastolla
(C), chordate. Throughout evolution this space has been filled et al., 1999).
to almost reach the size of (3). When (3) is mapped into (1), it
seems that encoded semiotic descriptions are randomly as-
signed, unless the architecture of synonymous paths is known. This figure 108 refers to the basic fundamental protein
From (1) one could not predict (3), since this is a NP problem shapes that can account for basic catalytic functions, nonethe-
for proteins. The reverse operation which is to identify the less this figure can be made 1000-fold higher, if one takes into
particular DNA sequence that produce a determinate protein consideration more specific adapted forms that are obtained
shape violates the central dogma of molecular biology, though after few mutational steps from the original basic forms.
a very large set of degenerate possible synonymous sequences Anyhow, the figure of 1011 still holds as an argument in favor
can be defined as a neutral path as shown in the picture. of this discussion.
E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62 59

The central dogma of molecular biology ob- is created, selection acting from within, operate in
scures these complex relationships, for it is only a canalized way as the measuring device increases
concerned with a one-way, unidirectional, one to its discriminating capacity. As Zurek (1990) has
one mapping. Therefore, it is possible to conclude pointed out, measurement can only be performed
that all the possible digitally encoded worlds, in far from equilibrium states, and it pays! But,
bizarre as they may be, have a potential meaning, the record produced is nothing less that the mea-
but most of them remain meaningless unless their suring agent, itself, as an ongoing process of
corresponding shape is selected. Linear self-organization.
monotonous versions that do not fold in stable Internal measurement is the only logical for-
shapes, and cannot be selected since selection malized way to describe the nature of interactions
operates within a defined semantic context given that are established by living entities themselves
by the network of interacting forms or a higher and not forcedly imposed on from without. But if
order form. Thus, one is bound to conclude, that measurement requires recognition of patterns as a
what matters for life is not the random sorting of whole, similar to the compatibility of surfaces that
sequences, but the finding of functional and active envelop three-dimensional organic bodies, then
shapes and there are all odds to obtain them! some primitive forms must have existed prior to
As Pattee (1993) has proposed, there are little
6. Enzymes as agents of inner measurement or doubts that enzymes act as measuring agents and
Maxwell demons that individual molecules are the simplest, control
mechanism of the cell. The essential function of
As mentioned above, measurement is equiva- the enzyme is to establish a measurement-control
lent to the imposition of boundary conditions or coupling, that is, a statistical rule that relates
restrictions so the observer’s uncertainty about substrate recognition to specific catalytic control.
the states of the immediate environment de- For the enzyme, this coupling is strictly local,
creases. This local exploration by an observer both spatially and temporally. The enzyme, func-
entity leads to a non-random reciprocal interac- tions dynamically as a complex rate controlling
tion between forms (Fig. 1). molecule and its semiotic genetic description con-
It was only with the discovery of self-organiza- tains only enough symbolic information to con-
tion that the selecting and measuring activity of struct the linear sequence of amino acid residues.
the enzymes began to be recognized as anticipated Furthermore, ‘the enzyme must bind a substrate
by Monod (1970). More recent developments in- before it catalyzes a reaction, and this substrate
clude the work of Otsuka and Nuzawa (1998) on recognition is a form of measurement. It is the
RNA self-reproducing systems. complex constraints in the dynamic folding pro-
However, the interaction between the observer cess that result in coherent template fit or the
and observed systems must result in the produc- enzyme’s recognition of the substrate that ex-
tion of a record or specific link that is paid for by plains its catalytic rate control. The computation
an increase of dissipated entropy in the form of of protein folding dynamics and enzymes’ behav-
fluctuations that affect randomly some regions ior is beyond the present computational power.
beyond the system. These interactions correspond Biological controls do not depend on measure-
to what can be described, for they become part of ment of simple observables but utilize complex
the experienced world, while the perturbations pattern recognition based on coherent dynamic
must be considered as a source of uncertainty that interactions, as in folding template fit, catalysis,
might even affect some earlier encoded records. self assembly, and network controls. Enzyme ac-
Measurement and coding are intimately associ- tivity is responsible for the continuing stability of
ated. Measurement sets on an irreversible chain of the whole system. In terms of Matsuno (1995) ‘‘if
transformations, in as much as records are created internal descriptive agents stop acting the whole
within that action of measurement. Once, a record descriptive enterprise would come to collapse’’.
60 E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62

Furthermore, enzymatic activity is generative less, this action is wholly dependent upon the
(Matsuno, 1995), so, it is a causative agent of earlier changes of relationships between organ-
developmental process that is triggered as internal isms and some elements of their then external
measurement is carried out in the egg. world. Thus, changes that came about by internal
The fact that enzymes are genetically encoded processes are the ones that impose directionality
does not obscure the capacity for generation of and orientation to organisms upon the inner
variation that is inherent to internal measurement, structural modifications. This is a true emergence,
yet genetic encoding became necessary to prevent which corresponds to the coupling of inner pro-
the production of unfitted enzymes by de novo cesses with external elements. An internalist per-
synthesis. DNA encoding became the preferred spective in evolution will permit to recuperate the
way to avoid the damaging effect of enzymatic Lamarckian tenet and its emphasis on the inten-
inner measurement, and one might investigate the tionality or ‘internal striving’ of organisms.
origin of DNA mutations, errors or fluctuations, Whereas Lamarck could only speak of fluids as
as a consequence of the dissipation or record conveyors of that inner activity, today equilibrium
erasure produced by the replicating enzymes that thermodynamics can bring us closer to the nature
perform such a highly specific task. of what he was trying to present. At the present
time, there is a massive accumulation of molecu-
lar data that depicts a dynamic picture of the
7. Selection as either external or internal action internal genetic constitution and sets up a number
of necessary interlocking processes for gene ex-
The classical Darwinian principle of natural pression. For instances, mechanisms as Dover
selection is congruent with mechanistic ap- (1986) molecular drive can partially account for
proaches where living entities are either preserved canalized and directed evolution. In the case of
or eliminated according to external pressures. In bacteria and most microorganisms a permanent
contrast, from an internalist evolutionary stand feedback with the environment can result in direct
point, external pressures cannot be accepted a genic rearrangements and mutations that actively
priori, but rather as an emergent phenomenon facilitate the breakdown and metabolic uptake of
that originates in contingent particular events that chemically synthesized substances. On the other
take place at micro-scale level. hand, it is accepted that most mutations are neu-
The diverse circumstances of this level posit a tral and randomly produced. Redundancy seems
challenge that living entities overcome by estab- to be an uneconomical process unless a broader
lishing the adequate interactions. Their activities scope is taken, since it is in these neutral varia-
as observers that measure and record, allow them tions, which are considered as entropy bound to
to solve the challenge through their own choices. structure, where we may find a hidden potential
Organisms actively transform their niches, fur- for evolution. This notion of evolutionary poten-
thermore, they create and select them. This cre- tial cannot be easily dismissed as shown by Grassé
ative act, in which they manifest their initiative, is (1977) and Wesson (1991). Entropy or random-
clearly an action of internal measurement for, it ness provides an immense well of novelty, where
depends upon the manner in which their external new functions arise as the molecular shape-space
world is classified and discriminated. Thus, selec- approaches saturation. Neutrality, as a source of
tive pressures exerted from, without a posteriori, useful novelty, was first illustrated by Ohno
are a consequence of their previous inner choices (1970), with the classical example of gene duplica-
(Cadena, 1994). In so creating their niches, organ- tion. However gene duplication can also be inter-
isms define the structural changes that will be preted as a coupling that expands the experienced
directed towards a better adaptation of these very world by the system’s own inner dynamics.
same niches. When the newly created niche selects Among the causes that explain the acceptance
the best variants that are adapted, the selection is of the concept of selection as an external invisible
considered as an external measurement. Nonethe- hand we find the following.
E. Andrade / BioSystems 57 (2000) 49–62 61

1. The lack of knowledge about the internal In the interface between hierarchical levels, in-
structure of the organisms (both at the molec- ternal and external measuring processes collapse
ular and cellular level). This prejudice is no in an unpredictable manner. Some internal vari-
longer tenable as discussed above. ants are integrated into a broader world of inter-
2. The development of statistical and probabilis- actions, where inner creative statements are
tic analysis that always has an equilibrium stabilized and retained in the form of couplings,
state as a point of reference. This prejudice is some others might disappear, and most of them
also untenable, since far form equilibrium pass undetected transferring evolutionary poten-
thermodynamics shows that the most probable tial to the next generation.
state is no longer the most disordered one, so
rendering useless a probabilistic analysis where
random fluctuations build up resulting in an Acknowledgements
intense generative process.
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ticular structure is measured in terms of the reading the manuscript and giving several helpful
number of alternative binary choices made by suggestions.
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