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Midgewater Marsh, Gladden Fields, the Long Marsh, and various rivers.
1 - Dismal Landscape: The company passes through a dark and wretched area. The G
uide makes a Travel test. On a failure, the companions are temporarily Miserable
. This lasts until the first companion succeeds on a Test or can be bought off w
ith a Hope point.
2 - Luminescent Mould: The company passes through an area infested with a lumine
scent mould. The Guide makes a Travel test. On a failure, he has failed to arran
ge precautions and the mould gets into the company's clothes, equipment and hair
. The companions all suffer +4TN to Stealth tests, but -2TN to Awe tests, until
journey's end.
3 - Creeping Cold: If the Guide fails a Travel test, a combination of unusually
cold weather and poor preparation for water travel makes the company fractious.
The companions cannot draw on the Fellowship pool until journey's end.
4 - Trackless/Starless: The way is dark and/or confusing. The Guide makes a Trav
el test. On a failure, the journey time for this leg is doubled as the company s
lowly picks its way forward.
5 - Toll: The Guide makes a Travel test. On a failure, the company encounters a
small shack on the riverbank or on an island inhabited by men demanding a toll t
o progress further. They claim to represent the nearest authority from the Free
Peoples. If the company do violence to the men, they lose 1 Tolerance in future
encounters with that culture and may face criminal prosecution.
6 - Shortages: The company is moving through an area afflicted by food shortages
and prices are high. The Guide makes a Travel test. On a failure, he fails to r
ation the supplies properly. The companions are considered Weary until the next
leg of the journey.
1 - Biting Insects/Leeches: All Scouts make an Explore test. If none succeed, th
e company go through an area rife with blood-sucking animals and no companion ca
n recover Endurance for this leg of the journey.
2 - Obstacle: The company encounters an obstacle like a lengthy stretch of rapid
s, high waterfall, or wide body of water. All the Scouts make an Explore test. I
f none succeed, the company adds a day to the journey time as it is forced to go
3 - Causeway/Channel: A causeway or channel promises rapid progress, but may lea
d the company astray. One Scout makes an Explore test. If he succeeds at great o
r extraordinary levels, then the best result grants benefits in the same manner
as the Lore roll at the journey's outset. On a failure, add three days to the jo
4 - Bog/Whirlpools: One Scout makes an Explore test and on a failure, leads the
company through bogs or rough waters. Each companion takes his Fatigue in Endura
nce damage (and can reduce this by shedding gear and leaving it in the bog or ri
ver), unless he spends a Hope point.

5 - Half-Submerged Ruins: All Scouts make an Explore test. If one succeeds, he d

iscovers ruins from an earlier kingdom, half-submerged in water. The LM may deci
de how to populate the ruins, or just to use them for colour.
6 - Flooded Campsite: One Scout makes an Explore test. On a failure, he has chos
en a campsite vulnerable to sudden flooding. A randomly chosen companion loses 1
Treasure or a Reward as it is swept away.
1 - Out of Arrows: All hunters make a Hunting test. If one fails, he has lost hi
s arrows or other hunting equipment to the deep waters. This companion can no lo
nger fulfill the role of huntsman unless he borrows another companion's gear. If
there is no other hunter in the company and he cannot re-equip himself or excha
nge roles with an appropriate companion, then the company is treated as if it do
es not have a hunter. The hunter may re-equip at the first safe place the compan
y stays.
2 - Water Creature: One hunter makes a Hunting test. If he fails, he has disturb
ed something vicious, which attacks the company.

- Unwelcome Discovery: All hunters make a Hunting test. If one rolls an Eye, h
finds something bad in the belly of a caught fish. This might be a cursed item
or something disturbingly familiar. In any case, the LM should use it as a plo
hook or further development in the current plot.

4 - Wreck: One hunter makes a Hunting test. If he succeeds, he hunts one quarry
to its lair in a wrecked boat or hut. The LM decides what is in the wreck.
5 - Far Afield: Game proves hard to find nearby. All Hunters make a Hunting test
. Each failure adds a day to the journey as the company is forced to wait for th
e Hunters to return.
6 - Swamp-Grass: One Hunter makes a Hunting test. On a failure, a plant or herb
boiled up into a soup turns out to have sinister effects. Every companion suffer
s an extra level of Shadow Weakness until the next leg of the journey.
1 - Entangled/Sandbank: The company travels through a treacherous area. All Look
-Outs must make an Awareness test. If none succeed, the company is entangled in
weeds or has run aground. It costs all companions one point of journey Fatigue t
o free themselves.
2 - Pirates/Bandits: All Look-Outs must make an Awareness test. If none succeed,
the company is ambushed by pirates or bandits. If any succeed, the company may
decide to ambush the adversaries instead or just bypass them.
3 - Soaked: All Look-Outs must make an Awareness test. If none succeed, the comp
any's boat is overturned by an otherwise harmless underwater creature or a rain
front comes on suddenly. The company is soaked and Fatigue penalties are doubled
for this leg of the journey.
4 - Marsh Lights/Pursuers: One Look-Out makes an Awareness test. If he fails, he
mistakes marsh lights for campfires and leads the company deeper into dangerous
parts of the marsh: the LM should roll two more Hazards, pick one and apply it
as if the roll were automatically failed. If on a river, the look-out sees light
s on the river bank and thinks the company is being shadowed.

5 - Gallows-Weed: All Look-Outs make Awareness tests. If all fail, the companion
s are caught in Gallows-Weed. Each companion loses Endurance points equal to his
Fatigue score, minus his Athletics skill.
6 - Rescue!: All Look-Outs make Awareness tests. If any succeed, they spot someo
ne drowning. The rescue is dangerous, but refusing to try is a Misdeed worth 2 S
hadow Points.
All Companions
1-2 - Night-time Chorus: Throughout this leg of the journey, the nights are plag
ued by the loud chorus of frogs, toads, insects and the like. Each companion mus
t make an Awareness test, success means the companion is Weary until he can rest
in a safe place.
3-4 - Fetid Miasma: The company passes through an area of foul mist. Every compa
nion must make an Athletics roll. On a failure, the companion is Poisoned.
5-6 - Sirens: The company encounters water spirits who demand a song. Each compa
nion must make a Song roll. On each success, that companion will be pestered by
the water spirits until they leave the area or somehow extricate themselves with
out doing offence.

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