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Engineering Solutions

Product Manual: AVR Development Board

Quick Features:

Onboard Programmer
RS232 Interface
LED Array x 8
Keypad 3x4
L293D Module
ULN2003A Module
7Segmentx2 Module
LCD Module
Blank Space for further Development
Separate power switch for Controller
ADC Preset
Dual Power supplies: USB, 12V Adaptor
Extra USB port to maximize current


A. Driver Installation
You need to install on-board programmer driver, USBASP for your operating system. The
software provided with the manual is for windows only. You can find other drivers at :
Best way to install is to plugin the USB to board and follow the driver installation and locate the files.

B. Enabling the Crystal

AVR has both options for running the programs either with the internal crystal which is tuned at : 1 MHz.
The internal crystal is a form of RC Oscillator which is not very much accurate stuff. If you want to
operate on external crystal that you can easily do by programming the fuse bits using the programming
Step1: Select your controller

Step2: Goto: Command-> Fuse and Lock Bits or Press Ctrl+A

Step3: At this time you must have plugged your AVR Board to USB,
Now you need to Read current fuse bit which are already programmed so that you can modify them
later. Click on Read All Button

Step4: Now go to the bottom most point, here you will see the crystal options, select appropriate
crystal. For this board it is the High frequency Category. After selecting the crystal you need to Write All
the fuse bits.

NOTE: Please do not make changes to other fuse bits which may alter the working structure of the
controller and you may not be able to use it permanently.
C. Enabling the PORTC/ Disabling the JTAG Fuse
The Atmega16/32 variants are by default (factory programmed) to be used with JTAG programmer, for
this the upper4 bits of the PORTC are always pulled high. Since you are not using any JTAG programmer
you need to disable it so that PORTC can be used completely.
Step1: Follow above instructions to go to Fuse and Lock bits settings, and locate the JTAG bit, which is
the 7th H-Fuse bit.
If JTAG is enabled this Bit is 0
If JTAG is disabled this Bit is 1 (or checked)

You need to check that bit and Write All the Fuse bits. This will make PORTC upper 4 bits to be used as
normal I/O Pins.

D. Programming the Controller:

Programming the controller is very easy task with the Khazama Programmer. You just need to load the
correct HEX file, then select the correct controller from the drop down menu and click on Auto Program.

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