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Ms. Kulnaz Kaur

Jatin Atulkar (623)

Vipan Kumar (697)
Kirandeep Kaur (713)



Ms. Kulnaz Kaur

Assistant Professor in History

Date: ________

RGNUL, Punjab

This is to certify that the Project Report entitled: EMERGENCE OF THIRD WORLD AND
NON ALIGNED MOVEMENT submitted to the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law,
Punjab in partial fulfillment of the requirements for B.A. LL.B (Hons.), third semester is an
original and bona-fide research work carried out by Jatin Atulkar, Kirandeep Kaur, Vipan Kumar
under my supervision and guidance. No part of this study has been submitted to any University
for the award of any Degree or Diploma whatsoever.


(Ms.Kulnaz Kaur)

The Group has received help and encouragement from a number of people in completing this
project and would like to take this opportunity to thank them all. First of all, we wish to place on
record our deep gratitude to Professor (Dr.) P.S, Jaswal, Vice Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi
National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab, under whose scholarly guidance the present project
has been completed.
We also wish to record our sense of gratitude to our experienced teacher, Kulnaz Kaur,
Assistance Professor of History, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab, for
giving us her valuable time.
Last but not the least; we also extend our deep sense of gratitude to the librarians and the staff of
the IT department of the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab.

Group 6


Chapter 1 Introduction...05
1.1 Definition of Non-alignment 05
1.2. Evolution of Third World .......08
Chapter 2 Non alignment Causes and Features.10
2.1 Causes of Non-alignment...10
2.2 Features of Non alignment.12
Chapter 3 Important summits and conferences of NAM16
Chapter 4 Non Alignment- a criticism..23
Chapter 5 Relevance of Non Alignment..28
Chapter 6 Conclusion.32


Chapter 1
Non-Alignment is one of those phenomena of international policies which appeared on the
international scene after the second world war and which represents an important force in the
shaping of the nature of international relations. With number of conferences of non-aligned
countries having already taken place, non-alignment has acquired such a position that it
necessitates a dispassionate study of its varied aspects in perspective. Such a study becomes all
more important because more and more countries, not only of Asia and Africa but also of Europe
and Latin America, are queuing up to join the non-aligned group and the monolithic character of
both the Communists and the Western camps are showing cracks.
The term non- alignment is of post-1945 origin. The term non-alignment is commonly used to
describe newly independent countries of Asian and Africa which were anxious to maintain their
independence and protect their separate identities in the era of bipolarization and cold war. In the
post-World war II World was mainly divided into two blocs one led by America and other by
Soviet Union. But the newly independent countries of Asian and Africa were anxious to preserve
their political independence and did not like to join any of these blocs. They were called the
Third World/ non-aligned/ developing countries. The policy of non-alignment was first adopted
by countries like India, Burma, Ceylon, Egypt and Indonesia. After the Second World War, a
large number of countries of Asia and Africa became independent. These newly independent
countries refused to join any power or bloc and chose to follow an independent policy in
international affairs.
1.1 The meaning and definition of Non-Alignment
Dictionary defines non-aligned as The political attitude of a state that does not associate or
identify itself with the political ideology or objective espoused by other states, groups of states,
or international causes, or with the foreign policies stemming there from. It does not preclude
involvement, but expresses the attitude of no pre-commitment to a particular state (or bloc) or
policy before a situation arises.1
1 Retrieved from on 9/10/2012 at 8:26pm

George Schwarzenberger says Non-alignment is synonymous with neutrality, neutralization,

isolationism, unilateralism, non-involvement and non-commitment. 2All these terms
have different meanings.
i) Neutrality: It describes the political and legal status of a country at war with respect to the
ii) Neutralization: It means a political status of a particular state which it cannot give up under
any circumstances.
iii) Isolationism: It stands for policies of aloofness.
iv)Non-involvement: it means keeping from the struggles between different Super power
v) Non-commitment: It refers to politics of detachment for other power in multicorner
The Western Scholars like Hans. J. Morgenthau, George Liska and Lawrence W. Marton and
others referred the term neutralism to non-alignment Neutralism is complete or permanent
neutrality in international affairs. A state which follows this policy declares its neutrality in
present or future disputes of political nature. Non-alignment is entirely different from these
neutralism and isolationism. It is policy of non-involvement in cold war disputes in the era of
bipolarization. It is policy of staying away from rivals camps or power blocs which emerged
after World War II. Adherence to the policy of non-alignment does not deprive one of freedom of
action or voicing its concern where justice is menaced or rights are flagrantly violated.
Non-alignment is used to define the foreign policies of the nations which have not allied
themselves with either of two nations which have made their appearance after World War II. It is
policy of keeping aloof from the blocs. Appudorai thinks that not joining any military pact
especially with either the western or soviet bloc is non-alignment. 3 Thus non alignment is anti2 Urmila Sharma& S.K.Sharma, International Relations Theory and History, Atlantic Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 2000, p.78
3Hukam Chand Jain, A History of the Modern World, Jain Prakashian Mandir, Jaipur, 2010, p. 437

alliance and anti-cold war. It advocates independent point of view and friendly relations with all
According to M.S.Rajan non-alignment stands for ad hoc decision on international problems
keeping their own interest in view.4 It is principle that lays emphasis on international peace and
security and pleads for non-involvement in Cold War and military pacts.
The origins of the concept of nonalignment can be discerned in the speeches of Indian Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. In a speech on September 7, 1946, a year before Indias
independence, he declared that India was a free country that would not be a satellite of another
country.5 In January 1947, Nehru further expanded on his concept of non-alignment; in which he
stated that he wanted India to remain independent and free to co-operate with all countries on an
equal footing. Non-alignment according to Nehru was an independence of a country, especially
colonies and former colonies, from participation in the political-military blocks of which the
United States and the Soviet Union were members. These sentiments were again expressed when
Nehru convened the Asian Relations Conference in 1947, which met again in 1949. 6 At this
Conference the future policy of India as well as other Asian states was asserted. These were
firstly the need for solidarity between the newly independent states of Asia in order to reinforce
their independence and secondly the realization that the protection of their national interests lay
accepting that they had a role to play in safeguarding world peace. These views were reinforced
in an agreement signed between India and China in 1954. These principles, which became
known as the Panchsheel, were meant to guide relations between the two countries involved.
These principles were namely:

mutual respect for their territorial integrity and sovereignty,

noninterference in their internal affairs,
equality and mutual benefit.

5B.S.Murthy, International Relations and Organisations, Eastern book company, Lucknow, 2003, p.174
6 Retrieved from on 11/10/2012 at 8:41pm

These five principles consisted of elementary principles of international law. These principles
however were transgressed by the Sino-Indian War in 1962.
So Non-alignment as a fundamental principle of a foreign policy stands for: opposition to cold
war; keeping away from blocs; non membership of military and political alliance and the policy
to act independently in international relations i.e. taking all decisions on the basis of national
interest and independent assessment of the world view. It stands for full participation in
international relations and doesnt admit either isolationism or involvement based upon prior
commitments. It is a principle which fully supports and upholds the cause of international peace
and security and for this advocates non-involvement in cold war and alliances.
1.2. Evolution of Third World:
Eradication of colonialism after world war-II brought an upheaval in international relations.
Martan Kaplan has called the third world a loose bipolar system because it stands between the
world divided into two blocs one led by America and other by Soviet Union. The former was
variously known as capitalists and later as socialist totalitarian bloc. The newly independent
countries of Asia and Africa were anxious to preserve their political independence and did not
like to join any of these blocs. They were called the third world.
The term third world was first used in 1952 by French demographer Alfred Sauvy. The third
world countries wanted to have friendly relations with all without joining blocs. This decision
was to a large extent influenced by Jawaharlal Nehru who had assimilated the liberal democratic
values of the west as well as had been influenced by the automatic industrialization of the Soviet
Union. The role played by Jawaharlal Nehru in the rise of the third world as a political group was
abiding and valuable. He considered the politics of blocs harmful for third world.
Efforts for forging unity among Asians and Africans started early in 1947 and in March the same
year on suggestion of Nehru a conference was held at New Delhi. Jawaharlal Nehrus convening
of the conference on Indonesia in January 1949 in Delhi, to support the cause of Indonesian
independencewhich soon become a factmarked in his own words a turning point in
history. It means new alignments and a new balance of power if not now, then in the near
future. He added: We do not want to form a new bloc but inevitably the countries of Asia will
come closer together and India will play a leading part in this.7
7 Retrieved from on 11/10/2012 at 9:07pm

Another Afro-Asian conference was held in In April, 1955, in which representatives from
twenty-nine governments of Asian and African nations gathered in Bandung, Indonesia to
discuss peace and the role of the Third World in the Cold War, economic development, and
decolonization. The core principles of the Bandung Conference were political self-determination,
mutual respect for sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in internal affairs, and equality.
These issues were of central importance to all participants in the conference, most of which had
recently emerged from colonial rule. The governments of Burma, India, Indonesia, Pakistan and
Sri Lanka co-sponsored the Bandung Conference, and they brought together an additional
twenty-four nations from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Because the decolonization process
was still ongoing, the delegates at the conference took it upon themselves to speak for other
colonized peoples (especially in Africa) that had not yet established independent governments.
The delegates built upon the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, worked out in negotiations
between India and China in 1954, as they sought to build solidarity among recently independent
These conferences paved the way for the emergence of third world free from evils both of
capitalism and Stalinism and able to defend itself on its own. The concept of third world is
basically political based on non-alignment. The third world countries are also called developing
countries because they are facing the economic and social problems like poverty, starvation,
illiteracy and ethnic conflicts. The third world is not a homogenous group. These countries have
different political system and level of economic development. But they have similar problems
and aspirations and call themselves as non-aligned countries. They have vehemently opposed
imperialism, colonialism, apartheid and foreign intervention and have supported peaceful
coexistence, right of self-determination, disarmament and world peace.

Chapter 2
8 Retrieved from on 11/10/2012 at 9:07pm

Non alignment-Causes and Features

Non-alignment is based on the widespread desire of national independence and non-involvement
in the conflicts of others. Its policies are as such as every government would follow in an ideal
world of sovereign state in which there were no power conflicts or threats to independence that
called for special defence arrangements or alliances. Many circumstances influence the countries
to accept non-alignment as the basis of their foreign policy.
2.1 Causes of Non-alignment:. Non-alignment has two types of factors which are causes of
2.1.1 Positive basis Nationalism:
Nationalism was the most important feature of freedom movements in Asian and African
countries. It was not the nationalism of the West which means devotion to ones own country or
race. Nationalism in East was a movement to obtain freedom after a long struggle. To preserve
the freedom the nations were determined to follow a course whereby they may not become tools
in the hands of big powers. They preferred to follow policy of non-alignment.9 Anti-colonalism:
Anti-colonial feeling persisted in the countries of Asia and Africa after they attained the
independence. It is largely contributed to the growth of policy of non-alignment. These powers
were afraid they may be again subjugated by colonial powers. They were determined to keep off
these colonial powers by avoiding membership of blocs and adopting an independent course of
action, keeping out of all sorts of alliances.10 Underdeveloped and economic aid:

9 .S.Murthy, International Relations and Organisations, Eastern book company, Lucknow, 2003, p.180
10 S.R.Myneni, International Relation and Organization, New Era Law

\The countries of Asia and Africa who gained independence were underdeveloped. They were
keen to improve the standard of living of their people and promote systematic development of
their country. They needed capital and financial assistance from the powers of both the blocs to
achieve their objectives at a fast rate. Therefore, they thought it proper to keep off from political
alliances and pursue the policy of non-alignment. Racial and cultural aspects:
Since long colonial powers had fed the Afro-Asian nations with the idea that they were racially
as well as culturally backward. The feeling evoked mutual sympathy among people of the newly
emerged states of Africa and Asia. Being common victims of economic exploitation and political
domination by the European countries they had a sense of affinity which led them to cooperate
with each other.11 Need of peace for development:
Newly independent states wanted to live in peace. Therefore, they concentrated on their
development. They decided to keep off from military alliances and the two power blocs. Strengthening of UNO:
Lest it should meet the same fate as the league of Nations or fall victims of cold war rivalry or
become an arena of super power tug of war or a battlefield of superpower polarization many
Asian-African nations realized that they would be strengthening the UNO and its principles by
remaining non-aligned.
2.1.2 Negative Basis Dissolution with Military Alliances: The single negative basis of non-alignment is its
opposition to military alliances and cold war politics. These military pacts like NATO, SEATO,
CENTO, Warsaw Pact etc. accelerated arms race, enhanced rivalry and tensions and thus were

11 ibid

considered harmful for world peace.12 This was basic reason for adopting the policy of nonalignment by the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa.

2.2Features of non-alignment:
The policy of non-alignment which was adopted by most of the independent countries of Asia
and Africa possess certain basic features. These are as follows:
2.1.1 Opposition to Cold war:
The origin of non-alignment came at time when the war-time -cooperation between America and
the USSR had been forgotten in favour of cold war- the war of nerves, the propaganda war, the
ideological war and war in which instead of bullets, accusations, charges and counter charges
were leveled against each other by the two super powers and attempts were made by each to
isolate the other. The peace after the war came to be a tense peace and cold war between USA
and the erstwhile USSR kept the world at the brink of war. Each of these tried to win over the
other states, particularly the new emerging sovereign states, like India. International peace was
preached and toasted but cold war was practiced. The new states like India considered cold war
as a totally harmful exercise against international peace as well as against the peace and security
of each nation. As such, opposition to cold war was adopted by them as a fundamental principle
of foreign policies. Non-alignment has been opposed to cold war as an abnormal and dangerous
policy and it seeks to keep away tensions and ill practices that the former generates. It rejects
cold war and upholds peaceful co-existence and co-operation among nations.13
2.1.2. Opposition to military / political alliances:
To quote Nehru when we say our policy is one of Non-alignment, obviously we meant Nonalignment with military blocs.14 Non-alignment has been opposing all types of
12 Vijay Kumar Malhotra, International relations, Anmol Publications ltd., New Delhi, 2007, p.280
13 S.R.Myneni, International Relation and Organization, New Era Law Publications,2007,p.45
14U.R.Ghai, International Relations, New academic publishing co., Jalandhar, 2007, p.603


military/political/security alliances which are nothing but means of tension and power politics. It
has been opposing the security alliances like NATO, SEATO and Warsaw Pact etc. as an
instrument of cold war. Such alliances constitute source of pressure and the means used by super
power for maintaining their hegemony or control over members of their respective alliance. The
alliances are regarded by non-alignment as the agencies for conducting the cold war politics and
for perpetuating the control over other nations. These constitute serious and big limitation on the
rights of the members to act independently and to make them act with more prior commitments
and subject values. Non-alignment as such stands for keeping away from all types of
military/political security alliances as these alliances are instruments of cold war. Non-alignment
holds that the so called security alliances constitute the biggest danger to world peace because
each alliance has a counter alliance and it generates fear, suspicion, hatred, distrust in
international environment and consequently sets the stage for a possible violation of peace in the
same security. Non-alignment regards alliances as instruments of war, imperialism and neocolonialism, and hence has been totally opposed to them.
2.1.3 Non-involvement in power politics:
Morgenthau and Schwarzen Berger regard international relations as a struggle for power. Power
implies a particular man's control over the minds and actions of other men. 15 Non- alignment
rejects at least in theory, this game of power politics. Instead, it believes in influence politics.
Influence politics differs from power politics in the sense that influence believes in persuasion
while power lies in compelling other by the use of force to do what he would not have done
Non-alignment is an anti-power-politics concept. It rejects the concept of struggle to be more
powerful than others. It accepts the right of the nation to be more powerful, but only for
satisfying the goals of its national interest. It rejects unhealthy struggle for local, regional,
continental or world domination. It regards power-struggle as a step towards the violation of
international peace and security. Describing this aspect of Non-alignment, as practiced by India,
Mr. Nehru observed India should keep away from the power politics of group aligned against
15 Retrieved from on 12/10/2012 at 7:39pm

one another, which led in the past to two world wars and which may again lead to disasters on
even vaster scale.16 Against cold war and power politics, Non-alignment supports peaceful
coexistence and mutual development through cooperation, friendship and peace.
2.1.3 Peaceful Co-existence and Non-interference:
Peaceful co-existence and non-interference are two main principles of the concept of
Panchsheel. Non-alignment also stands for these two. Non-alignment believes that cold war and
its attempts to maintain peace through preparation for war are unjust and harmful concepts.
These should be replaced by faith in peaceful coexistence and non-interference. Non-alignment
accepts that nations with different political systems can peacefully co-exist and co-operate and
work for mutual benefits; world peace and prosperity. That it is possible to maintain and develop
friendship between communist and non-communist countries. Non-alignment, as such is the
principle of friendship and cooperation with all without any discrimination. Peaceful coexistence and beneficial bilateralism are two vitally important off shots of non-alignment.Nonalignment has always stood for peaceful co-existence, non-interference, mutual friendship and
cooperation with all other nations.
2.1.4. Independent Foreign Policy:
Non-alignment involves the principle of keeping the independence of foreign policy-making and
its implementation. In fact, the origin of non-alignment was, to large extent, also due to the
desire of new states to keep their foreign policy independent from the possible pressure from the
super powers and developed nations. It was felt that alignment with any bloc or super power
would limit the freedom of expression. It would lead to camp-following and biased decisionmaking. Further, alignment would prevent the basing of foreign policy decision and option upon
national interest and their views of the world situation as against this, non-alignment is source of
independence and freedom of each action.17
2.1.5 Against Racial Discrimination:
Most of non-aligned countries are Asian and African and they are opposed Racial Discrimination
as they were subjected to discrimination by colonial rule for long time. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
said We repudiate utterly Nazi doctrine of racialism whosesoever and in whatever form it may
be practiced. We seek no domination over others and we claim no privileged position over other
16U.R.Ghai, International Relations, New academic publishing co., Jalandhar, 2007, p.603
17 .K Khanna, International Relations, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2004, p.367.

people. But we do claim equal and honourable treatment of our people wherever they may go
and we cannot accept any discrimination against them. 18 The non-aligned countries have
sympathy for people which have been exploited and economically dominated by other powers
for a long time.
2.1.6. Revolutionary approach in domestic sphere:
The non-aligned nations have adopted revolutionary approach to secure economic freedom for
their people. Colonial rule paid no attention to the interest of people. After independence they
resorted to socialization of private capitals and estates. It was opposed by western powers but
still non-aligned nations undergo internal revolution. Prof. Burton says Non-aligned nations
tend to comprise those countries in which rapid social and economic reform has taken or is
taking place.19
2.1.7 Non-alignment is neither a diplomatic nor a legal status:
Non-alignment is different form diplomatic neutrality which a nation may practice at time of
international crisis. Diplomatic neutrality involves the policy of no action even when it is known
who is wrong and who is wrong. It involves independent and full action based upon selfjudgement and national interest. It is dynamic and positive policy of action. It is not legal status
involving permanently neutralized position. It is principle that government adopts and which
guide the foreign relations of the nations. For example, Non-alignment is not legal status of
India, it is just one, though fundamental principle of Indian foreign policy.

18H.K.Chhabra, History of Modern World since 1945, Surjeet Publication, Delhi, 2005, p. 283
19 J.W. Burton, International Relations- a general theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1967

Chapter 3
Important Summits and Conferences of NAM
3.1 Belgrade Conference: This was the 1st summit of NAM which was held at Belgrade from 1
to 6 September 1961. This summit was attended by total 26 states which included 25 Afro-Asian
states and one European state. Besides this, 3 observers also participated from the Latin
American countries. This conference adopted a 27 point declaration. It was appealed to the two
powers to preserve international peace and work for complete disarmament. This conference
arrived at 4 conclusions which were as follows: (i) The extension of international cooperation in
the material and cultural system for ensuring the progress of the newly independent nations; (ii)
elimination of the economic imbalances inherited from colonialism and imperialism as an
important goal to be achieved; (iii) need for the acceptance and practice of peaceful co-existence
between countries having social and economic systems with a view to counter the danger of cold
war escalating into an actual war; and (iv) urgent and necessary action for solving various
problems resulting from differences of social system. Further the conference condemned
imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism and racism in all forms and prevailing in various parts
of the globe. The 27-point declaration called for social, economic and cultural progress of
underdeveloped countries and that is to without any hindrances.
3.2 Cairo Summit: The 2nd summit was held in Cairo, Egypt. This summit was attended by 46
countries. Besides retaining its known views on Chinese representation in the United Nations,
apartheid and anti-colonialism, the NAM summit also emphasized the need of disarmament and
peaceful settlement of international disputes. It also decided that the white minority government
in Rhodesia was not to be recognized.20
3.3 Lusaka Summit: This was the 3rd NAM summit which was held at Lusaka in Zambia from
8 to 10 September, 1970. Representatives from about 60 countries took participation in the third
20 V.N Khanna, International Relations, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2006, pp.364.

summit Conference of Non-aligned Countries. The Conference discussed problems concerning

peace, freedom, development and cooperation, as well as democratization of international
relations. In spite of diverse views on important international issues and a possibility of
propaganda pressure from the Soviet Union, the Conference hoped to adopt a declaration
strengthening cooperation among the non-aligned nations, and reaffirming their neutral political
position between the two great military blocs.21
3.4 Algiers Summit: The 4th summit of NAM was held at Algeirs in Algeria from 5 to 9
September, 1973. It was attended by 75 members as full-fledged members. 12 countries attended
the summit as observers. This conference declared that it is in the favour of complete
disarmament. It proposed that there should be complete ban on the use of nuclear weapons. It
also said that the manufacture of atomic bombs should be stopped.22
3.5 Colombo Conference: The 5th Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement was held in
Colombo, Sri Lanka. In this meeting 85 nations participated. Under the leadership of Indian
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the conference issued a declaration demanding "a new world
economic order," with its "essential component" being a "new, universal finance and currency
system." Armed with the implicit threat of a debt moratorium, the Non-Aligned leaders sought
negotiations with the industrialized countries on their demands, at a "North-South Conference"
scheduled for Paris in mid-September.23
3.6 Havana Conference: This was the 6th summit of NAM. This conference was held at Havana
in Cuba in September 1979. This conference was attended by 94 NAM countries constituting 2/3
of the world community. It represented more than half population of the world. 20 countries and
21 Retrieved From on 06
November, 2012 at 11:45
22 Retrieved From
rth%20Non-Aligned%20Movement%20Summit%20in%20Algeria&f=false on 06 November, 2012 at
23 Retrieved From on 06 November, 2012 at

organizations attended the conference as observers and 18 countries as guests. At this conference
the members of the NAM came at cross roads. The radical members including Cuba and Vietnam
etc. asserted that in view of the spirit of dtente and cooperation prevailing between the two
blocs, the movement could not afford to maintain equidistance between two blocs. They asserted
that it must ally itself with the socialist bloc who was committed to the principles of anticolonialism and anti-imperialism.
The Arab members wanted Egypt to be expelled from the group for betraying the cause of the
Arabs and signing the Camp David Agreement with Israel. On this issue it was compromised that
the question of expulsion of Egypt from the group would be discussed at a later date. For the
unilateral Camp David Agreement, both Israel and Egypt were condemned very harshly. The
concluding Declaration condemned the politics of the Super Powers and gave a call for
dissolving military bases. It was decided that more strict steps were needed to be taken to bridge
the gap between the rich and the poor nations. It was also said that the Indian Ocean would be
kept as a zone of peace.
The states like Zaire and Singapore insisted that the non-aligned should move towards the
western blocs because the West along with its abundant resources and technological superiority
could help the non-aligned countries to attain economic development and realize its aspirations.24
3.7 New Delhi Summit: This summit was the 7th summit of NAM. This summit was held at
Delhi from 7 to 12 March, 1983. In this summit 99 nations had participated. Further, 20 countries
were invited as guests and 19 countries and organizations as observers. In the Political
Declaration, the summit emphasized that there should be immediate prohibition on the use of
nuclear weapons. It further called for a comprehensive treaty banning the test of nuclear
weapons. It also stated that there should be nuclear disarmament under effective international
control. It demanded that there should be a creation of nuclear free zones in different parts of the
world. There should be reduction in the presence of military of big powers in the Indian Ocean
and the return of Diego Garcia to Mauritius; unconditional withdrawal of Israel from Palestine
and other occupied territories. It condemned the US for providing military and political support
to Israel. It also demanded the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan and Kampuchea. It
24 U.R. Ghai, International Politics, New Academic publishing Co., Jalandhar, , 2007, p.612-613.


also called for support to the people of Palestine, Namibia and South Africa in their struggle. It
also urged the non-aligned nations to sort out their differences in a peaceful manner.
In Economic Declaration, it insisted on new measures to bring about a new international
economic order. It pleaded for Official Development Assistance to the least developed countries
and also requested to cancel their all debts. It also asked for the early establishment of food
security system of the non-aligned and other countries and creation of a special international
program of food aid and financial assistance to help the food deficit in developing countries. It
also condemned the use of food as an instrument of political pressure and urged the developed
countries, international institutions and other donors to substantially increase development
assistance to food and agriculture sector in the developing countries. It called for a thorough
going restructuring of the existing economic order through a process of global negotiations. It
told the rich nations that the economic revival of the North was not possible without the
economic survival of the South. It urged them to help in the restructuring of the existing
international economic order.25
3.8 Harare Summit: This was the 8th conference which was attended by 101 countries. It called
for greater economic cooperation. Since the most of the countries had decided to apply
comprehensive sanctions against South Africa by 1986 to compel her to give up apartheid, the
racist government was threatening counter measures against frontline or neighboring countries.
The summit resolved to standby the Frontline States and decided to set up AFRICA FUND
(Action for Resistance against Imperialism, Colonialism and Apartheid Fund) to provide
financial help. The summit also demanded a New International Information and Communication
Order (NIICO) which was necessary for fair and impartial dispersal of news in the world. 26
3.9 Belgrade Conference: In the 9th NAM Conference, held from 4 to 7 September, 1989,
adopted a joint declaration. It urged all the countries to work jointly in six priority areas: nuclear
disarmament; reduction of global economic disparities; total decolonization; protection of
25 Sharma, Urmila, and SK Sharma, International Relations Theory and History, Atlantic Publishers and
Distributers, New Delhi, Vol.II, 2000, pp. 87.

26 V.N Khanna, International Relations, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2006, pp.364.

environment; protection of human rights; and strengthening the United Nations. It emphasized
that the New International Economic Order (NIEO) remained the central objective of Movement.
It called upon the industrialized countries to change their attitude toward development and
protection of human rights and environment.27
3.10 Jakarta Summit: This 10th summit was held in September 1992 at Jakarta (Indonesia).
After the end of cold war and bipolar world, the attention of NAM automatically shifted to
economic development, disarmament and freedom in decision making in the matters of foreign
policy by NAM countries. The main important events of this summit were that 4 new members
were admitted and China participated for the first time as an observer.
The participants expressed the view that the UN system should be restructured so as to ensure
greater democratization, strengthening the role of General Assembly and making restructured
Security Council responsible to the General Assembly. The main concern of the summit was nonimplementation of New International Economic Order (NIEO). It adopted a resolution calling for
revival of NIEO through North-South dialogue and better terms of trade and aid for the
developing countries. For this, vigorous South-South cooperation was necessary. So, it adopted
two-fold strategy i.e. early North-South dialogue and South-South cooperation.
The summit adopted two documents i.e. the Jakarta Message and the Jakarta Declaration. The
first noted that the world was still far from being a peaceful, just and secure place. They
identified major problems which were violent conflicts, aggression and foreign occupation,
simmering disputes, interference in weaker nations affairs and domination by the superpower.
The Jakarta Declaration emphasized that it was more important to augment financial resources of
the developing countries. For this, ban on the transfer of dual technology by the US was objected
to but this ban was described as discriminatory. The Jakarta Declaration desired that the new
world order should be based on stable peace, security and socio-economic justice.28

27 Ibid.
28 Khanna, V.K, International Relations, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Fourth Edition,
2004, pp.367.

3.11 Colombia Summit: It was the 11th summit held at Cartagena in Columbia from 18 to 20
October, 1995. It was attended by 113 countries. Indonesia turned over to Colombia the
chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement. It called to become intensively people oriented.
The NAM stated that they are committed to waging war on poverty, illiteracy, and under
development. Further, they called for the accelerated development of developing countries based
on equitable distribution, growth, and stability. The NAM should seek to advance broad based
people-centered development including the development of human capital.29

3.12 Durban Conference: It was the12th summit which was held in September 1998. Total 113
members participated in the summit. By this time South Africa had got rid of apartheid with
constant NAM pressure. Three main issues were discussed at the summit which were: nuclear
disarmament, fight against international terrorism and the marginalization of developing
countries in the process of globalization. The Durban Declaration stressed the need for creating a
more balanced and participatory system of international economic relations in which
interdependence would benefit all nations.30
3.13 Kuala Lumpur Summit: This summit was the 13th summit of NAM, held in Kuala
Lumpur(Malaysia) in February 2003. It was attended by 116 countries. The NAM summit
expressed grave concern at the likely unilateral attack against Iraq by the US without
authorization by the Security Council. The summit said an emphatic no to any action in Iraq
without any authorization by the United Nations.31
3.14 Tehran Summit: The 16th NAM summit was organized at Tehran in Iran from 26 to 31
August, 2012. In this summit, Iran condemned the Western countries for intimidating other
countries against her as she has been facing several economic and financial sanctions passed by
the UN and other Western countries. These sanctions have been passed just because Iran has
adopted nuclear programme which she says that aimed for peaceful purposes. So, through this
29 Retrieved From on 06 November,2012 at 11:45pm.
30 Ghai, U.R. International Politics, New Academic publishing Co., Jalandhar, 12 th Edition, 2007,
31 Ibid

summit, Iran has sought the NAMs support to end tough West-sponsored sanctions against her
over her nuclear programme. The NAM Summit provided a rare opportunity to Iran to directly
argue the baseless allegations against its peaceful nuclear programme.32
The main basis of the summit's negotiations' framework was the "Final Document" which was
adopted during the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Coordinating Bureau that
held at Sharm-el-Sheikh in Egypt from 7 to 10 May 2012.
This draft statement includes issues like fights against imperialism and racism, avoiding
occupation and military aggression against member countries of NAM, stressing on the need for
a world free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction and respecting the rights of all
countries across the globe to pursue peaceful use of nuclear energy. This document was ratified
by experts from 120 NAM member states. At this summit, the rotating presidency of NAM was
conferred on Iran for 3 consecutive years. 33
The major political questions on the Agenda of this Summit are international concern over the
use of nuclear programme by Iran and the increasing internal conflicts in Syria. It is interesting
to note that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon who despite asked by the US and Israel that he
should not attend the summit, attended despite all this.34
The main political message given by NAM to the international community was the message of
peace and friendship and it said that they are ready to tackle the global challenges. It approved
the final statement that provided support for Palestine, the fight against discrimination, release of
all Palestine prisoners, rejection of all unilateral sanctions imposed by the US and the UN and
electing Venezuela as the next NAM chair in 2015. It also approved the need for a new world

32 Retrieved From on October 15,

2012 at 09:59pm.
33Retrieved from weapons-nuclear-programme-nuclear-energy on October 15, 2012 at 11:24pm.
34 Retrieved from on October 15, 2012 at 11:24pm.

management upon the basis of freedom, justice and friendship, it also made its final aim to
achieve stable global peace.35

Chapter 4
Non Alignment- Criticism
There are many scholars, especially the Western scholars, have pointed out many bitter criticisms
of non-alignment. They have described it as an ideology which has no basis, selfish policy,
ambiguous concept, behavior variance and an opportunistic attitude etc. The critical analysis of
NAM has been dealt in detail as follows:
4.1 Ambiguity in the concept:
The scholars have criticized it by saying that the concept of NAM is ambiguous. There has been
no full treatment of the term of NAM. There is no exposition of it through which one may
examine its future prospects of policies and its importance or relevance. The exponents of it have
made no efforts to analyse it properly. So, the Western scholars took the job to analyse the
35Retrieved from with-call-for-world-peace-1.462031 on October 15, 2012 at 11:14pm.

concept of NAM. It is not that only the Western scholars have done the job of analyzing the
concept. Many scholars from the non-aligned countries took the initiative to analyse and explain
scientifically the term of NAM.36
4.2 Opportunistic, Immoral and Serous Dilemma:
There are anumber of Western scholars who have observed and alleged that the concept of NAM
is immoral as well as opportunistic. The reason of their allegation is that it is based upon
selfishness. They have alleged that the non-alignment was an alignment with both camps of cold
war. Through NAM, its members tried to practice double standards for securing help and aid
from both the communists and western countries. They have given example of India that after
1971, she maintained a relationship with USSR at one side and at the same time, on other side,
she was trying to secure American help. Further, the NAM is passing through a serious dilemma
of having more members and less strength. It has admitted a great number of members with the
passage of time but is unable to increase in its effectiveness and purity. NAM has failed to
establish unity of purpose and coordination of action with the group.

4.3 Disunity in NAM:

With the passage of time, the NAM has lost its much of its unity. Their diversity has caused the
reduction in its political power and influence. The members country of NAM have many interstate or regional conflicts among them which they have failed to resolve properly. The critics
take a very pessimistic view of the role that these countries may play in resolving international
issues keeping in view their disunity and differences. It should be noted here that of the 200 odd
conflicts in the 1970-80 which involved all the third world countries , very few can be described
as proxy wars prompted by the superpowers.
4.4 Variance in International Behavior:
The scholars have also alleged that the member counties of the NAM have adopted harsh
behavior towards the capitalist powers of the Western countries and soft behavior towards the
36 Vinay Kumar Malhotra, International Relations, Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006,

communist powers of the East. There is no doubt that the western powers have been the object of
criticism of non-aligned countries rather than the communist powers. But this is the fault of the
Western powers themselves as they have always followed colonial policies. Moreover, the NAM
has been criticized on the ground of following a policy of double standard.37
4.5 Bloc Mentality:
There are a number of non-aligned countries that suffer from bloc mentality and bias. They have
often decided and chosen to associate themselves with any of the superpower and they make
such associations so closely that their status as non-aligned might be questioned. For example, in
1971, India concluded the Treaty of peace and friendship with the Soviet Union. This treaty
was a great deviation from India's previous position ofNon-alignment in the Cold Warand in the
prelude to the Bangladesh war. The treaty was a great development in a situation of increasing
Sino-American ties and American pressure. One another member country of NAM, Cuba, also
had a close relationship with Soviet Union. Many other member countries of NAM were linked
very closely with US for the purpose of defense and national security.

4.6 Policy of National Self-interest:

The Western tinkers have also pointed out that the NAM is a policy designed to fulfill the selfinterests of the members of it. There is no doubt that the national interest is the main basis of all
foreign policies, but the general expression that the non-aligned countries are not self-seekers
have not been accepted by the Western scholars. Therefore, one can say that this concept also has
developed out of expediency and self-interest like all other concepts such as concepts of laissez
faire, collective security, parliament government and balance of power etc.38
4.7 Unrealistic and Idealistic Principle:
37ibid. p.287.
38 Urmila Sharma,, and SK Sharma, International Relations Theory and History, Atlantic Publishers and
Distributers, New Delhi, Vol.II, 2000, pp. 82.

The critics of NAM, especially US and Western scholars have rejected NAM as an idealistic and
utopian principle which cannot be fully operationalised. Keeping away from the cold war and
maintaining equidistance from power blocs can be talked and theoretically justified but it cannot
be practiced effectively. They have also argued that alignment has been the principle of
international living since times immemorial. They further say that it continues to be a valid
principle even in the post-war period. No nation, particularly a poor and under-developed nation,
can develop without securing real and effective help from other nations and for this alignment
with some happens to be the only just choice. NAM sounds good in theory as the policy of peace
and friendship with all but its actual operation is difficult and harmful. The idealism that
surrounds Non-alignment, as manifested in its objective of equal friendship with all, makes it
unrealistic and even utopian. NAM is an idealistic principle which can be defended theoretically
but it cannot be practiced effectively.
4.8 Source of Friendlessness:
Many critics hold the view that NAM has been responsible for the lack of sincere and real
friends for a non-aligned country. They have given the example of India. Her strong opposition
of American foreign policies as the policy of cold war, alliances and its decision in Korean and
Vietnam issues denied for its the real and strong friendship of America. In the same way, Indias
fear of communism and its criticism of some of the policies of Soviet Union came into the way
of the development of deep friendship with the Soviet Union. So, the critics held that because of
her non-alignment India had failed to secure the real friendship of both super powers. The failure
became very aggressive at the time of war with China in 1962. At this crucial time the USSR
failed to provide the much needed support to India. Even the Britain and USA were able to
provide limited help to India. It was given more because of the personal views of the US
President Kennedy and British Prime Minister McMillan and less because of the American and
British friendship with India. Even at the time of Bangladesh crisis, India had to go in for a
friendship treaty with USSR for securing assured and dependable support for her policies. The
issue of Cambodia and the Afghanistan crisis again mirrored the lack of real friends of Nonaligned India. Therefore, the critics favor alignment in place of non-alignment.
4.9 Ceased to be a relevant provision:


Another argument against NAM has been that though it was quite justified for the new states to
follow non-alignment in the era of cold war and power politics among the two super powers, it
no longer suits them to keep up non-alignment in the changed international environment. With
the end of cold war, liquidation of communist bloc, death of Warsaw Pact, disintegration of the
USSR, emergence of a process of wide ranging socio-economic-cultural cooperation between
Russia and the USA and between East and West in general, the factors and forces which gave rise
to the need for non-alignment have got eliminated. Thats why there remains no justification for
the continuance of NAM. It has failed to remain fully active in this post-cold war environment of
international relations.39
4.10 Factionalism:
The diversity and factionalism within the non-aligned movement was evident at the 1979 Havana
Summit. This summit was attended by 94 nations. Non-aligned countries might be divided into
three groups: radicals, conservatives and independents. Radicals were those leaning towards the
Soviet Union or China; conservatives were those leaning towards the Western countries and
independents are those still committed to the principles of non-alignment in the East-West
conflict. Based on this division, hardly about half of these countries can be considered truly nonaligned. Even in 1998 at the 12th summit at Durban, there was hardly any unity of perceptions as
the members have diverse interests. Latin American countries wanted to focus on debt which was
not on the agenda of other countries. African countries did not agree with Asia on economic and
social issues. The Islamic nations arrived with the grudge as US had bombed suspected terrorists
targets in Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998.
4.11 Worthless Declarations and Conferences:
If we see practically, there is nothing in the long declarations of NAM summits. These summits
are simply the repetition of resolutions of the UN. The conferences held by NAM include a lot of
expenditure on large delegations from around 120-odd poor participating nations. It is even worst
for the host country because it may require 500-1000 millions of Dollars on the conference
infrastructure, five-star hotels, import of hundreds of limousines, large scale entertainment etc.

39 U.R. Ghai, International Politics, New Academic publishing Co., Jalandhar, 2007, p.612-613.

and all for momentary prestige and international publicity. NAM is like a club and all it does is
to have summits only as it has not taken any action ever.40

Chapter 4
Relevance of Non-Alignment in todays world
Non-alignment is an important step to reduce the north-south conflict and it gave an impetus to
peace and led to a reduction of tension between the super powers at the same time, the third
world (south) was in a position to obtain more financial and technical assistance from both the
super-powers. In 1991 the USSR41 was disintegrated into 15 independent republics. Communism
fell down in the USSR. In its place, democracy came into existence, which the north wanted.
40 Vinay Kumar Malhotra,. International Relations, Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006, pp.286.

41 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Therefore the conflicts between the two worlds came to an end, by the collapse of one super
power. Now Russia is seeking help from the USA, World Bank etc. The Bi-polar powers ended
and now only monopoly power (the USA) is in existence. Therefore, automatically, the
importance of NAM42 has been reduced. Gone are the days of Cold War and more and more
Afro-Asian states gradually joined the non-alignment.
Though the discrimination on the basis of race has disappeared by name, the seeds of
discrimination in another form are there. Even though communism has failed in the USSR and
the other countries, communist theory is there and it may rise in course of time, when the
capitalism failed to satisfy the wants of the people.
The disputes between modern nations are there as they existed previously. The enemity between
the enemies has not been eradicated but subsided. They may come out any time with more vigour
.Colonialism has almost been eradicated but new forms of colonialism are arrived. Colonies that
have managed to win their freedom are increasingly falling a prey to neo colonialism. NeoColonialism is the geopolitical practice of using capitalism, business globalization, and cultural
imperialism to control a country, in lieu of either direct military control or indirect political
control, i.e. imperialism and hegemony.43 The term neo-colonialism was coined by the Ghanaian
politician Kwame Nkrumah, to describe the socio-economic and political control that can be
exercised economically, linguistically, and culturally, whereby promotion of the culture of the
neo-colonist country, facilitates the cultural assimilation of the colonised people, and thus opens
the national economy to the multinational corporations of the neo-colonial country) is much
more dangerous than classical colonialism.44
There is no division among the industrially-developed countries. Now all of them, together,
exploit the third world countries with collaboration. Multinational corporations, belonging to the

42 Non-Aligned Movement
43 S.R.Myneni,International Relation and organization,New Era Law Publications,2007
44 Urmila Sharma& S.K.Sharma, International Relations Theory and History, Atlantic Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 2000, p.120

north that still run large industries in the third world are in many ways exploiting the south to
their advantage.
The WTO45 was created in the place of GATT46 with more powers. In the name of the world trade
agreements, the north is training to exploit the south.
In the UNO47 and its other organs, the north is dominating and tries to establish its supremacy.
Under all these circumstances, the non-alignment is required to cooperate among themselves for
their economic developments and unite themselves to fight with the north for a NIEO 48 and for
their share in the world trade.
The Non-Alignment has to play a positive and constructive role in the destruction of the neo
colonial system, the will to give evidence to the principles of independence and equality of
states; the struggle against attempts to divide the world into spheres of influence, the wish to
promote the principles of active peaceful co-existence; the aspiration to a new international order
which would be based on equality, fairness and justice; deepening and expansion to detent and
hence its relevance. We cannot say that non-alignment can bring about equality, justice and peace
through summit conferences. The members of the international non-aligned community have to
work together much more purposefully in future than in the past to cope up with the combined
challenges of politico-economic pressures by affluent nations.49
The non-aligned movement can also play an important role in the direction of evolving one
world by exerting pressure on those "who have sought to divide it through power politics based
upon the nuclear arsenals and advanced delivery system through economic blocs based upon
exploitation, through racial politics based upon traditional beliefs."
45 World Trade Organization
46 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
47 United Nations Organization
48 New International Economic Order
49 S.R.Myneni,International Relation and organization,New Era Law Publications,2007

In fact, at present when so many regressive forces are operating in the direction of disturbing the
oneness of humanity, the non-aligned movement can play a vital role in curbing these divisive
and destructive forces and creating one world based on respect for each other's sovereignty and
territorial integrity; non-interference in internal affairs, non-use of force or threat of force to
settle international disputes, the equality of all sovereign nations and peoples, respect for the
dignity of the human personality and the right of all the people to be free and enjoy the fruits of
freedom. Until this is achieved, Non-alignment has a role to play and when this is achieved.
Non-alignment will find self-fulfilment in its own Nirvana.
The non-aligned countries can certainly contribute to the reduction of the rigidity of the bipolar
alliances and denigrate the role of nuclear weapons in international politics. If the non-aligned
nations challenge the legitimacy of the weapons of mass destruction and brand the use of nuclear
weapons as a crime against humanity, the super powers shall not be able to flout the world
opinion. This may ultimately pave the way for the conclusion of the universal convention
forbidding the use of the nuclear weapons.50
It is said that 21st century would involve economic war. Groups of economically developed
countries would compete among themselves posing a threat to the interests of undeveloped
countries. In order to control the situation, protest the monopoly of America in monoaxial world,
induce forceful dialogue between developed and undeveloped countries and protest neo colonial
exploitation, maintain North-South dialogue, South-South dialogue and bring about NIEO ,
NAM and G-77 will have to work together.
In todays context, issues of world importance are environmental pollution, economic crises etc.
NAM has tried to concentrate on environmental pollution in Lusaka and Algiers summits by
proposing NIEO. This makes it obvious that NAM is working towards establishing peaceful,
socialist world system and then brightening the future of undeveloped countries. At the summit
in Bali, Indonesia (14-15 May, 1992) they posed doubts that end of East-West collision would
give rise to North-South collision. Cold war may revive in the form of North South collision.
Thus in the new international political context, significance of NAM has been enhanced.
Actually Nam is the 2nd largest stage after UNO. From this viewpoint NAM could play a
50 Retrieved from on 15 October 2012 at 10.18 pm

significant role in world politics. Only NAM could save world community from monopoly of
America, otherwise, American influence would be established over whole world. Today it has
become more important to provide UNO with more democratic skeleton. 51 NAM can work this
out. It can also become the face of world in field of disarmament and this would also make sure
that superpowers do not make the third world countries a hub of destructive weapons.

Chapter 6
51 Retrieved from
%20paper/Significance_of_Non-Alignment_Movement.pdf on 15 october 2012 at 10.26pm


In this chapter there will be a brief explanation about the changing concept of Non-Alignment. In
spite of the fact that non-alignment believes in keeping away from super rivalry, it has grown in
content and nature with the passage of time. The Non-alignment represented the urges and
aspirations of the south for freedom, peace, equality, cooperation and a just international order.
From the stage of neutralities of power blocs, the non-alignment stands for national
independence and democratization of international relations. It passed many stages52:
First Stage (upto 1953)During the first stage of the development of non-alignment, which lasted upto 1953,non-aligned
countries laid stress on the rejection of power so that newly-won freedom and independence is
not put in danger.
Second stage (1953-1959)
It was marked by the emergence of bipolarity and balance of terror. The concern of the newly
independent countries centered around efforts to avert the danger of nuclear war. It extended its
support to anti-racist and anti-colonial struggle in Asia and Africa.
Third stage (1959-1964)
During the third stage, there was a setback to the process of friendship and solidarity among the
newly emerged nations of Asia and Africa due to a change in Chinese stand. Emphasis on
disarmament and particular on nuclear disarmament was added to the concept of non-alignment.
Fourth stage (1964-1970)
During this stage of its development there was a decisive shift of NON-alignment in favour of
socialism in the world. Non-alignment came forward in defence of the newly independent
sovereignties in Asia and Africa.
The fifth stage (1971-1983)
52 S.R.Myneni, International Relation and Organization, New Era Law Publications, New Delhi, 2007,p.43


During the fifth stage, China made a complete reapproachment with the USA and complete break
with the USSR. So the Soviet Union came under sharp criticism especially by those sympathetic
towards China. They described Russia as a hegemonic power and placed it on footing along with
the USA. The NIEO had been recognised and the UNO took steps towards that goal.
The sixth stage (1983-1990)
The botha regime at Pretoria practised the worst type of Apartheid. The South African Blacks are
opposing apartheid. This has given rise to unprecedented international anger. Zambian President,
Kenneth Kaundu remarked that the NAM had reached the doorstops of apartheid. Outspoken and
aggrieved nations in general poured their venom against the USA.
The seventh stage (1991-to date)
The collapse of the USSR led to question the NAMs very existence. During this state a NAM
member, Iraq, invaded another member Kuwait. Yugoslavia was also disintegrated. There is no
Permanent member now to speak in Security Council on behalf of the South. They are asking for
the expansion of the number of permanent members by including India, Brazil etc.
The NAM is concentrating on five vital issues facing the developing countries like international
security and disarmament, human rights, worsening economic situation, environment and
strengthening of multilateral institutions including the U.N. It also made stronger references to
the traditional non-aligned principles of fighting against imperialism, colonialism, racism and



1. Burton, J.W, International Relations- a general theory, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1967
2. Chhabra ,H.K., History of Modern World since 1945, Surjeet Publication, Delhi, 2005
3. Ghai, U.R,International Relations, New academic publishing co., Jalandhar, 2007
4. Jain, Hukam Chand, A History of the modern world, Jain prakashianMandir, Jaipur
5. Khanna, V.K, International Relations, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi,
Fourth Edition, 2004
6. Malhotra, Vijay Kumar, International relations, Anmol publications ltd., New Delhi,
7. Murthy, B.S, International Relations and Organisations, Eastern book company,
Lucknow, 2003
8. Myneni, Dr.S.R.,International Relation and organization,New Era Law
9. Sharma, Urmila & S.K.Sharma, International Relations Theory and History, Atlantic
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2000
Ali,H. M. Wajid , India and the Non-aligned Movement
Allison,Roy , The Soviet Union and the Strategy of Non-Alignment in the Third World

1. .
6. on.
Alignment_Movement.pdf ,



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