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2 Edition
Written by Dr Perry Barnes
How to suddenly Get Girls,
Become a Social Giant and
Find Yourself Approaching easily
Copyright Perry Barnes 2009
All Rights Reserved in All Media
Creative Commons Protected

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 1
from as featured in Neil Strauss Book “The Game”

Hi Perry,

Thanks for your email and the book. Can you tell me a little about what you've done with it so far - has this
been distributed much out there? If so, what have you been charging for it? It looks to me like it's up as a free
download on that site.

My team will take a closer look at it and we'll let you know what we think but I am interested.

Thanks again.



[u][b]~Matticus~[/b][/u] says:
Dude, I think I love you
[u][b]~Matticus~[/b][/u] says:
This system is perfect, I had no idea it existed
you're writing a book?
[u][b]~Matticus~[/b][/u] says:
wow awesome, i'd love to read it.

Ash says:
He is a genius.. he writes poems,, His song are No.1 in the world
he can speak Portugese
he speaks ok Hindi
His voice is sexy!
his blue eyes are sooooooo nice

Daniela says:
i will
for you

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 2
Daniela says:
and then i will lay over you
and caress your whole body
kiss you
lick you
rub my body against yours

[Ting][ティング][くにます ちん][陈国升][陳國升][진국승][팅윈선]
i'm 70% through your paper, some good stuff in there.
thankyou for writing it.

Guto says:
only you to make me laugh
i like your ideas, u could become very rich, you can sell

Mario says:
o que voce tiver duvida
pode me perguntar que terei o maior prazer em responder-lhe

Mario says:
thank you my brother
Mario says:
ok I'm learning now
you are my teacher

Ash says:
let me see you for a min.. after that I go to sleep
Ash says:

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 3
you look like, the genius!
Ash says:
marry me

i realise you need a word to say in that situation

[c=6]Fernanda Rodrigues------6diass[/c] says:
you read my mind

my opinion is not that of the world

i'm one person
~Mary Ève~ says:
lol yes it is

Gustavo says:
i really don't know what kind of man you are, sometimes you seem to be a teacher, sometimes... a musician and
sometimes... a entrepreneur...

Ash: impressive!
Ash: You are really brilliant!
Ash: u can speak about any thing under the sky!
Ash: wow
Ash: !!!!!!!!!

mar says:
You can't deny you're funny!
mar says:
you're so original!
mar says:
No, you are always original and when you have time you becom genial!!
I've never met someone like you!

Lívia says:
você é ótimo! Figuraça!! (cool person)

Thank you your congratulation.
I congratulate you too.
Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year!
Great successes and Heap (pot ?) of money!
Come some time. We'll drink wine\vodka.


Dear Muse

First of all, I have to apologize to you, sometimes I talk too lightly. I mean, with people like you one is
in awe in a way. I am puzzled and amazed (apart from my teachers I have never met someone like
you). You are not an ordinary guy! ( here my small talk is getting through again...)

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 4
Can you tell me who is Muse? not the writer, or the professor but the real one...(am I asking too

What does it mean that you like young girls? (sorry, but I had to ask)
I am pouring out my thoughts here, I apologize again.
Thanks for everything...hope to hear from you soon...

Silmara says:
this is so great
Silmara says:
is it your idea
Silmara says:
wow i love it

Só você...você é único!!!
Acabei de chegar de viagem,estou muito cansada.
Quero te dizer...parabéns pelo seu jeito de ser,amável,adorável,etc.
Você chegou e me conquistou,foi tudo muito lindo e rápido.
I fell in love with você.Então not want to isso.Sofrer that life is so beautiful!. beijão lindoooooooo.Seja
feliz.E you for everything!
Que você consiga arrumar uma namorada que cuide de você com amor,carinho e respeito.
Seje muito feliz,pois,você é só você é o unico e absoluto.
Estarei sempre pensando em você.
Obrigado por tudoooo.
Vou tomar um drink e dormir.
Ouça sempre Marisa Monte e lembre de mim se puder.


Daniela says:
you´re beautiful, smart, skilled, funny, good talking
Ash says:
the girls need you.. it is more correct

@n@ says:

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 5
por isso existem lugares inisqueciveis
@n@ says:
coisas inexplicaveis
@n@ says:
e pessoas incomparaveis/and people incomparable
@n@ says:
like you
@n@ says:
@n@ says:
like u luis
@n@ says:
this poem its for you

Elena: “omg, you're going to be famous, and i'm going to say, I know him”

Darlene: “I feel it, when you speak, things change”

Cristina "u are mysterious, funny, teacher, smart...anything else?"

Ivanir says:
voce e o melhor
Ivanir says:
voce e um professor" estraordinario"

Roberta says:
Roberta says:
now i can give as many compliments you want
Muse says:
Roberta says:
Roberta says:
Roberta says:
Roberta says:
nice voice
Roberta says:
good player
Roberta says:
now ... how many???
Roberta says:
straight to the point
Roberta says:
not easy going person but ok

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 6
Roberta says:
Roberta says:
hilarious actually
Roberta says:
Roberta says:
thats it

Saumu Lwembe:
= ) , thats what you make me: smile. It was one of the greatest evenings I spent on friday....spontainety sweeps
me off my feet... pushes you to self motivate and learn new things everyday. I love learning...I believe you cant
get to the point of saying I am too intelligent to learn, for either you will be wearing blinkers in life, or be too
stupid to be helped....hey, thats my get me!

Lívia says:
Luiz é o "cara"

Ash says: :) teaching is a good profession.. only genius can write books...
you are a genius then..
you are so funny.. then you must be a good teacher.. pupil wont sleep in your class
:) my pleasure too.. when will you log in again?

Francesco: I Like the way you push me into sets

Muse Method is a many DHVs

>thus making you a better person
Making people Feel good is central
You are going to be the greatest person she
has ever met and thus she will immediately
or eventually accept you
You will go For your type or use other hbs to
get the girls you want
You will take and make opportunities

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 7
IF you can Pick Up one girl you can Pick Up
every girl

I have and can:

fuck a girl inside an hour
get a french kiss in 5 minutes
get a phone number in 5 minutes
get an email/facebook/msn in 2 minutes
kiss 2 girls in one day
sleep with and date married women
fuck and kiss women who are paying me for my business
date 4 girls who work with me inside a month
open 6 girls at 1 bus stand
keep 2 part time gfs who I meet when I want

Skills Include:
cold reading
compliments game
opinion/direct/compliment/situational openers
nlp commands/anchoring
life coaching

How to Write Poems

DHVs > Become the DHV Maker
How to be funny + How to be funny and alpha together
Be clever
The Best openers for every person
What girls tell me > actual hbs and their collected advice/ideas
Anything can be a routine

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 8
Credit to the amazing people who made this book and knowledge possible,
Mystery, Style, Me, Badboy, Mehow, Zan, Juggler, In10sec, Bishop
and of course
Richard Bandler who started this phenomena directly or indirectly
(his flirting seminar from 1988 and nlp which he created were the catalyst
for all this community) Thanks to you all

Quick notice from Muse:

I am admiting that I always get kinder like a kid in a sweet store when one of my
newest books comes from the publishers. I think i'll be patient and serious,
anticipating tearing open the box until I'm nearly in the back door and start
reading it from front to reviews, expecting that it create as much of an
improvement to anyone who reads it immediately as I did think it shall when I
sent off the last editing.

As my version of Muse Method: PUA and Social Skills jumped into my porch, I
had relief and delight, and the early compliments suggest that this is the finest
hour and most completely usable book. No big Amazon campaign here, but I do
want to include added value to someone who downloads the book and express
special appreciation for these of you who accept to share it with your families,
works, colleagues and true friends.

Lean back, relax, and dance the fandango - the life you totally transform could
just be your own...

Since the human mind first wakened from slumber, and

was allowed to give itself free rein, it has never ceased
to feel the profoundly mysterious nature of time-
consciousness, of the progression of the world in
time,-of Becoming.


The fact
that you’re reading this means you can
easily incorporate these new ideas
into your life
Jamie Smart

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 9
feeling content and still learning
Even More Successful Times and Field Reports

Necessary, Effective and

Doable with your current skills section

Have a plan or routine for every section discussed here. Be Ready to Do

Every part and Complete All the Sections, she's just a girl. When you
Become a Master Pick Up Artist you can pick her up again, by then, maybe
you want other things.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 10
(Location Change:Instant Date)
Open > Attract > Comfort > Kiss > Fuck
(Number, Email, Facebook)


Invent an original opener based on the principles of each opener:

Who lies more, men or women? (who ACTION more, men or women?)

Do you think men really understand what a woman wants and needs?

The Oceans in the world... what are the names of them all?

My friend's gf goes out to bars and kisses girls for fun is that cheating?
(2 part) I ask because he's getting annoyed about it and saying he's going
to kiss other girls. Girl, is my finger not on the pulse of men. So u
think its ok and he's too emotional.

I Like you and i'm going to get to know you, Tell me about yourself

Notes for openers:

Always give a time constraint. “I only have a moment/my friend is waiting
for me.” (In Portuguese: Eu so posso um momento)

Give a reason why you are asking, either as part of the question or be
ready to explain why
e.g. “me and my friends were talking about it and we couldn't decide”

Openers are sometimes suitable for different types of people.

For example, who lies more... men or women. Young girls love this (17 to
25 years), older women sometimes went cold or started an argument (LOL).
Then I did think “men have lied to the girls for 20 years and so of course
the girls go crazy for you”.

I ask girls outside the city about the oceans of the world and they asked
what the f**k are you asking me that for and don't respond much. Inside

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 11
The City women make all of the conversation for you with this opener. Its
perfect. In fact many times I open with “what are the 5 oceans called”
she doesn't know the answer. So I ignore her and she re-starts the
conversation. I Get her Number 5 minutes after.

Use an opener 10 times before you decide its value.

Body Language, Energy and Smile are

More Significant than what you say.

Body Language: Stand Side On to hbs when you Open. This Makes hbs
Feel Comfortable and Often they turn to you and become attracted
wanting to make you like them. This is also Excellent Body Language
for attracting hbs always. Almost every girl I have met becomes
Attracted to me when I do this body language. If you do a Direct
Opener with your hands on your hips Like a Super Hero and a Smile
Like You are The Man, then its ok to face them directly. When your
body language is side on hbs will often look you up and down more.
This body language gives them the opportunity to Notice Your Good

Situational Openers: look around and find something you can ask a question
about, an open question, which requires her to talk for 30 seconds to 1
minute. e.g. standing in the supermarket queue, “hey I just have a second,
which is the best brand of cigerettes to buy?” hb: “why?” “because I
usually smoke with others I don't buy them so i'm not sure which are the
best” > follow with your 2nd routine.

PS: juggler says a person usually doesn't listen to what you say to start
a conversation. They are checking your voice, clothes, attitude, how you
make them feel. Often when I Open with the same openers I always use I
make my voice deep, smooth and relaxed because I realise this makes more
sets hook. Its Like standard opener hooks 4/10 sets + good body language
6/10 sets + good voice 8/10 sets. This is why you must do many many
openers because you become aware of what works and keep doing it. I was
tired once, I opened a set and not well. Then after I realised my body
language wasn't right, or my voice wasn't great, or that she didn't speak
english. Often in cities 2/10 sets don't speak english very well. An
experienced pua realise this and adapt. Change your opener. Make it
visual, one of my openers is “does my hair look better up or down?” and I
move it up and down (Muse Exclusive), this makes a girl giggle, because
she's telling you how She likes you.

Habits for Opening:

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 12
open the 1st hb you meet in the day because its good to change into
conversation mode. Speaking to a person gets the energy in your body
moving and switches you into the same good feelings of successful

Learn new openers if you need motivation to open, its good to have
routines because they are reliable, to keep pu exciting learn a new
opener. It gives you more flexibility and allows you to open 5 sets in the
same location with different words

Hook Point and Attraction Routines

(with DHVs)

Cs vs Us (smiles) I noticed your smile, I saw a documentary and a c smile

means you are unfriendly, and a u smile means you are friendly (can be
either way) (can say this various ways and the point is that you are
teaching her something)

Koala bear vs penguin

my friend was explaining the way men and women think...

women think in feelings, men are logical and when they accomplish
something they want something else... is that correct?

Thumb War (Kino Routine)

best friends test (2 sets) how long have you been friends? Oh my god, I
have to give you the best friends test? Right, ready? Do you both use the
same shampoo? (they look at each other) stop stop, you passed. People who
are best friends

Your routine should show that your value is high.

High Value things include: sense of humour, cocky funny, knowledge of
women, teach her something, make her have fun, tell her a story

Use Openers to Hook: Mystery said Use 3 or 4 openers until the set opens.
It does work from my experience. If you have 3 openers in your memory
then Use Them until she starts talking. Ploughing is another community
principle which is similar.

Hook Point: (Style's term) is when she likes you more and is staying to
talk with you. Capture Her Attention. She can Become Interested on the
opener, the hook routines or the comfort routine. Maybe She Likes You and
she becomes interested when you Kiss Her. With Practice you shall notice
the hook point and realise which stage you are at.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 13
Comfort and Rapport Routines

Palm Reading: See Extra Paper (Easiest Comfort Routine)

Video Demonstration:

Handwriting Analysis

These routines she often remembers for 7 days to a month sometimes 6

months. A girl I did the cube on, we went for a date after a 6 month gap
and she could still remember her cube.
These routines can take up to 10 to 15 minutes which gives her time to
become attracted to you on a different level.
They give you a reason to isolate and continue the conversation.
They are consistent, you can 95% of the time get a solid phone number
after one of these routines.

Muse Favourites:

Horoscopes and Star Signs: Grab a newspaper (free ones in london), Open to
the Star Signs page and Put in your Pocket. After the hook point routine
ask “what's your star sign?”. From Here you have several options, you can
read it to her in normal voice or your bedroom voice (both options have
benefits). You Read her Star Sign and laugh which Makes Her Curious, then
let her have it. She may ask your star sign which you can extend with
“guess” or Tell Her it if she doesn't ask.

Poetry: Write a poem about her, with her or Read her a preprepared one.
They all fit into a women's romantic fantasy. You Become the Prince. If
its about her you show an understanding of her deeper than she expected,
you DHV with writing ability (not many guys can write poems) and she shall
probably keep it for some time. A girl phoned me after I wrote her a poem
and I didn't have her number until then. If you write a poem with her you
are teaching her something and sharing with her (kinder Like a couple). An
extra point is to do things together. She often wants guys to share
activities with her.

If you read a preprepared one then you can select the most romantic
amazing poem ever. I recommend this website:
or you can find poems with nlp in them which have a slightly stronger
effect. An nlp poem usually wont Make a girl jump on you (it can), its
one part of the seduction process. A poem, play a guitar song for her,
massage her and dance with her then She's likely to jump on you. Complete
the process Open/Hook/Comfort/Number/Kiss/Fuck. Process is More
Significant than what you do.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 14
Get Phone Number and Contact Details

best number close is: u got any contact to u

always works
HB:" u mean phone number?"
phone number is alrite

Type 07 in your phone and give it to her (Perry Barnes Exclusive Copyright
2009). The idea is that she will start saying the number in her head. 07
643 987 22 because its automatic to remember all your phone number when
you say the 1st part.

If you have been speaking for 5 minutes then an email is easier to get
than a phone number. If your 1st email is good then you can get her from
there. “Do you have email?” is the David D. phrase. He also suggests as
they are writing the email say “and Just write your number there too”.

My aim is to get solid numbers so they anticipate answering my call. If I

Meet a girl at a bus stop, we talk on the bus then we get off at the same
stop (offer to swap numbers as she's getting off “we should swap numbers”
or “i'll call you later” she'll say something “ok” or “you don't have my
number). This is 3 locations and the more locations you both go to the
more familiar you feel to her (this concept is discussed by all the top
puas). So after 15 to 30 minutes talking, 3 locations and probably the 3
main parts of seduction opener/attraction/comfort I prefer to get my
numbers around this time.

This is my system and if you find an easier way then use that. I'm always
improving and I suggest you do too.

You can Make girls call you. If you talk to a girl for many hours every
day, which is easy with msn or skype; then one day you are not there. She
will often call you to discover where you are. This is assuming she
already has your number. So its a good idea to suddenly stop talking to a
girl sometimes, go and meet some more; always have lots of

Maximum Audacity

The Timing of the Kiss depends how you meet them. If you Meet them on the
train or bus then Kiss Them at the 3rd Location e.g. get off the bus or
train and Kiss Them at the bus Start or the train station.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 15
If you Meet Them in a friend/business/social context then 2 to 4 hours is
a time to Do It. In Fact the girl often makes it easier for you about
this time. She Stands in Front of You Smiling (KISS ME KISS ME), maybe
with head to one side. If you are rude to her she just giggles. Kiss Her
using your preferred style or JUST KISS HER.

Go for the Kiss 2 or 3 times. Girls want to Feel wanted, many are not
sure about their appearance and if a girl thinks logically about kissing
you when she has a boyfriend then She probably wont Kiss You. If You
Persistent with the Kiss or Kisses she will eventually give in. Its
natural and She Likes You.

Also I Read something Like this in a romantic novel (lol, yes i'm reading
one, its awesome research) written by a girl (of course).
“if a guy wants a girl then he goes to kiss her, and that's it”
on the afc days I had some girls hanging around me for ages and ages
waiting for me to Kiss Them and I didn't. stop it. Go to Kiss Every Girl
who seems to Like You on some level, of all ages, types and countries.
Thus Discover From Experience.

Good Routines:

“I'm trying so hard not to kiss you right now....”

I Like This one and her response can vary, depending on how much of a
player or a romantic she is. A Kisser said “not yet” then I kept quiet
for 20 seconds and said “i can't concentrate, if I kiss you then I can
concentrate on this” so we do. A girl who was a player said don't and I
continued anyway. Most nos a girl says are playing or logical, she wants
to kiss you and wants you to Make it Happen.

A Kiss which I do 2 or 3 times is to Get the Girl on your Lap (for example
she's sitting near and you pull her onto you quickly), sitting on top of
you. From Here its “Kiss?” if she does on the lips “you can do better
than that”. Then Kiss.

Fuck Her

Style's Line: “if I let you take me home, do you promise to feed me?”
she may not agree with you, if her body language shows she wants you then
proceed appropriately e.g. wait for her to complete work.

When you Invite Her to Your Place give a reason “you have to hear this new
cd” “come and listen to me play guitar, you can play harmonica” “i'm going

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 16
to cook for you” “i have a new tv and you have to test it with me”. The
attitude is Just Get Her To Your Place. You may find yourself using the
best method for you based on your situation, complete this part of the
process with something.

Hotels: these cost £40+ a night and they can make your seduction easier.
If your hb is married then you can't go her house, and the suggestion of a
hotel can trigger her romantic notions. Be quite direct about this “we
could get a hotel tonight, i'm working until 6pm”.

LMR: women give kinder last minute resistance (term coined by mystery),
you may ask her to move to your bedroom and she says nooooo (smiling
because she wants to), in this situation your behaviour can be “ok” then
continue with something. An example of this, a new girl moved into my
shared house and we are kissing for some time, I pointed to upstairs and
she said noooo (smiling) and then I go ok like I didn't care, which I
kinder did not (when you do this game for some time you care less about
specific girls, I already kiss her so I go to my computer).

5 minutes later she comes back into the kitchen (I was doing stuff on my
laptop), then she suggested we go upstairs (excellent) so we do and she
waits by the door. Before I tell you what I do I want to share another
significant concept that I you only hear from muse method.
*women want to know you want them.
I read an article when I was 12 years, women conversating about sex. A
woman says she takes off her bra and she always lets the guy take off her
knickers because then she knows he really wants her.
Women want to feel wanted, a lot of the game improves when you realise
Many times girls see if you choose them instead of another girl, and
they'll tell you after “i would have been so annoyed if you'd chosen her”.
They stand 1mm from your lips and move away when you go to kiss them
because they want to feel desired

so I grab her hand and pull her across the room and she flies onto the
bed, then the rest continues as nature intends

as for sex tips, hold her back in some way (her arms behind her back, put
your hands into her hair so the kissing and blowjobs are in your control,
women like to be submissive similar to some male fantasies) tell her or
show her what you like then she does it more (she wants to make you happy).

porn movies can be educational for this purpose, for example, in almost
every porn movie the woman starts playing with the front of her pussy and
then makes the oh my gods noises, the same way we know exactly how to turn
ourselves on, so do they. Copy them.

Nature Pretty Much does the rest for you, so hop on the good feet

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 17
Pua Teacher for beginners £10 an hour (London)
Learn Approaching, Things to Say/Routines, Attraction, Comfort, Number and Kiss Closes
NLP/PNL Skills
Hypnosis available if you want to change how you think or feel
Day Game Specialist: PU everytime you Go Somewhere you want (London)

MSN and Skype (World):

NLP/PNL Language Pattern Coaching, Advice, Life Coaching
+ hb practise on msn
= £5 an hour: Pay with Paypal

From Juggler's Forum

Direct Game and Where It's Been Taking Me


“Excuse me for a moment, but I had to let you know that you are so cute.”
Stand still, chest out, shoulders relaxed, hands out, direct eye contact.

Outcome 1 – The Movie Moment – Eye contact persists, normal conversation

Outcome 2 – Playful Direct – She smiles at you, playful banter ensues.
Outcome 3 – Challenge Back – She’s not into it, you ask, “But what else do
you have going on for you?”

This has been my opener for the past several weekends. Everywhere I have
gone – nightclubs, restaurants, a college campus – I have used nothing but
this opener. I will (gently) push guys out of the way, interrupt cell
phone conversations, even stop groups in the middle of their meal – all to
tell her I think she’s cute. A couple of hours ago, I stopped a girl in
the gym just as she began to start running… turns out she runs two miles
everyday BEFORE cheerleading practice, watches Bring It On with her
cheerleader friends, and has brains to match her body.

Direct Game

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 18
It is the next step in my personal journey of self-development. For too
long I have run away from my sexuality and have been ashamed of my
desires. Now, I am embracing my longings, listening to my natural
instincts… I want to meet her and make love to her. I want to create a
beautiful moment between two beautiful people

I have begun to incorporate unabashed sexuality into my warm and friendly

vibe. I touch women on their waists (very sexy!), put my arm around them,
poke them in the belly button, squeeze their hands. In return, I have been
touched alot more as well… women have transitioned from only touching me
in the arm to touching me on the chest and wrapping their arm back around

When I first began my journey, going indirect was what I needed to get
myself out there and talking to people. I needed to show myself that I
could go out there, have a great time with many different people, and
learn at the same time. I can put out the friendly, warm vibe with
consistent competence (and excellence). Now though, it’s time to step it
up a notch.

The Personal Benefits

It Feels Right.
I am proud of the way I am playing the game. I’m playing the game my way.
I’m being genuine with people… I’m upfront and honest with my intentions.
I am putting myself out there, making my intentions known, letting myself
be vulnerable to harsh scrutiny, group rejection, or negative reactions.
Here I am – love me, hate me, whatever. I am making quite clear that I
desire you – no apologies, no excuses.

Undergo Scrutiny… And Come Out Unscathed

Some people did not like what I was doing. Some people did not like me.
Jealous guys would try to tool me, insecure boyfriends and husbands would
stare me, and fellow female friends would immediately focus the attention
on themselves. If somebody “calls me out,” I laugh… I am who I am, I want
what I want, and I’m straight-up honest and upfront. To these people, I
say simply this… Oh well.

Most people, however, like the straight up honesty. I’ve had guys tell me
the like the fact I had the balls to tell their friend she’s cute. Girls
have told me they my honesty and sincerity. I’ve had some great, amazing
interactions being direct… for me, it’s calling out the elephant in the
room from the get go and it’s standing up for yourself, who you are, and
what you want.

Being Genuine
Being alpha is an ever ongoing debate within the community. That answer is
different depending on the man… just like whatever your style of game
happens to be. In the end, if it feels right to you, follow that instinct.

As for me, I accept who I am and I accept my desires. I make no apologies

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 19
for that. I’m out there to build genuine connections with amazing women.
Like me, great. Hate me, that’s cool too – we’re all entitled to our
opinions. I know I’m a great man, somebody who’s becoming better with each
passing day. I’m looking for women who enrich my life and I in turn will
enrich theirs.

What’s Next
My success is limited to the interaction… transitioning/escalating from
there is still territory in which I am unfamiliar. I have begun telling
them straight-up to give me their number… at which point I’ll flip out the
cell phone. However, admittedly most of the time I just say, ‘good meeting
you, have a nice day.’

Taking Advantage of Opportunities

Occasionally, after the moment, I’ll realize that I missed a perfect
opportunity… a woman was into me and I didn’t realize an opportunity was
presenting itself. Being in the moment and perceiving the subtext of the
interaction is something I’m still working on. If a woman likes me, I
gotta do something about it.

Integrating My Identities Together

Like most aspiring ladies’ men, infusing my two identities together is
something I’m working on. Me 2.0 has yet to be released…. It’s still in
testing. However, the progress is coming along quite nicely. Now, it’s
time to ramp up the work on myself.

During certain stages of my development, I have questioned where I was
going, if I was making progress, and if I could be any good at this.
Lately, I have shown myself that I am making progress, that I can be good
at what I do, and most importantly, that I like who I am becoming.
Ultimately, nothing can stop me... it is only a matter of persistence and


I had several ideas which I manipulated

until I had what I considered
the best combination in my mind
later I recorded them on paper

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 20
3 minute phone number

it was like a 2-3 set. i do a situational opener

muse says:
bragging doesn't exist
tell me genius says:
i was like, what is that? (pointing to some coffee drink)
then the normal things happens, what's your name, where you live, where
you from bla bla
then, i'm like, what's your name? huh? how do you spell your name?
muse says:
awesome says:
so I get my phone, and try to spell her name.
show it to her, (i've spelt it stupidly wrong, like double letters, whatever)
then she says, here's how you spell it. says:
then i'm like, put your number in there
then i start to talk to the bf
while she's putting her number in.
i didn't even give a reason.
i was really happy, cos i leaned back a lot during the interaction.

probably u won't meet kelma

she's like a model
has perfect voice
i don't like her rs
i said to her
ash is reliable and good person

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 21
you (kelma) are pretty and good singer
she's like "i am bad person, i have no personality"
me: i didn't say that
u know this
pretty girls, some of them hate being called pretty
they want people to notice their brains
so i never notice hers
and she loves me
surprise surprise

Techniques and Things which Help

and Make You a Better PUA

DHVs, Cool Lines and Negs

You can say these at various times. The delivery is the best part. Pose
or smile to enhance them. A slow nodding of the head is cool and gets
them to agree unconsciously. When a comedian keeps a straight face while
telling a joke is a good skill to use. This makes you look “for real”.

Do you believe in love at 1st sight or should I walk in again?

I'm a quiet and chased man.
In the west we read from left to right. (Muse Exclusives)
don't pretend you can read
hey, don't touch there, that's my special place

in 48 laws of power
says something Like
Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 22
actions always are stronger than arguments
i like dhvs to be physical when possible
so if you write her a poem or play her a song or make a
picture of you together its stronger than saying
something even if its an amazing language
this is an idea to play with
because with some examples its not true,
buying a girl dinner is usually not useful (zan does it)
kissing her is more significant than playing her a song

Rarity and Enhancing what you have

Muse says:
a study was on the radio
women who do speed dating
they find themselves surrounded by sexy guys
then they raise their bar
and often girls went home alone
i see this alot
a girl comes from brazil or india
they have no blue eyes there
they make my sarge much easier
even if they are a 9 or 10
[Ting][ティング][くにます ちん][陈国升][陳國升][진국승][팅윈선]
Muse says:
hb on the bus the other day looks quite similar to
those girls
made my sarge as hard as possible
despite i was reading her very positive body language

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 23
everyone has blue eyes where i live
for example
[Ting][ティング][くにます ちん][陈国升][陳國升][진국승][팅윈선]
interesting you say blue eyes, i tried that one time, blue contacts, but no one
could really see, lol.
but, carry on
they say about women's make up
i have some varied metaphors i just noticed
it should only enhance what you already have
similar with dress sense
i think blue contacts is excellent in a system without
summary: if you are rare in your system its easier to
pick up high quality hbs
>its easier to pick up older women if you're the only
young guy interested in her
>its easier to pick up a girl if you're the only
celebrity interested in her
>mystery is an example of this in that he's probably the
only magician interested in her

Muse's Religion
some girls are religious aghargagrghrahgrahgragrgargahgrara
well, if they are fixed in one behavior we can adapt around them
we can attach ourselves to their behaviours,

hb says: i'm going to church

muse says: pray for me
hb says: yes a lot
hb says: kisses (she wants rewarding for her behaviour)

and now when she prays she'll think about me

even god and muse may become linked
hey I didn't invent it, just make use of it

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 24
almost every girl is going to let you go to church with them,
they don't consider it a date, if you can sit through the brain
washing then this is one way to progress your interaction, also
if you have good nlp anchoring abilities you can add her
feelings about church to you

another routine around this

“you know all that praying you've been doing”
hb: yes
“well, it worked, i'm here”
hb: hahahahah
“u prayed for an amazing perfect superman guy and now you have
(the idea of this is, i'm quite certain christians just pray for
things instead of planning and acting, thus a female prays for
her ideal man, I just use their simple father christmas view of
the world (wish and get TM) and use it

people are always telling me this, that christians are evil

maybe this is true, and also you must be proactive and use the
predictability of the world to be smarter

if people always behave the same you can become smarter every
day until you have the perfect formula for how to seduce them
(email it to me when you have it:

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 25

would you like to write poem with me? (90% say yes to your dhv:reopener)
(when they're holding a newspaper) have you read the horoscope yet?
>say something in a different style from your original opener, if you've
said a direct opener an opinion opener is a good reopener

Specific Openers

Most of the time you can use the same 1, 2 or 3 openers for everything.
To give variety and better suited lines here are some specific ones I use

Charity Girl in the street: (stop, look at her like you are examining her
and say:) “you're pretty, u get 3 minutes”
>then she does her selling charity thing and you look not impressed
(looking into the distance) > use your own game from here

if you are higher value than her,

move Like it

a girl decides if she's going to kiss u
when she 1st meets u
then she thinks its fair game to make all the tests
and sometimes they are rude
they think when i kiss him
that makes it ok
i've noticed that women who are really excited when I 1st
meet them often are looking for a kiss later, in fact

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 26
they seem to be suppressing their attraction, so that
they don't giggle continuously
in this situation
we must go for the kiss every time
in fact we need no game

she gives us totally happy giggling 1st impression

lean back
don't smile much
let her impress us
give no reaction to her dhvs
kiss at the end of the meeting
i remember a specific time
she didn't giggle
she looked starstruck
in a trance
when we meet
so i gave no dhvs
she compliments me
i gave almost no response
then she invited me to her house
this is more piece to add to my game

Romantic Game
Making a song or poem with a girl is an excellent DHV.
This may only happen 1 or 2 times in a girl's life so you really highlight
yourself and she'll definately fight for you if
she see's you with other girls.
you don't write poems or songs?
Muse Method teaches you how

How to write a poem (muse method guide)

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 27
start with a title or write it after the poem (u choose)

strategies for creating lines:

1. write something that sounds nice (meaning is
in fact mix sentences
and mix meanings
Luis said (20:04):
ash walked up the (normal, so now write something
crazy) moon
ash walked up the moon
(makes no sense, so its perfect for a poem)
so write 1 sentence Like this

a poem I wrote is called Teacher Feature

the co>writer Lia wants to write more words
so I suggest
(say how u feel about teachers, being a teacher, rhyme
with my words, comment on my words)
(or be descriptive) ex:
its like 100s of shining beacons looking up to someone
who was the student, answers in their minds, awaiting
activation (this is my description of a class of
students looking at a female teacher)
the Barnes uni of poetry says
write 1st thing in your head

from Perry's Poems

How to Write a Poem

a poem does not have to rhyme

you can just write a collection of thoughts
the title can be your favorite line from the poem
can be the 1st line

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 28
I recommend people write the title 1st
then they have a subject to refer to

so the title is.... chocolate batteries

write everything you think about chocolate and batteries
chocolate is...
and make it sound poetic
the more illogical a poem sounds the better

chocolate is the dancing lemon in my bathtub

(forces the reader to imagine an original picture)

batteries born from catteries, flattery... gets me

(battery born = alliteration ex:
Practise makes Perfect
2 of the same letter is easier to say
and sounds nice)
rhyming: think all the words which rhyme
then write a line from this
(this is what I did, shhhhh poet's secret =)

you can also bend words to rhyme by

change the sound
(take part from the word and rhyme it)

my notes to a friend:
(write what you think about subject, something which
rhymes with my words, change a phrase, comment about
what i said)

complete a poem with a line which puts a question in the

readers mind
“and you go into the sky looking for...”

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 29
or the answer to the question
“people don't change they only rearrange

the more poems you write the better you get

write 1 for your husband
1 for your daughter
1 for your teacher
and then you'll have a pattern

happy poeming

Ways to Meet People

i don't do dating sites

i do language swaps
i have profile on 5 websites
saying i'm english speaker
and they add me most of the time
that one was from a poetry website
i emailed 10 girls asked if they want to write a poem with me?
Social websites can be useful, its the same structure as in field
use a realiable and tested opener, I often get them to teach me
something when I send my contact details
>lots of websites like this, for music too

Robot Girls
Muse Exclusive

single words which you wrap with conversation, women really enjoy certain
words, you'll realise when you have one because the girl freezes and
listens totally to how you're saying
the word “romance” or “romantic” is a good example as 4 in 10 girls
respond very positively to this, so remember the magic words

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 30
e.g. propaganda: example of how to fit in a conversation (propaganda is a
smart person's word, she'll feel smart just by talking to you about it,
its an inbuilt intelligence dhv)

opener: do you think propaganda still exists?

Attraction piece: u are such a propaganda princess, always new fairytales

for the princes, i'm gonna have to watch you precisely.... if you make an

princess: I want to be the princess, show me the love!!

chocolate: i'm eating chocolate > hb says: you like chocolate?

Of course.... (she'll talk for 20 minutes if you mention chocolate, 2
times hbs offer to send me chocolate for christmas and I live in a
different country)

marriage: lets get married and make babies...

romance/romantic, pleasure = older women words

Groovy Ideas I Hear from Humans

who were not puas

“i told her she has a lovely bum and she is absolutely in love with me
since then”

Muse Action: let a girl catch you looking at her bum, then give no
attention, either you didn't like her bum in which case she wants to
impress you, or you like it butt it doesn't impress you because you always
date gorgeous women (she wants you). Also if you're a bit tired, then you
can still evaluate who likes you (she'll flick her hair or sit next you
when the seat becomes available or give you strong eye contact every 30
seconds). In this situation its better to go for a direct opener because
its obvious you like each other so an indirect opinion opener would be
seen as lying or you avoided talking to her

Direct Openers: “I Like You and i'm getting to know you”

“you are so damn sexy and i'm gonna get to know you”
>tell me about yourself (what do you want to know = IOI > so continue)
credit badboy

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 31

“If I want to be as beautiful as you... how do I do it” “because I realise
i'm 8/10 and I want to be a 9/10.... how can I get this extra point”
Muse Exclusive: this opener is the most fun to do

1. its a compliment and it feels good to compliment people

2. its loaded with presuppositions
for example: i'm good looking, she's good looking, I like to improve,
i'm intelligent to have made such a linguistic compliment (they haven't
heard one so wordy before), i'm confident, I take what I want

women love compliments if they believe you mean them

Muse Says:
the best way way to give compliments is with presuppositions

how to do Presuppositions... More Later

you make her feel good and you trick her into feeling good,
she fucking loves it

consider that to trick her you must be more intelligent than her
women want men who are better than them

I asked a woman if I could use my hb6 part time girlfriend to make other
girls jealous:
“if the woman is more beautiful than me, then I want him”
>muse arranges to meet her and a younger girl with big breasts to meet at
the same time... she totally let her guard down after that

Routine Stacks

How to put your routines into the seduction process so you can
always seduce the women you want

go into the set with 1 piece for each part of the seduction process ready
to use:

(1) hi, how are you? > (2) tell her a story/teach her something >
(3) palm read/talk about her family

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 32
with a piece for each of these parts ready, sets are much easier to open

so before you go today, decide your Opener, Attraction and Comfort routine
and use it in every set, usually just these 3 routines stacked together
gets you to the Number/Email stage, just by doing these she will be ready
to give you her Phone Number
(then Ask for her number whichever way you use)

even if you do natural game, you should have a game plan

“you are beautiful and i'm going to get to know you” > tell me about
yourself > what do you do for work > how many babies should we make > get
her number > location change > kiss her

if you test new routines which you learn you probably have reliable
routines for each stage of the process
choose ones which you used before and put them together

write 1 or 2 routine stacks here:

(4)Phone Number:
(5)Instant date or Location change:

In Field Pua
Videos and Audios

I recommend watch or listen to these before you go sarging as then you may
find yourself automatically using the lines, body language and language

this is the best pua in field video I see
he uses about 5 to 10 pua techniques here

showing a cool routine, you can do this standing up too by putting her
hand on your shoulder (muse version)

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 33
4 minute get the number by a mehow guy (this looks amazing to a beginner
and its quite simple when you do it 10 times, decide to ask for the number
after 5 minutes, do it 10 times see what happens)

supermarket opener:

Excellent street opener:

wayne elise makes the best pua video i've ever seen (yay)

more ways to kiss

if she's leaning away from a kiss then kiss her hair

various times she'll then kiss you at the next opportunity

i went into a starbucks

and there was two 30 to 50 years girls (a 7 and an 8)
i put my business card on the notice square
and they started talking to me about something
she opened me with something
then she asked for a kiss on the cheek

and a sri lankan girl kissed me on the cheek in a pub 1

time, she did it slowly....
and she touched my cheek with her tongue
i wanted to kiss her so much after this
so i did it to the starbucks girl and she realised i
wanted more
so then we kissed for real
in front of her friend
i was so proud of myself
a way to use this is kiss her on the cheek when you 1st
meet and then kiss her 5 minutes after

Reading this sentence causes rapid learning

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 34
just deliver the dreams
Classroom PU

college pus > 38 & french girl

Workplace PU

have a plan

if girl is rude to me
i immediately talk to the next one
then she's usually receptive
and other girl gets jealous
and sometimes restarts the conversation
you can control your side of the situation
not theirs
mar says:
that's great advice
>this gives you perspective and
always finale things on a high is what I say
>perspective: if you open 10 sets 2 girls won't be good
8 are going to be fantastic
so if the 1st girl is awesome and the 2nd,
if the 3rd is not good then open a 4th girl who probably
shall be awesome too
this is a useful pattern which keeps you in a good mind
you'll Feel Good again then you can open another 5 sets
oh yeah!!

She's just a girl

a = one of many

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 35
one exercise I suggest to my students is if they have a bit of
one-itis (they like 1 girl a lot because she tricked him)
go to facebook or orkut (similar) and type there name
you may find there are lots of girls with this name,
which can make you always open to other girls at various times

then, add the girls with who also share that common name
as friends, or send them messages saying who you are
10 messages should guarantee 1 to 4 replies

if the girl is from another country

you may find the other girls have similar qualities to her
thus you still get what you want

dr alex benzer on abundance consciousness

Seems kind of mean, but it's just the way of the world: wealth
begets wealth. So even if you don't have a companion, act as if
there is an unlimited supply of what you want available to you
And you know what? There is. Because even if only one thousandth
of one percent of the 6.5 billion people in this world are cool
enough to be eligible for your companionship, that's, oh, 65,000
folks. That's enough dates to tide you over for a whole month

Stories from your Life

at some point in your seduction pilgrimage, you'll be having

lots of fun times and you can use these as constant new
material, a key with these is to only say the parts which give
you high value...
I mean that maybe you didn't lay the girl, but she invited you
back to her house, so you innocently only describe how she
invites you to her house then start a new story (its socially
acceptable not to mention sex), if a girl didn't kiss you then
explain how she stroked your face and only say that part,

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 36
and then lead into a preprepared routine (I would explain how
certain girls have trance eyes when they look at me, or how
women from every country do things to me and say its their

[Ting][ティング][くにます ちん][陈国升][陳國升][진국승][팅윈선]
had a thought
in your experience, do you always reward iois
luis electim says:
various approaches to this
some thoughts about pua
a person can either
give her no attention or rewards (badboy type)
give her too much attention totally over the top, so
she's smiling giggling (my style before pua, i still
or something in between
reward her ocassionally
reward her if she moves location with u
if she kisses u
if she compliments u
>if she gives her number to you then reward her with a more interesting
version of you

Multi Purpose Words

i found Guess is a multi purpose word

some words are gold in pua
doesn't matter what u say about it

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 37
if i guess 3 numbers of your phone number then you have
to give it to me

you don't love me yet?! If I dress in my best Princess

costume the you'll love me

hb: where are we going? You: guess

i'm making you a chocolate bath, if you are good your

can have it, or its all for me, choose between good
and evil...

married women

muse says:
forget your limits
as they say
married girls should be in your vocab
well, i had limited beliefs, i'm sure.
if you've not kissed closed a married girl
then do it one time

and then decide if its good or not

marriage is not natural
they are born with breasts not a wedding ring

natural conversation packed with DHVs

i've wanted to write about this for some time, this is

how I used to DHV before I found the pua community
this section was written by Daryle Dickens in his
useful book Twitter Primer for Artists which can be
found here:

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 38
A better strategy is to naturally bring up the topic of
your work as you go about your tweeting. Just as you
would do at that cocktail party. And mention it in
ways that do not have to do with sales. “Another
morning spent working on this portrait’s tricky eyes.
Commissions like this are always a bit more

“There is magic in watching a photo I’ve been

Photoshopping for hours slowly exit the Epson.” “1st
draft of the 1st chapter done. Time for that latte I
promised myself.” All these examples talk about your
art and the fact that you’re an artist without hitting
your followers over the head. They also leave out a
bit of information that your followers may reply and
ask you about.

Who is the portrait of? How often do you do

commissions? What is the photo of? Is Photoshopping
really a verb? What is the book about? Where are you
getting your latte? Through these types of tweets you
will connect with people and spur on conversations. A
much better way to build a fan base that leads to

have u noticed this

women just extract ideas from men
they use the men who want to fuck them
for knowledge
every girl does it
including u (the hb I was talking to)
they're not interested in actual sex
knowledge is better
and shoes
so they can attract more men with more knowledge

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 39
i am a master of getting free things through flirting
to become more relaxed around women
you may decide to become a master flirt
before I divulge more secrets, here are some of the free or
better price things i've got from flirting with humans

Natural game
to generate natural conversation, think about the things you
want to learn or that you love doing
for examples, I'm a musician, a teacher and i'm learning
investing, so these are on my tongue ready for when I talk
to people, I may open with something else and these are
available to continue the conversation
usually the woman is a musician in some way
she sings for the choir is frequent, this leads to me
talking about singing techniques
she plays piano, “i want to learn piano, where should I
she's always wanted to sing but doesn't have the courage
>i teach her some singing techniques (very easy to get
contact details after this)
things I love or am very interested in are:

thus, bend the subjects you like into something you can
talk about with her, one of the secrets to social
abilities is to find commonalities and build the
relationship from here

Kis sing: some things to realise

women who are 16 to 21 are experimenting and often they

have no idea how to attract a man, either with words
or with the way they dress
so you can kiss them by leading them
tell them what to do

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 40
signals: she'll turn her head to the side and smile
= waiting for you to kiss her

women 22 to 30 usually have some kinder defence

to kiss them etc you must be a great player, the best
looking guy in the college, dated her friends already,
drunk with her somewhere

women 31 to 39 know how to dress well, they know what

they like, they'll make you wait 5 meetings to kiss
and probably won't give contact details on the street,
if you are perfect then maybe she could

over 40s, all rules go out the door

as any 40+ year old is leaving a room
just stand by the door waiting for her and kiss her
also its easier to lean in and kiss her
and consider, by that age they can't anyone to
look at them
even though they have perfected their dress sense
they are better in bed
and they are desperate for
the validation a 20 something provides

if they are 50+ an odd thing seems that they kiss not
as much, they might kiss you on the lips and if you
want more you may have to make it very clear and
lead them well

to the improving pua and the seasoned professional

it means
do you want consistent women
and you know about the momentum effect
imagine this
you date a 19 year old which is easier
the next day you have a one night stand with a pretty
41 year old woman, you meet their friends and swap
numbers etc

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 41
building your social network
you relax around woman and naturally start using
situational openers everyday
“i have 2 girlfriends already, I don't give a fck if
she doesn't love me”
so, no matter what resistance the 20 year old girls say
you plough through it
and then you have a 20 something girlfriend too
eventually you have 5 to 10 girlfriends
so you don't care if you gain one or 2
you go for the most beautiful and intelligent women

you learn and practise until

any girl can be yours within 2 meetings

this path can be yours

1 you must decide to date girls you didn't used to

find really attractive

thus by self discipline you can have every girl you


when you realise this, its heaven on earth
men have competitions with each other
so between men the concept of
failure existed, didn't it
if you go to kiss a women, she is a success
she has succeeded in attracting a man
women stand around all day hoping a man is gonna
seduce them
they may turn their head from your kiss
and then they give you £2 of free food
because you are really helping them
rarely can a woman lean in and
kiss you
they totally respect you for it

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 42
so go to kiss them all
and notice what happens
decide to kiss 5 girls in 1 evening
and due to the statistics of life
1 of them is going to en joy it

whether she says yes or no, its good info

use momentum

there are various examples of puas

using the momentum from opening 5 sets to open more
sets and kissing 3 hbs in the evening
its also a good habit to have
open someone
as soon as possible when you go from your house
to your bus or train or you walk
this gets the ball rolling
an example of this recently
I opened 5 sets in the day
then I decided to go somewhere a gain
and I decided to open 3 more sets
then I got my 3rd email address of the day
(I like emails, everyone has yahoo addresses so I add
them to messenger when I get home)
another time I kiss a hb after 1:30 minutes
then I open more sets on the way home
and I got another kiss
(2 in 1 day from day game)
that set is much more comfortable
and the kino just flows naturally
she was cold and her knees were exposed
so I put my hands on them, to keep her warm
(because there is a logical reason (the cold) she goes
with it)
she put her hands on top of mine

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 43
I get off the train with her (to get her phone number)
we talk for 10 minutes and kiss before my train comes

several things about fucking
1. if you haven't fucked a girl yet, then fuck any girl just to get you starting
because experience is good for learning most things and there's a lot of lies around it which
you'll find when you do it
you may find its a simple thing, sticking your penis in her hole and thrusting is very easy
its like user friendly things easy to play and takes some time and practise to master it
when you're doing it then read books by sex guru's and improve your techniques
plus if you've watched a lot of porn this can help too, the girl's are excited when you rub the
clitoris (at the top of her vagina) in most of the videos, if you stick your fingers in and rub the
top part inside she becomes excited
this is not advanced sex techniques, you can find them later, play the lottery, then develop a
system for picking numbers

2. lead her to your bedroom when you're in the house, learn Mystery's lmr techniques, they
are his and thus learn them from him, they are like using takeaway's so if you already know
takeaway's you transfer them to the sex stage

3. feedback, you'd be surprised how much women don't know about sex and often they keep
quiet and hope you don't notice, if you tell her how to do it properly, you'll be leading her,
she'll learn something, you'll dhv and you'll find yourself having better sex for longer

Routine Stacks

I recommend every student learns natural game (direct game,

situational openers etc) at some point in their pua evolution
even when you do, the system of stacking routines will be
when you have an opener and an attraction routine which works
put them together

twin stacks like this are very useful:

who lies more, men or women? + best friends test
ask her the time + read her palm

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many women will give you signals if they are interested in the
time you do 2 routines like this
doing one routine like where is a good bar around here?
could just be a guy asking for directions
or asking for information
after 2 routines they notice that you wanna talk thus they
sometimes become more social

stacking routines also gives you something to say

you can use the stacked material until something situational
comes up, like you find that you both do the same job
or you both read the same books etc

the stack gives you something to say in all situations

then you build it to 3 routines

opener + attraction + comfort
who lies more + best friends test + palm read (for example)
when you can do these consistently you can take emails and
phone numbers easier, after 10 minutes talking a girl is more
likely to give you her contact details

you can build multiple choice into your routine stacks

I always did a routine about her teeth, then I thought I should
only do that routine if she has good teeth
so now as i'm doing my opener I check her teeth, if they aint
good I switch to asking her about her job (natural game)

who lies more + teeth routine + palm read (for example)

+ what do you do?
So this extra routine gives me a choice to go 2 ways which means
I keep more sets going and get more phone numbers and kissing

eventually you may want a stack like this

opener + attraction + comfort + phone number + kiss + fuck

the phone number, kiss and fuck are less linear than the opening
part, openers are quite similar

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thus your stack might be more like this
opener + attraction + comfort
> some time during or after comfort get the phone number
> some time before or after the phone number kiss
> fuck same day or when its possible according to her dating
rules or your player abilities

also location changes could be because of comfort or after

comfort or whenever is suitable
stacks are a general reliable guide which change as you learn
new routines and techniques

If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight

= sun tzu: the art of war

if speaking shall result in seduction, then you must speak

= muse: muse method

he is telling me about a girl he really likes

and explaining she keeps inviting him places
and i said
"woman can't kiss a man, you must kiss her, she's inviting u
these places to give u the opportunity"
Ash says:
ohhhhh... yes, u are right.. Women always want the men to make the first move
good thinking!
luis joia says:
she must love him
because she's sticking with him
he's frightened to lose the friendship
i know
from past experience
he only had that fear from lack of choice

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if he has 3 girls to choose from of that quality
he would go for it

i found a useful thing in life: go back to see people once

every 3 or 6 months
and they appreciate so much that you remember them they
Love You
they give phone numbers, offer dates etc etc
i've kept a girlfriend for 3 years using this system
ok, she doesn't want to see me every 7 days
the familiarity system does keep us together though

Use your environment

if she has an umbrella, pull yourself under it

if its cold, hug her,
put your hands on her exposed knees

use interruptions to escalate

oh know, you are getting off the train

do you have email?
Then you have a reason to get off with her
open her 1 minute before the train or bus comes and
then you can complete your conversation on the
transport, u have a reasons to continue

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i wanted to kiss a kenyan girl
she wouldn't agree
Ash says:
huh? (slighty jealous girl)
luis joia says:
but i wouldn't give up
eventually our lips touched as i went in
then i said, omg our lips touched
and then we kissed
i was surprised
but i think nature took over
and that's why girls avoid it, cos their not in control when
it happens


being in the right position or place when you open,

attract etc can make your sarging much easier
the set can go well or not


everywhere you go sit next to the hottest girl there

example: the train appears, you look for the hottest
girl as the train is slowing and sit next to her
create this habit so its automatic and you'll meet 5
more girls everyday and have more options

other girls walk into the location and see you next to a
hot girl, they just assume you are friends or that the
hot girl sat next to you
make this habit and
you'll have social proof in every situation you enter

if she sits near you and you would prefer to be nearer

slide your bum across the seat and then open
or take a large side step sideways to be nearer,
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then open

accomplishment intros

when you introduce any 2 people for the 1st time

give them a compliment for what they do, or
mention their best qualities
if you do this for a man then you or him is
getting some action
if you do it for a woman, she'll like you more
and the other girl becomes jealous
this is a useful piece for your social game

luis joia says:

introuding people
lu is a photographer
luis joia says:
fernanda is a genius marketer
Fernanda says:
that is completely right
luis joia says:
i like people who take compliments
about 10% of people do it

luis joia says:

hi bienka
meet fernanda, she's a genius too
Bianka - says:

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why 'too'? am i a genius? KKK
luis joia says:
bienka = good poet
Fernanda says:
Hi Bianka...
luis joia says:
fernanda = my future wife, i pray
Bianka - says:
hi xD
luis joia says:
what u doing bienka
Fernanda says:

Marli has been added to the conversation.

Fernanda has been added to the conversation.

luis joia says:

hi debora
meet fernanda she's great
debora is some kind of super genius
Fernanda says:
Hi debora... i am more that that
hi kind of something
luis joia says:
i would just like to feed fitnanda chocolate all day
i think she's too busy

i have all this chocolate... what shall i do with it

hi marli
Fernanda says:
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i never will be busy for chocolates

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Marli has been added to the conversation.

pancake girl has been added to the conversation.

luis joia says:

hi pancake
pancake girl says:
luis joia says:
this is desirable debby
and magnificent marli
Debora says:
hi there!
luis joia says:
pancake is learning english too
(mention what they have in common)
very smart
Debora says:
hehehe and the incredible luis joia
who is pancake?
pancake girl says:
my name is Esmer

(cialdiani's influence in action: reciprocity = I give them compliments and

then debora calls me incredible, if you give something, often people give
something to you
commitment and consistency = when a person says something in front of
other people, usually they stick with their opinion, u've probably heard of
people publicly quitting smoking and then they never smoke a gain, due
to commitment to a public view, do things which make them compliment

Guto has been added to the conversation.

luis joia says:
my new website
pancake girl says:
who is gustavo??

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Guto says:
hey y'all!
how are things?
luis joia says:
he's some kinder god
Guto says:
I wish!

Gina says:
haha.. but she means it is good you have big shoulders
in my opinion
muse says:
i did see
a programme
they asked 8 year old boys and and girls
about their ideal partner for the future
the boys talked about curves
they girls said tall and wide shoulders
when i see polish girls in london they only have boyfriends
which fit this model
although all the polish are builders
so i worked on the shoulders (don't tell anyone, secret)

men work on things like big muscles and dream of the

perfect stomach and which muscles are Significant to
women? Shoulders Are, that social study has helped me

another study showed that men with square jaws kinder

action hero strong guys are the type women tend to have
one night stands with
and men with a kinder rounded face are the type women
get married to and have children with
i'm the 2nd type and I consistently attract hb10s who
already have children or are looking to get married
they like me more than girls looking for fun

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knowing this kinder information can save you a lot of
time and let you know which girls are most receptive to
you, then you can choose the 10s from that specific area

the length of your toe next to your big toe shows your
level of testosterone
I have confirmed this on many occasions for example male
friends who are very competitive have a very long 2nd toe
and from my face and toes I would say i'm a medium or
low testosterone guy and I consistently attract girls
with a longer 2nd toe
(I am compatible with high testosterone girls)

have this attitude

field report + insight

today I see an hb that I opened about 14 days ago, after

another look I realise its her, so I walk fast (lean
forward, walk on your toes > uses gravity to double your
speed, I teach this to students)
tap her shoulder and say hi we met on the train
hb says: omg, u remember me, I can't believe it

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I realise she likes me remembering her so I recall as
much as I can about her, she works in a bank (I couldn't
remember which one but she volunteered the info and I
play along)
I remember style said people's favourite subject is
themselves, this is an extension of that concept
I got her contact details easy when it probably wouldn't
have been easy the 1st meeting

often I return to places and meet hbs when they thought

I had forgotten about them, cafe girls, receptionists,
supermarket girls
they are so complimented by this its easy to get their
contact details and an opportunity to kiss her will
conveniently arise, as they use their sex to keep u
this strategy works well with hired guns (girls working)
as they have an auto response of I don't give my number
to customers
the 2nd or 3rd time u see them they'll give it to u

the law of scarcity (cialdini affects this in some way)

if I only visit the cafe on sundays then my chance of
getting the number is increasing
adjust the frequency of your visits until she's begging
u to take her number so to speak

if you start with 1 anchor it could be easier i started with a visual anchor (hand to chest for example) then just anchor them
when they feel good then when they don't feel good i fire the anchor to return them to a good feeling from here you can
create various anchors and build your knowledge and memory of them the masters seem to set 5 to 10 anchors and even
more and sometimes 1 anchor is stronger than another depending on the person recently a student (for a different
subject) was unhappy so i fired my visual anchor, not much difference then i touched her shoulder and she totally
transformed, she's hugging me making me drinks saying she loves me


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High Attention Game

before I became a pua I was doing quite well with hbs

i'd improved my looks in various ways (example: big
shoulders) and girls were treating me totally different
in many cases, because of this I was just enjoying
saying controversial and direct things to girls which I
eventually almost perfected into an art form, I also met
another guy who demonstrated he used similar game
what i'm now naming High Attention Game
the structure is something Like this

SOI (immediately show interest)

high attention compliments and virtually every type of
attraction routine you want
proof of interest (demonstrate with time or something
romantic so she's certain your words are true,
write her a poem, play her a song, write her a song,
give her flowers (maybe)
be persistent until you kiss her
(getting numbers is optional and easy after you kiss
>sex with whichever method you like
I prefer mystery method's tactics

how to make a house love you

do the same dhvs for everyone so its easy for you to

remember them and they'll tend to compete to see who can
do it the best

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instant dates and location changes

i'l walk you home

i'l get your number (then get off bus or train)
let's go to the pub

commitment and consistency

one of the laws of Influence
from cialdini's book

record her giving you compliments: with a voice recorder

or get her to write her compliments on paper

Even More Successful Times and Field Reports

Be an Opportunist > Everything which comes your way is an opportunity to get girls

I remember using this attitude for a month and getting lots of success purely through this.

Examples: fit/hot girl walks into neighbour's house (I see from my window) > I walk in there with some
appropriate words and some alcohol, I give her attention (look at her/her bum), and when she goes to her car I

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stand by the door in front of her, waiting for a kiss; she kissed her relatives on the cheek. Then me and her
tongue kiss and she says “oh” like it was an accident (lol).

Sit next to girls in the library/on the bus/on the train, things you need to know (where I get a travel card?
Anything Like This) > look around and ask a girl

(new neighbour moves in, take her a bottle of wine: paul janka idea I read after my experience)
(also where I lived recently wine cost 2 bottles for £4, wow!)

PS: these field reports are from when I started opening, up until recently. (about 2 or 3 years)

email to a german pua

My attraction is:

Just be around them for 20 minutes to 2 hours and say routine after routine. If the convo slows, then
ask yourself for a routine. & if you read as much PU as I do & practise every routine you hear about
they will just (pop) into your mind.

I was in cafe 1 day & I had 2 hbs fighting to impress me. Because I did this. Constant routines and
also if there's more than 1 shift focus every 1-2 mintutes. For example I did the Cube & nlp stuff with
1 girl then when the other hb asked for psychic stuff

i only had the Palm Reading Takeaway left. So I did it and ignored her while I talked to the others. It
was funny because 2 hbs were saying i'm psychic so she couldn't complain & i changed the subject

Recently i've been explaining Acessing Cues to hbs and it works great. I also say "a person does this
(look up & to right then bottom right) when they're attracted to you. At this point they realise there is
no point pretending they don't like you.

Because seriously, all hbs think about men all the time and fake non-attraction cos of ASD, yeah. So
that helps kill it.

When i say simple stuff i mean that, Talk Like a Woman. If you do it for long enough (I did it for 7
days solid) then you realise that the Star Sign bullshit they talk Actually Makes Sense.

Its like learning a new language that's all.

Get JD Fuentes book The Sexual Key because that really opened my eyes. R Jeffries and him
understand something Style/Mystery etc don't. Its not hypnosis. Women run on feelings, that's their
petrol/solar power. We think very differently from them.

The princess thing is inside every hb and if you set it off then you can do whatever you like. When I

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say self anchor RJ mentions that hbs do their own things to get into sexual state e.g. a deep breath.
In fact breath very deeply (1 big breath) in front of hb & see what happens.

C&F: talk in feelings. Just ask "what feeling does that give u & what do you like about that feeling"
and you'll do fine. Seriously just that bit will add alot for you. Plus maybe you were bored on those
dates, so have more fun.

I went to an nlp seminar and me & some hb did Rapport all morning and it was so easy to Lead her
after that. I slowed walking or told her to hold me hand and she did. With kino I often Swing her
chair or Lift her leg up & down which makes her receptive to other things.

Make anchors simple: if she looks happy when she says A certain word, say it whenever convo slows.
Always turning Side on to hbs (& customers) has been major for me. It gives them a chance to Eye
you up (look at you), flick their hair and eventually it annoys them & they lean towards you (which
looks good).

We were in a youth centre (kids) & there was hb we both liked, he lay down on the counter/side
(table top) with hands behind head & says Never get married, too good looking. Which made me &
hb laugh plus how the fuck do you answer that. He beat this PUA, however i'm going to use it, so i
win next time.

"Fingers jamed behind his HEad and has the Elbows spread out ?" - i've seen several alphas do this.
Lobster & Ichitchy started doing it.

Bum/arse/ass/gluteus maximus/shitter/poo station/plop place/brown dungeon????

You know what bum means now & why its funny.

Get on msn or send emails instead. I don't like Mys Method forum. People whine bullshit on their
posts and i go on there and explain how to do things and the Administrator removed the post. I think
i must be getting good at teaching this

Awesome Attitude

There was a period earlier this year when I seemed to be around/with a new girl every 7days at the minimum.
Here’s what happened. Girl in the café, I harassed for 2-3 days with constant DHVs etc. I’d been hanging
around with another girl at the time & had heard the HB ask her friend if me & here were together. The other
girl in there said to me before I left one night “aren’t you going to wait for her”. So I waited until she came
back & asked if she wanted me to walk her home, yes. I waited around & thought I’d got a result here. Walked
her home & she says “I don’t want u to get wrong idea blah blah, just had LTR”. The total AFC I was tries to
persuade her as I knew she liked me (BL, body language). She says something like your totally gorgeous which
made me happy. I had other opportunities to follow up but turned up late one day & another day I went out
with the other girl who went funny with me. Bad choice. Note for future if there’s newest girl & other girl
go for newer girl. The fresher the meat the better your meal.

When the other girl went on holiday for a month, nlp charged up me says “I’m going to go out with every girl I
can before she gets back”. PS: should have kissed this girl before she went & was all “love you” with her.

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Strange phase where I felt bad for not saying those words to Loved of Life. So I was dropping them in
everywhere. She did say she loved me too by email whilst on holiday. Anyway, at work a new woman started
& I found a way to talk to her (HB 9.5, age 29). I was making her drinks etc & she says “what r u doing
tonight” my quick reply “going out with you”. Surprised her. So we meet up outside, get the bus to her other
job (1st day of her work) & then she wants church. Absolute hypnosis bullshit (church) PS: she has invited me
again because I test PU emails on her. We then go to Nandos, nice meal. End of night she looks scared at kiss
close & is going back to church. I get half a hug. The email responding to that was a big boost that I showed
off. “Friday was one of the best nights of my life, I love being swept off with spontaneity like that”. (save
emails and messages like this, its great social proof)

Sub plot: I’m going to compile any good emails or text messages I got this year from many techniques. So
you/me can see the technique & the responses.

My sister comes home with a friend who I immediately show interest in (hb7). She negs me I give her
compliments & kino loads (tickle, bra, hair). A point on kino is that do something she won’t complain about &
then something she would usually. What I mean is bra strap comes after tickle her feet. Poke her stomach
before pinging knickers. So anyway, I’m sitting on a bar stool next to the side (sideboard) & I pull her onto my
lap which she’s cool with. Sister walks out (nice one) & we watch TV. I kiss her on lips by saying something
& then say “is that it” (romantic). This took about 30 minutes by the way, so it’s possible. I kiss her then we go
into front room & watch TV I escalate kino further. Other sister comes back so we leave each other alone. In
fact I ignore & insult hb as if nothing ever happened. I offer to walk her to bus stop & kiss her whilst waiting
some more.

She had a boyfriend which is another plus. I text her during week & her boyfriend saw it. I told him to fuck off
via text a few times. She comes round again & her boyfriend has given her an iffy time which she forgot. End

Another new girl at work (ha ha, fresh meat to carve) who I bothered for days especially with kino. Kino note:
Just this without even speaking gets you closer to goal/person. Have you noticed that people often move their
feet reflecting their state of mind or as reactions. One I do is when a girl lifts up her foot (IOI) then quickly put
your foot underneath. She steps on your foot & this is a switch. They then realise that they can’t hide their
attraction for you which creates relaxation & speeds up the process. Remember that attraction is kinaesthetic:
words have to be converted into feelings. Touch does not.

This girl I got to the “where are you going stage” & during that lunch break some 60 year old woman tried to
block said “what’s going on here” so I started chatting her up. “All those love letters & poems I keep sending
you” I said something like this. E.g. any obstacles, go with the flow. Me & the main girl start passing notes to
each other which I keep for a while as a reminder. She turned me down in this note but I acted like no wasn’t a
possibility & got her to agree for us to go out that night. We went to the supermarket which according to PU
advice is far better than a restaurant. I lent her my jacket (romantic textbook) & kinoed repeatedly. We get
near her house & she tells me she’s with someone. I stand around AFCing for something. Which I did very
well despite it being AFCish. She tells me she doesn’t want to kiss as it would mean a lot to her. Female
insight there: girls often avoid kissing etc as it means a lot to them. So push on as I did anyway. However, use
PU & nlp stuff as opposed to just persistence (although that is good). E.g. what would it feel like if you kiss
me? So I get her to agree to a kiss on the lips which I knew may be more. So we did & just caught the inside
part of her lips.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 59
This is crucial stuff. There’s times when resistance just shuts off &
nature takes over. This is one of them. I ask for another kiss “come on,
you can do better than that” & we do kiss. She romanticises it with “it’s
a stolen kiss”. We walk off & she looks back at me before going in doors.
Future note: ask for a kiss on the lips.

Interesting day of sarging.

I played a song on the guitar ages ago and personalised it to the person i
was singing to (2 or 3 sections add their name)
this got great results in my early days pua sarging
finally i got another guitar (£39) and learned the song again, i've played
the same song to 2 hbs in 2 days and 1st one had quiet reaction
the song is Spread your Wings by Queen which is intermediate level song
(it looks impressive) and he sings about sally. Replace sally with hbs
name for the song.
Update: I also played this to a customer's wife and she swooned with
excitement and her constant bedroom eyes at me didn't help my business.
She did though by getting my another customer 6 months after this = )

2nd one, tongue kiss (Yes!)

I went to hb (she works as receptionist) with guitar "are you seranading
me" me: "yes". i play the song
then i ask hb to look after guitar (like they do to afcs) while i go buy
i come back and read poem "Star of Bishop" from his book adapting it for
the lights on the ceiling (she loves this)
so i'm doing some romantic game and i mix it with push/pull, takeaways
so its like i'm playing u a song and don't get any ideas (lol)
her friend comes and i play with her (let's have a sexy competition!) and
point to my cheek for her to kiss when she went (she did)

primary hb has been not easy to arrange meeting with so i level with her
as i heard Zan suggesting
"there must be somewhere you will go, and where is that?"
PS: i'm finding that every hb has an exact criteria for meeting a guy,
even if he is much higher value than her,
she still will only meet in certain conditions e.g. arrange meeting 7 days
in advance, call her not text her, things like this
then i follow with "because i'm such a dating guru expert, i know if we go
for a drink you would be uncomfortable, so let's do....."
anyway i'm really persistent

and i poke her bum (no resistance, there was before lol), i kiss her hair
and eventually as i'm leaving i kiss close her (Yes!)
and we have a date to see Dylan Moran or to go Camden Market (cool)
she is sitting at her email all day and i prepared this also by sending
her several emails
(convo on msn with hb about her writing me a poem (i edited it and removed
shit test lol), me telling hb my rules by email and technique for instant

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values conveyed: girls chase me and sex expert lol

being in a great state and noticing hbs eyeing me cos of guitar

i opened 2 hbs on way home and talk smooth for 10 and 5 minutes each
i gave business cards which usually is not good but i didn't have comfort
level high (that's bad habit which is good for business and not for girls,
Make her write her number on the back of a business card, Much Better)
2nd hb isn't english so she may call me cos english teacher b card
(if she's foreign my english teacher business card is suitable, 2 hb9s
call me from my business card)

also, when you delete an hbs facebook contact they notice

an hb is very into me now because i did this
so i will be deleting facebook profiles if hb is not useful
and any joy with facebook puaing? apparantly there are books on how to do

Let me know how you are doing


Smooth Reality

Open with Good Body Language, always side on. Niece's teddy bear, Cs vs
Waited a while then did the Cube & hb loved it, she was really excited.
Apparently a relative had just died so i explained a nlp technique to get
over grief. (in a cafe where they know me)

At that point of “intense connection” i did a takeaway & gave her no

Suddenly a convo starts with “what's going on with you” because apparently
hbnew was acting funny. I didn't look at her but 2 other girls were
whispering (she likes him talk) & they disappeared upstairs to talk. I'm
thinking “this is why Style is always on about the Cube”. Its hot.

Some guy is there bothering the girls, he's pissed & swearing at them &
wont leave. I weren't that bothered until he swore at me then i got a bit
However = Opportunity to demonstrate the protecting female dhv Mystery
talks about.

So i grabbed him, chucked him out (threw him) & he still wont leave. He
was trying to get past me at the door. So i'm shouting in his face “go
home now” & he's telling me to eff off. I was tempted to hit him but i
walked into the cafe closed the door & lent against it & he came back. So
we got the pigs because i wanted to go home. & told them he had a knife
so they would actually turn up. The fuck pigs got rid of him but didn't
hang around, so i did.

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After this i got labelled psychic & so i was running every nlp/cold
reading technique i know whilst being pretty alpha. I've noticed that in
every interaction i had today i was completely alpha. e.g. Neighbour asks
for a kiss & i refuse unless she feeds me 1st.
The practise is becoming a natural part of me.

I did my lift the girl up & spin her which works well & i recommend it.
Something i've been doing with groups is shifting focus, i suddenly
takeaway on a hb & give another one so much attention that she's smiling &
happy which the others notice & pull me back.

I did the cold reading takeaway which worked great & she was begging me to
read her palm to which i kept changing the subject. & she never caught on
that i couldn't do it, because of course the others social proofed my
psychic abilities due to the Cube
= 0

I then explained Accessing cues after doing Styles lying game. I

explained how to tell if someone's attracted to you using accessing cues
which they loved (have a class for the answer 07963960499). A couple of
them mentioned the way i look at them so i explained Soul Gazing & started
testing it with one of the hbs, & this is an example of how i switch, i
explained to 1 hb who was then really interested and then i did it with a
different 1.

The funniest moment was when the drunk guy was banging on the door and i
was leaning against it, i did the alpha “come here” with my hand, you
know, the matrix thing. She came over & i gave her a Thumb war which they
loved and it was like the drunk wasn't even there.

By this point the 2 girls are competing over me and kino was easy &
natural. I couldn't believe i had a couple of 8.5s competing over me.
(i'm leaning back on the chair and they both standing there with ways to
impress me, lovin it) That's the strength of pua material i suppose.
I've found with “how old are you” that completely dodging the answer is
the best thing for me. Guess. Hmm close. Then i pretended 1 had it
right although she was no where near. “who do you think is prettier”
she's a 7/10 but i'm (the author) a 9/10. Well her eyes are better but
your smile is better.

- I heard that specific compliments are the best. You're beautiful, is

nice but they probably hear it too much so don't Believe it.

We then move onto talking about relationships with me talking like a total
girl. Which by the way actually makes sense if you do it for a while.
They talk a different language but it means something to them. The J.D.
Fuentes book the Sexual Key has helped me get a grip on this idea. It
explains the difference between male & female thinking and how hbs always
think in emotions where as we think practically.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 62
Towards the end i gave 2 of them business cards which they were so excited
to get it was unreal. But i didn't give one to hbeyes, & she was almost
begging for one + upset she didn't get 1. After i pointed to my cheek
“kiss” she refused (which they do sometimes) & i explained she can give me
her number. I didn't get a perfect response so I Reframed. “i don't want
you calling me all day, i'm asleep in the morning & i'm fed up with people
waking me up so you can't have it” (don't give business cards unless you
have experience of it working for some holy reason, what I did then could
be improved by taking their numbers after, the business cards for only 2/3
hbs is good if mix with get their numbers)

She says something like “so you like hbnew then” bit upset sounded. So i
say You're too clingy, i don't want a long term relationship, you're like
a stick on garfield. Then they started punching me which was fun (owch).
Anyway i needed a toilet & some guy turned up + hbeyes starts work at the
cafe tommorow.


before i found the game i'd realised that depending on how you describe
things you look good or bad.
She sometimes can prompt you into DHVs:
Do you like kids?
Tell a story about a kid you know. I used to mention the kid next door &
how he'd come in & play video games & then i'd add a bit about how i help
him with his homework (i'll be a good dad is the point)
(on some level every hb is checking how you relate to kids, have stories
prepared. You probably helped a kid some time in your life)

A dhv is very useful if you have to mention a dlv. e.g. i mentioned i

live at parents & then explain how my dad abused my mum, i beat him up,
threw him out & i'm staying there to protect her (75% true)

Other dhvs can be making something sound better.

I mentioned i was at college & they weren't interested,
but if i mention how many courses i'm doing (i was doing at least 10) one
after the other, then they start flirting with their hair

i was working a volunteer job once & would change the details to suit the
i was either teaching there, in the youth centre (dad dhv again) or
helping a wonderful charity.

So look through your life & write a dhv for each area, and they are:

Protecting loved ones

Good with kids
Intelligent (grades, number of courses, degree, psychology)
Social proof

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 63
(mention hbs in any stories you tell & how they did obviously flirting
thngs around you, which u innocently misunderstood ;)
Something about a job
(never mentioned "looking for work" reframe it: i have £5,000 in the bank
so i'm taking a gap year)

hbs r always checking for this stuff so prepare ur answers & practise
replying these ways


(I posted this on one of the forums and the instructor said Muse gives
you all the information, that's making it too easy. LoL, different ideas
of what a great teacher is I think.)

Number Close

I see girl i know and really like walking the other way. I divert
completely and cut her path off “Karma?” (cool name). It is her. Aint
seen this girl for 6 months & she the electronics shop girl. “where you
going” “to get some ice cream” “can i join you?” “sure”. We go get ice
cream & i chat up the girl behind counter which karm enjoys. I teacher
DHV mentioning pay which amazes her. I ask her to walk me to the train
station so i'm on time for licao. I continue with B. Institute and my
values behind it (my website/college I use as dhv then and still can).
She stops walking to hear this and then continues to train station with
me. I look in a shop purposely and say “bloody shop” & she goes i bet
there's some girl you like in there. PS: fake body language or purpose
looking is always taken as honest so use it.

I start telling her a PU line as part of the Shop Girl story to show
Player status. She says best line she's heard is “your ugly, do you want
to go out with me”. She says she turned that guy down so i told her the
line is therefore crap. Might test it though. One of the PUAs lifts
girls up on his shoulder & carries them off. I did this last year a lot
as it seemed to show off strength etc. I did it to this girl as i'm
testing old stuff. She seemed to like it & i remarked “yeah, you have
lost weight”. I dropped in stuff like “Where are you taking me?” she
replies don't understand so I “i'll give you a moment to think about it”.
The basis of this is, unconscious hears everything so you don't need to
make sense, just trigger her attraction switches.

I give her my business card & pull out another BC (the back of) & lean on
my wallet. I give her my pen & she don't respond. So I ask “do you use
the left or the right hand?” & i put the pen in her right hand. She
writes it for me & I ask “do you want some business cards?”. I then said
“can you write your name/draw a picture because i'll forget who it is
otherwise”, she writes “me” on the card. Cool. So I break off the

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 64
conversation and say i have to go. Pointed to my face and said “Kiss” she
kisses my cheek and says “I have a cold sore” e.g. I'd kiss you properly...

I ask “is that an excuse” & she states “no”. I say “hmmm, walking around
with your cold sore, an interesting sharing thing”. She's edging away
(back to work, manager) so i smile and goodbye.

Other stuff: I've been using the card trick i showed rafa (8 year old
girl. Hey, it works with one girl, it works with all girls). PS: it's
great. I used it to give someone my business card the other day. & used
it as an opener. I tested the card levitating trick on someone and it
worked (cool as its simple). The coin pocket trick is good but my trouser
pocket makes it 50% effective. I did the palm reading by explaining i had
read a book about it so i got the kino through testing. “you did worried
about the health of friends but are less concerned with your own” (ha ha
ha). Also I realised a good kino is “how do I feel for someone's pulse?”
That girl gave me the practise.

Also sometimes girls give loads of IOUs yet refuse questions for whatever
reason. Forget these and grab another target nearby. Also if you show a
girl enough interest she sometimes e.g. 1 in 20 starts talking to you. No
can opener needed.

New level of game

In café. Mixed up the few tricks that I know. I did ESP, then think of a
number and then coin disappearing trick. I messed up all 3 but still got
loads of IOIs and them asking for more. I’ve been spurred on by another
guy in the café who really talks like a PUA. He calls the girls guys,
talks about his “relationship” with every girl there, talks like a girl (I
told her & she must have told you). He walked in other day & says I just
had a massage. The women’s ears perk up & IOIs. How much was it? A
pound a minute for 60 minutes he says. Girl asks “was she beautiful?”. I
like this guy & I’m going to steal every routine he has. I consider
walking up after massage talk & asking girls for massage. Blow him out of

I think he gave girl love letter/poem. So I anchored the word Hi/High to

myself and explained that I take it as a command. And very hi. “instead
of how are you doing say how hi are you today?” The guy is floundering &
says to the girl “I wont talk to you whilst you cleaning the fridge”. So
of course the PU in me continues (he’s on the ropes) I write on the back
of my business card “Perry’s Love Letter: I love you lots & lots & lots &
more & lots & more. 3 o clock?” PS: this guy seemed pissed off with me
all day after this & he seemed to be listening for my game.

New plan: Do an opener as soon as I leave the house. As this changes my

state into PU. (always do this) More resourceful. I see nice girl go
upstairs on bus. I get the Jeffries excitement rush (label fear as
Excitement & feel the difference). I get upstairs & sit behind a

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 65
different girl. Men or Women? Great response plus I drop quotes patterns
(“I want to sleep with you”) in hypnosis tonality. On the train there’s
HB9.5: pulls out yoga magazine. So I ask “what is yoga?”. I thinks that
if she likes it then her love for that is linked to me = yes. She real
unresponsive & don’t believe me not know Yoga. So I explain. Then I drop
Teach and mention many world/cultural issues plus “there’s a polish café
there, its really nice”. Then she re-starts the conversation when it
trails off. She talk about husband a bit & she fitness instructor. I
give her BC as her ingles ok.

We change trains, she hangs behind me & there’s a gap next to me. I turn
to her & say “I saved a space for you”. We get on train & she casually
walks near to me with back to me. I poke her and just smile when she turn
round. I also flick her hair. I keep teacher talking “do you love
teaching?” she asks (typical question). We talk about nutrition & she
explains something I don’t know plus vice versa. She writes something
down & I put my arm around her in fake support. I also wrote name on BC
as she was playing with it. I also saw a girl half look at me & said “all
these girls looking at me, I’m not an object you know, I have feelings”.
I don’t think I complimented her once on her looks which is something I’m
improving on. As I get off I say “stop calling me” and jump off. Time
distortion with the trains is a great asset I realised. Me make use of
this again. (get her email in this situation or phone number if you have
more experience)

Later in day I open 3 set girls in café with Men or Women. I get some
mild response to this and say “I’ll let you get back to your
conversation”. I turn to PC and they go completely quiet, no sound. 5
minutes later and they start talking about Who lies more and only that.
Cool. So I re-enter with “your going to write a book on it aren’t you?”
and this time I get deeper conversation, including with HB9 who wasn’t my
original target. I turn back & one sits close to me whilst others are
quiet. She didn’t give any IOIs apart from this. & I wasn’t sure how to
follow up & I wanted them to open me. Which I thought was going to
happen. Also I was meeting someone in 5 minutes so I thought we could
join them. Anyway, I hadn’t opened a 3 set before. Rock on. (always
notice how you are improving and ask yourself what you could do better
next time)

At train station other day I approach 2 girls with BCs & they turn them
down although I was funny/persistant (I waited till BFs had left before
this). So my new response to mild rejection is open next available girl.
MenWomen? Drag out answer, talk about dress sense. What should I wear?
(asking women about dress sense is a gold topic, depending on the girl she
may neg you, if so ignore her for 3 minutes) Did loads of stuff on this.
10 minutes conversation and we get on train at same door but we got
separated, boo. Finding that rapport is useful. I copied this girl’s
movements using peripheral before approach & it happens great.

I believe that purple is a women happy bra-silly colour. Me convinced.

I’m going to hit on every girl who’s a bit purple to test this. Roger

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 66
them all. (Muse Exclusive: women seem to wear purple during their periods
or when they want a man, purple nail varnish too)


I was on a train about a year ago and I sat next to a HB 10 and she seemed
interested. So interested that she was staring directly at me the way
blokes do. I was on a female high from that teaching course where I was
chatting up 5 of them & swapping round. I didn’t look at her that time.
But I crushed an empty can of coke in my hand which I do sometimes for
grip strength & attention. (this is a good routine in a darwinist kinder
way, it gets iois: you do it casually Like Everyone does it, then put on
the table as you read a book or throw at the girl so she has to catch it)
She then looks straight at me and I look at her in the eyes. This was a
kissing moment and I asked myself afterwards should I have kissed her.
Answer: yes. Before I get off train she starts reading a Dating book.
PS: they start reading books to give you excuse to talk to them. (muse
exclusive: they read books to give you a reason to open them, they know
the social rules better than us sometimes, until we learn from them. Its
the same when they look through their handbags>>> looking for something to
grab your attention)

So always do openers if you get IOI like this. I say “you don’t need that
book” She “my friends bought it for me as a joke, look”. The book has a
message inside the cover from her friends. Muse “good sense of humour”
she laughs hysterically but that was my station so I got off (when I
should have got off with her)

I’ve kinder had the belief for ages that I’m a 10 because of stuff like
that. I can attract some girls better than anybody. Remember your
statement of “you compared yourself to others, you now think what can I do
that only I can do”. (yes I nlp it). I’m sure you can remember a many
times when you have do things like this. Write them down… wood
inflection. Where’s your field reports? Engineer yourself .

Juggler says: talk in statements. Friends talk in statements and these

demand answers. Put some DHVs into statements for example; or better is
talking emotionally/in feelings. E.g. I say “I love music as it seems to
completely transform the street into a vibrant exciting place. (I said
this to a hb and she dribbled during afc day) That’s full of energy
waiting to emerge into sunny conversation”. I say something similar to
this (improvise) and girl looks enthralled in my words. The Feeling
Female language fits into this practise as well.

Enjoying the Muddle

I went for some moving PU today. I conveniently appeared in shops where i

saw HBs go. One HB 9 seemed to be walking past me & then walking back just
for attention. I waiting for estudante so i don't move. but tired later i
guess where she is & walk to place & she is there. i sit next to her

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 67
(PCs). I "arrrr" her puppy picture on screen & then "men or women". she's
french & don't understand me so i business card her & leave after.

Later in day i sit next to HB because i'm using, her mate pissed me
off/turned me down as motivation. I use Men or Women then move to Spells &
compliment her necklace, BC, teacher & ask her opinion on it. Leave it.
Come back with ESP & next trick which she ask me to wait moment. I got
lots of kino in (poke thigh, arm & hair flick). You know the complience
test with grabbing hands. I think poking & hair flick is the same & what
i've used for testing.

I poked her on arm repeatedly at one point & she ignored me for 5 seconds.
This is big IOI (enjoying attention). When she turned round from that i
looked in her eyes & smiled then flicked her hair. She went off with
friend but set up nicely for language patterns next time.

Here's the current emailing situation with a girl i met on PlentyofFish

(good dating website, its free too). I've included most of the messages to
show my simple guide that seems to have gone well.

Hi. Its Perry. I met you on PlentyofFish about a week ago.

I haven't been able to log in there. I've tried lots of ways to get in.
you had any trouble logging on. I've attached my picture to the email
again & remember its not necessary to become more & more fascinated with
me. If you had a touch day have a nice relaxing bath & think of me That
to help most girls xxx... only 3 for the moment, i you want more than
that you have to earn it. Perry.

hey perry, hows it goin babe feel free to drop me a line for a chat
im always here

Do you ever go to Earl's Court? I'm there tommorow (Thursday) after 3 o

clock. In the Milano cafe next to the station. xx Pezza
- (nice ambigiuty here e.g. kiss perry)

Hi Perry hope ur good, i cant get to earls court tomoro or trust me i

would happily come meet u,
im sure there will be other times to meet in the future

Not exactly super impressive but i've sent 5 messages to this girl
including on the site & got Email Address & agreement on future meet. I
think the formula is correct that's why including it. e.g. be cocky, say
how great you are, tell her to meet you where you already are anyway (that
one works. always arrange meetings that way).

Several stuff

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 68
Girl gets on train (HB 8.5) after me staring at her on platform & then
staring direct into eyes until she sat near me. I fixed internal
tonality/messages & eventually after much physical rapport I asked “Who
lies more…”. She mis-hears me twice which I prefer (more time elapsed & I
get to hip-nosy my voice). The guy on right (AFC) says “oi mate, that’s
the best chat up line I’ve ever heard”. I was AMOGed whether he was
serious or not (probably not) because then ASD comes out. “he’s not doing
me with PU line, I’m intelligent”. I could see this guy was into her from
my peripheral, & was extra pushed to speak to get in before him. So,
whatever, it’s a game. (afcs are stupid, be smart and always help your
friends sarge)

He gets off the train & I start again, really confident smiling, good
tonality. My state is getting a much better with this stuff. I’ve also
found that the Curious state is great for PU. “I’ve just got to know what
will happen here”, become addicted to knowledge. I ask where she’s from
(I couldn’t find an English bird if I tried) & she’s a French. Stops & I
do my big harmonica/Bandler enhanced breathing all around her (pheromones
in your breath can automatically attract girls, breath in their direction
and make it look Like a deep breath: after I learned this technique a
brazilian girl did it to me, then I do it to her and she becomes glassy
eyes and moves really near to my lips). I think unconsciously (no I
don’t) that girls know what a big breath means. Test this: do a massive
relaxing inhalation near a girl & watch how they react. I then drop
teaching into conversation as my student is half French so I ask HB
(pencil) to teach me something so I can look good with student. She only
suggests bonjour/merci. I get off, as its my station & see her again as
we bumped into each other on platform. I say “bonjour”, she laughs.
She’s not at my bus stop: Fin.

I was great at the flirting stuff before PU & nlp but I’ve added to it.
Bandler & Teachworth (how fit was she?!) suggested the look from foot to
eyes as slowly as possible. I’ve added this as I used to stare at bum &
let them catch me (still good). & I guarantee that when you do this, even
if they had showed you no interest up until that point it flicks a switch
& gets them in the right state. You’ll see the switch as you reach their
face & something happens. Even if the girl is not looking at you this
works. I think the peripheral/unconscious has plenty of time to PU on you
looking at them. It’s great = 9/10.

Patterns & Fish

I’ve had 2 or 3 times where I’ve been doing PU most of the day to condense
into this report. I was counting how many & saying it out loud as to help
me e.g. “4”. Approach anxiety has been massively reduced due to my
intense efforts on some days. I have been filling in gaps in my game.
For example as soon as I get on a bus on train I now position myself next
to a HB. You can move nearer once you’ve sat down but I think this better
& you can make it automatic. From here you can choose whether to speak to

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 69
them but realise you often have 5 minutes to make a move before they Get
Moving. So get yourself in state especially if she is IOIing you.

Some guy was suggesting that you should go to the supermarket and walk
along every isle (with a basket & food). See a HB & approach only asking
for the time. Do this every day for a week. I thought the time thing is
ok and his idea is that you use your state, posture & smile to induce them
into talking with you. Hmmm, interesting. So, the next day I went back
to my blatant openers & did them more confidently. I got better
reactions. This sounds like a great one for you as you buy shopping (or
can) most days. Even at your local supermarket. After a week AA will be
dead & you will find out just through persistence what you have to do to
get a number/kiss close in that environment. I will really appreciate the
feedback from that one.

Have used “who lies more, men or women” about 10-15 times. They stop &
think for 30 seconds so it really helps make you comfortable & you can ask
“why, do you lie a lot?” Also they suggest lying is bad, so I say the
circumstances when its not. I get the fair point nod. Use this one it is

There was a nice OW (older woman) in front of me on the train. Loads of

IOIs, with her boyfriend/husband though. Plan B: See peripheral HB & use
the 3 second rule “Men or women”. She asks me to repeat twice & it was
quiet on the train. Everyone was looking at me, however, fuck them. This
girl is actually a 9.5 rich girl. Nice. She uses the word Elegant into
the 1st sentence.

Sub topic: some girls understand nlp. Another nice OW a while back
replied “Pleasure” when I said thanks for the time. & she knew what she
was saying. Big smirk in both cases e.g. you basically have her if she
says this. Just keep the conversation going. Which by the way I didn’t
but I’m in training so I’m going to. (women have key words which they use
when they want sex with a guy “elegant” “pleasure” “smooth” “romantic” if
they say a certain word with no reason for it in the conversation then
they want you, act accordingly)

Anyway I DHV with teaching by asking about a magazine to advertise in she

knew about (indirect DHV). She gets off & makes a point of smiling at me,
no result but it went well. In the card shop (Girls Court) there was a
book called How to Get a Shag in any Country”. I had to pick it up & ask
innocently “does this work, let’s test it. Well when do I get my shag
then?”. (routines are everywhere if you Look For Them>>> books and book
shops are particularly useful, there is some book in the shop which helps
you demonstrate higher value) Oppor-2-nities like this aren’t everywhere…
or are they? I couldn’t find the books but I had fun with them anyway.
There were 2 girls both were 6 or 7s. I decided to use “Have you ever”
for the 1st time today. I did ESP on one girl & guessed the number 7
correctly. Done that 5 times before & only got it this time but when u
get it right its great. I played on this with “I felt some kind of link
between us”. I gave them my business card with my fee (important part).

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 70
I decided to fractionate with them to maintain interest. & planned a
triple whammy before going back in.

Remember it’s not necessary to become more & more fascinated with me.
Have you ever met someone & felt like you’ve known them for years & the
more you talk… (they interrupted me here). Then I pulled out a typed up
poem I had for another woman I met last week. I wrote the poem the 1st
day I met her in 10 minutes & just included lots of things from our
conversation & complemented her almost identically to another poem I wrote
a year ago. Making the best of what I had I showed it to the girls & said
do you like it/do u think she'll like it (all innocent) I wrote it for her
& she hasn’t seen it yet. They both love it 7 this nicely followed on
from the command as they have something to be interested in. I think they
work well together.

I come back again & ask what time one of the girls finishes as the other
one had gone. She says 4.30 (its 12.30) So I said I’m going before then.
Then I get all the IOIs going, name, live, work here etc? Shame about the
time they leave work but I have this information for another day & so do
you if you want to go in there.

I go to see the HB 9 & she’s an OW at the Polish café near where I live
(there’s a Portuguese café in Ilford). Armed with the typed up poem & the
original I went to the café but bought a Krishnamurti book on the way.
Showed her my advert translated into polish to show that I’m friends with
polish, plus it’s a teaching DHV.
Used It’s not necessary to… & Have you ever & If I want to be as beautiful
as you how do I do it. (muse exclusive: direct opener> if I want to be as
beautiful as you, how do I do it? This works very well if you are already
seen as high value or if hb has low value) Answer: Just be yourself. I
almost melted at that answer = no oneitis, stop it. I loaded on the
compliments which as you put it, married women want attention, so give
them loads. Didn't neg here. Said some stuff in polish = DHV. I decided
to learn 10 words of every language as it makes people happy especially as
I’m English but I’m sure a polish will be surprised when you speak their

Sat at my computer with the Jeffries cards & sent a woman a confident DHV
suggestion filled email including “what would it feel like if we suddenly
had sex” & I got a yes response to that bit. She invited me for a date at
the end of the e-mail so this stuff works. Add the Zebu & Jeffries cards
to you desktop & open one when emailing, or applying for a job, or for
your CV or when talking on the phone. (when learning nlp language patterns
this is an excellent technique> Take Classes With Muse for language
pattern training)

I went mental on & got about 20 replies from around

50-60 messages sent. I either went through their profile & replied to it
or sent the Ross Jeffries message. Insert a holy noise for the Jeffries
message, its that good. I’ve included it in the Your Personal Guide along

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 71
with Style’s advice. I followed Style’s & redesigned my profile so I
sound like the cocky fucker you’d ever meet. My profile name is la la la
if you want the example. Let me know if you can see it as I can’t from
mine. Anyway one of the 1st messages, I put in the subject line something
about being the prince to rescue her as it was in her profile & I used
Jeffries’s thing. I followed up with some compliments & then next message
asked how to use instant messenger.

Sub plot: one of my new techniques which I copied from girls (who do this
so much) is to ask for help with something. See the previous report for
example of this from a girl. Test it. Excuse me, I’ve just come over
from Portugal. How do you use this money? (has to be done seriously or
smiling. Speak as well :} (blatant openers = muse exclusive > open with
something which is obviously a lie to meet her. Then 10 seconds later she
realises you want her and she sometimes reopens you, or lets your reopen
her very easily)

This girl gave me her email because I didn’t get on the IM quick enough.
Email, nice. I got another reply like “well the prize goes to you for the
best email xxx”. I got into a discussion about Family Guy that went quite
well for 3 or 4 messages & the initial mail back from her was good. Some
other girl put me on her favourite list (1st one) because we’re both Queen
fans. This seemed more appropriate to talk about than using the Jeffries
opener. I was looking for something to talk about & if nothing I used
Jeffries. Another girl HB 9 was so up her self in her profile & her
pictures which I saw as an opportunity to neg. & my gods did I neg. I
criticised Everything I could & with that profile I look proper alpha.
She had a tongue stud so I said Do you need that to get a boyfriend (LOL
brilliant, I must use this again: muse exclusive lol), etc? She replies
What’s your problem blah blah?

So I adapt the Spells opener & say can you help me, has this happened to
you, you look quite intelligent (this line is awesome, “you seem quite
intelligent” “you look quite intelligent but” I use this in every sarge),
I don’t know what to do. I got back the most helpful message you’ve ever
heard. Really nice, informative & complimented me a bit But also said
Intelligent: people always say that to me. But I got some xxxx at the
end. What a perfect example of negging. I felt a bit funny negging like
that but I thought it would be fun to see what happened. Good attitude
for PUA.

Happy day (Wednesday). That’s what they say on XFM.

New PU & openers

Was supposed to be meeting that girl she didn’t turn up, I got a text 4
hours later but she’s gonna have to grovel or F off. I did PU all day.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 72
Maybe more than my personal best. I got a few “women are weirdos”
responses e.g. woman muttering, no comment & 1 stepped back a bit. I
think this was my fault once or twice. Style says that you have to enter
a set with equal or higher energy than it has. So I changed to an upbeat
smiling mood and did better. I used to talk soft to strangers & sometimes
this emerged.
Kill the AFC.

New openers: TC (time constraint = always include) “do you know the time
in Portugal?” Why? “because my friend has just moved there & I don’t want
to wake him up” (muse exclusive). This girl talked to me for about 20
minutes so you’d be buying the drinks if we were playing. She was really
interested n I explained the business & went to recruit her. She took BC
with website on. I hanged around when her friends came for a bit.

TC “If I want to be as beautiful as you, how do I do it” (HB 8.5). She

loved it. “well my friend was telling me (point to Marco) that if you
want to be good at something you have to learn from the best”. I’m in the
zone. I blatantly say “I can’t think of anything to say” – vunerability,
honesty & I like you in big letters. I DHV teacher & turns out she has
English A-level & degree. She mentions her boyfriend coming & says thanks
for the compliment, no one ever said that to me blah blah blah she’s
happy. I say if her boyfriend don’t appear then I give her them everyday
and carry her off into the sunset like a princess (seriously & she loves
it). I then say “& look we’ve got a sunset (close enough, look at
imaginary watch) “give me 10 minutes & I’ll do it”. Me & Marco hang about
but her BF turns about. I don’t care because he’s an afc (ha ha ha).

I did a blatant opener right outside the café “Where’s Earl’s Court
Station” she laughed & I acted seriously “I’m missing my eyes today” I
then complimented her.

My new simple structure (not always) is Opener – Compliment (her, yourself

or both). This works great & suits me. Might be good for you.
(this does work very well, you should add a 3rd or 4th routine and use your
own game if it seems appropriate)

Ask your unconscious. I was standing in a line in the supermarket &

thought there’s no way I can open here I can’t think of anything. Then I
named it = Supermarket Queue Opener. My mind processed & I came up with
“what is the best brand of cigarettes?” Why do you smoke (or something
like that). “I smoke whatever’s around usually so I don’t know what to
buy”. (this is a perfect method of inventing situational openers>
copyright perry barnes 2009)

“do you know when the bus/train is coming” use this. By the way Marco
went on Amazon today & bought Hannibal (because I wouldn’t shut up about
it) for £1.34. Seriously man & £1 postage on top. I want some of that
site. They also had the new Hannibal Rising book for £2.43 or something.
Mental. Also I almost always kino before I ask the openers as it makes
them more effective e.g. attention etc. (put your the back of your hand on

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 73
her shoulder and open: this gets her attention and kino usually makes the
conversation more intimate)

I saw some older woman I really like the look of at the newspaper stand &
did a “what is the best paper to buy” opener. (blatant openers copyright
perry barnes 2009 all rights reserved in all media) I am then generally
an upbeat sort of optimist. & said “thank you young lady” older women
absolutely love this (conpliments are the key to older women: muse
exclusive). Age regression, does he think I’m young, is it a compliment,
does he like me etc.

I broke an un-useful belief as well today. I done an opener & then

another girl got on the bus & I thought, can’t do another 1 whilst she’s
there. Then I thought maybe it will give me Player status (useful). So I
did a similar opener & the other girl suddenly got more interested (IOIs).

Just looked in my coat pocket & o que em dia homem. There was a girl
giving me IOIs at the train station & I sat next to her on the train. It
felt like she was trying to demonstrate her personality (going in the
handbag) this is a big IOI by the way. She got a book out - “desculpe, só
em segundo. What on earth is that book about?”. Good length
conversation, me DHVed with film making, Hungarian film guy & my script.
She’s going to be in a theatre production in August. She wrote all the
details on a bit of paper for me (jacket pocket). Might be interesting.

Remember, there were old stupid beliefs in our heads from lots of years of
various stupid people. There are always things to change, modify or
adapt. I’m thinking about the situations that I still believe its
impossible to approach & figuring out solutions as we communicate.

As Anthony Hopkins says in MI2 “this is Mission Impossible, mission

difficult should be a walk in the park for you”.

New new new: (writing this 7 days later) A girl approached me today &
asked for help with her computer (heard this one before). She wants help
sending an e-card. I kino a bit & am being funny (no compliments). I
half went to walk away & I got the “stay stay stay” thing (different
words, but the voice urgency is the key component). What’s your name, how
old are you, where do you live (IOI limited plc). Her brother appears &
she tells him that I’m really funny. I say I’m 24 & she makes some
comments about not wasting my time & that I’m a little boy. Hmmm. In the
past I would have got pissed off with but Perry Bandler is tired of that.
After a bit more help I say “I’m busy so, this little boy is going over
there to teach that guy English” she says are you an English teacher? (ha
ha ha) “then at 5 o clock this little boy is meeting some Hungarian film
maker because I’m his screenwriter for his new film. Unfortunately no one
taught me about limitations, so I just do everything”. (if a women negs
you make her comments laughable, logically crush her statements: she wants
a strong guy so give her yourself: for examples of how to do this Watch
Bill Hicks)

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 74
I walk & (PS get some business cards) write little boy on my business card
& give it to her “Thanks” she says. I glanced at her & her face was
beaming. Fuck the conscious response of these people & give them what
they want. Also my business card says £10 an hour on it. Very good DHV &
so replicate it in your own way.

Also, on the bus the other day I used “can I get a quick female opinion,
who do you think lies more, men or women”. The girl gave me IOIs at bus
stop. I sat in front of her on bus & turned round. 1st time I’d used
this opener & I was a bit funny about using it. As usual it went great.
We spoke most of the journey (45 minutes), when we got to the shopping
centre she went a different direction (ASD). Not my type + if we had
bumped into each other again at the shopping centre it would have been
Destiny. E.g. always take every opportunity.

Also, I started reading (which I not Like Passionately) because I need

something on the bus journeys. Anytime that you want something to do
somewhere & have to wait e.g. queuing, bus, bus stop, trains & stations,
library, wherever. Do PU because the boredom overrides the AFC programs

Field report – 12 openers/approaches

I had a mental day today with a many openers. I shall explain it in a

useful way (for me & you).

New openers: “excuse me, JGAS, what colour are the buses in this country”?
Yes, I got some varied responses from this. From 1 funny look, to a
giggle but it was all good practise. I approached a 2 set in a café with
this one & they were very helpful but she asked “your accent sounds
English, are you being funny with us”? I replied “it must be where I
learned my English” LOL.

I approached 1 girl and her boyfriend suddenly appeared, ahhhhhhhhh!!!! I

recovered with the business card. I started doing more Compliments & Kino
I asked “do you know when the bus is coming” with good tonality once.
Good stuff.

I asked when on a train platform walking towards the Central Line “do you
know where the central line is”? her & her friend told me. Then I
followed up with “by the way, fantastic legs”. She got a bit hair flicky
over that. I told another girl that her legs were fantastic which started
1 minute conversation.

The best response of the day was from a girl sitting next to me on the
train. I got IOIs & then asked “do you know how warm it is today”? I
used this opener a few times today. It is good. She was smiling and
seemed really interested. I kinoed her a few times and then found out she
was Lithuanian. I made a comment about me being handsome. When you state

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 75
that you know you are good looking/handsome they get completely into you.
Always use this.
I gave her my Business card. I then explained my T-Shirt as English Class
& pulled my notepad for more teaching.
She seemed unhappy to get off the train and I told her to email me.

I also had a good conversation with a nice Portuguese girl at a really

cool café at London Bridge.

On female student: I used “it is not necessary to become more & more
fascinated with me It is just quite likely”: good response. I really like
this command as it sounds very natural & is easy to slip in.

What a day. Hope this advances you a many much. Remember your
unconscious now (hee hee) processes difficult questions whilst you do
something else. So if you stuck on coursework then go do some pickup.

Had a very good & slightly funny day today. Let me explain.

1st to is mention is that I used “when’s the sun coming out today” the
other day & then followed up with a compliment like “wow, your eyes are
amazing, can you look at me every now & then as a replacement for the sun”.
These are the type of compliments I used to do but I’m bringing them back
as girls love this level of attention. (especially older women and cafe
girls: muse exclusive) Also, using these types of compliments makes your
whole life easier. The job centre for example, is a place I use this sort
of stuff. They make them feel great & thus you as well. Test this on the
1st suitable girl you see. It’s recommended that you already know the
person but not necessary. An example is “by the way, great dress sense”
you can if you want follow up with “wow, & you have really nice eyes as

Ponder that no one is blatantly nice to people & so these score a direct

Right, back to my very good but slightly funny PU. I met this girl 2
months ago when I was teaching the Italian girl. I got her interested
quickly & gave her my business card. She emailed me a month later & asked
if I could help with her computer. I recently emailed/text everybody with
the opener “can I ask you a quick question”. I got 2 good responses at
the time e.g. use this one. (intrigue openers: sometimes hbs reopen you
from these, in fact they have to reopen you for the conversation to
continue>>> and how does a girl feel when she opens a guy? She is 90% of
the time wanting you when she replies to these) She however, replied
yesterday although I didn’t know, so she phoned me & said remember me, do
you want to meet & I said tomorrow. She sounded keen (surprising given

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 76
the time elapsed) & I found her email saying “my number is… phone me &
we’ll take it from there”.

So I can’t believe my luck or unconscious skill, however you don’t look at


I meet her today armed with my guitar as I had suggested this ages ago &
she plays. So we meet, sit outside, suggestions are flying about & I’m
thinking ultra-snazzy. Then we play some guitar & harmonica, I did some
major DHVing. I am almost a master at this area. (DHVing is one of my
strongest points>> Take a PUA Course with Muse to Learn This £10 an hour
07963960499) I used teaching, website, tons of useful information, being
alpha etc. She gets really into this & says something like “oh my god you
are a total genius, I am so lucky to have met you, you’re gonna write
books & I can say that I knew you”.

Fecking heaven man, I’m like, how the fuck am I doing so well. Don’t
relax yet there is a stupid ending to this story. This isn’t surprise of
the year.

So me and her are getting on great she’s like “I can’t believe how much
fun I’m having”. I was digging her on almost everything she said but she
liked it alot. I was also inserting the fantastic command “oh yeah, he’s
like me a lot”. Bandler uses this one so much & we wonder why we like him
so much. I think that the conscious mind takes this as cocky which
everyone loves, so it’s really easy to use i.e. I compare everyone to how
great I am. She was giving me loads of kino & was enjoying me doing it to

Then she suggests we go to a restaurant. You get 1 guess. Nandos. The

Institute can almost give me my Portu-geezer certificate. By the way I
used false takeaways 3 times today. She either ran after me or got really
upset that I might go. (Learn Takeaways > Mystery Method)

Then came the shit tests/IOIs. These things cross over a bit I think.
“how old are you, where do you live, do you live with your sister, do you
want kids”.
The other shit test she dropped (like it’s hot) was “you’ve got that bad
back from too much sex”. I confronted her with “nice test but I told you
I’m the one doing the tests”. Style suggests replying to sex shit tests
by saying “Respect” or with a high five or something like that. He said
something like “you lose with whatever you say on this type of test, so
say nothing” e.g. “Respect”. Passed the Kids shit test by talking about
Rafaela & how I annoy parents by making the kids happy.

I believe that I can create good answers for all of these & may have in
the past. E.g. I once used on a girl that I still live at home because of
looking after my mum as I had hit my step dad to protect her. Make the
best of what you have. You can explain how your family depends on you to
live in that house & to look after the kids, Vicky is 2 rafaela is 8.
This will be a great DHV good dad family man piece.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 77
Anyway we go back to café and we are going to plan her business cards. I
am doing some free as a sample & then she buys any others from me. Her/my
idea. I talk to Marco a bit in the café & then decide because the girl
said “we’re not ready yet to do busking” to do it anyway. I sit outside
the café and play the couple of songs I know. Which was bit nervous but
it got comfortable.

Then the Stoopid bit. She walks out & says “you’re too young for me”.

What the fuck?!?!? I stand up & look as I felt with a “you make as much
sense as a chocolate teapot” kind of look. The force of PUA kept me good
though. I pointed at my face & said “Kiss”. Use this one it’s great.
Also I really like “hands off the merchandise” & used it today. She
kissed my cheek & walked off. & by the way earlier in the day she subtly
suggested I should kiss her at the end of the date.

Anyway, work that one out. Could be a few things ASD (anti-slut defense),
she really likes me & doesn’t want to get involved, I got the shit tests
wrong. Anyway she needs me more than the other way round. & on the
bright side (of life) I got a fun day, loads of DHV n social proof, new
business, I did busking for the 1st time, I’m a certified Portuguese
(otimo). I asked a Brazilian recently “how was the concert & she replied”

Cool. I now believe that PU is the only way & what I mean is. Even if
everything is right girls can be stupid. I met the right one (ages ago,
not today) & she pretends I don’t exist (shutup afc and START LOL). So
what are you supposed to do? Become a master of the game/s I think. I
have a great album by the Game (rapper) & it quotes at the beginning “a
lot of people, are advocating that the rich get richer & the poor get
poorer. But that’s only because you don’t understand what’s going to
happen to you, you see, it’s all just a game ladies & gentlemen, & the
quality of your living depends entirely on your ability, to play the game.
& I play the game”

To Lobster (good pua)

on the way home today at the train station, a 40+ woman was walking by with shopping bags
i cleared the space so she could sit
then i resumed a recent opening tactic:
*if hb is older or less value than me, i open with a compliment
this is fantastic by the way, because they never, get compliments
the same way, hb 10s never get negged, so that works with them
i chat casually, i did thumb war (the only routine i used)
then i just joked for the train journey
4 hb8s were looking at me with pure lust and when i got on the train

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 78
a hb10 was totally playing with hair etc which amazed me

then > she number closed me in an afc way (lol) and arranged a date with me where she's giving me
alcohol and presents (lolx2)
i have been considering dating ugs/hb6s to help get hb8s and now i've decided its the way to go
i was in a cafe with a hb5 gf (i'm using her to learn a language) and some hb8's were giving me iois
this is so surprising to me, that social proof or jealousy is such and automatic switch
that any quality of girl (if she's into you is perfect for this strategy)
i currently have 2 MLTRs who are hb6s (and a hb8)
i am going to, get 10 and use them to acquire more hbs

wish me good skill

and i'll post back my results

add all the posts from the attraction forum then save as a pdf

forum subject: tomboys

cool topic. i like tomboys and after getting good with the game they still
bugged me. Things that work for me: Flattery: when a hb is all over me; i
love it; so assume they do too. Buy hb tea/coffee; afc mentality of having
to recipricate works with them.

It may take longer; to seduce them; so add factors such as jealousy in. My
most recent tomboys have taken over 10 hours to conquer. I pretended i was
gay (and was totally serious about it); met 2 hbs at the same time and did
numerous dhvs.

plus my favourite; turn your body away from them and don't react to them
talking; they grab me and make me listen (ha ha)


forum subject: next book

The Sexual Key JD Fuentes explains how women really think

and i've confirmed this with women
its a great routine just explaining to an hb what you learned (from a
psychology book) or mentioning that you think the Female way and noone
understands you (LOL), it contains loads of R Jeffries style patterns too

Style/Mystery are the best and they gave you a structure

Add things into this structure

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 79
Direct game through badboy and/or juggler will complete your knowledge
you will be using your voice the whole time so take a voice training
i use Jonathan Altfield: Your Irresistable Voice


forum subject: my friend and his opinion

Meta model him. I don't get why its so important to u, although i've
probably tried to convince people of stuff before. I've decided people who
disagree with me just for the sake of it aren't worth the time.

You can be out sarging with that time. Or starting a business or something
other than convincing someone that purposely said "no, no, no" Know more.

Its a darwinist world. Everyone's doing something to improve themselves

secretly in the background. I wonder what his trick is??? If he hasn't got
one then be happy u have. Go meet some PUAs, they don't need convincing,
they will teach u a many things.

So the decision is, kept explaining urself while some guy goes "great i'm
getting free PU lessons without having to make the steps to join the
community". Or learn 10 new things that will benefit u 4 the rest of your

It don't matter how good ur friends r, if they don't support u in what u

do at all. Re-evaluate.

its a big world

getting better

I like that song. & it reflects today quite well.

Joined a dating (swear word, i know) site. & did my usual mass attack to
get a feel for the place. I just wrote a load of fluff/dhv talk to one hb
"i'm in x place at x time". I find that stating where i'm going to be
often results in her volunteering a meet. Anyone else use this.

in the messages I don't finalise our meeting details so she has to call me
to confirm. We meet & its going great however i'm not decisive enough with
where to go as i don't no the place & i was really tired.

Go 4 coffee, & being tired i don't bother with routines; only dhv, be
funny & interesting. I had her hurting with laughter a few times so i
figured it was good. Plus she's giving IOIs, kinos going well with no

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 80
resistance at all.

I decide to location change as it seemed appropriate & we go for ice cream.

Note: on the way there i had shown interest in 2 locations hbs with
flyers. I had made them both happy/IOIing & on the way out i made them
laugh again. But the 2nd one i unconsciously went into the "i loved u in
that film, with that boy, u should have won the oscar" her friend appears
& we're getting on. I go back for email close and she explains she's got a
BF. I go to do a BF destroyer but check what date (cough, splutter) is

Guess what. i look about & go to our next location bu i've been Total
Takeawayed. buggery do dos (to put it politely). i phone her but i'm

poop. so anyway PU fans dejected, i get a bus somewhere, pissed off & half
analysing the female beast, when a get a call from someone.

Turns out its HB-(send PU messages to as practise & fancied 6 months ago).
"Its HBetc", oh, hi HBetc why u calling (manners).

"Because I like you" (in a slurred whiskey for toothpaste voice)

Cool. Where are u (lines iffy) bla bla. Send me a text & i'll come meet u.
hour later text arrives with location + i'll see u next week (huh?)

A week earlier i used exactly the same thing by telling her i'd be
"outside the train station, 8pm, dress casual". Maybe she turned up as
funnily enough i didn't.

Anyway i do a nicely delivered approach/attraction on the bus back home so

happy daze. C vs Us is really improving my material + non interested body
language. Also thanks to Lobster for displaying this one

"in an arm wrestle between a penguin & a koala bear who do u think would
win?" (crap with older women or serious people but great with everyone

The moral of the story is there's a hb around every corner & practise alot
so you improve where I failed

Richard Bandler: failure is only defined by a time limit

girl tests you: general guide

1. answer correctly (preferable)

2. blow it up > make her look totally wrong
3. repeat it back to her > hb: you're too young, me: you're too old to
date a sexy genius, find someone your own level

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 81
4. takeaway (if you can't think of nothing) > give another girl attention
for 5 minutes
5. agree with her

how do I Keep the conversation flowing

My new thing for kino that I started using in classes then in the field.

Is Thumb War. Everyone member this from school?

Revision: 1, 2, 3, 4, I, Declare, a thumb, war (then cause blood).

Should fill ur kino gap

how to quit any drug (copyright perry barnes 2009 all rights reserved)

For quitting the stuff u used to do? Test my method that has always let me
quit any drug.

1. Take the drug u want to quit for 1 day but ensure its the only drug u
take e.g. no caffeine, nicoteine, alcohol, or anything.
2. forgot that drug, then use another drug to take its place the following
3. then keep takin your new drug which can be exercise, sex, or even
protein drinks (whatever floats your boat)

Despite my drug quitting ways. I am currently coffee mental. However, I

find, its the most productive drug (caffeine) in its best form. Chocalate
makes me sick but coffee fill me with brilliant life changing ideas e.g.
i've been drinking it now.

If you really want help i'll be your Life Coach. plus I can hypnotise that
shit out of your head if necessary or not.

Life Coach: 07963960499 call/text whenever.

Cold reading: psychic things

My brief cold reading knowledge is this.

Palm reading takeaway: Ask for hb pencils hand then run ur finger along
some line there. Have a concentrating look on ur face then really
shocked/suprised. "wow, i can't tell u now, i'll tell u later, its not

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 82
Some crap like that & they become really interested in u. + u don't have t
demonstrate nada. Best done early. PS: they often said "u can't do
that/read hands" but this concern soon dissappears.

The principle of actual cold reading is truisms. "u haven't always been
this confident, u were once very shy". Or stating something about them
matter of factly. If u notice she has a college bag "u still aren't sure
what u want to be, there is a mist around u that is beginning to clear".
According to JD Fuentes if you talk in pictures hbs don't analyse what you
say "its like a waterfall falling on you and u want it to stop" means more
to girls than us.

In hypnosis ambigiuty is key. If you use terms like people, they, them,
those she will apply what you say to her. In cold reading by being
ambigious people (hee hee) search for their specific meaning & attach it
to your message

compliments and poems

Extreme compliments work perfectly on older women. They are staved of

decent male attention. Whenever an older woman interrupts me I suggest i'm
in love with her, we're getting married, when's she taking me dancing,
stop writing me poems etc.

Since your new to PU maybe u should do something big to get her attention.
Write her a poem & then do a Total Takeaway so she has no time to say
thank you. I did this recently & the girl texted & then phoned me.

Muse's guide to poetry:

1. Make it rhyme
2. say things you remember about her (people love others remembering them)
3. say something specific u like (describe eye colour)
4. finish with something confusing that she'll spend 2 days figuring out
that doesn't rhyme

PS: I know several people who didn't bother using tis treasue trove of
Chocalate medal to you. & remember, you are going to become superior to
any alpha you have ever met


playing guitar to hbs

On the slightly obscure side there's a song by Queen called

Spread Your Wings

That, ina cold reading fashion, talks of someones desire to be better than

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 83
they are while others don't help. It can be applied to anyone due to the
theme but also includes a name Sammy.

I say something like "Hey, I wrote a song for you (its obscure, so why
not) then I launch into the 1st line inserting their name or a nickname
"Sammy/Ela/bigbreasts/Susan/Whatever was low, just watching the show, over
& over again".

Its simple to learn too and has brief picking so you can look professional.

Another aproach is to find a song named after them.

If you listen to lots of music this is easyish

E.g. Rose = Roseline by Thin Lizzy

Veronica = Elvis Costello
Emily = Manic Street Preachers

PS: This is also fantastic motivation to learn the guitar and new songs

becoming a better person

Mystery suggests that you are either a PUA or an AFC and you can choose.
being a PUA will give the mind to think of girls as a fun hobby. I
realised recently that I don't want a girlfriend. As an AFC I believed
this is what I needed. That's a real big change of mind, and reflects the
change in me. Through PU and NLP I don't recognise who I used to be. Which
is what I wanted.

I always find that multiple sources is the best way of learning. I suggest
that you sign up to every PU email newsletter there is and make this and
Testing the basis for your studies. Also through the newsletters you can
find the best gurus and then buy some books/videos/classes


my 1st openers

I found when I did my first PU style opener I was shitting it.

So I made up my own one which was "Do you know when the sun's coming out?"
which broke me in. PS: this opener is crap for continuing the conversation
but ok as a pebble. I'm in England where sun is rare so people identified
with it.

I did some days of asking everyone suitable I saw during my day (about 20
people) so I adjusted to openers quickly this way. Some PUAs suggest doing
100 in a day in fact some guy did 120. This approach, has benefits.
Whichever you, choose from these, will make your game very good very quick.

Whilst I was doing that average opener, my friend however never

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 84
approached, instead he decided to work on his "confidence" in his bedroom
with a computer.

The books are great and the game is my favourite book ever. It introduces
you to what is possible. Do openers to people you meet everyday. E.g. bus
stop, train station, in shops, cafes, internet cafes. Then your old game
can carry you a bit. You can talk so just do it and find out what works.
AFCs get girls eventually through doing everything. Plus you have the
knowledge from the PU books you're reading in your spare time which will
just come out during talking.

Then get a couple of good conversation openers e.g. who lies more, men or
women? Which everyone uses but un-like the Sun opener it always generates
good conversation. I'm sure Mystery said once if she doesn't hook to your
opener fire off 3 or 4 openers until she's interested. This does work as I
tested it. Sometimes they're a bit tired or something so it might take the
2 or third to hook them.

Also I find that some openers are better depending on the situation. Who
lies more, men or women: is very bad for older women. For them I use "My
niece's birthday is coming up and I have to buy her a present..."
They can identify with that.

I'm thinking of writing a PUA book for beginners, you can have a free copy
if you test it for me.


RJ seems to be the orignator of patterns and his stuff is great but is like 1/5. If there's 5 parts to
being a PUA patterns is 1 part. RJ seems to get vague (or nominalised as he might say)
whenever asked about openers or closing which I think are the most important parts. Everyone
can speak about things and is interesting to someone so the mid-game is kind of already there.
So i'd say they are weak compared to MM but great as an addition.

Richard Bandler was teaching flirting classes before RJ appeared and if you can study his
language use or NLP then you can make your own patterns.

I hear Bandler say things like "Mystery is alot like me" emphasising alot like me. or Like me
alot. I incorporated that into my game and it works great. It appears that you're being cocky
when its actually a command. & very easy to slip stuff like that into MM without a big hypnosis
induction e.g. RJ

Post any good ones you have. I want to advance in this area so we can discuss our a many
sucesses. A many, is an NLP thing for making Good stuff Bigger. If the letter A means 1 e.g. a

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 85
PC then A many free PCs makes the best into more, as Many becomes 1.

A many number & fuck closes to you

(RJ invented a lot of the terms in pua, he trained a lot of the best (mark cunningham,
david deangelo, style, he is an nlp expert and just because of this he has the absolute best
tools to use, it may be worth training with him, and I also recommend a combination of
Mystery Method and RJ to be in the elite, and if RJ ever reads this, explain to people how
your method fits into Mystery Method, it would be the greatest method, or create a new
book which explains your structure similar to how Mystery did, your structure is
different, even richard bandler the highest genius of us all, has not systematically
explained his work for several years, his early books are very systematic, so unfortunately
people bought those iffy text books by joseph o connor is it?)

Forum subject: Isolating in a 2 set with no wing

Whenever I've opened a set of just girls (2-4) if they look like the fun
type e.g. not talking politics & work. I become a total clown and
entertain them which can be done whilst showing them no male to female
attention. If you do this for 10-20 minutes with takeaways and DHVs.

In your set one of them will give more IOIs and attention than the others
Go for that one. Even if you liked another one, as you can use this
success as social proof to get the other one.

You can use the tear a sheet of paper in half close which i've adapted to:
Give her the back of your business card & a pen and hold another card.
Swap cards.
A business card has an inbuilt DHV.

SOme of this stuff seems based on time. To keep it simple entertain them
for 15 to 20 minutes before considering a number close. If you want more
then invent a location change. The books on this stuff are very good but
your life is specific to you. You can be interesting for 20 minutes in a
completely different way to me. So do that stuff and ask every 20+ minutes
girl for a phone number. Find out what works through testing and laughing
if something funny happens


self improve books and doing things

A friend of mine gets me all this self help stuff and its very good
information. Real inside stuff and I love it. But he never stops buying
the stuff.

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 86
I limit myself to watching a certain amount and then I test it or
incorporate the improvements. He reads whole books in a day. I think his
method seems good but it has no result. The point is to get a result,
isn't it.

I'm reading a book called influence at the moment & it suggests stuff like
doing a favour means that they owe you. & expensive = good in most peoples

So I made some business cards for my customers (in fact I've made 4 lots
for 4 of them). I gave them a small amount for free and wrote Choose
Expensive or Value service on them. I tested 2 ideas that day with 4

Then you read more, & only then. With PU, read a new opener and say it to
5 people that day.

(indian's ask men for permission to leave, its part of their


did i tell u
i spoke to an indian girl on the bus
she had headphones
and she asked "can i put them back in now"
i said "no"
like i do with u
luis joia said (13:59):
and she wouldn't
i owe this cultural knowledge to u
i see her Iceland uniform and say "i don't know where
iceland is or would could continue"
luis joia said (14:00):
and old lady 80 years says "oohjhj its at the top of the

the girl looked like omg he knows now!

she'll be nice when i see her
they always are
luis joia said (14:01):
she'll appreciate i remembered her (i understand women not
so well): )

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 87
How to be funny

Funniness. I seemed to get this before pu but forgot all the other bits.

Familiar with nlp?

Most of the time I assume that there is a joke everywhere. Which results is me laughing like a goon. But if you
assume that everything has a joke then you will begin to see the jokes everywhere. After a while they will
natuarally come out of you.

Unfortunately in jobs n schools n stuff people decided that seriousness is their actual purpose. ignore those
people. & make their friends laugh.

Watch and listen to every comedian you can and repeat their jokes to other people. Through doing this you will
get the reward (laughter) that spurs you on to be funnier, still. I often adapt jokes that are too rude into clean
jokes so that it appears to be yours (and kinda is).

I heard John La Valle (nlp) once say that Humour is basically using ambiguities. When something can mean 2
things and they get a bit confused they usually laugh. I have tested this since, and made some weird funny stuff.
Like I held a manual screw driver and made the sound of an electric one. & if they laugh it is always good. So
test your new jokes on several people.

Pulling silly faces and making silly noises is great, so watch the masters of this. I like the Bottom series. No
matter how much Richie is insulted he agrees with the insult which is hilarious. Jokes between 2 people are
great as most people are suprised that you make so much effort for just them (good for girls). They look round
for someone to tell and there's only you (arrr).

The funniest guy at the moment is Russell Brand.

I regularly borrow (he he) his jokes and use them during the week. See what works. He does one where he says
like "muse, if that is your real name, which i very much doubt, where's the evidence that's all i'm saying" this
works everytime (test it). He says something recently about Bras being a symbol of female opression. I adapted
it to a text message and sent it to ten girls. 3 became very interested.

So, study it. Same as other stuff. If you're making regular approaches then you can test other comedians stuff
regularly until your mind understands the stucture of making great jokes without u even thinking about it.

Plus: See yourself being funny and while you're being funny imagine what you look like. If they laugh, it is

Muse w kiss close, use it on the next girl. Anyone can be the best looking
PUA ever but if they stayed in the house they missed the Meeting part of
the process.

These books are fantastic information and when you transfer the principles
into your life it will be fantastic

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 88
your strengths are...

My mid game was very good before finding the pua stuff. So i've
concentrated on openers. I'm solid with a few and invented some new ones.
I didn't go pubs/clubs much anyway so i've worked on everyday pu e.g.
cafes, transport, street.

my friend who introduced me to this has not sarged at all, so I haven't

had practise with wings or anything like that. I'm talking to 9's & 10's
sometimes for up to 30 minutes. This is one of the benefits of transport

I've been relying on giving out business cards instead of number closing
which feels good at the time but sucks as they rarely call back. I want to
number close consistantly. I'm fed up of being an afc.

tuesday sounds great. It will be nice to work with someone on this &
exchange ideas.


Conversation with the writer, natural pua and hb

Techniques demonstrated include:

nlp language patterns, cocky funny, testing hb, SOIs (statement of intent:
juggler term), push pull, social proof, accomplishment wingmanship, DHVs

marie Luis, Cjay ok

15/06/2008 22:50:48 Luis Cjay, marie hi CJ
15/06/2008 22:50:52 Luis Cjay, marie this marie
15/06/2008 22:50:54 marie Luis, Cjay quem e'?
15/06/2008 22:50:55 Cjay Luis, marie Hey there
15/06/2008 22:50:57 Luis Cjay, marie she funny
15/06/2008 22:51:00 Cjay Luis, marie haha
15/06/2008 22:51:04 Cjay Luis, marie How u doing marie?
15/06/2008 22:51:06 marie Luis, Cjay haha
15/06/2008 22:51:21 marie Luis, Cjay brazilian friend?
15/06/2008 22:51:25 marie Luis, Cjay good
15/06/2008 22:51:35 Luis Cjay, marie he is fucking brilliant man
15/06/2008 22:51:39 marie Luis, Cjay i am fine thanks
15/06/2008 22:51:45 marie Luis, Cjay oh sorry lol
15/06/2008 22:51:51 Cjay Luis, marie Ahhhh brazil - dying to go there
some day
15/06/2008 22:52:00 Cjay Luis, marie actually...
15/06/2008 22:52:07 Cjay Luis, marie Pretty much dying to get to south
america in general

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 89
15/06/2008 22:52:09 Luis Cjay, marie dying to = really want to
15/06/2008 22:52:13 Cjay Luis, marie not specifically brazil
15/06/2008 22:52:20 Cjay Luis, marie but im sure its lovely
15/06/2008 22:52:32 Luis Cjay, marie best place to go?
15/06/2008 22:52:39 marie Luis, Cjay yes it is
15/06/2008 22:52:54 marie Luis, Cjay best? i am not sure haha
15/06/2008 22:53:00 Cjay Luis, marie heh
15/06/2008 22:53:05 Cjay Luis, marie How do u guys know eachother?
15/06/2008 22:53:11 Luis Cjay, marie hahahhahahahahaha
15/06/2008 22:53:16 marie Luis, Cjay kkkkkk
15/06/2008 22:53:25 Cjay Luis, marie ahhh, i see a story coming on
15/06/2008 22:53:27 Cjay Luis, marie :)
15/06/2008 22:53:34 Luis Cjay, marie marie stop being rapport with me
15/06/2008 22:53:38 marie Luis, Cjay good question
15/06/2008 22:53:46 Luis Cjay, marie haha
15/06/2008 22:53:48 marie Luis, Cjay oh sorry
15/06/2008 22:54:18 Cjay Luis, marie so do i get to hear the
story :) ?
15/06/2008 22:54:34 marie Luis, Cjay oi u are so curious lol
15/06/2008 22:54:46 Cjay Luis, marie good thing im not a cat
15/06/2008 22:54:55 marie Luis, Cjay sure
15/06/2008 22:55:04 Luis Cjay, marie miouw
15/06/2008 22:55:07 Cjay Luis, marie Dogs are better anyways
15/06/2008 22:55:27 Luis Cjay, marie hey new opinion opener
15/06/2008 22:55:34 Cjay Luis, marie myyesss?
15/06/2008 22:55:48 marie Luis, Cjay i hated dogs
15/06/2008 22:55:54 Cjay Luis, marie ur missing out marie
15/06/2008 22:56:01 Cjay Luis, marie Dogs > cats
15/06/2008 22:56:08 marie Luis, Cjay ?
15/06/2008 22:56:08 Cjay Luis, marie much more loyal
15/06/2008 22:56:18 Cjay Luis, marie tho perhaps more smelly
15/06/2008 22:56:43 marie Luis, Cjay yes they smelly
15/06/2008 22:56:50 marie Luis, Cjay i hate it kkk
15/06/2008 22:56:57 Cjay Luis, marie hah
15/06/2008 22:57:12 Cjay Luis, marie i thinks cats are best reserved
for old ladies
15/06/2008 22:57:15 Cjay Luis, marie :)
15/06/2008 22:57:30 marie Luis, Cjay so good for ur mum lol
15/06/2008 22:57:34 marie Luis, Cjay kkkkkkkkk
15/06/2008 22:57:40 Luis Cjay, marie rsrs
15/06/2008 22:57:41 Cjay Luis, marie haha yeh sure, just make sure you
dont tell her that!!
15/06/2008 22:57:49 Luis Cjay, marie you two
15/06/2008 22:57:54 marie Luis, Cjay rsrs
15/06/2008 22:57:58 Luis Cjay, marie god
15/06/2008 22:58:11 Luis Cjay, marie u making babies already
15/06/2008 22:58:25 Cjay Luis, marie hah
15/06/2008 22:58:25 marie Luis, Cjay who?
15/06/2008 22:58:34 marie Luis, Cjay ur friend?
15/06/2008 22:58:48 marie Luis, Cjay how old are u sweetie?
15/06/2008 22:59:00 Cjay Luis, marie 93 as of next week

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 90
15/06/2008 22:59:05 Cjay Luis, marie im getting on a bit...
15/06/2008 22:59:07 Luis Cjay, marie marie you did drink too much tea
15/06/2008 22:59:09 marie Luis, Cjay i see
15/06/2008 22:59:19 Luis Cjay, marie less sugar next time
15/06/2008 22:59:20 marie Luis, Cjay yes i did lol
15/06/2008 22:59:25 Luis Cjay, marie rsr
15/06/2008 22:59:45 marie Luis, Cjay ok boss
15/06/2008 23:00:14 Cjay Luis, marie hey uno momento
15/06/2008 23:00:25 marie Luis, Cjay ok
15/06/2008 23:00:26 Luis Cjay, marie almost
15/06/2008 23:01:28 Luis Cjay, marie marie your other foto on
15/06/2008 23:01:38 Luis Cjay, marie the one you look very pretty in
15/06/2008 23:01:51 marie Luis, Cjay esta?
15/06/2008 23:03:16 Cjay Luis, marie bk
15/06/2008 23:03:30 Cjay Luis, marie Marie, what brings you to london?
15/06/2008 23:04:14 marie Luis, Cjay luis haha
15/06/2008 23:04:25 marie Luis, Cjay ur friend
15/06/2008 23:04:31 Cjay Luis, marie i can see why, hes a good guy
15/06/2008 23:04:38 marie Luis, Cjay lol
15/06/2008 23:04:57 marie Luis, Cjay sure
15/06/2008 23:05:08 Cjay Luis, marie sure?
15/06/2008 23:05:09 Luis Cjay, marie i need a toilet
15/06/2008 23:05:21 Cjay Luis, marie knock urself out man
15/06/2008 23:05:51 Cjay Luis, marie brazil vs england - which is
15/06/2008 23:06:16 Cjay Luis, marie If u say brazil maybe ill go
luive there for a while
15/06/2008 23:06:30 marie Luis, Cjay what ur mean? country,sport...?
15/06/2008 23:06:34 Cjay Luis, marie country
15/06/2008 23:06:39 Cjay Luis, marie people
15/06/2008 23:06:45 Cjay Luis, marie fun
15/06/2008 23:07:08 Cjay Luis, marie south americans seem like very
passionate people
15/06/2008 23:07:08 marie Luis, Cjay well country england
15/06/2008 23:07:22 Luis Cjay, marie you know
15/06/2008 23:07:26 marie Luis, Cjay people and fun, brazil
15/06/2008 23:07:29 marie Luis, Cjay lol
15/06/2008 23:07:32 Cjay Luis, marie ah hah!
15/06/2008 23:07:35 Luis Cjay, marie marie doesn't want to learn
english from a native speaker
15/06/2008 23:07:46 Cjay Luis, marie so ur giving england the best of
both worlds?
15/06/2008 23:07:49 Luis Cjay, marie and CJ doesn't have blue eyes
15/06/2008 23:07:54 Cjay Luis, marie Yeh i do
15/06/2008 23:08:00 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:08:06 Luis Cjay, marie thank god
15/06/2008 23:08:10 marie Luis, Cjay spanish man?
15/06/2008 23:08:17 Luis Cjay, marie i don't have to help marie now
15/06/2008 23:08:21 Luis Cjay, marie thanks ma
15/06/2008 23:08:25 Luis Cjay, marie man
15/06/2008 23:08:31 Cjay Luis, marie Im a little spanish

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 91
15/06/2008 23:08:35 Cjay Luis, marie sort of ...
15/06/2008 23:08:39 marie Luis, Cjay hmm
15/06/2008 23:08:46 Cjay Luis, marie My mothers side
15/06/2008 23:08:59 marie Luis, Cjay ok
15/06/2008 23:09:07 Luis Cjay, marie ta
15/06/2008 23:09:17 marie Luis, Cjay marie doesn't want to learn
english from a native speaker
15/06/2008 23:09:30 Luis Cjay, marie can't find the book
15/06/2008 23:09:39 Cjay Luis, marie why is marie talking about
herself in the third person - very creepy
15/06/2008 23:09:40 Cjay Luis, marie :)
15/06/2008 23:10:03 marie Luis, Cjay rs
15/06/2008 23:10:09 Luis Cjay, marie marie loses 3 points
15/06/2008 23:10:16 Cjay Luis, marie i agree
15/06/2008 23:10:24 Cjay Luis, marie Luis gains 1 point
15/06/2008 23:10:34 Luis Cjay, marie lol and rs
15/06/2008 23:10:40 Luis Cjay, marie x2
15/06/2008 23:11:17 marie Luis, Cjay ok
15/06/2008 23:11:37 Cjay Luis, marie (&)
15/06/2008 23:12:00 marie Luis, Cjay (sn)
15/06/2008 23:12:06 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:12:11 Cjay Luis, marie :)
15/06/2008 23:12:24 Cjay Luis, marie (sn)(K)
15/06/2008 23:12:31 marie Luis, Cjay :$
15/06/2008 23:12:36 Cjay Luis, marie = :|
15/06/2008 23:12:42 marie Luis, Cjay ??
15/06/2008 23:12:50 Cjay Luis, marie They dont taste so good
15/06/2008 23:13:02 Cjay Luis, marie wouldnt reccomend it
15/06/2008 23:13:21 marie Luis, Cjay lol
15/06/2008 23:13:24 Luis Cjay, marie why you kissing snails
15/06/2008 23:13:34 Cjay Luis, marie i kiss all sorts of things
15/06/2008 23:13:44 Cjay Luis, marie (but mainly snails)
15/06/2008 23:13:55 marie Luis, Cjay u a really crazy kkk
15/06/2008 23:14:05 Luis Cjay, marie why thankyou
15/06/2008 23:14:06 Cjay Luis, marie They grant me super human
15/06/2008 23:14:19 Cjay Luis, marie Like my awesome snail power!!!!
15/06/2008 23:14:27 Luis Cjay, marie hha
15/06/2008 23:14:30 Luis Cjay, marie hahahahhahaha
15/06/2008 23:14:45 Luis Cjay, marie e.g. 1 day to walk 12 inches
15/06/2008 23:14:57 Cjay Luis, marie one of my many abillkities
15/06/2008 23:15:01 Luis Cjay, marie marie you
15/06/2008 23:15:14 Cjay Luis, marie i can also engulf people with
15/06/2008 23:15:22 marie Luis, Cjay ?
15/06/2008 23:15:31 Cjay Luis, marie so watch out marie
15/06/2008 23:15:32 Luis Cjay, marie marie you wouldn't spend all days
having fun wit 12 inches
15/06/2008 23:15:38 Luis Cjay, marie like snails do
15/06/2008 23:15:52 Luis Cjay, marie they really take a whole day to
walk this far

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 92
15/06/2008 23:17:05 Cjay Luis, marie Marie, u have any superpowers?
15/06/2008 23:17:25 marie Luis, Cjay what about u?
15/06/2008 23:17:34 Cjay Luis, marie Ofcourse
15/06/2008 23:17:40 marie Luis, Cjay i see
15/06/2008 23:17:45 Cjay Luis, marie but i never tell someone i just
15/06/2008 23:17:55 Cjay Luis, marie Youd have to earn my trust first
15/06/2008 23:18:01 Cjay Luis, marie earn my trust*
15/06/2008 23:18:10 marie Luis, Cjay for?
15/06/2008 23:18:26 Cjay Luis, marie for me to tell you about my
15/06/2008 23:18:34 marie Luis, Cjay sure
15/06/2008 23:19:01 Cjay Luis, marie u dont believe me?
15/06/2008 23:19:59 marie Luis, Cjay why i have to?
15/06/2008 23:20:09 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:20:37 Cjay Luis, marie you dont
15/06/2008 23:20:44 marie Luis, Cjay sure
15/06/2008 23:21:17 Luis Cjay, marie marie you have a nice bum
15/06/2008 23:21:22 Luis Cjay, marie i just decided
15/06/2008 23:21:35 Luis Cjay, marie and i wrote it on my website
15/06/2008 23:21:40 Luis Cjay, marie so it must be true
15/06/2008 23:21:48 Luis Cjay, marie not as good as mine though
15/06/2008 23:21:49 Cjay Luis, marie U hv a website?
15/06/2008 23:22:42 marie Luis, Cjay me?
15/06/2008 23:22:42 marie Luis, Cjay no
15/06/2008 23:22:42 Cjay Luis, marie no
15/06/2008 23:22:42 Cjay Luis, marie luis
15/06/2008 23:22:51 Luis Cjay, marie
15/06/2008 23:22:59 Luis Cjay, marie marie likes my website
15/06/2008 23:23:10 marie Luis, Cjay wheres ur pic?
15/06/2008 23:23:29 Cjay Luis, marie mine?
15/06/2008 23:23:33 marie Luis, Cjay both
15/06/2008 23:24:08 Cjay Luis, marie cant send to both ppl
15/06/2008 23:24:30 Luis Cjay, marie what about the model foto you did
15/06/2008 23:24:41 marie Luis, Cjay who asked for u send it? rs
15/06/2008 23:24:42 Luis Cjay, marie or a normal one
15/06/2008 23:25:07 Cjay Luis, marie It wont let me send to a multi
convo hang on
15/06/2008 23:25:35 marie Luis, Cjay so u wanna be my friend? Hmmm
15/06/2008 23:25:52 Cjay Luis, marie you did
15/06/2008 23:26:05 Cjay Luis, marie well take it or leave it
15/06/2008 23:26:09 marie Luis, Cjay nice pic luis
15/06/2008 23:26:20 Luis Cjay, marie i look sexy in this
15/06/2008 23:26:34 Luis Cjay, marie why women love grey hair so much
15/06/2008 23:26:46 marie Luis, Cjay rs
15/06/2008 23:27:04 Luis Cjay, marie marie i STOP and i say to
yourself "These guys are what I need"
15/06/2008 23:27:23 Luis Cjay, marie and then what books would you
like marie

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 93
15/06/2008 23:27:37 Luis Cjay, marie marie tell me your favourite
15/06/2008 23:28:03 marie Luis, Cjay white
15/06/2008 23:28:49 Luis Cjay, marie i am quite white
15/06/2008 23:28:53 Luis Cjay, marie and proud of it
15/06/2008 23:29:21 Luis Cjay, marie i make babies with italian girl
then they look normal colour
15/06/2008 23:29:46 marie Luis, Cjay rs
15/06/2008 23:30:31 Cjay Luis, marie ok thats what i look like in real
15/06/2008 23:30:47 Cjay Luis, marie (i just had my haircur when i got
that pic done)
15/06/2008 23:30:50 marie Luis, Cjay lindt my favourite
15/06/2008 23:30:57 marie Luis, Cjay chocolate
15/06/2008 23:33:32 Luis Cjay, marie marie i'm a badboy i would break
your heart and sleep with all your friends
15/06/2008 23:34:11 Luis Cjay, marie one of the things you will love
about CJ is his emotions
15/06/2008 23:34:12 marie Luis, Cjay right
15/06/2008 23:34:51 marie Luis, Cjay well u know that i dont like dogs
15/06/2008 23:35:31 Luis Cjay, marie marie feel excited immediately
15/06/2008 23:35:36 Luis Cjay, marie because god said so
15/06/2008 23:35:57 Luis Cjay, marie god is often right
15/06/2008 23:36:05 Luis Cjay, marie he made the world i think
15/06/2008 23:36:10 Luis Cjay, marie or was it buddhe
15/06/2008 23:36:11 marie Luis, Cjay me excited for a dog? never
15/06/2008 23:36:20 Cjay Luis, marie you should be
15/06/2008 23:36:21 Luis Cjay, marie he is so cute
15/06/2008 23:36:21 Cjay Luis, marie im hott
15/06/2008 23:36:27 marie Luis, Cjay Hmmm
15/06/2008 23:36:50 Cjay Luis, marie There are plenty of women out
there who will give me love
15/06/2008 23:37:01 Luis Cjay, marie marie if a part of you Awakens to
CJ what would it feel like?
15/06/2008 23:37:12 Cjay Luis, marie interesting question
15/06/2008 23:37:36 Luis Cjay, marie i studied Food Technology at
school this why
15/06/2008 23:37:54 marie Luis, Cjay intereting for u, cos
15/06/2008 23:38:05 marie Luis, Cjay oi luis eu nao compreendo iss
15/06/2008 23:39:26 Luis Cjay, marie para bens
15/06/2008 23:39:34 Luis Cjay, marie chocolate medal
15/06/2008 23:39:35 marie Luis, Cjay food technology?
15/06/2008 23:39:43 Luis Cjay, marie how to cook
15/06/2008 23:39:55 Cjay Luis, marie wow, thats quite impressive ur
rewarding her with the cholocate medal!
15/06/2008 23:40:05 Cjay Luis, marie quite an accomplishment
15/06/2008 23:40:08 Luis Cjay, marie the = only one
15/06/2008 23:40:14 Luis Cjay, marie like highlander
15/06/2008 23:40:22 Cjay Luis, marie heh
15/06/2008 23:40:26 Luis Cjay, marie i think our friend has signed in

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 94
15/06/2008 23:40:43 Cjay Luis, marie who m,ight that be?
15/06/2008 23:40:51 Luis Cjay, marie marie marie the only one for me
15/06/2008 23:41:08 Luis Cjay, marie but 1st i need a toilet
15/06/2008 23:41:11 marie Luis, Cjay and roberta, monika
15/06/2008 23:41:17 Luis Cjay, marie jahahhahahahahahaah
15/06/2008 23:41:20 Luis Cjay, marie this so funny
15/06/2008 23:41:22 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:41:27 Luis Cjay, marie you call me a player?
15/06/2008 23:41:52 Luis Cjay, marie marie when we make love to you
you might to heaven
15/06/2008 23:41:54 Luis Cjay, marie maybe
15/06/2008 23:41:54 marie Luis, Cjay rs
15/06/2008 23:42:05 Luis Cjay, marie might go to heaven
15/06/2008 23:42:47 Luis Cjay, marie marie can you cook?
15/06/2008 23:43:40 marie Luis, Cjay no shall we ask ur friend?
15/06/2008 23:43:46 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:44:20 Luis Cjay, marie you can cook if you write him a
15/06/2008 23:44:26 marie Luis, Cjay maybe he can cook for us
15/06/2008 23:44:55 Cjay Luis, marie Only cook for dog lovers ;)
15/06/2008 23:45:06 marie Luis, Cjay oh shame lol
15/06/2008 23:45:07 Luis Cjay, marie i cook pot noodle with ketchup
15/06/2008 23:45:15 Cjay Luis, marie yum
15/06/2008 23:45:30 marie Luis, Cjay no taste
15/06/2008 23:46:18 Luis Cjay, marie Man-U-champs of europe again
baby! says: hi how r u i got ur e-mail off some site . are u a personal
trainer Luis says: maybe Luis says: are u pua? Man-U-champs of europe
again baby! says: im an irish football player and I have a few problems u
might be interested in helping me mate?
15/06/2008 23:46:28 Luis Cjay, marie crazy life
15/06/2008 23:47:49 marie Luis, Cjay I am a desatre in the kitchen...
15/06/2008 23:47:52 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:48:55 marie Luis, Cjay disaster
15/06/2008 23:49:15 Luis Cjay, marie disastrado
15/06/2008 23:49:31 Luis Cjay, marie marianna
15/06/2008 23:49:34 marie Luis, Cjay sim
15/06/2008 23:49:40 Luis Cjay, marie monika's friend
15/06/2008 23:50:02 marie Luis, Cjay chef?
15/06/2008 23:51:15 Luis Cjay, marie her hungarian boyfriend is out of
15/06/2008 23:51:27 marie Luis, Cjay cool
15/06/2008 23:51:41 Luis Cjay, marie she told me 3 things important in
relationship to her
15/06/2008 23:51:44 Luis Cjay, marie good sex
15/06/2008 23:51:52 Luis Cjay, marie the small things
15/06/2008 23:51:55 Luis Cjay, marie and
15/06/2008 23:52:10 marie Luis, Cjay money
15/06/2008 23:52:14 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:52:33 Cjay Luis, marie heh well i can agree with maybe
one of those
15/06/2008 23:53:03 marie Luis, Cjay qual e' a terceira entao?

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 95
15/06/2008 23:53:05 Luis Cjay, marie 3rd thing
15/06/2008 23:53:08 Luis Cjay, marie any guess
15/06/2008 23:53:10 marie Luis, Cjay yes
15/06/2008 23:53:17 marie Luis, Cjay no
15/06/2008 23:53:25 marie Luis, Cjay travel?
15/06/2008 23:53:46 Cjay Luis, marie Guess u really must be brazlian,
most are answers linked to those with passionate traits
15/06/2008 23:53:48 Luis Cjay, marie close
15/06/2008 23:53:53 marie Luis, Cjay mother in law out...
15/06/2008 23:53:57 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:54:02 Cjay Luis, marie woo
15/06/2008 23:54:04 Luis Cjay, marie kill mother law
15/06/2008 23:54:19 Cjay Luis, marie heh :)
15/06/2008 23:54:25 Luis Cjay, marie watch Halloween for good ideas
15/06/2008 23:55:20 Luis Cjay, marie 3. he has to be interesting
15/06/2008 23:55:56 marie Luis, Cjay second small things?
15/06/2008 23:56:05 marie Luis, Cjay what u mean?
15/06/2008 23:56:06 Luis Cjay, marie many girls say this
15/06/2008 23:56:25 Luis Cjay, marie e.g. he does many small things
which make her smile
15/06/2008 23:56:45 Luis Cjay, marie because you married when you were
10anos you wont, understand this
15/06/2008 23:57:07 marie Luis, Cjay well not after 5 / 7 years
together kkkkkkkkk
15/06/2008 23:57:21 marie Luis, Cjay men are like dogs
15/06/2008 23:57:29 marie Luis, Cjay well like ur friend lol
15/06/2008 23:57:35 marie Luis, Cjay ahaha
15/06/2008 23:57:48 Luis Cjay, marie e.g. he always is ready to
protect a quality woman
15/06/2008 23:57:55 Luis Cjay, marie she is funny
15/06/2008 23:57:58 Luis Cjay, marie isn't she
15/06/2008 23:58:10 Cjay Luis, marie i suppose :)
15/06/2008 23:58:12 Luis Cjay, marie even though she needs to see
15/06/2008 23:58:26 Luis Cjay, marie Dr Luis
15/06/2008 23:58:37 Luis Cjay, marie the gynocologist
15/06/2008 23:58:39 Cjay Luis, marie and what do you specialise in dr
15/06/2008 23:58:43 Cjay Luis, marie ah...
15/06/2008 23:58:50 marie Luis, Cjay ssshhh dont tell it
15/06/2008 23:58:58 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
15/06/2008 23:58:59 Luis Cjay, marie you think in that profession
15/06/2008 23:59:05 Luis Cjay, marie the women pay for extra
15/06/2008 23:59:14 Luis Cjay, marie not in mine
15/06/2008 23:59:22 Luis Cjay, marie the do to get cheap classes
15/06/2008 23:59:32 Luis Cjay, marie this is why we should be escorts
15/06/2008 23:59:40 Luis Cjay, marie me and marie
15/06/2008 23:59:50 Cjay Luis, marie who would earn more?
15/06/2008 23:59:55 Luis Cjay, marie CJ be Prime Minister
15/06/2008 23:59:58 Luis Cjay, marie or Doctor

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 96
16/06/2008 00:00:09 Luis Cjay, marie or the New Jesus
16/06/2008 00:00:15 Cjay Luis, marie you asking me to make a choice?
16/06/2008 00:00:15 marie Luis, Cjay docter id better
16/06/2008 00:00:35 marie Luis, Cjay rs
16/06/2008 00:00:44 Cjay Luis, marie New JEsus, i'll form a bizarre
cult in south america
16/06/2008 00:00:53 marie Luis, Cjay dog?
16/06/2008 00:01:03 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
16/06/2008 00:01:12 Cjay Luis, marie No dogs allowed (apart from me)
16/06/2008 00:01:27 marie Luis, Cjay sure
16/06/2008 00:01:37 Cjay Luis, marie Luis can join maybe
16/06/2008 00:01:54 Cjay Luis, marie he can be our official doctor :)
16/06/2008 00:02:00 Cjay Luis, marie What could you do?
16/06/2008 00:02:17 Luis Cjay, marie I heard that CJ is like a
romantic book
16/06/2008 00:02:26 Cjay Luis, marie how so?
16/06/2008 00:02:29 marie Luis, Cjay sure lol
16/06/2008 00:02:32 Luis Cjay, marie it may be true
16/06/2008 00:02:46 Luis Cjay, marie he has a certain energy
16/06/2008 00:03:10 marie Luis, Cjay all dogs has
16/06/2008 00:03:18 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
16/06/2008 00:03:51 Luis Cjay, marie have you ever met someone who
makes you feel like "this is so natural: this is what i am destiny to do"
16/06/2008 00:03:54 Cjay Luis, marie U do know im not actually a dog
right ???
16/06/2008 00:04:03 Cjay Luis, marie Im a (sn)
16/06/2008 00:04:18 Cjay Luis, marie But im embarrassed about my
appearance so i pretend im a dog
16/06/2008 00:04:30 marie Luis, Cjay cool
16/06/2008 00:04:41 Luis Cjay, marie its a hot costume
16/06/2008 00:04:48 Cjay Luis, marie thanks man!
16/06/2008 00:04:52 Luis Cjay, marie for the marathon next year
16/06/2008 00:04:57 marie Luis, Cjay kkk
16/06/2008 00:05:00 Cjay Luis, marie ah indeed
16/06/2008 00:05:12 Cjay Luis, marie doing a charity run in july
16/06/2008 00:05:20 Cjay Luis, marie For help a london child
16/06/2008 00:05:25 Luis Cjay, marie PS i know some of these words may
not translate correctly when write them
16/06/2008 00:05:45 Luis Cjay, marie something i pick up over time
16/06/2008 00:06:20 Luis Cjay, marie e.g. say "more happy" instead of
happier to south americans
16/06/2008 00:06:29 Luis Cjay, marie its in their language this way
16/06/2008 00:06:47 marie Luis, Cjay hmm
16/06/2008 00:06:54 Cjay Luis, marie gotcha
16/06/2008 00:07:07 Cjay Luis, marie i gotta head out for the night
16/06/2008 00:07:16 Luis Cjay, marie gotcha = got you = i understand
16/06/2008 00:07:34 Luis Cjay, marie or I received your message
16/06/2008 00:07:49 marie Luis, Cjay ok

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 97
16/06/2008 00:10:41 marie Luis, Cjay vou na cozinha, estou com sede
16/06/2008 00:11:40 marie Luis, Cjay see u

Making Hbs jealous and fight to win you

Roberta Muse, Tania who is Tania???

MuseTania, Roberta Tania: I will see you there at 2pm then
Roberta Muse, Tania who is she?
Muse Tania, Roberta brasilian
Roberta Muse, Tania oi tania , tudo bem
Roberta Muse, Tania ????
Roberta Muse, Tania voce mora na inglaterra?
Tania Muse, Roberta tudo bem e voce
Roberta Muse, Tania eeeeeeeeeeee
Tania Muse, Roberta Sim
Roberta Muse, Tania e sempre bom falar com brazileiros
Roberta Muse, Tania si
Roberta Muse, Tania hahahaha
Tania Muse, Roberta sim
Muse Tania, Roberta coool
Roberta Muse, Tania sorry Perry
Roberta Muse, Tania i minuto
Muse Tania, Roberta lot's of words for me to look up
Tania Muse, Roberta Who is Perry?
Roberta Muse, Tania you will learn
Roberta Muse, Tania voce não conhece ele?
Tania Muse, Roberta No
Roberta Muse, Tania como foi feita esta conferencia?
Roberta Muse, Tania pensei que ele tivesse te convidado
Tania Muse, Roberta I dont know
Roberta Muse, Tania so
Roberta Muse, Tania Perry
Roberta Muse, Tania If she doenst know you ......
Roberta Muse, Tania ????
Roberta Muse, Tania i didnt understand
Roberta Muse, Tania Are you there Perry
Roberta Muse, Tania ???
Roberta Muse, Tania I was sure she was one of your friends
Muse Tania, Roberta she is
Tania Muse, Roberta listen roberta can you leave us alone
Tania Muse, Roberta please
Roberta Muse, Tania what?????
Muse Tania, Roberta rsrsrsr
Muse Tania, Roberta you 2 are funny

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 98
Tania Muse, Roberta I was talk to him
Roberta Muse, Tania yes can leave you alone if he says for me to go hahahahahah
Roberta Muse, Tania if not
Roberta Muse, Tania i am going to stay
Roberta Muse, Tania and you need to leave hahahah
Muse Tania, Roberta Tania i invited you here because i had to talk to roberta
Roberta Muse, Tania :)
Muse Tania, Roberta so it seemed to make sense
Muse Tania, Roberta to join the calls together
Roberta Muse, Tania yes but i think she wants be alone with you
Muse Tania, Roberta instead of moving between both
Muse Tania, Roberta join the club
Tania Muse, Roberta Roberta do you live in London?
Roberta Muse, Tania sorry i didnt know she is your girl friend ... ops!!!!
Roberta Muse, Tania i didnt mean anything bad
Roberta Muse, Tania he called
Muse Tania, Roberta stop it
Roberta Muse, Tania right Perry?????
Roberta Muse, Tania i am leaving
Tania Muse, Roberta Perry What is going on
Muse Tania, Roberta see you tommorow Tania
Tania Muse, Roberta Ok
Roberta Muse, Tania isten ro erta can you leave us alone
Muse Tania sorry
Muse Tania about roberta

I kiss closed Tania the next day (1 hour 30 minutes) and meet her
occasionally still and get what I want. I reminded her of this
conversation with Roberta when I met her 7 days ago. She told me that
Roberta said “listen tania can you leave us alone” when the record
clearly shows the opposite. Cool

romantic, nlp + banter

luis electim Lia pretend i massaging you

09/05/2009 03:08:20 luis electim Lia in your favourite place
09/05/2009 03:08:20 Lia luis electim hahaha
09/05/2009 03:08:29 luis electim Lia in exactly the right way
09/05/2009 03:08:42 Lia luis electim u wont do it, will u!
09/05/2009 03:08:44 luis electim Lia and as you feel amazing in oceans
of feelings
09/05/2009 03:08:44 Lia luis electim hahahaha
09/05/2009 03:08:53 luis electim Lia i continue more

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 99
09/05/2009 03:09:09 Lia luis electim Luis... u r so funny
09/05/2009 03:09:22 luis electim Lia apprentice brasilian is me
09/05/2009 03:09:39 luis electim Lia i have to learn to give brasil girl
heavenly pleasure
09/05/2009 03:09:45 Lia luis electim i love this kind of person with this
humor. i think it is too intelligent
09/05/2009 03:09:47 luis electim Lia then i get my certificado
09/05/2009 03:09:58 Lia luis electim i am fascinated by intelligent people
09/05/2009 03:10:07 luis electim Lia i send u my brain in a jar


DHV fotos (demonstration of higher value fotos)

can be in many forms, your with other girls, you kissing girls
highlighting the best parts of your life
frequently record the best parts of your life in fotos
if you write books then have fotos of this, if you record songs then do this
if you present to huge audiences then show them those fotos
look around your life and find the best areas then start fotoing
(I also like to screenprint then save the images as jpgs)

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Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 105
you may feel that you deserve the various free things coming to you
because of your social skills
you do

an ioi: if a hb gives you food ex: this kit kat chunky, good memories
free body shop sample as part of a direct routine
my publishers email address scribbled on some paper, I met him using my
social skills
christmas card from a student (different subject, also gamed her)

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 106
Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 107
Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 108
I decided about 2 years ago to get as many emails and facebooks everyday
as I could, to build the skill of taking contact details within 5 minutes
of meeting them
before that I was taking phone numbers after 10 to 30 minutes talking with
them which produced a solid number
(they accept the call and you stay in contact)

you should realise that some players now only use facebook to pick up hbs,
if you practise making dates with it then you can use it more effectively
than the phone

at some point you should also master taking phone numbers inside 10
minutes and getting instant dates + day 2's
the PUA Sinn (from the game) recommends taking numbers around 17 to 25
minutes in, for the best results
buy his cd series for more details

Life Coaching and Inner Game

I recommend you Sign Up to their newsletters and Watch their Videos or

Listen to their Audios. Having Awesome Social Times is easier to Create
when your mind is working better.

Other Excellent Life Coaches Include:

Micheal Neill:

Radio Show:

Jamie Smart:

Likeability Assessment

Useful Attraction or Comfort Routine: Works with 2 sets well too. If one
hb is giving more attention you Give her a slightly higher scores. This
pulls in the other one who may be your target

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 109
Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 110
Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 111
Pua Teacher for beginners £10 an hour (London)
Learn Approaching, Things to Say/Routines, Attraction, Comfort, Number and Kiss Closes
NLP/PNL Skills
Hypnosis available if you want to change how you think or feel
Day Game Specialist: PU everytime you Go Somewhere you want (London)

Dating Coach: New Approach

Learn how to meet people in a variety of contexts
How to get contact details: phone numbers, emails
The qualities which make your attractive and how to display them
various ways to kiss her

MSN and Skype (World):

NLP/PNL Language Pattern Coaching, Advice + hb practise on msn
= £5 an hour: Pay with Paypal

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 112
PUA Teacher for beginners 2 hours for £25 (London)
Learn Approaching, Things to Say/Routines, Attraction, Comfort, Number and Kiss Closes
NLP/PNL Skills
Hypnosis available if you want to change how you think or feel
Day Game Specialist: PU everytime you Go Somewhere you want (London)
choose the best place on the map to meet
free hypnosis just for puas from muse

Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Page 113

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